fix articles 138245, congressman duncan hunter
Worse than Katrina: Burned-up Residents Fault Officials for SD's Devastating Fires (tags)
Worse than Katrina: Burned-up Residents Fault Officials for San Diego's Devastating Fires Earlier Recommendations Ignored by Governor; Equipment, Personnel Unavailable, Undeployed, Late in Coming “It’s like Armageddon,” Jill Michaels said, after watching her home burn to the ground in the Harris fire. In the early hours of the worst fire in California history, the Michaels family received no evacuation warning and found exit routes blocked, forcing them to turn back to their home in Potrero. Now, the Michaels are among half a million evacuees who have fled four raging wildfires, the worst fire disaster in California history. Worse even than the 2003 Cedar fire, which until now held that shameful record.
Federal Officers and Whistle Blowers under attack by Bush Administration (tags)
Bush Administration targest whistle blowers and Federal Officers as "Terrorists"..... Whistle Blower laws voided and civil and human rights under attack...... individuals even "prosecuted" for "being depressed"..... and for excercising civil rights...........