fix articles 139995, saturday november Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : saturday november

saturday november

Paraphysique de la manifestation ( 2 ) (tags)

Pratiquement TOUT est à défaire...

Attempted murder of journalist Jonathan Dale Rapoport (tags)

The next thing I remember I woke up covered in blood from head to toe and was being asked to remain still while I underwent a CT scan of my head and brain. I was at the Summit Campus of Alta Bates Summit Medical Center (ABSMC) in Oakland. I was taken to a shower to wash off the blood and then had around two dozen staples inserted into the top of my skull to close the lacerations I had sustained.

Important DEMOS against Huntingdon Life Sciences - November (tags)

Calling all AR activists to come out for DEMOS Saturday November 7, Sunday November 8 and Wednesday November 11 at 12NOON each day. Huntingdon Life Sciences will have a booth at the 2009 AAPS Exposition in Los Angeles.

Haitian Mother Raped by UN forces (tags)

Haitian mother raped by UN forces

Books of the Year (tags)

Critics name their favourite books of the year 2005

Collective Indymedia Santiago which is abandoning the Indymedia Network (with all its memb (tags)

Collective Indymedia Santiago which is abandoning the Indymedia Network (with all its members).

Thanks But No Thanks! 3 events (tags)

Three events that counter the notion of pilgrim plundering.

Benefit Show at the Infoshop-This Saturday (tags)


Location for protest of KKK white power music show in Southern CA 11-16 (tags)

Saturday November 16, at a Fairgrounds in Perris, CA in Riverside County. The address is 18700 Lake Perris Dr. Here are directions from LA.

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