fix articles 13775, on Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : on


July 2020 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

This July 2020 in Honduras we saw many killings and disappearances against activists and we saw many COVID-19 deaths including of a political prisoner, an organiser, health care workers and jorunalists. Living under a dictatorship regime where global and national capital, together with regime leaders, continue to profit through laundering and exploiting the people and the land – when you put a pandemic into that equation it’s a disaster, as we can see in Honduras. Government offers no protection for its poor majority, the money officially designated for healthcare doesn’t translate into actual healthcare, and there is no welfare to enable people to stay home, but the military is controlling the streets and spreading the illness. Communities and organisations continue to campaign for the ‘Where is the money?’ campaign, with voices reverberating from zoom conferences, to managing to stage large letters across highways, printing the question on roads for drivers to see, and on walls for passers-by – people must have found holes in the militarisation. They paint their pained words about losing increasing numbers of fellow Hondurans to death from COVID-19, lives lost due to government’s greed and lies. This July 2020 we saw many attacks against people and organisers, and we continue to see that on the other hand, big businesses that don’t even have environmental permits are free to move around, operate, and act in ways that are harmful to people and environment. And similar to discourse familiar to all of us worldwide about balancing the economy over staying home, this regime, like others, is broadcasting that the nation only has a chance of surviving the pandemic, if ‘development (mega) projects’ of mining, logging, energy etc go ahead and if people also put up with low wages (not to mention threats, killings, and arrests to impose opposed projects) so that large profits can be made from them. International development finance organisations also continue to ignore the violence meted out by capital and by the regime and fuel this fire, passing loans to the regime and ignoring cries from communities who dream of a different kind of ‘development’.

January 2019 Honduras coup update (tags)

This January 2019 in Honduras. The fraudulently imposed government of JOH is now one year old. Last year people around the country paralysed it in opposition to the dictatorship and were faced with many fatal gunshots in the barricades of highways. This year people remember this well, but people are no less enraged and there were actions small and big around the country and there was repression and gunshots were used too against people. This month there were also attacks against campesinos, territory and environment defenders, and lots of attacks against migrants and workers. A few people were assassinated. Read on for details.

October 2018 Honduras Coup update (tags)

This month: a glimpse at what the migrants are facing, and protest marches are also heavily repressed, environmentalists defending land water and life arrested and kidnapped and a whole camp militarised for a couple of days during which one family was especially terrorised in such a magnitude and fascist way that all this violence, and the barely known violent eviction of the camp and of the subsequent night time highway blockade, was quickly made invisible by announcing two soldiers were shot dead in the confrontations. Similarly, farmers have faced evictions and persecution. Read on to find out more

July 2018 Honduras Coup update (tags)

July 2018: Hondurans retake streets and highways as massive protests were organised by the transport sector blocking highways around the country, supported by student and just about everyone. Repression is rife including killings by likely government death squads/hitmen, of drivers/bus company owner, and against en environment defender. Many attacks in general.

America Reacts to a Low-Point (tags)

With Doug Jones' victory in the Alabama senate race, the end of the Trump era moves a little closer. The left and moderates can only win together. In the GOP tax heist, the rich and the richest will be given permanent Christmas presents.The social contract means compromise

Fukushima quake rock's Japan's and the globe's (tags)

A report on the 11-22-16 Fukushima earthquake.

The Supposed "Omnipotence" of Politicians (tags)

The key to a new peace policy could lie in denouncing mechanisms of economic coercion that are not only states and politicians. As the warnings of Eisenhower and JFK teach us, politics is massively subject to the influences of economic power.

February 2016 Honduras Coup News (tags)

The Feb one is late and the March one will be up soon. February saw 5 Tolupanes assassinated, their names withheld from public news to not endanger others. Another indigenous organisation Copinh received many attacks and threats, that culminated in two very shocking murders in March. Read on...

Portrait of an Irish Republican (tags)

The author's visit to Occupied Ireland is recounted on the 30th anniversary of the event.

