fix articles 13947, part three
Spring 2016 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)
Remember March 25 2006 Los Angeles No HR4437 March! Look Forward For Our New Fight At May Day 2016!
Summer 2015 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)
Life and Death in the Border, Mass Detention: Another U.S. violation of Human Rights
Summer 2014 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! (tags)
Summer Report: People Rise to Fight Against Mass Detention & Deportations In This Issue: 1) Why Immigrant Detainees Are Turning to Civil Disobedience 2) President Obama's Backhanded Maneuver Targets Anti-Deportation Movement 3) Judge Rules to Limit Mandatory Detention of Immigrants in CA 4) TFWP Moratorium: Mass deportation, racism Canadian-style 5) Texas Releases Hundreds of Immigrants Due to Lack of Space in Detention Centers
Free Internet Book: Enough is Enough! (tags)
Have you had enough of infinite growth, environmental destruction, currency wars, vulgar materialism, social cuts, generalized insecurity and resource wars? How can anyone say the left has no alternatives to the status quo? Download the 10-page summary or the 130-page report.
Katrina five year anniversary; revisiting the good work of Rainbows and friends (tags)
This press release is from a year ago, the hurricane hit five years ago...and the Gulf Coast still needs help
September-October 2009 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)
No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
Bottom-up rights, ethical globalization for a Great Country (tags)
A Great Country is inclusive - neo liberal social exclusion settles for mediocrity. Bottom-up rights are those excluded by the UN and States considered incompatible with neo liberalism. The discontented need to struggle for these rights which entail an ethical globalization.
~Windchime: A Step Forward~ A Letter From a Most Concerned Wild One (tags)
The Windchime House is a residential infoshop. A flower working its way through concrete decay. A haven for eccentric and antisocial characters alike. We are the ones we once longed for. We are real people with real dreams. Real dreamers willing to fight for our dreams. We live for community, love, truth and respect while we lurk in the shadows, awaiting the perfect chance to strike.
Part Three: ONT. Tent City - Interview with activist, Mike Dunlap, pt 3of3 (tags)
Part Three: Mike talks about the city’s plans for the future use of the site and what can be done to address the needs of the homeless.
Sniper: The World Of Combat Sniping (tags)
Book Review.
Measure H is Not a Magic Bullet (tags)
If I could wave my magic wand, Proposition H—the billion-dollar “affordable” housing bond measure--would disappear from the November 7th stage, and the Prop H supporters would be revealed as illusionists.
Pfc. Chris Gorman: I refuse to go back to Iraq, because this war is illegal and unjust. (tags)
Interview with Christopher Gorman, a religious Conscientious Objector who is refusing to return to Iraq.
CyberRadicalism: Book by Carl Davidson & Jerry Harris (tags)
15 essays developed over the past decade through the Chicago Third Wave Study Group's efforts to redefine a new Marxism for the 21st Century. .
Creating the Next Pandemic (tags)
After listening to this series, if you are not concerned, you should see a doctor. Ralph Shoenman and Mya Shone provide some background on the terror state and the prospects of state sponsored terrorism by the activities of our black death labs and how, without public scrutiny, we live on the edge of a species extinction; ours.
The Empire of Ignorance, Hypocrisy and Obedience (tags)
Article by the author of The Empire of Ignorance, Hypocrisy and Obedience, first published on CommonDreams and in Australia's largest newspapers. The American people didn't know its troops abused prisoners in Iraqi jails. Ignorance. Officials who knew pretend they didn't know. Hypocrisy. The parents of soldiers say their kids were forced to follow orders. Obedience. Read on...
Tyranny, Censorship And The "Majority" (tags)
"Independant" media..?!?
"Report From Baghdad" Part Three--Life in Iraq (tags)
This is a part three of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invasion of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq. To view the entire series, please visit:
Growing World Poverty and Conflict Shows the Barbarity of Capitalism (tags)
Down with Capitalism
Challenging Zionist Propaganda (tags)
The U.S. press is incredibly biased towards the state of Israel, in no small part because of it's lobbying efforts in Congress in which millions of dollars are spent to make sure that members of Congress don't vote for policies that damage Isreael. Below is some information countering the myths of Israel, and one article by Robert Fisk describing the fundamentalism of American Jews AND Christians.
The Overthrow Of The American Republic, Part Three (tags)
All The Facts That Fit: Columns By Two NY Times Pundits Picked Apart [Part 3] (tags)
Coinciding with the anti-FTAA demonstrations in Quebec, two NY Times columnists lambasted the demonstrators as enemies of the poor. Part Three criticizes Paul Krugman's column, with particular emphasis on challenging his claim that suffering under neoliberal capitalism can't be helped.
All The News That Fits: Columns By Two NY Times Pundits Picked Apart [Part 3] (tags)
Coinciding with the anti-FTAA demonstrations in Quebec, two NY Times columnists lambasted the demonstrators as enemies of the poor. Part Three criticizes Paul Krugman's column, with particular emphasis on challenging his claim that suffering under neoliberal capitalism can't be helped.
All The News That Fits: Columns By Two NY Times Pundits Picked Apart [Part 3] (tags)
Coinciding with the anti-FTAA demonstrations in Quebec, two NY Times columnists lambasted the demonstrators as enemies of the poor. Part Three criticizes Paul Krugman's column, with particular emphasis on challenging his claim that suffering under neoliberal capitalism can't be helped.