fix articles 138674, examples
Michael Bay's new movie makes apologies for militarism and values the violation of military hierarchy.
Wolf Larsen, Nietzshe and the Titans of Capitalism (tags)
When young, Jack London was an oyster pirate on San Francisco Bay and a believer in might makes right. After working many occupations, he saw many decent, strong, hard working men incapacitated due to accidents, fate, disease or the workings of capitalism. In less one had rich relatives, one was out of luck. Greatly to his credit, Jack London became a socialist.
The Meaninglessness of Actiivism/Slacktivism (tags)
Do you (or anyone else out in the mental wasteland known as the world leader, the beacon of democracy, the land of opportunity – Nazi America) have a view, a perspective, a politics, an interest, a truth, a belief, - or anything you will stand for, die for?
Reclaiming City Streets for People: Chaos or Quality of Life? (tags)
This book is available for free online in PDF format.
Corporate Greed In Health (tags)
Some short notes from health care column in the Peoples Weekly World on corporate greed in health care.
20 Nobel winners decry Bush's misuse of Science (tags)
62 of the nation's leading scientists, including 20 Nobel laureates, signed a statement decrying the Bush administration's misuse of science -- documenting more than 30 examples involving the major environmental concerns of our century.
We have oftentimes heard that there are people who have the ability to summon the spirits of the dead by means of a certain ritual. And some of us may perhaps have occasionally heard of the astonishing results of their practices. But is there any scientific explanation to this?
I started this as a response to Fresca who posed the question, "give me one example of Bush and his Gang killing on a global scale". As you can see I kinda got carried away so i decided to publish this.