October 2015 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

News from Honduras under continued military coup rule and supposed combat against corruption

Netanyahu's Sham Settlement Bloc Boundaries Proposal (tags)


Lawless NSA Global Spying (tags)

police state

60% of BET readers Urge Alicia Keys to Perform in Israel (tags)


Mission Creep Toward Full-Scale War on Syria (tags)


Solidarity with Villa Amalias Squat , Athens/Greece (tags)

on the brink of war (tags)

on the brink of war

Murdoch's World: Demagoguery, Propaganda, Scandal, Sleaze and Warmongering (tags)


Lynne Stewart's Appeal Brief (tags)

political prisoner

Architects & Engineers Demand Renewed Investigation of 9/11 Report (tags)

Over 1,000 professional architects and engineers will be represented in Washington, DC by spokesperson Richard Gage and the AE911Truth press conference demanding a renewed investigation into the WTC collapse on 9/11.

Darkness in America: Lynne Stewart's Resentencing (tags)

Lynne's shocking resentencing

Dealing with PSL and ANSWER #1 (tags)

Harassing messages from PSL/ANSWER people

The Flotilla Aftermath: Historical Perspective, Aftermath and Implications (tags)

Commandos had names and photos of activists to be assassinated

Israel's Permanent War on Palestine (tags)

decades of Israeli war crimes

Boron, CA Miners Lockout (tags)

On January 30th, the Rio Tinto company locked miners out of their jobs mining borax in the California desert city of Boron, CA.

The Lessons of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (tags)

how to stop Israeli crimes

Kevin Cooper: Victimized by American Injustice (tags)

an innocent man on death row

Vetelca: The story of the first ever Bolivarian maquila factory (tags)

* This report originally appears in issue #57 of Venezuelan anarchist newspaper El Libertario [website in Spanish, English & other languages]. It is a detailed examination of the events behind the mobile telephone manufacturer Vetelca, in which the notion of a socialist industrial production model in Venezuela is unmasked.

Nationwide Protests Demanding Justice for Maguindanao Massacre Victims (tags)

On the International Human Rights Day, and the whole week before that the Filipino American community was on the protest mode. The Alliance Philippines strongly expressed its militant support to the people’s movement in the Philippines oppose to the declaration of martial law and demanded justice for Maguindanao massacre victims by holding protests in key cities all over the United States from December 5 to 10, 2009. - Last December 5, Ugnayan ng mga Anak ng Bayan New York/New Jersey Chapter held their 5th anniversary celebrations by honoring the victims of the Maguindanao Massacre. The event was held at the Renaissance Charter Schoo at Jackson Height , new York City from 10:00 Am to 5:00 PM. - On December 8, a Community Forum led by the AJLPP, ANSWER-LA and AFFIRM was held at the FACLA Social Hall, 1740 W. Temple St. Los Angeles, Ca 90026. A panel of speakers from different organizations condemning the massacre featured the event. A candle-light ceremony capped the tribute and honor to the 64 victims of untold cruelties. - On December 10, International Human Rights Day, scores of activists held a candle light vigil and a picket/rally at the Philippine Consulate at Wilshire Blvd. from 6:30 to 8:00 in the evening.

Jan 28-29: Israel Strikes Gaza; Finklestein's Photos on US/Israel War Crimes (tags)

On January 28-29, as on January 27, Israel violated its ceasefire and bombed Gaza, continuing its program of genocide, just like the Nazis. The photographic evidence is very clear. We American taxpayers pay for this to the tune of $15 million a day/$6 billion a year

On the 2nd GMFD Conferene in Manila (tags)

On behalf of the of the Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) we express our militantly solidarity for the all the mass actions and protests against the Manila ‘s Second Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD). The AJLPP strongly condemns the pro-imperialist and anti-migrant GMFD framework and agenda of the conference in Manila. The agenda of the conference lay bare the exploitative foundation and consequences of so-called neoliberal globalization on the lives of migrants, refugees and their families.

