fix articles 140741, prensa libre
Guatemala and other central American countries becoming more violent than Mexico (tags)
Two armed U.S. DEA helicopters intercepted and fired on a smugglers operating from a light aircraft in far eastern Honduras, causing the aircraft to crash killing the lone pilot
Final day Indigenas America's - Abya Yala (Guatemala) (tags)
This friday the final day of: III Cumbre Centinental de Puebles y Nacionalidades Indígenas de Abya Yala "Pueblos y Nacionalidades Indigenas de la Resistencia al Poder" Please assist with translations, reproducing, replacing, copying and publishing the info and texts!
Jerry Weller,Rios Montt,Bancafe Guatemala, Bawag Austria,Refco y 'Acciones de Centavos' (tags)
Jerry Weller ,congresista estadounidense y esposo de Zury Ríos Montt o Zury Ríos Sosa, hija del ex dictador Guatemalteco Efrain Rios Montt, has recibido donaciones politicos de Refco en su estado de Illinois.Refco estuvo parte de Chicago Mercantile Exchange antes de su colapso. Ahora Bancafe de Guatemala o Barbados o Miami o Colombia o donde sea es sinonimo con Refco o deben hacer.Y el 'negocio' mas grande de Refco en cuanto a acciones o 'seguridades' fueron 'penny stocks' de los Estados Unidos o 'acciones de centavos' sin valor.
Illinois Congressman Jerry Weller,Refco and the collapse of Guatemala's Bancafe Bank (tags)
Illinois Republican Jerry Weller does indeed have a conflict of interest in Guatemala besides his wife Zury Rios Sosa,daughter of ex-Guatemalan dictator General Efrain Rios Montt.Refco that donated to at least one of Jerry Weller's political campaigns in the past has collapsed and been found to be committing investor fraud and hiding certain transactions that should have been accounted for as losses.This has led to billions of dollars in investor losses worldwide.