fix articles 143725, finkelstein
Norman Finkelstein on Israel, Palestinians and Iraq (tags)
Norman Finkelstein on Israel, Palestinians and Iraq
NorCal News; Dr. Norman Finkelstein visits CSU Chico (tags)
(4/13) Chico - Dr. Norman Finkelstein visited Chico State University and discussed recent events in Gaza, occupied Palestinian territories. He gave the packed auditorium details (omitted by our corporate media) about events leading up to the recent violence and disproportionate deaths of Palestinian civilians from IDF incursions into Gaza..
Finkelstein gives Israeli-American relations lecture (tags)
Finkelstein gives Israeli-American relations lecture
Open Letter to President of Depaul University (tags)
On the merit of Dershowitz vs. Finkelstein
THE LEFT AND THE ISRAEL LOBBY – by Joseph Anderson, Dissident Voice (tags)
Now that Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer have broken the taboo in the mainstream American media establishment of not only pointing out that the Israel lobby exists, but actually analyzing it from their perspective, the only place that open discussion, analysis and debate about the lobby remain firmly taboo is, ironically, ON THE LEFT! It’s a taboo imposed on the left by certain leftist icons and their suppression – if not censorship – of free expression and debate on this topic in progressive venues (lectures, panels, press or broadcast). Even some Palestinian-Americans have been forced to knuckle under to these leftist icons’ denial of the power of the Israel lobby in exchange for those icons’ or certain progressive/leftist groups’ political support. For example, as of this writing, where is an informed rebuttal to Noam Chomsky's dismissive position on the Lobby or at least an honest, open debate about the lobby on the national radio program Democracy Now? So, I wanted to incisively debunk at least some of the major arguments used by certain Left icons in denying the power and influence of the Israel lobby in U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East and in suppressing discussion of its power domestically. Now, some people will bring up a red herring list of other possible influences in U.S. Mideast foreign policy to deny my analysis, but here I am dealing with THE ISRAEL LOBBY and how leftist icons respond to that topic. My ultimate position is: whatever our positions on the lobby, do we get to honestly discuss and debate it in formal public settings? Please read more:
The Left and the Israel Lobby (tags)
by Joseph Anderson
Finkelstein Strangely Denies That Neocons Support Israel (tags)
Finkelstein is usually very good on Zionism but he really misses the mark on the Neocons. In his criticism of the Mearsheimer/Walt "Israel Lobby" essay, Finkelstein argues that the neocons watch over the American empire, but do not identify with Israel’s interests. As Mearsheimer and Walt have pointed out, the neocons were the driving force for the American attack on Iraq.
Long live to Norman G. Finkelstein! (by Latuff) (tags)
Son of Maryla Husyt Finkelstein and Zacharias Finkelstein, both survivors of Warsaw Ghetto and concentration camps, Dr. Norman G. Finkelstein is author of four books, including "The Holocaust Industry". It's a great honour to have this cartoon published in his website:
The Holocaust Industry - Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering (tags)
This book review -- in the newest issue of Z MAGAZINE (Oct. 2002, Vol. 15, No. 11) is of a book entitled "The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering" by Norman Finkelstein. The book was reviewed by Tanweer Akram, an economist. Z is an independent monthly magazine dedicated to resisting injustice, defending against repression, and creating liberty. It sees the racial, gender, class, and political dimensions of personal life as fundamental to understanding and improving contemporary circumstances; and it aims to assist activist efforts for a better future.