Targeting Immigrants - The Largest Ever US ICE Raid (tags)

Police state tactics intensify.

Update on Daniel McGowan (tags)

On Monday, July 14, Daniel appeared in federal court in the Western District of Wisconsin (Madison) before Judge Barbara Crabb and was found in civil contempt for his refusal to answer questions before a grand jury.

Supreme Court, Inc.: Supremely Pro-Business (tags)

the pro-business Roberts court

On A Roll To The Oval Office (tags)

"The presidential race isn’t just Republicans vs Democrats. lndependent candidate Frank Moore wants to become the first disabled president since Roosevelt." This is a re-post from the UK magazine, "Disability Now".

On the 92nd Anniversary of the Easter Uprising in Ireland (tags)

The Filipino community in the U.S. is one with the Irish people in commemorating the Easter Uprising of 1916 in Ireland against British colonialism. On Easter Monday 1916, Pádhraic Mac Piarais proclaimed the Irish Republic from the steps of the General Post Office (GPO) in Dublin while leading a military uprising against the British Empire's seven century long colonization of Ireland. Piarais' proclaimed republic has yet to be won, despite the fact that the people of Ireland ratified that Republic overwhelmingly two years later in 1918 all Ireland general election. Because results did not suit British interests, the 1918 election became the one and only All Ireland election that was ever allowed to be held. However, faithful Irish republicans have since defended the Republic's ideals and continue to be inspired by the noble aspirations of the 1916 Rising.

Bush v. Chavez - An Update (tags)

Continued Bush administration efforts to destabilize Venezuela.

On the Anti-Democratic Character of Neoliberalism (tags)

Privatization, deregulation and cuts in social spending is the trinity of the free market, Naomi Klein explains. The consciou8s production of unemployment is anti-democratic. The conscious worsening of income- and assets distribution is anti-democratic.


On behalf of the Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP), we extend our felicitations and congratulations on the release of ANAKPAWIS representative. Crispin “Ka Bel” Beltran after more than one year and four months of detention and the junking of the cases against progressive party list representatives and other people’s activist leaders by the Supreme Court. We in the AJLPP and our allied organizations like the International ANSWER, the international anti-war and the anti-racist coalition in the United States, are greatly and deeply inspired by Ka Bel’s determination and the movement’s persistent and just struggle for justice, social and national liberation. To Ka. Bel annd to all our comrades in struggle, MABUHAY KAYO!


1. Remembering Atenco - The month of May began with ceremonies in remembrance of the bloody police rampage on May 3 and 4 2006 in San Salvador Atenco.

2001 - 2007: LAPD's Reign of Terror Unchecked (tags)

The brutal rampage by LAPD in McArthur Park on May 1, 2007 was culmination of a 6-year old secrete but intricate policy by the Bush administration and local forces of the extreme right in reversing attempts to reform LAPD after Rodney King and Rampart Scandal.

May 5 Day of Solidarity with Eric McDavid (tags)

On May 5 we are calling for a day of international solidarity for Eric. On this day we will ask everyone to raise funds for and awareness about Eric and his case. We need your art, your music, your creative genius to help make Eric's struggle against this outrageous charge a successful one.

Turn everything off for 5 minutes!!! (tags)

On February 1st you can participate in the worldwide greatest action against climate change!!! Turn everything off - On February 1st between 7:55 p.m. until 8 p.m..

On the 20th anniversary of the Mendiola massacre - Manila (tags)

Protesters clench fists as they march during the anniversary of the Mendiola massacre in Manila January 22, 2007. Demonstrators marked the 20th anniversary of the Mendiola massacre, commemorating 13 protesters who were killed and 80 wounded by a hail of bullets from policemen and soldiers

AJLPP-USA Sept.21-13 Events- A Success! (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace In the Philippines (AJLPP)-USA commemorative activities for the 34th year of martial law and solidarity against political killings in the Philippines that was held in four cities of the United States was a tremendous success.

