fix articles 13812, yard
Roland Hill Messy Yard Snitch (tags)
Messy yard snitch Roland Hill sends faxes nearly every week to the city snitching on harmless messy yard criminals.
Religion vs. the Sprinkler Police (tags)
When it comes to my yard, a middle ground is unachievable if it means a dead ground. My religion and moral value system require healthy greenery; which in turn, benefit the animals and insects who depend on my yard for sustenance.
IWW Victory for Taxi Drivers at LA Airport (tags)
By Ernesto Nevarez, Port of Aztlan, - Turning the Tide: Journal of Anti-Racist Action, Research & Education, Volume 19 Number 4, July-August 2006
ITALIA Venaus - People win back the valley (tags)
On Wednesday night the Venaus post was cleared by the police. Between 3 and 4 a.m. the cops violently rushed against the demonstrators who were blocking the opening of the TAV yard. Several people have been injured, some of them have been bloodily hit.
To Picket Fences in L.A. (tags)
Too many years have passed and too many fences have been built for Los Angeles to attempt a perilous, impractical and costly u-turn back to the “Leave it to Beaver” days when neighborhoods had unobstructed front lawns.
Shots fired at LeBron James/ Nike's nite out. (tags)
The game has ended as Lebron leaves Perkin's Park ,and shots rang out. People in the park jump when they hear the gun shots. I witness in my front yard the beginning of that gun play. For some reason I walked out side my house around 12:40am.
Within the actions of the beast, hell who claims the souls of men. Many seas cannot embrace love, oceans cannot wash it away, oh what a bitter taste, to look at through another mans eyes. The opposite of knowledge is not listening of tomorrow, one without loyalty to thy work. I continue to remind my self to be strong. Ignorance the killer of all men. Close mind to self and man's inner peace. Jealousy that leaks within. The foundation of the living dead. The resurrection must begin now. There is no excuse as the disease eats the mind. And the flesh it becomes tarnished without soul. The cancers of the unwilling soul. I remind my self God is God Man is Man Foul is Foul
Help Save the Belmont Graffiti Art Hall of Fame from Developers! (tags)
Currently there is a battle being waged between developers and local grass-roots organizations to preserve the Toluca Subway Tunnel and Belmont Graffiti Art Hall of Fame from becoming a large scale apartment complex. This site has been used in countless films and music videos over the decades.
The invitation below has been sent to artists, friends, writers, activists, and strangers. Yard Sign Project is online at, allowing individuals to freely print a larger, full-resolution image.
Yard Sign Project Red, white and blue signs, approximately 1.5' x 2', are to be placed in front yards and other public locations.
Nationwide Port Driver Shutdown (tags)
Port truck drivers will be shutting down nationally
An invitation to artists, writers, activista and hacktivists.
Scotland Yard Fury Over Bush Visit (tags)
White House security demands covering This is really quite unprecedented - historic allies the U.S. and U.K. at loggerheads over preventing King George from having to pay any mind to the Peasantry's complaints about the evil he has sown. "President George Bush's controversial state visit to Britain have provoked a serious row with Scotland Yard. "
What any European nation thinks about the US!!
LAPD Propaganda vs. The Truth (Assault on Protesters at RATM Rally) (tags)
Unmasking the cover-up of the delegate-induced sweeping of the protest area. Media swallows LAPD story despite lack of proof that rock-throwing preceded charge of the light brigade.