fix articles 141925, kuwaiti sabah
My post to Lord Rees-Mogg's Weblog re NASDAQ,London Exchange (tags)
Indeed Lord William Rees-Mogg we have a problem but it is the very corruption of both systems,London and American, that allow an elite to manipulate the markets,including the CIA in the case of its In-Q-Tel pump and dump stocks.That is a very important problem, not just who owns them.And a very good reason not to allow the U.S. CIA access to 'SWIFT' of Belgium financial records.
Charles Schwab,Virginia Senator George Allen,Balmore Fund,Xybernaut,Endovasc offshores (tags)
Coincidentally the Virginia Israel Advisory Board has an address in Herndon,Virginia the same place a Moslem charity was raided a while back that a Mr. Mohamed Hadid was involved with.Herndon,Virginia is also the home of Mantas anti-money laundering company founded by SRA International that didn't work to stop Endovasc from running a pump and dump scam of 'up to 30 million' worthless Endovasc shares from one Charles Schwab account in 2002 while Mantas was hired by Schwab for that purpose.So Herndon appears to attract a lot of riff raff in its own right.