fix articles 1375, green Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : green


Capitalism can't overcome the laws of physics (tags)

That humanity can dominate nature “is an illusion.” The laws of thermodynamics remain in place. “Consequently, a growth-centered capitalist economy finds itself trapped in futile attempts to completely decouple itself from nature — aiming for a 100% circular, service-oriented and zero-waste existence.

Authoritarian Capitalism (tags)

The banks and auto corporations were bailed out and rescued and the ensuing public debt was invoked in order to cut public expenditures on health care, education, pensions, and public salaries. Furthermore, a new race to the bottom has started.

Tout Etat est maquereau et putain (tags)

Du monde organisé dans le crachat et le mépris...

Let the advertising die! (tags)

Advertising leads to useless purchases because it often persuades consumers to have needs instead of satisfying existing desires. This leads to excessive consumption of resources and materials and thus damages the environment.

We are witnessing the collapse of diplomacy (tags)

We, who keep this society running, are footing the bill, while the super-rich and big corporations are lining their pockets, making profits from the crises.

Degrowth - not just Green New Deals! (tags)

We live in a time of many and accelerating crises. Climate breakdown is breathing down our neck. Biodiversity is collapsing in ecosystems around the world, and many natural safety nets – water cycles, soil fertility, fish stocks, microbial diversity – are unraveling.

System Transformation or Barbarism (tags)

Overcoming capital is thus a necessity for survival. Consequently, the climate question is not a question of burden sharing, it is not a question of social security. The global exploitation process of capital, in which resources and energy are burned to make more money...

Is Green Growth the Solution? (tags)

Just as every millimeter of social progress must be fought for against capital interests, the protection of nature and climate must also be won against the rulers. In these struggles lies the future of the planet.

What moves the "Generation Greta"? (tags)

The global economy is in free fall. Social life and public debate are largely paralyzed, the usual protest and organizing formats of the social movements are completely blocked. Decisive decisions are made in the mode of emergency decrees and huge rescue packages. The politically unthinkable becomes possible,

Pandemic leads to massive concentration in the marketplace (tags)

“We need a much more democratic system, we need to democratize all bits of the state – we need collective power"

What could change with Biden and Harris? (tags)

The next few years will be all about democracy in the U.S., about the social cohesion of a diverse population, about stopping environmental destruction, and about a successful structural change of the economy that goes hand in hand with the creation of sufficient, well-paid jobs and humane working conditions.

Time for a Real Green New Deal w/Green presidential hopeful Howie Hawkins, Sunday Sept 22 (tags)

Elect a Green to Congress in Los Angeles (tags)

A Green Party candidate is on the cusp of breaking the two party system, and getting into the runoffs.

LA County Greens Oppose S (tags)

Excerpt from their page.

Fusion Green Liberty Party 2016 Presidential Campaign (tags)

The Green Liberty Party is a fusion party that combines both Green and Libertarian concepts. Primarily the GLP is concerned with ending the rackets called "war on drugs" and "war on terror". GLP candidate Mark Paul Miller will use the Office of President to research, expose and stop these two government rackets that have taken lives and money from U.S. voters. It is possible for a write-in candidate to win the election if they get enough votes

Why Vote Third Party in 2016 (tags)

If you believe neither hawkish Hillary nor Torturing Trump should be president, you have options. The antiwar Green, Libertarian and Socialist parties are some options to Clinton and Trump.

Greedy Country Sells Green Cards to Rich People (tags)

The lesser known, and upsetting reality of immigration: the system caters to the rich.

Brave Green World. The Green Economy Myths, 60 pp (tags)

Thirteen Green Economy myths are discussed. In light of the false promises associated with the Green Economy, a socio-ecological transition is necessary (and possible)!

Meet Green elected school board members, Sunday, March 29 in LA - 4pm (tags)

Meet Green elected officials Jose Lara, Vice President and Governing Board Member, El Rancho Unified School District, Pico Rivera (Los Angeles) and Sean Reagan, Governing Boardmember, Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District, Norwalk. Saturday, March 29th, 4-6pm. Mercado La Paloma - 3655 S Grand Ave, Los Angeles. Food court on site, with vegetarian options.

Degrowth - a vocabulary for a new era, 19pp (tags)

From a degrowth perspective, the current economic crisis is the result of systemic limits to growth. It is not a cyclical crisis or fault in the credit system.

The Fight For Health And Safety And USW Oil Workers-Tesoro Carson USW 675 Member Eli Green (tags)

USW 675 Tesoro Carson oil workers talks about the health and safety issues at the refinery and the first national strike since 1980.

Public Funds Brought Smart Phones (tags)

All personal achievement would have been impossible without state investment in roads, schools, hospitals, airwaves, health and food safety. The state share is completely faded out in the conventional story about business history.

Capitalism and Its Crisis Proclivity (tags)

The liberal economists of the 19th century claimed no crises could occur in capitalism since every supply creates its demand. On the other hand, Marx and Engels recognized early on the causes for crises in capitalism. The contradictions of the accumulation process lead to crises.

Green Party of California Announces Its Statewide Endorsements for June 2014 (tags)

We Are All in This Together – Taiwan Combats Climate Change (tags)

As climate change is happening, Taiwan has taken steps to curb carbon emissions and to transform to a green energy island. Taiwan can receive support from and contribute to the world if it is able to participate fully in UNFCCC. Video included and runs 2:40.

We Are All in This Together – Taiwan Combats Climate Change (tags)

As climate change is happening, Taiwan has taken steps to curb carbon emissions and to transform to a green energy island. Taiwan can receive support from and contribute to the world if it is able to participate fully in UNFCCC. Video included and runs 2:40.

maps of Disappearing palestine (tags)

Problems with the ubiquitous maps of disappearing Palestine

Did you know marijuana is addictive just like heroin??? (tags)

Did you know marijuana is addictive just like heroin!!! And smoking marijuana is just as dangerous as smoking tobacco!!!!

Why UN Climate Agreements Fail (tags)

History will undoubtedly deliver the harshest condemnations of the UN climate talks currently underway in Doha, Qatar. But the conference was laughable before it began; the inept “goals” of the talks stand in tragic-comic opposition to what we already know about climate change — that the climate has already changed in profound ways and its trajectory spells doom for civilization if drastic, coordinated steps are not taken in the immediate future.

Ape Rescue Mission to Exhibit at Los Angeles' Green Festival (tags)

Ape Rescue Mission (ARM), a fundraising initiative with a goal to send an experienced animal cruelty investigator to West Africa by early 2013, will be exhibiting at Green Festival Los Angeles, the world’s largest sustainability event, held at the Los Angeles Convention Center on November 17 and 18.

Nov 6: Vote Your Conscience: Peace & Freedom & Green (tags)

It is barricades time now as election day is November 6, 2012. When we vote, we remember Roe v Wade, the 1973 decision under President Nixon, legalizing abortion in the US, with the majority opinion written by Republican Nixon appointee, Justice Blackman, with a Democratic Kennedy appointee, Justice White, dissenting proving that it is mass movements that make the difference. The so-called “lesser” evil is just plain evil. You have to vote your conscience if you want anything to improve as Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party are products of grassroots movements.

Profile of a Police State (tags)

police state

Green Party Populism (tags)


Against Growth Mania and Fair Redistribution (tags)

How can we rebuild our society so we manage with less growth and not collapse when growth does not occur? Consumption beyond a certain level is pathological, a compensation or substitute for missed life (cf. Erich Fromm).

Photos and Videos: Anarchist Gathering (tags)

Southern California Anarchist Gathering, Saturday, August 18, 2012 at the Southern California Library of Social Studies and Research, 6120 S. Vermont Ave. Los Angeles, CA. 90044. Video from the event :

Economist Richard Wolff Supports "Lesser" Evil Voting (tags)

We finally heard from the self-proclaimed Marxist economist, Richard Wolff, on the presidential elections, on KPFA, 94.1 FM, 6 p.m. news, 7/15/12, on his view of the elections and it was a shameful, anti-Marxist, lesser evil line, especially considering Wolff is a founding member of the Connecticut Green Party.

Greens Challenge Third Parties- Fight Against the Corporate Parties Not Each Other (tags)

Besides the candidates that Rob Sherman will throw off the ballot, the innocent victim in all of this is Jill Stein. Jill seems like a sincere and honest person who does an excellent job at offering the Green Party vision of change. I look forward to working closely with her on issues related to access to the ballot and to the Presidential debates. However, blocking the Socialist Party and other parties in Illinois will be a black eye for her campaign. Green Party claims to support open electoral laws will be permanently suspect unless Sherman removes his challenge.

Rio+20: Asian Movements’ Statement on the Green Economy (tags)

We are movements and organizations from Asia, waging struggles on various fronts and arenas to defend our rights, resist policies and projects that cause harm and destruction, and to fight for immediate priorities and demands, as well as profound transformation of our societies. Fight for Our Future! No Price on Nature!

Vote June 5, 2012: Yes on 29, for Peace & Freedom & Green Party candidates (tags)

The California presidential primary is June 5, 2012, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., and you can vote this weekend in some counties, including San Francisco, at the Registrar’s office, and you can deliver your absentee ballot to the Registrar’s office when they are open this weekend, Monday June 4 and Tuesday, June 5, 2012. You can also deliver your absentee ballot to your polling place on Tuesday, June 5, 2012. Your votes are needed for Yes on 29 and Peace & Freedom and Green Party candidates so that we cut down on smoking tobacco and so that these 2 parties continue to exist.