On the 65h Year of the Formation of the USAFFE (tags)

On the 65th Anniversary of the impression of Filipino Army to the United States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) today, on July 26, 1941 different groups held different kinds of commemoration all over California.FAV, People’s CORE are calling all Filipino American community activists, youth leaders and all concerned individuals and organizations all over the United States to be vigilant and struggle to have the Senate Bill or any compromise bill pass with the amendment for Filipino American veterans and their families.

Government as Hostage (tags)

In the Bundestag, only the leftist party PDS condemned the Israeli action. Wolfgang Gehrcke dedlared it was "an unparalleled act of political terrorism and adventurism" to abduct eight ministers and 20 delegates of a freely elected government.


The endless bloodshed and funerals washing over America is not even being noticed by the average American, and most who do notice turn away and try to forget. This is the price we are paying and the ongoing grief we are experiencing.

A Fact or Fiction ? (tags)

The Ttell tale of infamous Yamashita's Gold is brought into life behind a music and entertainment galore concert to be held on May 28, 2006 at Radisson Hotel , 1850 So. Harbor Blvd. Anaheim, Ca. The song pieces are original compositions of a talented Asian, RB d' Monte Cristo of the Philippines, writing for a 3200 page novel about a group of young American's tragedy and success in searching for Yamashita's Gold in the Philippines , written by Christopher Paul Ryan due for release soon. The music pieces are selections from Deux Ex Machina album released (

Troqueros Huelga – Truckers Strike (tags)

Uploaded is an interview with Ernesto Nevarez, a community member helped to rally community support for the Troqueros and their strike.

No Nuclear Attack on Iran! (tags)

Wars are waged against people and not for social justice..There are more than two alter-natives: friend or enemy, victim or murderer.. All member states are obliged to a strict pro-hibition of force.

Criticism is Unlikely (tags)

George Orwell in "1984" warned that criticism ahnd dissent would be expunged from memories and children would be born for Big Brother. In capitalism's last phase, the myth of the self-healing market drowns out alternatives of a future-friendly economy.

Protest: Jan 31, Bush Step Down (tags)

On Tuesday, Jan. 31, as Bush delivers his State of the Union address, throughout the country, we will bring the noise and drown out Bush's lies

The Best Housing & Poverty Review of 2005 (tags)

The Nation's Housing Policies Are A Complete Disaster!

One of Thousands of Crimes Against Humanity in Occupied Palestine (tags)

IOF killed two Palestinians. On Saturday, 17 December 2005, IOF shot dead a Palestinian civilian in the Gaza Strip as he attempted together with another civilian to enter Israel to search for jobs. On Wednesday, 21 December 2005, IOF extra-judicially executed a Palestinian in Jenin.

ITALIA Venaus - People win back the valley (tags)

On Wednesday night the Venaus post was cleared by the police. Between 3 and 4 a.m. the cops violently rushed against the demonstrators who were blocking the opening of the TAV yard. Several people have been injured, some of them have been bloodily hit.

MSNBC Financing Racism, Part 1 (tags)

Katie Couric's interview with "cold feet" bride exposes truth of corporate media against Latino's

Cops Disrupt Anti War Meeting (tags)

On Saturday March 12, the Pasadena Anarchist Collective was having a meeting to plan for a March 19th Anti-War protest at a gathering in South Pasadena when two cops in their uniform disrupted the meeting.

RCP interviews SpongeBob SquarePants (tags)

SpongeBob SquarePants is known all over the world. He has his own cartoon show on Nickelodeon and people of all ages seem to have at least one toy or product with his image on it. Having just been on the big screen, he had the spotlight on him long before James Dobson and his group, Focus on the Family, launched their attack on him accusing the sponge of being "pro-homosexual" and tolerant of people of different sexual orientations.

SpongeBob recently agreed to meet with the RW at his home—a pineapple under the sea—to talk about all the controversy surrounding him and what is at the heart of it. What follows is an unedited transcript of our conversation.

