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Learning for life (tags)

The winners of the digital revolution include hairdressers, plumbers, care and service workers and professions that have something to do with creativity and responsibility (1). It's starting to work in my head. If that is the case, then it is fair to ask whether we still need compulsory education. Why should we all be forced to go to school and learn things that we don't need in our lives?

Don't Deforest For The Holidays (tags)

Pilgrims in Massachusetts banned Christmas trees between 1659 and 1681. Environmentalists ask that those wanting trees make them artificial or decorate living trees outside.

Digitalization Makes Us Happily Unemployed! (tags)

Political upheavals often precede technical revolutions.. The digital revolution hardly seems to have produced social or political revolutions.. Digitalization penetrates and changes the economy and life of people as the industrial Revolution once did.

World Water Day: Global outrage over Ethiopia mega-dam (tags)

Almost 400 organizations have signed a petition against Africa’s tallest dam, which will be delivered to Ethiopian embassies across Europe and the United States to mark World Water Day on Tuesday March 22nd.

British artificial intelligence expert, 84, and leading geneticist, 80, die in car crash (tags)

LONDON: British artificial intelligence expert, Donald Michie, and his ex-wife, leading geneticist Dame Anne McLaren, have died in a car crash, their son said Sunday.


Why would a political force hell bent on dominating global government, commerce, energy, water, and consumerism itself want to bump scientific ideas in favor of old religious myth at low levels of education? How does this further the interests of industry? Thanks to Jimmy the Greek, PT Barnum, and a story by Kilgore Trout that was burned in manuscript form, I submit to you;

GMO Disease Epidemics: (3) Aspartame artificial sweetener (tags)

Genetic Engineering (GE,GM,GMOs) is a nightmare technology that has already caused MANY disease epidemics -- documented but unpublicized. This is the 3rd in a series, dealing with a horrific artificial sweetener (by Monsanto) that infests 6,000 food products.

9-11: Global Hawk, Artificial Intelligence, Boeing, DARPA, Echelon, PROMIS, SDI, and NASA (tags)

The September 11 attacks caused disruption for satellite and space companies across the USA. Someone was using some HIGHLY classified frequencies.

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