Democrats Defeated Single Payer; Vote P&F & Green (tags)

SB 810, a single payer healthcare bill, was defeated in the California Senate Jan 31, 2012 by Democratic Senators Ron Calderon, Lou Correa, Alex Padilla, Michael Rubio, Juan Vargas and Rod Wright, all bought and paid for by the insurance industry and most bought and paid for by the drug industry. The health care crisis is so terrible in this country that it is best called a death system, not a health care system. Only Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party support socialized medicine and at the very least, single payer healthcare.

What's Left for the Left? Building a Blue-Green Coalition (tags)

To build a strong electoral base for the Left, Green Party activists can build coalitions to pass ranked choice voting in cities throughout LA County, elect Greens to every non-partisan office - from neighborhood council to union leadership - and strategically support anti-war progressive Democrats running for state and federal office. From the ground up, we must build a diverse Green Party to protect our planet beyond the age of empire.

Stratfor Intelligence Leaked by Anonymous Reveals Spying on Occupy Movement and Deep Green (tags)

Stratfor, a private intelligence organization hacked by Anonymous in December, has been investigating the Occupy Movement and Deep Green Resistance. The emails released contain information gathered both through Stratfor's internal investigation and through a contact with the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Deep Green Resistance Real Time Message (tags)

Three organizers at Stop the Machine! encampment/Freedom Plaza in Washington D.C. are ready to visit other Occupy camps, to increase the number of green & black radical environmental participants in D.C. before the Spring Offensive.

Libyan Violence and Instability (tags)


Election 2012- Former Green Governor Candidate Endorses Stewart Alexander for President (tags)

Deacon Alexander has agreed to assist Alexander’s presidential campaign in Los Angeles and throughout California. Alexander’s campaign is presently seeking volunteers who are ready to help build a left progressive movement for working people. Stewart Alexander says, “I am glad to have the ‘Deacon’ on board.”

NEWS ADVISORY: Green Party presidential candidate forum, Saturday, December 3rd, LA (tags)

Report Back: City Council Unanimously Supports “Turning Land into Cash” (tags)

Various people said that Jan Perry was using the ancient "divide and conquer" strategy and that she succeeded in dividing the community in and around 41st and Alameda. Both Perry and Eric Garcetti (District 13), who presided over the meeting, are planning to run for mayor. It seems unlikely that LA will have a decent mayor within our lifetimes, but a Mayor Perry or a Mayor Garcetti would be one more major injustice.

Comedy Museum Benefit (tags)

Comedians gather to benefit new Comedy Museum.

Liminal, A Monthly Green Anarchist Quarterfold (tags)

A green anarchist journal is raising funds for printing and distributing their first issue by October 5. Order a copy delivered to the address of your choosing.

Martyrdom or Victory: Truth Soldiers on The Front Line in Libya (tags)

You too can support this victory! There is no way out and we are OK with that: it is always better to die standing than live on one's knees. Every day we have martyrs.

Jan Perry Proposes Waiver of Green Space Requirement for South Central Farm Land (tags)

What was probably intended as a quiet move by Jan Perry gets media attention and puts two organizations with an adversarial history on the same side. Four companies are named in regards to Ralph Horowitz's sale of the land (now in escrow). People are encouraged to print out copies of a petition against this plan and gather signatures.

Successful Fair Trade Fashion Show Benefits Youth for Human Rights (tags)

To raise awareness of human trafficking and the garment industry, Youth for Human Rights of Florida successfully produced the Colors of the World Fashion show in Ybor City this past weekend.

Oct 6 DC Stop the War Machine & Create A New World (tags)

October 2011 is the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan and the beginning of the 2012 federal austerity budget. It is time to light the spark that sets off a true democratic, nonviolent transition to a world in which people are freed to create just and sustainable solutions. As Mother Jones said, "Someday the workers will take possession of your city hall, and when we do, no child will be sacrificed on the altar of profit!."

Millionaires, Mendaciousness, and Miserable English Scores, the false Locke success story (tags)

Orchestrators of the Locke hostile takeover, Green Dot has in Arne Duncan's words 'Cracked the Code.' Cracked the code to poverty pimping that is. Marco Petruzzi is stacking major paper while 'graduating' students with single digit proficiency.

Anti-Nuclear Peace Marches on March 19 (tags)

On this 8th anniversary of the illegal US invasion and occupation of Iraq in its agenda of blood for oil wars to maximize profits, we are also witnessing another profiteering horror, that of a nuclear holocaust caused by the breakdown of nuclear power in the face of earthquakes and tsunamis. Go to the nearest peace march on March 19 to support solar, wind and tidal power for clean, safe, renewable energy, for an end to blood for oil wars and an end to the whole deadly private profit system.

U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander to Seek PFP Presidential Nomination (tags)

Approaching 2012, Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander is hoping to gain support from five political parties that he says will be crucial to his campaign to become president; the Peace and Freedom Party- California, Socialist Party USA, the Green Party of the United States, the Freedom Socialist Party, and the Liberty Union Party- Vermont.

Obama Destroys Social Security (tags)

Democrat Obama, with the support of 138 Republicans and 139 Democrats in the House, for a vote of 277 to 148 on HR 4853, Roll Call 647, and a vote of 87 to 19 in the Senate, Roll Call vote 276, won passage of his tax cuts for the rich bill, destroying Social Security by cutting the payroll tax for Social Security by 2%, which will not be restored in 2012, an election year, when the cut is due to expire.

BTL:While Washington Dawdles, Chinese Government Subsidies Boost Green Technology (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

ELECTION DAY Vote Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)

RUN TO YOUR POLLING PLACE RIGHT NOW AND VOTE. Do not delay until the end of the day when you might forget or something might keep you from your polling place until after it is closed. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU VOTE. If you voted on an absentee ballot but have not mailed it, WALK IT TO ANY POLLING PLACE IN YOUR COUNTY OR YOUR COUNTY REGISTRAR; do not mail it. THE ONLY POLL THAT COUNTS IS THE ELECTION.

at privatized public debate, Green Party candidate arrested for "trespassing" (tags)

The Green Party candidate for governor, Laura Wells, was cited for trespassing and ordered to appear in court on election day.

2 Days to Vote: Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)

US ranking in life expectancy has gone from 5th in 1950 to 49th today, thanks to the expensive and for millions, unaffordable, private insurance racket proudly promoted by the Democrat-Republicans instead of the socialized medicine that exists in the rest of the industrialized world, and now at 49th, we are also behind many non-industrialized countries. That is why you should vote Peace & Freedom or Green, the two parties that support socialized medicine and oppose insurance companies.

3 Days to Vote: Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)

As the World Socialist Website states below, there is a right-wing consensus in the governor's race between the Democrats and Republicans, one capitalist party with millionaire candidates. You can break that fascist attack on the workingclass by voting Peace & Freedom or Green and Yes on 19, 21, 24 and 25.

4 Days to Vote: Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)

The future is in your hands and you must act to make it better. One way to act is to vote Peace & Freedom or Green to promote serious change. The Democrat-Republicans do not even bother to promote anything worthwhile anymore as capitalism is in such a state of decay that the capitalist class no longer has any crumbs to toss to the workingclass, the 80% of us who sell our labor for less than $77,000 a year. In addition to P&F and Green candidates, it is important that you vote on all of the propositions, including Yes on 19, 21, 24 and 25.

Green cheers for new Chevron drilling? (tags)

The blog that calls itself "Green" at the New York Times announces with uncritical acceptance new drilling by Chevron in the Gulf of Mexico. If you want to talk to their executives, you have to be a cheerleader, and Clifford Kraus certainly is.

Democrats or Alternative Parties? SUF Debates the Question (tags)

Work within the Democratic Party or start alternative parties of our own? It’s a debate American progressives have been having since the 1890’s (though until the 1930’s there was the option of working within the Republican Party as well) and the progressive disappointment with the Obama administration was pervasive when San Diego’s Socialist Unity Forum (SUF) met to discuss the question Sept. 19. But so was fear of the “Tea Party” movement — ostensibly independent but supporting and invigorating the Right wing of the Republican Party — and concern that abandoning the Democrats now is unnecessarily divisive and harmful.

Nov 2010 California Propositions; Voting by mail starts 10/4, Registration Ends 10/18 (tags)

Another election is upon us with lots of important ballot propositions. The only 2 parties worth considering are Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party. Voting by mail starts October 4, 2010. Voter registration ends October 18, 2010. When you register, sign up for Vote by Mail so you never forget to vote.

Green U.S. Senate Candidate Backs "Immediate Amnesty" For Millions of Undocumented Workers (tags)

"As a longtime defender of immigrant rights, I strongly back the idea of granting immediate amnesty for the millions of undocumented workers currently living within the United States. An overwhelming majority of them work incredibly hard, are law abiding, and make invaluable contributions to the wealth of this country."

Green U.S. Senate Candidate Warns Immigrant Rights Supporters to 'Beware of the Democrats' (tags)

"Last year, President Obama appointed Janet Napolitano to be Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. When Napolitano was Democratic Governor of Arizona, she was a close ally of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and lobbied the Bush administration on his behalf to give his army of deputies the power to arrest undocumented workers under provisions of 287(g).

VIDEO: There are solutions: Laura Wells, Green Party candidate for Governor of California (tags)

Video of California Green gubernatorial candidate Laura Weels

Greens unveil slate of ‘independent candidates' at State Convention in Fullerton, 9-11-10 (tags)

FULLERTON, CA – Billing itself as the most "independent" political party in the state – in stark contrast to Democrats and Republicans, who voters are increasingly shunning – the Green Party of California will hold a major pre-election state convention here Saturday and Sunday, 9-11-10 and 9-12-10.