The Crown's Crown (tags)

Damn. I am so desperately in need your help. You see my friend, there are people in this world that deprive our rights to freedom, through unjust acts committed in your name, done by hiding their true intent from our public’s view. One RCMP Cnst, was able to argue to a judge that my writing was anti-government, and she needed to establish who I was, to enforce the law of, "threatening an international person".

911 (tags)


Egyptian Moslem Imams from Al Azhar Justify Suicide Bombing (tags)

Senior Clerics at Al Azhar University in Cairo (the oldest and most prestigious religious university in all of the Islamic world, and a university closely related to the Egyptian government) - these Imams justify Suicide Bombing and recommend it as a tactic


"Long before Howard Zinn wrote his 'A People's History of the United States', Pete Seeger sang it. Whether he's explaining just whom Casey Jones the Union Scab was or asking the question "Which Side Are You On?" or telling of the women workers' struggle in "Bread and Roses" or engaging in Leadbelly's story of racism that brings about "The Bourgeious Blues", or singing the mournful anti- war "The Crow on the Cradle", or offering an introspective celebration of the earth in "Sailing Down My Golden River", its all about us. All of us."

Building Bridges Radio:Columbia Grad Employees Strike & N.Y.U Adjuncts Protest (tags)


Cannibal: Song of American Cannibalism (tags)


On the anniversary of April 7--Return to the Oakland docks! (tags)

April 7, 2003 was a day we will not soon forget. It was our first protest against the war profiteers who operate out of the Port of Oakland. The police shootings which occurred on that day guaranteed that our commitment would be a long one. This year, on Wednesday, April 7th, we will return to the docks to protest the profiteers and reaffirm our First Amendment rights.

God or no God, I don't like that demon antiChrist, Our Mr. bush Jr. very much (tags)

By Annan not publicly addressing this very serious issue, will not be fooling me he hasn't heard it mentioned. The families of Iraq are accounted almost entirely by "comprehensive, extremely detailed" measurements. So what the hell is going on about supporting our world community by not condemning war crimes?, Just where is Annan on the issue of an international commitment kept I want asked religiously across this world. Now.

G8 2004:War in Savannah? (tags)

$9.6 million for police overtime and ominous equipment like crowd-control fences, water cannons, bean-bag rifles and riot shields.

Benefit for the Strikers!!! (tags)

On Saturday, December 6th, there will be a benefit for the workers of UFCW Local 770.


Israeli Soldiers Make Death Threats to Berkeley Based Non-Profit After Israel-Palestine Debate on UC Campus

The Governator (tags)

One witnesses account of Schwarzenegger's campaign kick off.

"The Weather Underground" opens Friday at NuArt (tags)

On Friday, an award-winning new documentary about the radical splinter group of Students for a Democratic Society opens at NuArt.

The governator (tags)

He is a barely articulate, pumped-up bodybuilder with a cupboard full of skeletons. But could it be that Arnold Schwarzenegger was always destined for a career in politics? And if he becomes governor of California next month, is the White House next?

Flash News News (tags)

Sen. John Edwards, presidential candidate, knows doublespeak all too well.

On the Run (tags)

On the Run is an incredible film.

From Fairbanks to Miami, 29 Cities to Protest or Celebrate Court Decision (tags)

THE U.S.A. WAITS WHILE CANADA CELEBRATES: From Fairbanks to Miami, 29 U.S. Cities to Protest or Celebrate Supreme Court Decision on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Rights

July 3, National Public Hearings to Repeal the Patriot Act (tags)

On July 3, cities around the country will hold National Public Hearings to Repeal the Patriot Act.


On Wednesday April 30, 2003, hundreds of Iraqi demonstrators marched in the streets in Fallujah to protest against U.S. troops having killed 13 protestors the previous day at Fallujah's primary school. Up to 75 were wounded in the Tuesday assault.

