fix articles 138057, compean
Jose Compean to appear in Temecula parade (tags)
Former U.S. Border Patrol agent, Jose Compean, whose sentence for shooting a suspected smuggler was later commuted by President George W. Bush is scheduled to take part in Temecula’s Fourth of July parade as the guest of a conservative group.
Minutemen in Tinseltown (tags)
The hardcore Minutemen/SOS paraded down Hollywood Blvd. to protest the imprisonment of two border-patrol Agents. The LAPD were were out in large numbers, as were counter protesters who walked the sidewalks and interacted in varying ways with the anti-immigrant protesters.
2 border agents get decade in prison for shooting smuggler (tags)
This is really unusuall. Two cops actually get punished for shooting a Mexican in the back. Usually the cops involved in these crimes get a pat on the back along with a raise. But the racist Minutemen think the piggies got a bum rap.