Green U.S. Senate Candidate Favors Repealing Federal Marijuana Laws (tags)

"As I officially kick off my campaign for the U.S. Senate today, one of the first declarations I make is to call for the repeal of all federal laws on the books which make it a criminal act for people to grow, sell, and use marijuana for medicinal, recreational, and industrial purposes."

Venice Homeless Protect LAPD Order to vacate public sidewalk after 9pm, Aug 26, 2010 (tags)

On Aug 26. 2010 LAPD Officers not familiar with Venice sent to enforcement LAMC 41.18(d) a direct violation of the Jones vs City of Los Angeles settlement Agreement, on 3rd Street between Sunset Ave and Rose Ave. Video evidence taken by Lisa Green. A transcript of most of the proceedings are provided. Names of Officers and the persons which were enforced to leave the sidewalk after having settled to sleep are not provided to protect those being used to pit us against each other using fear. However, I will make the video tape available to the appropriate persons upon request so that we can address this misuse of power and criminalization of those defined as homeless.

Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Will Seek Green Party Presidential Nomination (tags)

Stewart Alexander says his intentions to seek the presidential nomination for both political parties is based upon the common interests that are shared between the Green Party and the Socialist Party; addressing the needs of the working class, creating good paying jobs, protecting human rights, protecting the environment and ending the U.S. occupation in Afghanistan and Iraq.

AP: California candidates support 'Green New Deal' (tags)

Green Party candidates for statewide office come out in support of fiscally responsible policies that emphasize job creation, environmental protection, and social justice.

Marie Mason: Victimized by Green Scare State Terrorism (tags)

fighting for justice in America now criminalized

100% Cal Assembly Honors Fascist Ronald Reagan (tags)

Are you still registered Democrat? On June 28, 2010, the entire California Assembly, Democrats and Republicans together, voted 100% to honor the fascist Ronald Reagan with a remembrance day, his birthday, February 6. In case you forgot or are too young to remember, here is a remembrance you should memorize, as you change your voter registration to Peace & Freedom or Green IMMEDIATELY.

BTL:U.S. and Israeli Policies Strengthen Iranian Hardliners; Undermine Green Movement (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Vote Green Party Today! (tags)

All out on June 8 to victory!

June 8 election: No on 14 to Save Peace & Freedom & Green Parties (tags)

On Tuesday, June 8, you can to something to help the Palestinian liberation struggle: Vote No on 14 to save Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party, the 2 parties that support the Palestinian liberation struggle. Also vote no on 16 to stop PG&E and No on 17 to stop Mercury Insurance. And Leonard Martin for School Superintendent. PLEASE VOTE TUESDAY JUNE 8, 2010!

Democratic Party Endorses Israeli Massacre on Gaza Aid Ship (tags)

Democratic Vice President Joe Biden, a heart beat away from Democratic Party Pres Obama, announced he supported the illegal and deadly Israeli attack on the Gaza humanitarian ships. Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party support the Gaza humanitarian ships. If you are still registered Democrat, change your registration now.

Green Party U.S. Senate Candidate Says Prop 14 is a “Power Grab” by Big Business Interests (tags)

Prop 14 is an attempt by big business interests to consolidate their stranglehold over elections under the guise of “reform.”

Greens congratulate Caroline Lucas, UK's first Green in Parliament, on victory (tags)

"The election of the first Green to the British House of Commons is cause for celebration among Greens in the US and for everyone who wants to see a new direction in politics and an end to the stranglehold of the pro-war pro-corporate old parties," said Cynthia McKinney, the Green Party's 2008 nominee for President of the United States and former member of the US House of Representatives from Georgia. "If Greens can win a seat in the UK, we can win one or more seats in Congress

Meet Green Party Gubernatorial Candidate Laura Wells in L.A., May 22, 2010 (tags)

Laura Wells is running an active statewide Green Party campaign for Governor with two key goals: To bring into the public discourse policy options that neither "Titanic party" candidate will touch and To continue building the Green Party into a viable major party, anticipating and helping bring about the day when there will be a major shift in our state's and our country's political landscape.

Celebrate Hemp History with Green Party! (tags)

May 19, 2010: Join the Los Angeles Greens for vegetarian potluck and a talk on "How industrial hemp will help California's economy." Using hemp for food, medicine, fuel, fiber, paper and up to 50,000 products made from industrial hemp; provides jobs, cultivates the soil, preserves the trees, and creates energy we can inject into our struggling economy.

Robina Suwol of CA. Safe Schools, Local Hero Nominee for Heart of Green Award (tags)

Heart of Green Award 26 Real People Making a Real Difference

Taking on a charter school closing (tags)

This is a repost of an article in SW about the closing of Animo Justice school in South Central. The school was operated by Green Dot charter schools.

Laura Wells, California Green Party Candidate for Governor, on KPFA Radio, 03.15.2010 (tags)

The California Green Party's 2010 candidate for governor spoke with the KPFA Morning Show on March 15, 2010.

VIDEO: BookTV Discussion of Rachel Carson "Silent Spring" (tags)

Paul Driessen is author of "Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death." Linda Lear is author of the biography "Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature." "We care more about our green lawns than about songbirds. Pesticides are persistent and can't be simply repressed. Birds and fish have injested pollutants. Humility and arrogance are part of our collective life story. We are not in control of nature and have to think of the whole of things, the interlocking nature of life.." RELATED LINK: "Trees have Standing" William O. Douglas, the longest serving Supreme Court justice (35 years), was an uncompromising civil libertarian and lover of life. Growing up in upstate New York, he grieved when lakes became cesspools. Lakes are not anti-freeze and mountains are more than landfill. Reducing nature to short-term profit is a blindness and path to anthropomorphic self-destruction.

20 Theses against a Green Capitalism (tags)

Is a Green New Deal possible? These theses were published in an English translation in: Prager Fruhling (Prague Spring) in December 2009.

Climate Justice, Not Growth Mania (tags)

"In green capitalism, the bio-crisis is at the center of the growth strategy. The Green New Deal represents a kind of ecological inversion of Kennedy's famous sentence: Ask not what you can do for the environment but what the environment can do for you..."

Green Party of California 20th Anniversary Celebration, Feb. 6 (tags)

EVENT REMINDER SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6th: Green Party of California 20th Anniversary Celebration Green Party of California: 1990 to the present Celebrate Green History • Look Ahead • Green Politics • Fun Saturday, February 6, 2010 • 12pm to 9pm

Thousands to Demonstrate for Green Power! (tags)

Become a revolutionary agent of change!

All Cards on the Table: For a Social Ecological New Deal (tags)

The neoliberal and fossilist finance market capitalism has become a discontinued model. With his New Deal, Roosevelt introduced state pensions, unemployment insurance and the minimum wage, reduced working hours and strengthened unions.

Google/Paypal Owners Building "Green" Electric Car On Downey Toxic Dump Site?1/9 (tags)

Google owners Larry Page and Sergey Brin and former Paypal owner Elon Musk who is now CEO of Telsa Motors Inc. are planning to possibly build a "green" electric car on the highly toxic dump site in Downey owned by toxic site developer Stuart Licther. Lichter recently lost a SLAPP suit when he tried to shut up injured workers and worker advocates.

Join Robina Suwol, Founder of CA Safe Schools (tags)

Children’s Environmental Health & Justice Champion Speaking at Green California Schools Summit & Exposition

Global Greens stand with Rwandan Greens (tags)

The Global Greens today called for urgent and clear intervention by Rwandan President Paul Kagame to assure the democratic rights and security of the peaceful, democratic, green activists who participated in the Founding Congress of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda (DGPR) held on the 30th October 2009.

British Columbia's Premier Takes His Environmental Hypocrisy to Los Angeles (tags)

The Premier of British Columbia is in California today for the Governors' summit on Climate Action, even though his record at home is one of environmental hypocrisy. Campbell has been pushing for coastal drilling for oil and gas, and campaigning to open up crude oil tanker traffic along the coastline of the Great Bear Rainforest.

The drumbeat of fear mongering propaganda continues: What are State and the Pentagon plan (tags)

"The AUC were a phenomenon that was changed by they looked for cultivation and smuggling zones, so this is what permeated the [border] zone, including today [the phenomenon] is still present in [Venezulean border state] Tachira with [paramilitary group] the Black Eagles." Venezuelan journalist Alberto Nolia, analysing the interview, said, "Its clear the Colombian government was completely involved in the conspiracy...Garcia has linked the government of Uribe with the paramilitaries and with drug smuggling."

Healthcare Town Meeting -- Congresswoman Diane Watson (tags)

Health Care - Tell Your Story - Kill the Rumors on Thursday, August 27th at 6:30pm. Congresswoman Diane E. Watson and Speaker of the House Karen Bass will highlight how the Healthcare Reform will impact us.

WorldFest, LA Green, Compassionate Music Fest (tags)

Created out of the desire to bring a compassionate and earth-friendly lifestyle to the broadest possible audience, WorldFest is expected to welcome over five thousand visitors. The day-long festival will be filled with music, celebrities, environmental speakers, a health hut, educational booths, kids’ activities, animal adoptions, a poetry festival, beer and wine garden and a vegan, earth-friendly food court.