Appellate Court Rules that Media Can Legally Lie (tags)

On February 14, a Florida Appeals court ruled there is absolutely nothing illegal about lying, concealing or distorting information by a major press organization.

On the day the war starts... (tags)

On the day the war starts...


Richard Perle, one of the most outspoken war party figures in and around the Bush Administration, has been caught in a $100-million attempted blackmail ``sheik-down'' of the Saudis, which could land him in jail.

Serbian puppet knocked out (tags)

Djindjic in Belgrade killed: Serbia Prime Minister shot. State of emergency imposed. Germany's important man on the Balkans dead. On Wednesday the Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic died into Belgrade with the second attempt within few weeks.


On Wed. March 5… You could call in sick. (sick of war, sick of militarism…)

Michael Ruppert, Gary Null // on 911, US Policy, etc. (tags)

Ruppert interview - on 9-11, big government, rebuttal of critics, etc.

Reversal of Fortune -part II (tags)

In my first e-mail/ post "Reversal of Fortune" I discussed how the 1962 Democratic sweep was a near mirror image of the reverse GOP victory in '02. I asked what caused such a complete reversal of fortune over the last 40 years. The JFK assassination 13 months after the '62 election that had held so much hope for change was first step of such reversal.

Not In Our Name Protest October 6th (tags)

Sunday October 6 - War Without End? NOT IN OUR NAME! Westwood Federal Building 1pm


The policy of the University of Haifa seeks to end Palestinian student political activism on campus. This policy will continue unless massive protest persuades the University that it is unacceptable for an institution of Higher Learning. We therefore call on members of the academic community - students and professors - as well as others, to protest the suppression of political activities of Arab students at the University of Haifa and demand that the University revoke the suspensions imposed on the student activists and respect students' basic democratic right to express their political views.


LA's event as part of the National Days of Resistance


The money that U.S. gives to Israel go mainly to U.S.war plants. The Saudis buy $4 billion a year from the same "defense" manufacturing companies. The clout of the Israeli lobby is way overrated. is way o

FBI On Trial For Terrorism (tags)

cartoon c 2002 by charles amsellem

Benefit Concert for Raise The Fist! (tags)


On Ashcroft's Enemies List (tags)

On Ashcroft's Enemies List

"The Overthrow Of The American Government, Part 2" (tags)

Let a candid and vigilant populace consider my pleas and contentions. We ordinary Americans are being led, step by step, down the road to a dictatorship more evil and all-pervasive than that of the late Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party of the German aristocracy.

On the Bombings (tags)

On the Bombings Noam Chomsky

sept 8th - G8 Solidarity Protest/March (tags)

On July the 20th activist Carlo Giuliani was murdered by Italian police who fired two gunshots into his head during the protests against the G 8 summit in Genoa. On July the 21st the ìDiazì public school, which gave shelter to activists, was also stormed by brutal police forces. Activists were brutally beaten and seriously injured. Some nearly died.


WHEN: Saturday, Sept 8th @ 1:00 p.m WHERE: 12400 Wilshire Blvd. 4 blocks west of Bundy

On the 5th Anniversary of Welfare Reform, Poverty Rates Remain Unchanged... (tags)

On the 5th Anniversary of Welfare Reform, Poverty Rates Remain Unchanged Grassroots groups organizing to challenge congressional reauthorization (A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found At

"The Two Faces of the U.S. Government" (tags)

Posted by Paul Hays of the Progressive Socialist Congress

"on the wrong side of a world revolution" (tags)

On April 4, 1967, a year to the day before he was shot, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his "Beyond Vietnam" speech at Riverside Church in New York City. Here is an excerpt. Follow the link to read the whole speech.




Gore Family Continues To Profit From Occidental Stock Despite Abuses

Stirring Opening Night at LA's People's Convention (tags)

Rousing kick-off to event which highlights ongoing damaging U.S. policies, continues through Saturday. Group joins in Sunday march for Mumia.

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