fix articles 141610, bush u.
Great Britain:Ex PM Tony B liar and Prince Harry Defame Princess Diana (tags)
There's room at the top they are telling you still, But first you must learn how to smile as you kill, If you want to be like the folks on the hill, A working class hero is something to be. A working class hero is something to be. If you want to be a hero well just follow me, - John Lennon
Reuters on Security Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox's Terrorist List (tags)
Note that one of the first incidents that occured upon Christopher Cox becoming SEC Chair was that the San Francisco SEC office sent subpeonas to business journalists,including Dow Jones only real and award winning penny stock fraud investigator Carol Remond,all who were criticising the false naked shorting claim that Cox ands SEC Commissioner Paul Atkins and a number of scammy websites mentioned in this post have at some point promoted or aided and abetted.Yes,even the SEC Chairman Christopher 'Naked Shorts' Cox has been aiding U.S. penny stock fraud used offshore for money laundering by international criminals and the CIA who gives him a monthly 'briefing' !
W Bush U.S. Petroleum-Trafficker-In-Chief addresses addicts (tags)
So W Bush sacrificed those of low income American soldiers and our National Guard who should have been at home protecting our shores and raising their children as well as women who should not have been on a battlefield in the first place and now he goes around Congress and the American people to make deal with United Arab Emirate Muslim fundamentalists to guard our ports,a job those dead soldiers and National Guard in Iraq should have been performing !