The Philippine Bataan Nuclear Power Plant is not safe. (tags)

The Bataan Nuclear Power Plant is not safe, not economically sound, not insurable, not sustainable. It is tainted with corruption. Statement Calling for Rejection of the Proposal to Recommission the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant

Registering Green to run for Partisan Office in2010 (tags)

How to run as a Green in 2010


There is a flurry of activities in the Philippine countryside spurred by the recent escalation of UN campaign on climate change. Forums, symposiums and trade shows, addressing the issues and technology are taking the character of a new cottage industry in the making. But what is remarkably noticeable is the proliferation of foreign companies peddling a plethora of items related to the UN initiative, from contraptions to capture fugitive emission to financing mechanisms and templates on organizational structures to facilitate a better chance of certification from pertinent UN bodies.

LA Go Green Expo: An Affluent Affair (tags)

A first hand account of the 2009 LA Go Green Expo.

1/1 Palestine: Cynthia McKinney-We Lived to Tell the Story: Lebanon Rescued Us (tags)

Former Rep. Cynthia McKinney says the aid ship she was on was rammed by an Israeli warship, an allegation Israel denies....

Call Congress/Senate to Protest US-Israel Genocide (tags)

The latest chapter of the genocidal war of US-Israel against Palestine was deliberately perpetrated while Congress is on vacation this week, but theirl phones do have voice mail, so please do call either locally or ito DC. If the mailbox is full, try another time. And please stop voting for Democrat-Republicans, the 100% pro-Israel gang, and instead vote Peace & Freedom or Green.

Registering Green to run for Partisan Office in 2010 (tags)

How to run as a Green in 2010


Now that America has chosen our next president, the real work of reinvigorating our great nation begins. That's why I am thrilled to share with you that "FUEL," the critically acclaimed Sundance award-winning documentary on green energy, opens in theaters this month! The film, FUEL informs people about green energy solutions that exist today and motivates viewers to take action now. By achieving our goal of 15 million Americans seeing FUEL by the end of 2009, we can generate the nation-wide support necessary to end our addiction to oil.

Green Dissent: Why I Won't Vote for California Dems (tags)

The Field polls says California is going for Barack Obama 55% to 33%. Very well. My "Brotha" Barack doesn't need my vote and pumping Dem numbers only encourages our local Los Angeles scoundrels

Vote Green! Piera-Avila for Council (tags)

For 3 decades, LINDA PIERA-AVILA has been a passionate environmental, social justice, electoral reform and peace activist. Now she is putting herself on the line and running for Santa Monica City Council to put the public back into public service!

Alert: FDA OKs Irradiated Spinach, EPA Sued 4 B Collapse Cover-up (tags)

Latest issue of OCA newsletter "Organic Bytes" alerts consumers about FDA approval of irradiated spinach, and features the lawsuit against the EPA for covering up the bee colony collapse. Other articles include victory gardens to support food independence.

DNC Protest, Split, and the Principled Stand of Cynthia McKinney (tags)

"As the United States activated Navy ships and the Air Force to begin an airlift of non-specified goods into the former Soviet state of Georgia, and military exercises began in the Persian Gulf near Iran, I received communications from certain individuals among the Colorado Greens who were organizing campaign support events there, suggesting that I not participate in an anti-war program being organized by other individuals in Colorado." -Cynthia McKinney In addition, the Green Party of Colorado has issued false statements to the press and all over the internet claiming that Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney will not be participating in the Recreate ’68 events. Here is one such statement from Dave Chandler, co-chair of the Colorado Green Party, Green Party candidate for U.S. Congress in the Seventh Congressional District, and supporter of a Denver ballot measure that would seize the vehicles of illegal immigrants: “Cynthia McKinney, Green Party candidate for President, and Rosa Clemente, Green Party candidate for Vice President are NOT participating in any Recreate ‘68 activities. Both candidates, and the Green Party of Colorado, are refuting this announcement and are stating that neither candidate, nor the Green Party of Colorado, are in any way associated with Recreate ’68, nor will any of their candidates be speaking at or attending any event, nor are they in any way associated with the group Recreate ’68.” This is a blatant lie. Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente will be speaking at the Recreate ’68 events.

Cynthia McKinney is Green Party Presidential nominee (tags)

Cynthia McKinney named 2008 Green Party candidate for President. McKinney picks hip-hop activist, Rosa Clemente, as running mate.

Cynthia McKinney Wins Green Party Presidential Nomination (tags)

Cynthia McKinney won the right to be the Green Party of the United States presidential candidate in 2008 today at the GP-US Convention in Chicago.

Hunger, GMOs and Speculation (tags)

Like many other countries, Kenya provided its own staple foods until the 1980s. Today the country imports 80% of its food. To buy up the entire grain harvest of the US, only $120 billion is needed-a small amount for speculators on currency market

VIDEOS: South Central Farm - Feinstein, Piera-Avila oppose warehouse at Farm (tags)

testimony at LA City Hall to support South Central Farm

Animal Abusers in Los Feliz (tags)

Animal abusers will be present during the Los Feliz street scene this sunday June 8th.

VIDEOS: Global Green Congress 2008 (tags)

Videos from the just concluded Global Green Party Congress in Sao Paolo, Brazil

Mr. Potato Heads Off Food Crisis! (tags)

Like a microcosm of what would eventually occur throughout most of the world, people in the US became increasingly dependent upon the agricultural, chemical, and petroleum industries for the production and delivery of "food." Diets that were once healthy became unnatural and based largely upon processed, powdered, light-weight, (easily shipped and stored) grains instead of locally grown, nutrient-dense, fresh organic vegetables and fruits. This dependency began in earnest around the 1930s, the years referred to by some as "the Dirty Thirties." Those were years when corporate profits at all costs seemed to take precedence and business became more important than people. ...............................................................................

VIDEO: Green Party of California - Mike Feinstein on Insider Exclusive, Los Angeles (tags)

Mike Feinstein, former Green Mayor of Santa Monica, is interviewed on"Insider Exclusive's Energy & Environmental Advisor" series in Los Angeles, on climate change, carbon taxes, true cost pricing, green building codes, regional planning, universal health care, living wages, instant run-off voting. May 12th, 2007.

Party w/bands & Green Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney (tags)

Join the L.A. Greens and Green Party Presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney for a party/benefit at Zero Point Artspace located at 1049 32nd St (at Central) in south downtown (north of USC campus). April 12, 2008 8pm-1am.

Earth Citizens Warm to new" ALL GREEN DIRECTORY"! (tags)

A new" ALL GREEN" educational website for searching out ways to "Green Up"faster!

STAR WARS PROTEST: Vandenberg Air Force Base (tags)

VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, CA: On the 25th anniversary of the ICBM program at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, activists gathered to march and rally in support of nuclear disarmament in outer space.

Green Resolutions Ride (more coverage) (tags)

Additional coverage of the green bicycle tour which occurred on February 23.

VIDEO: Focus the Nation on Climate Change - Mike Feinstein @ Santa Monica College (tags)

National Teach-in on Climate Change

Cal Prop & P&F & Green Results with 88% Precincts Reporting (tags)

With 88% of California precincts reporting, we have the usual reactionary election results of a minority of the population, mostly not the workingclass, voting for gambling. Peace & Freedom Party and the Greens need to register millions of the workingclass if we are to see better election results.

Green Party Primary Coverage (tags)

Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney and Elaine Brown are among the contenders for the Green Party presidential nomination. This article includes primary results, and reports and analysis from the polls.

Former Democratic Rep. Cynthia McKinney Seeks Presidency as Green Party Nominee (tags)

Former Democratic Rep. Cynthia McKinney is now seeking the Green Party presidential nomination and will be on the ballot in the Tuesday, February 5th, Presidential Primary

LA Greens recommendations for Feb. 5 Election (tags)

Recommendations for the Feb. 5, 2008 Primary Ballot by the Los Angeles Greens, include a detailed analysis by the Alameda County Greens and the GPCA Green Focus publication PDF.

Liberation News Voting Recommendations (tags)

Every four years the American people are subjected to the farce of bourgeois democracy, a “democracy” where only the candidates chosen by the very wealthy have any chance of being elected. That season of nicely dressed pathological liars and false hopes is now upon us. Since the corporate media of the United States has long ago abandoned any semblance of reporting on anything of substance about candidates such as voting records and actual political views, it is up to the journalists of the left press and Indy-media to do so.

Green Party Presidential Debate Videos (tags)

Video of Green Party Presidential Debate in San Francisco, featuring Green Presidential candidates Jared Ball, Jesse Johnson, Cynthia McKinney, Kent Mesplay and Kat Swift, on January 13th, 2008. Video at

In Search of Green Resolutions: The Ride (tags)

Join C.I.C.L.E. and friends as we explore the Silver Lake and Los Feliz neighborhoods by bicycle in search of green and sustainable living ideas on our Urban Expeditions “Green Resolutions Ride”.

Green Party Presidential Debate, Sunday, January 13th, San Francisco (tags)

Green Party Presidential Debate, Sunday, January 13th, San Francisco

Green Party: A Presidential Debate That Matters, Jan. 13 (tags)

SAN FRANCISCO – The first, and only, live debate between candidates on the Green Party’s California ballot for President of the United States – featuring a former Democratic Party member of Congress, consumer protection icon, professor and environmental engineer – is scheduled here January 13, 2008, said John Morton of the Green Presidential Debate Committee

Vot Jan 7 to Feb 7 in Cal; Red/Green Campaigns (tags)

You can vote by mail from January 7 through February 5, 2008 in the California primary. The only serious peace candidates are the socialist and Green Party candidates. Instead of the staged Democrat-Republican campaigns in Iowa and New Hampshire, we should be hearing on all other peace media about the socialist and Green Party campaigns, the latter being on the ballot in all 50 states plus Washington, D.C

Cindy Sheehan Moderates Green Party Presidential Debate (tags)

"Campaign 2008: A Presidential Debate that Matters" COME SEE AND HEAR . . . • Ralph Nader • Cynthia McKinney • Jared Ball • Kent Mesplay . . . TALKING ABOUT THE ISSUES OF THE DAY! o be held in San Francisco's historic Herbst Theater on January 13th, 2008.

Head-Roc Continues To Get Greens behind BALL in 0 (tags)

Seeing the importance of California Green Party members, Head-Roc, co-campaign manager and independent hiphop artist, is continuing the Jared Ball/Capitol Resistance California Tour. Expressing his commitment to deliver the campaign's message of hope and inspiration Head-Roc stated “I’m excited about continuing the wonderful fellowship with California Greens as part of Dr. Ball’s efforts to earn the Green Party’s Presidential nomination, and continue to deliver the candidate's message of hope”.

"Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic (tags)

On this God-forsaken island Bill Gates is investing tens of his millions along with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation and the Government of Norway, among others, in what is called the ‘doomsday seed bank.’ Officially the project is named the Svalbard Global Seed Vault on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, part of the Svalbard island group.

LAquaker (tags)


Peter Camejo & Nativo Lopez Support Donna Warren & John Wegner for KPFK Board (tags)

It is regretable that some Greens have attempted to bring internal Green Party conflicts into the KPFK election. It is unfortunate enough that our party has such problems, without having Green Party members bringing our internal disputes into an election as important as the election to the KPFK board.


Supporters of Donna Warren and John Wenger for KPFK Board Reply to Swiftboating Attack on their Candidacies

Donna Warren and John Wenger are not recommended by Independents and Grassroots Greens (tags)

An Open Letter from a group of long-time Green Party members and other independent community activists who are running for KPFK's Local Station Board Election exposing anomalies about the candidacies of Donna Warren and John Wenger.

Fri 11/16 & Sat 11/17: Authors Scahill & Jamail- Blackwater & Beyond the Green Zone (tags)

Two Evenings with Two of the Most Dynamic Voices of the New Generation of Independent Unembedded Journalists: Dahr Jamail and Jeremy Scahill: Appearing Together in LA Area For Two Nights - Book Signing to Follow Friday, November 16th and Saturday, November 17th

More Green Party Bullshit... (tags)

Just when you thought there was nothing more to say about the Green’s self-destructive behavior. In the last few days I’ve taken a gander at what the Greens have been talking about on their discussion list. Nope, they are not talking about how they are going to end the war. Nor how they are going to organize to fight the Democrats. They are instead preparing to cyberlynch John Murphy, the delegate from Pennsylvania that I wrote about in a column earlier this week.

The End of the Green Party? (tags)

While the Democratic Party refuses to impeach President Bush, continues to fund the war and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan through 2009, spreads the same lies about Iran's nuclear ambitions, and gives the administration a blank check for domestic spying, what are the leaders of the Green Party up to? Fasten your safety belts kiddos because they are doing some astonishing things.

Big Green Weekend-11th Hour film and Green Party Workshops UCLA (tags)

Green Party Candidate Training and Strategy Sessions at UCLA, Aug. 25-26, Plus a Saturday evening event, starting with dinner at Monsoon Restaurant on the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, followed by a special viewing of new environmental blockbuster "The 11th Hour" with Q&A afterward.

Vote Green in 37th CD Special Election August 21st (tags)

Green Party candidate Daniel Brezenoff in August 21st CD Special Election

green vs green (tags)

On a cool spring morning a quarter century ago, a place in Pennsylvania called Three Mile Island exploded into the headlines and stopped the US nuclear power industry in its tracks. What had been billed as the clean, cheap, limitless energy source for a shining future was suddenly too hot to handle.

“Green” capitalism: German Greens adopt new economic programme (tags)

Germany’s Green Party recently agreed to a new economic programme, published under the title “The Green free-market economy.” The programme paper was developed by prominent party figures under the auspices of the party’s parliamentary faction leader Fritz Kuhn, heralding the free market as the guardian angel of the environment—and their own wallets. Every line of this document reflects the class outlook of the upper middle class—those owning medium-sized businesses and the better-off self-employed—by glorifying the market and private property, while simultaneously expressing the authors’ fear of mounting social inequalities. The entire document is characterised by a continuous “on the one hand...and on the other hand” type of argument.

Are you ready for Whole Foods radio? (tags)

As much as we all like parts of KPFK, it really is time to start a green-themed radio station, advertisor-supported by strictly green business. Additional funding by fund drives is also possible. Whole Foods and Co-op America are named as likely principals.

Green Party Candidate Brezenoff optimistic for 37th CD runoff (tags)

At a Long Beach coffee shop Wednesday morning,( June 27, 2007), Green Party candidate Daniel A. Brezenoff held a news conference to remind voters that the race for the 37th Congressional District is not over.

Green Candidate Brezenoff Criticizes New Energy Bill (tags)

"The energy bill now before the Senate, far from being any kind of solution to our economic and environmental crises, represents exactly the kind of thinking and legislating that has brought us to the point of crisis in the first place," says Brezenoff.

Video: Santa Monica Impeachment Rally, June 19 (tags)

A growing coalition of Los Angeles Peace Groups including the Green Party of Caifornia and Progressive Democrats came together on June 19, 2007 to call on the Santa Monica City Council to pass an impeachment resolution. Over 90 people participated in the pro-Impeachment rally.

The Green Scare - Rod Coronado (tags)

The Green Scare Rod Coronado gave a talk in San Diego and the feds called his words ‘terrorism.’ How new laws are equating environmentalists with Al Qaeda Link to the LA City Beat Story

The Green Scare (tags)

The Green Scare Rod Coronado gave a talk in San Diego and the feds called his words ‘terrorism.’ How new laws are equating environmentalists with Al Qaeda ~ By DEAN KUIPERS ~

Greens condemn brazen brutality of LAPD (tags)

The Green Party of California today condemned the "brazen brutality" of the Los Angeles Police Department at a peaceful May 1, 2007 immigration rights march here where dozens of demonstrators – and members of the news media – were clubbed and shot by so-called "non-lethal" projectiles.

San Francisco becomes the first city in nation to ban plastic bags (tags)

San Francisco becomes the first city in nation to ban plastic bags; Green Party supervisor leads fights to save planet, marine life. Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi –one of 50 elected Green Party members in the state – pushed through an ordinance that makes San Francisco the first city in the nation to ban the use of all but the most environmentally-sound shopping bags.

Nuclear Power is Green - NOT (tags)

Here is an article that talks of a new study that shows nuclear to be not green, and the study did not even take into account the huge cost of decommissioning the plants after thier 40 years of production which must be done with robots because of the extreme radiation. The author apparently also has not been informed of the new Solar Voltaic panels that bring the cost of solar equal to coal plants.

Help Green LAUSD with Trees and Funds (tags)

Planet Green and TreePeople partner to green LAUSD with sponsored tree plantings and funds.

Greens to governor: You will fail because you won't take big money out of politics (tags)

Greens state-of-state reaction: Schwarzenegger plan can't succeed without taking big money out of state politics, Greens contend

Pfc. Steven D. Green, Golf and the Burning Bush (tags)

Golf is like life only on a larger scale.

Gov's health plan good step, but universal coverage doomed, say Greens (tags)

Governor's health plan step in right direction, but universal coverage doomed because politicos too ‘in debt' to powerful special interests, says Green Party of California.

Dope dealing feds???? (tags)

What a novel way to recruit peole to kill Arabs? Offer them coke, and fake the results on their tests.

L.A. Greens Launch Petra Kelly Scholarships (tags)

Honoring the inspirational German Green Party cofounder Petra Kelly, international peace and environmental leader, and cultivating a new generation of young activists; the Green Party Petra Kelly Scholarship awards $500 each to two students graduating from the Los Angeles Unified School District. The scholarship's inaugural winners are Rumeisha Bowyer and Carlos Hernandez.

11/7/06 Election & the 2 peace parties, P&F & Green (tags)

The California governor’s general election of 2006 was a low voter turnout election due to the deliberate lack of campaign by the pro-death penalty millionaire Democrat Phil Angelides against the pro-death penalty millionaire Republican incumbent Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. In spite of this mockery of democracy, the 2 anti-death penalty peace parties, Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party did as well as could be expected and both certainly remain on the ballot.

Sonali Kohatkar interviews Green Party Congressional Candidate Byron De Lear (tags)

Could the Greens Win a Congressional Seat? Byron De Lear would be the first Green sent to Washington. De Lear is a Pro-Peace candidate running for California’s 28th district congressional seat against Bush War Democrat Howard Berman.

December 7: A Day of Solidarity with Green Scare Indictees and Political Prisoners (tags)


CA Green Candidate May Win US House Seat (tags)

He used to help produce hits for Ace of Base and Miami Sound Machine, but now Byron De Lear, 40, has a US Congressional seat in California's San Fernando Valley within his reach. If he wins, he would become the first US House member representing the Green Party.

Irish Government rules out use of nuclear power (tags)

By Seán McCárthaigh of the Irish Examiner

Green Party strategy: interview with 3 L.A. area candidates (tags)

Three Los Angeles area Green Party candidates-- Donna Warren, Byron De Lear and Peter Thottam--are interviewed by Sonali Kolhatkar about strategy for Nov. 2006 elections.

Pro-War Diane Feinstein, What Are The Alternatives? (tags)

Feinstein herself has directly profiteered from the U.S. imposed misery she voted for in Iraq. Her husband, Richard Blum, is a billionaire investor that together with CEO Ronald Tutor own investment companies that hold 75% of the voting stock in a company called Perini. On March 12, 2004 Perini was awarded a $500,000,000 contract for rebuilding the electrical infrastructure of southern Iraq. So Feinstein is profiting from the U.S. bombing of the Iraqi infrastructure as well as its inefficient rebuilding by private U.S. contractors.

Pro-War Diane Feinstein, What Are The Alternatives? (tags)

Feinstein herself has directly profiteered from the U.S. imposed misery she voted for in Iraq. Her husband, Richard Blum, is a billionaire investor that together with CEO Ronald Tutor own investment companies that hold 75% of the voting stock in a company called Perini. On March 12, 2004 Perini was awarded a $500,000,000 contract for rebuilding the electrical infrastructure of southern Iraq. So Feinstein is profiting from the U.S. bombing of the Iraqi infrastructure as well as its inefficient rebuilding by private U.S. contractors.

Run Forrest Run! (tags)

The first TV ad ever for a statewide Green Party candidate!

US Green Berets To Liberate Mexican Oil (tags)

Various news agencies throughout the I-Net are reporting that...

Green Party Leader Convicted of Taking Bribes (tags)

In the wake of viewing hours of highly-incriminating videotape surveillance from federal prosecutors, a jury today convicted Dean Zimmermann of accepting bribes.  The former Green Councilman was indicted last January in the wake of an FBI corruption probe.

SEP candidate to participate in Spanish-language radio program (tags)

John Burton, the Socialist Equality Party candidate for US Congress in California’s 29th Congressional District, will be participating in a program on the Spanish-language station KTNQ, AM 1020, on Saturday night, August 5. The broadcast, which begins at 9:30 p.m. Pacific Time, is hosted by Alan Diamante, a prominent immigration and civil rights attorney in Los Angeles.

"El Futuro es Verde / The Future is Green" National Mtg of Green Party in Tucson (tags)

The Green Party of the United States is holding our annual national meeting in Tucson Arizona, on the edge of the border, in the Sonoran desert. In many, ways Arizona is a hub for some of the most important activism of the day. This spring, the state saw the largest demonstration in its history, when hundreds of thousands of immigrants and their allies marched for justice -the Arizona Greens proudly participated. The politics of water privatization, sustainable development, and justice are omnipresent. These are burgeoning issues, not just for Arizona, but increasingly so for the rest of the country.

Fanning the Flames of Resistance (tags)

A benefit for those resisting the green scare

Derrick Jensen Green Scare Benefit (tags)

Fanning the Flames of Resistance A benefit for those resisting the Green Scare ...featuring Derrick Jensen


Statement of solidarity from Venezuela with the South Central Farmers obtained through a transmission made between Los Angeles and two Venezuelan radios: Radio Nacional , and radio YVKE/MUNDIAL as part of the international solidarity events to take place between July 7 and July 10, 2006.

Camejo pushing for three way debate, not multi-party democracy (tags)

Green Party Gov. candidate Peter Camejo is appealing for funds to air TV ads to raise his profile and get himself into the 'debates' with Gropenator and Angelides. But there seems to be no effort to link the call for his inclusion with the right of the candidates of the other three ballot qualified parties to also be included.

FBI informers' hotel orgy led U.S. prosecutor to shelve cases (tags)

Trust the government. They NEVER do anything wrong!!!!!

South Central Farm: Arrest Tally (tags)

Today there City Council further shamed itself. By failing ot act they have become accomplices with Ralph Horowitz. A new Palestine and Israel has been kicked off.

Calif. Green running for US House speaks at World Peace Forum (tags)

International, Political and Academic Leaders Rally in Support of De Lear Campaign Prior to World Peace Forum Presentation; and endorse Green Party candidate Byron De Lear for US House, San Fernando Valley

Green syndicalist response to CA water board decision (tags)

The usually deaf (hard of hearing) official characters of the CA water board are directly responsible for the increased militarization of labor and ecoactivists in the pesticide soaked central valley..

The International Socialist Organization and the 2006 election (tags)

The International Socialist Organization is holding a conference this weekend in New York City under the slogan “Socialism 2006—Build the Left, Fight the Right.” An examination of the perspective upon which this gathering has been organized, however, makes clear that it is aimed at promoting a “left” variety of bourgeois politics, in the form of the Green Party, which can serve only to divert a mass movement that arises against the right-wing policies of the two major parties and lead it into a political dead end.

Leftist solon gets green light to leave RP (tags)

REPRESENTATIVE Satur Ocampo finally got the green light to board his flight to Frankfurt Friday night after the Department of Justice (DoJ) allowed him to leave the country. "The Arroyo government tried but failed to stop me from going to Geneva,” said Ocampo, who has been accused of plotting a coup against President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

Wow!!! A special type of arrest and on the spot plea bargin for gov employees (tags)

Wow!!!! A special type of arrest and on the spot plea bargin that allows government employees guilty of crimes to get a slap on the wrist with out being arrested or charged with a crime

Czech Greens enter right-wing government (tags)

Following the Czech parliamentary elections of June 2 and 3, the Green Party is now preparing to join the right-wing government of the arch-conservative Citizens Party (ODS). The Greens have now entered an Eastern European parliament for the first time, with Strana Zelenych (SZ) receiving 6.3 percent of the vote. Clearly, the Green Party in Prague is beginning its political odyssey at the point it left off in Germany—as a governing party; but this time no longer in alliance with the Social Democrats, but instead with politically conservative and right-wing parties.

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Latest Edition of Green Issues (tags)

Powerful hurricanes could cause subsea quakes and tsunamis... Bush promotes use of aerial gunning, poisoning of wildlife in national parks...the point of no return for Earth's oceans may be near....How contrails modify local warming and west coast mudslides...Marshall Islands drowning as sea level rises...the latest phony EPA "experts" unmasked....more...

Multi-Party Progressive Slate for California (tags)

The Green Party and California Peace and Freedom Parties have each fielded a full slate of candidates for statewide office in the Nov. 2006 General Election. Following is a list that should be considered in the interest of building a true multi-party democracy.

Weekend of Resistance: New Website - (tags)

A new website has been launched to help kick off the Weekend of Resistance against the Green Scare. Resist the Green Scare!

Europe’s ‘Green’ militarists (tags)

The days when the German Green Party opposed international military operations by Germany’s armed forces, or at least criticized them, have long since passed. After seven years in government, the party has returned to the opposition benches, but it has by no means returned to its former pacifist positions. The Greens are among the most avid proponents of a German military mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, one that could easily become the most extensive and dangerous foreign operation conducted by German soldiers since World War II.

International Weekend of Resistance Against The Green Scare (tags)

A total of 29 events are planned worldwide for the International Weekend of Resistance Against the Green Scare June 9 - 11, 2006

Sunday at the Farm (tags)

Strengthening community ties to SAVE THE FARM

California Greens join celebrities, tree-sitters in 'solidarity' with South Central LA far (tags)

Green Party of California Press Release

Partial Video from 5/25 Press Conference to Save the South Central Farm (tags)

Partial video of today's press conference to Save the South Central Farm

Green Party endorses three candidates (tags)

Green Party of Los Angeles County makes endorsements

Green Party calls for City of Los Angeles to preserve South Central Farm (tags)

Press Release by the Green Party of Los Angeles County

A Review of Immigration Proposals in Congress (tags)

A Choice Between Bad and Worse: Why We Can't Compromise on Immigration Legislation

Se puede? Not by protest alone (tags)

It only took a day for the effect of the immigration protests to be known. On May 2nd politicians from both parties gave a wealth of interviews and speeches that clarified their positions: nothing had changed. In fact, many had remarked that the protest had a ‘backlash effect’, hardening and inflaming the already conservative opinions of Republicans, while dulling the already flimsy stance of Democrats. Trent Lott, in speaking for many on the right, implied that a massive deportation sweep during the protests would have been appropriate, given that “we had ‘em all in a bunch”. On the other side of the isle, Diane Feinstein gave a more passive response to the protests, representing the unaffected character of most Democrats to the millions who appeared in the streets; the passionate outcry from the masses was referred to as ‘counterproductive’, since protesting does not “changes votes on the floor of the senate”— the latter point is certainly true, becoming more obvious as pro-immigration and anti-war protests continue to draw millions, but fall onto deaf ears in Congress. Demonstrations, boycotts, protests, or any other indication of public opinion has proven unable to sway the actions of either party. The façade of the two-party system is unveiling itself with impressive speed as social tensions near the boiling point.

Detailed account of police harassment at City Hall - PHOTOS/VIDEO (tags)

Photos, video and text account of police harassment operation to clear the park around City Hall after the Mayday march for immigrants rights.

German Greens, Conservatives draw closer together (tags)

Last week, the conservative Christian Democratic Party (CDU) and the free-market liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP) started official talks aimed at forming a new coalition government in the state of Baden-Württemberg, after elections were held there at the end of March. Both parties aim to agree on a coalition pact by May 6. The state’s premier, Günther Oettinger (CDU), made this announcement two days before the CDU’s parliamentary faction was due to meet. The CDU had previously held two meetings each with the FDP and the Green Party to assess the possibilities of forming a coalition government. The discussions with the Greens signified yet a further convergence between the two parties and will undoubtedly be viewed in the not-too-distant future as a preparation for the first CDU-Green state government.

Weekend of Resistance Against the Green Scare! (tags)

For the past few years the weekend of June 11 was typically a time when we reflected on Jeff Free Luers' 22.5 year sentence and held events to recognize the anniversary of his incarceration. This year Jeff writes below that he wishes this year to focus on the Green Scare co-defendants. Please plan an event now! It's only 3 months away. And keep reading...

Local & State Green Party in solidarity with South Central Farmers (tags)

Green Party stands in solidarity with South Central community farmers against urban farm eviction and ‘environmental racism'

need signatures in Hemet CA (tags)

Riverside County Green Party Committee still need to collect atlest 20 valid signatures.

Riverside County Greens need partitions signatures. (tags)

Critical: Green candidates need signatures for partitions to geton ballet plus, we need signatures for fair wage initiative in Hemet CA. (Riverside county)

Green Party Hosts South Central Farmers Presentation (tags)

Tonight the Santa Monica Greens hosted a presentation and fundraiser for the South Central Farm. A short video about the farm was shown.

The Farmers Hold Their Ground (tags)

and tell the Mayor and City Council, "Thanks, but no thanks" to private buyers

The Farmers Hold Their Ground (tags)

and tell the Mayor and City Council, "Thanks, but no thanks" to private buyers

The Farmers Hold Their Ground (tags)

and tell the Mayor and City Council, "Thanks, but no thanks" to private buyers

Costa Mesa: Council member says Guinness Beer justifies immigrant crackdown (tags)

Protester: "Gary, you're a racist pig! Ha! Ha! We'll be back!" Reply from city councilman: “’re a fag!” Monahan says that his experience selling Guinness instead of Coors Light justfies Costa Mesa’s immigrant (ICE) crackdown Extra: Jim Gilchrist goes crazy over Green men

LA Green Party endorses campaign to save the South Central Farm. (tags)

Valley Congressional Candidate replies to State of Union (tags)

Byron De Lear, Green Party candidate for Congress in the Valley's 28th District, is featured in Green video rebuttals to Bush's State of the Union speech.

Green Video rebuttals to State of Union speech (tags)

Byron De Lear, Green Party candidate for Congress in the Valley's 28th District, is featured in Green video rebuttals to Bush's State of the Union speech.

Green Party prepares rebuttal to Bush's State of the Union address (tags)

Green response to Bush and to the Democrats' rebuttal will include: call for withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq; White House crimes and impeachment; need for National Health Insurance and dramatic steps to curb global warming.

Raise the CA Minimum Wage Initiative--training Jan. 23 (tags)

Join in the statewide coalition to raise the minimum wage to $7.75 with an annual cost-of-living-increase.

Smash Anarcho-Fascism (tags)

Anarcho-Fascists Attempt to Organise

To End Death Penalty: Vote for Anti-Death Penalty Candidates & Parties (tags)

If you are serious about ending the death penalty, you have to vote for candidates of the socialist Peace & Freedom Party or the Green Party as those are the 2 anti-death penalty parties. Democrat Atty Gen Lockyer enthusiastically joins Republican Schwarzenegger in murdering human beings with our tax dollars, and is supported by pro-death penalty Senators Boxer and Feinstein, all Democratic candidates for President, the Democrats sitting on the US Supreme Court (Breyer dissented this time only) and sitting on the 9th Circuit. You get what you vote for.

Green Party response to Arnold's State of State speech (tags)

Response to State-of-the-State: Green Party says Governor, Democratic Party not offering ‘real reform' to Californians

Greens Best/Worst list of 2005 (tags)

Green Party of California tabs Schwarzenegger, Bush as 2005 ‘Bad Guys,' lists Cindy Sheehan, Green activist killed in Iraq among ‘Heroes'

Green Party Window Dressing Undermines Working Class Power (tags)

Electoral politics for socialists has always been tricky. Eugene Debbs, the firebrand organizer and SP candidate for President fought a huge uphill battle based on his forward facing confrontation with capital, while always clearly identifying class lines. Of course, I expect nothing less from Todd Chretien, the Green Party US candidate for Senate.

Green Party’s Kevin Zeese Has New Approach (tags)

On Dec. 14, 2005, the Green Party candidate for the U.S. Senate in MD, Kevin Zeese, ripped into President Bush calling his Annapolis speech, “filled with lies!” He also demanded the U.S. get out of Iraq and admit it’s a “failed policy.” He labeled the Military-Industrial Complex, the “greatest threat to our country.” Zeese also wants a “Single Payer” health care system, a “share the wealth” economy and a fair and balanced Middle East policy.

Greens plead with governor to spare life of 'Tookie' (tags)

Green Party of California, the only major political party opposed to the death penalty, asks the governor to spare life of Stanley ‘Tookie' Williams at upcoming clemency hearing date.

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: New Green Issues Website (tags)

Political blogger Cheryl Seal announces a new website dedicated to arming activists with the latest environmental facts, stories, resources in the fight against corporate pseudo-scientists, global warming debunkers, and arrogant politicians..

Green Elected to Pasadena City College Board of Trustees (tags)

Pasadena Green Hilary Bradbury-Huang was elected to the Pasadena Board of Trustees of Pasadena City College on Tuesday night, upsetting a well-financed, long-term Republican incumbent to win her seat.

Opportunity Knocks for the Green Party (tags)

President George W. Bush’s approval numbers are falling faster than the values of Ken Lay’s Enron stock. Nationwide, Bush is at 39 percent, while in Maryland, he has dipped further to 33 percent. As Bush’s goes, so goes the GOP. It’s time for the Green Party to make its move. The Democrats are part of the corrupt Two-Party duopoly. The country needs an alternative. In MD, Kevin Zeese is running as a Green Party candidate for the U.S. Senate.

It's official: Minuteman Jim Gilchrist is a nut! (tags)

Faced with increasingly tough questions from conservatives about his recently stated support for Peter Camejo, revolution and redistribution of the wealth, as well as his high praise of the Seattle anti-WTO demonstrators, Minuteman candidate says five Greens were charged for attempted murder in Garden Grove and that Greens are domestic terrorists.

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Sgt. Jonathan Tessar, 36, a Green Beret who always wanted to be a soldier was killed Monday when an bomb detonated near a Humvee carrying the Simi Valley native and three other soldiers near Al Mahmudiyah, Iraq.

Green Party Demands Retraction of False Statements by Jim Gilchrist (tags)

The Green Party of Orange County demands a retraction of slanderous statements made by Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project and American Independent candidate for Congress in the 48th Congressional District, accusing the Green Party of being "terrorists" and individual Greens of orchestrating "mayhem" and "attempted murder."

'Dangerous Dan' (tags)

Former Green Beret Comes Clean About Mafia-Like Hit On Military Officer Who Knew Too Much About Kennedy Assassination Called 'Dangerous Dan' by his military buddies does an about face from being a Green Beret and military hitman to now fighting for Christ as a born again Christian. Once he found the Lord, the former Special Forces Lt. Col. says he no longer fears the assassins who have tried in the past to kill him for going public in a tell-all book.

The Fix is In - American Media Ignore Downing Street Memo (tags)

Over the last month, the American media has studiously avoided a story that has dominated the rest of the world. A leak transcript of a meeting with the British Prime Minister well before the invasion of Iraq showed that the US had decided to go to war even though it had no proof of weapons of mass destruction. Mainstream media argue that there is no news, that the American people already knew that the Bush admistration was mistaken. Conservative talk show hosts continue to deny that there are any problems. In a small, cramped room in the Capitol, Cong. Conyers held hearings on the Downing Street Memo. Ralph Nader, the Green Party and Rep. Maurice Hinchey call for impeachment.


A co-founder of France's Green Party in 1984, Ginette Skandrani, has been expelled after a trial by the party's regional administrative committee in the Ile de France region, which includes Paris and its suburbs, after formal complaints were filed against her, the center-left Parisian daily Liberation reported today -- under the headline, "A Green Too Brown for Her Party".

The Allied Media Conference (tags)

The Allied Media Conference is right around the corner: June 17-19. This is the 7th year that hundreds of zinesters, radio pirates, copwatchers, podcasters, community journalists, hip hop heads, librarians and more will be gathering in Bowling Green, Ohio. If you're building alternative media, you should be there, too.

Green Party: Impeach Bush Now! (tags)

author: Common Dreams The Downing Street Memo proves that invasion of Iraq wasn't the 'last resort' but Bush's intent all along, leading to cooked intelligence and other impeachable offenses; Greens note bipartisan and media complicity in overlooking evidence of deceit, urge public protest

The Allied Media Conference (tags)

The Allied Media Conference is right around the corner: June 17-19. This is the 7th year that hundreds of zinesters, radio pirates, copwatchers, podcasters, community journalists, hip hop heads, librarians and more will be gathering in Bowling Green, Ohio. If you're building alternative media, you should be there, too.

Charles Johnson Completes Journey to Dark Side (tags)

Charles Johnson takes his Little Green Footballs blog further to the right.

Woman's quest to decertify voting system succeeds (tags)

04/22/2005 Sheila Green of New Sewickley Township was successful in her efforts to have Beaver County stop using its $1.2 million UniLect Corp. Patriot touch-screen voting system. The Times / Lucy Schaly

Elaine Brown, former Black Panther leader, to run as Green (tags)

Elaine Brown, the only woman to lead the Black Panther Party, has declared her intention to run for Mayor of Brunswick, Georgia, as a member of the Green Party.

Earth Day Comes Alive! Audubon Center at Debs Park (tags)

Earth Day Comes Alive! Audubon Center at Debs Park Saturday April 23, 2005 9:00am to 4:00pm 4700 North Griffin Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90031


Bush often speaks of an 'ownership society' where all Americans must strive to own our own property, our own homes, cars, educations etc. So why not own our own energy-producing technology?

"Starship Troopers" benefit screening (tags)

Benefit screening of Paul Verhoeven's eerily prophetic 1997 film "Starship Troopers", followed by Q&A with cast and crew, including star Casper van Dien and writer Ed Neumeier. Proceeds go to United for Peace and Justice and local Green Party peace work. 7:PM, 02/23.05 - Laemmle Monica 4.

The GE ‘Golden Rice’ - An Exercise in How Not to do Science (tags)

Polished rice removes the nutrient rich aleurone layer for export, leaving polished rice nutrient deficient. AstraZeneca attempts to profit from selling GE rice with vitamin A from daffodils, when all people need to do is not remove the aleurone layer (but then AstraZeneca couldn't make billions off their deception)..

The Green Party Stands for Peace (tags)

Of all the parties on last November's ballot in LA County there were only two parties one could vote for that had a platform against the war. One was the Peace and Freedom Party and the other was the Green Party.


This article describes the love between a people and its homeland, and how it's realized through "Green" techniques, technologies, and farming.

"Post Partisan Depression" Greens at Doo Dah Parade (tags)

The Green Party entertained the crowd of over 30,000 with "Post Partisan Depression" at the annual Doo Dah Parade in Pasadena on Nov. 21, 2004. Doo Dah is a parody of the Rose Parade and attracts national and international press coverage.


There is no question mark after the title of this article because the title is not a question. It's a declarative statement.

SATURDAY: Last Day of Feral Visions in Southern California (tags)

Political parties & capitalism are just a root of the problem!! We MUST bring down civilization.

2nd Evening of Feral Visions Continues TONIGHT!!! (tags)

Only 3 events left in Southern California...

Feral Visions Weekend Starts TODAY!!! (tags)

The root of the problem is not republicans or capitalism- it's civilization!

Green Party to Demand Recount in Ohio via Presidential Candidate David Cobb (tags)

Green Party Presidential Candidate David Cobb declares he will stand for a recount in Ohio

4 Events of Feral Visions Weekend in Southern California (tags)

Nothing man-made lasts forever.... ....and this civilization will also fall




"I'm voting my conscience on Nov. 2; I'm voting for John Kerry....His policy proposals involve vision -- like alternative energy, more accessible health care, and funding all those children who have been left behind by the Bush administration."

BTL:Green Party Presidential Candidate Addresses Issues Major Parties Ignore... (tags)

Interview with David Cobb, Green Party presidential candidate, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Showing of "The End of Suburbia and Green Party Presidential Candidate David Cobb Spe (tags)

Showing of the documentary "The End of Suburbia" and Green Party Presidential Candidate David Cobb Speaking at the Regenerative Co-operative of Pomona.

Feral Visions - A presentation by the Green Anarchy Collective (tags)

An Introduction to Green Anarchy...

I Was Arrested but the Real Crime is the Corporate Hijacking of Our Democracy (tags)

Every time I engage in non-violent civil disobedience against an oppressive government, I revel in the power that we the people actually have. If more people engaged in civil disobedience more often, we would change the oppressive power structure much more quickly. I have been charged with trespassing on private property and the failure to obey a reasonable order by the police. But you and I know that the real crime is the corporate hijacking of our democracy.

MAPA Convention in Monterey Park DOES NOT endorse Kerry (tags)

Large state Latino political group shuns Democrats, leaves door open for support of Green for President, other elected seats (Oct. 2004)

Los Angeles Green Party recommendations on the MANY ballot propositions (tags)

Los Angeles Green Party recommendations for the NUMEROUS ballot propositions are up on our website:

Major Mexican-American political leader re-registers with Green Party (tags)

Major Mexican-American political leader re-registers GREEN, urges statewide Latino support for Green Party candidates in Fall elections

CA Green Party Facing Potential Disaster on November 2nd - Urgent Help Needed (tags)

Given our limited resources, probably the smartest action we can take to defeat Prop. 62 will be to mount a huge letters-to-the-editor campaign. If we can get four to seven 'No on 62' letters published in most every newspaper in the state, then we just might be able to defeat 62.

John Kerry for President (tags)

SPRING GREEN, WI -- Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani visited Spring Green, Wisconsin today where he unveiled the “Debate Briefing Book for Senator Kerry” (as prepared by Bush-Cheney '04) and issued the following statement.

UN Report Blames Israel For Building Fence To Confiscate Land (tags)

Israel continues to steal land for Apartheid Wall/Fence devestating thousands of lives , creating more refugees and re creating racist ghettos . US tax dollars support this form of ethnic cleansing:

Marc Cooper Red Baits Peter Camejo (tags)

Marc Cooper demonizes Peter Camejo, Ralph Nader's running mate, for his "Trotskyist" ties, an honest cricitism or yet another example of Cooper's demonization of the Left?



Take the Red/Green Pill -- Join the Green Alliance (tags)

Discontent that the Green Party missed a great opportunity to capitalize upon a giant gulf between the pro-war Democratic Party elite and anti-war rank-and-file Democrats and other voters on the left in 2004? Angry with the Democratic Party's undemocratic violation of voting rights of supporters of Ralph Nader/Peter Camejo and other candidates on the left? Want a political party that grows out of, and in turn helps grow, social movements on the left? Join the Green Alliance.

Green Activist Walt Sheasby dies from West Nile virus (tags)

Longtime Green Party activist and Claremont resident , Walt Sheasby, apparently is the seventh Californian to die from the mosquito-borne West Nile virus.

California, Take Back the Green Party! (tags)

"There's a little rebellion starting," [Peter] Camejo said this week. Camejo said in California, the bastion of Green registration, "it's a fact: The majority of the party wants to put Nader/Camejo on the ballot." (Carla Marinucci, "Nader's Ballot Hopes Hinge on State's Greens," San Francisco Chronicle, August 7, 2004). Camejo is telling the truth.

Nader in California (tags)

A response to Ralph Nader's inability to independently get on the California ballot and how Greens and anti-war advocates should respond.

Nader and his supporters have become what they hate! (tags)

Ralph Nader and his supporters exhibiting the same behaviours that they denounce in the Democrats!

Will the Fence calm the region or exacerbate the conflict? (tags)

Green Strategy 2004-2008 (tags)

How did the David Cobb/Pat LaMarche ticket receive the Green Party nomination? And what does it mean for the Green Party in particular and American politics in general? My conclusion is that the so-called "red states" Greens, by rejecting Ralph Nader/Peter Camejo campaign, first of all served to diminish the Green Party's own strength in the "safe state" of California, ironically without helping the pro-war Democratic Party candidate John Kerry (despite the hope of the Cobb/LaMarche faction) in the most crucial "swing states": Ohio (20 electors/3.6% victory margin in 2000), Florida (27/0.0%), Pennsylvania (21/4.1%), and Michigan (17/5.1%).

Green Party Convention Live on C-Span June 26 (tags)

The Green Party of the United States National Convention will be in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 23-28, 2004. C-SPAN tv will cover it LIVE on June 26. Check and for schedules.

LA's UnNaked World Bike Ride (tags)

It must have been my emails to all the city council members of Santa Monica who supported the onslaught of three to four dozen police officers who greeted us would-be, naked, cycling protestors of Oil Dependency with a paddy wagon, dune buggies, cycling escorts of their own, and video taping equipment. Who ever thought LA might be boring?

Green Party Convention Live on C-Span June 26 (tags)

The Green Party of the United States National Convention will be in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 23-28, 2004. C-SPAN tv will cover it LIVE on June 26. Check and for schedules.

International Day of Action & Solidarity with Jeff 'Free' Luers 6/12 (tags)

International Day of Action & Solidarity with Jeff 'Free' Luers June 12, 2004

Join the Greens for Nader (tags)

Download and printout a sign! Make your own event, bring them to Green or Peace events!

Petra Kelly's Legacy (tags)

Petra Kelly, widely recognized as one of the most influential people of the 20th century, was cofounder of the German Green Party. Los Angeles Greens Women's History Month Presentation emphasizes Kelly's life and education in the U.S., her many campaigns and their legacy, and her relevance to the Green movement today.

Nader Commands Small But Loyal Following (tags)

Terence Courtney, 32, a black community organizer in Atlanta, said he supports Nader because he wants "a shift in the way we allocate our resources so it goes mostly to working people, people of color, women and children and less on building weapons and bombs." Unlike the Democrats, Courtney said, Nader "is telling the truth about the relationships between the government, the military and the corporations."

Petra Kelly's Legacy (tags)

Special Los Angeles Greens Event for Women's History Month Petra Kelly, widely recognized as one of the most influential people of the 20th century, was cofounder of the German Green Party. She forged a new vision uniting ecological concerns with radical disarmament, social justice, and human rights. Presentation emphasizes Kelly's life and education in the U.S., her many campaigns and their legacy, and her relevance to the Green movement today. Guest speaker: Claire Greensfelder, March 17, 2004

Questioning a War Time President (tags)

The Lyndon Johnson factor.....

Green Party Presidential Debate at USC (tags)

Only So. Cal Presidential Debate between Green Party candidates, Feb. 14, USC, 1pm

Green Party Presidential Debate @ USC (tags)

Green Party Presidential Debate to take place at USC, February 14, 2004.

Transesterification Can Be Fun: Biodiesel in LA (tags)

What fuel is clean-burning, renewable, grown in the US, and brewed in back yards across the country? What fuel makes the murder of Iraqi children, the destruction of the arctic wilderness, and global warming obsolete? It’s called biodiesel and it’s arrived in Los Angeles.

Greensweek - A national Green bulletin - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 (tags)

Greensweek Contents: Green news; Upcoming events; Green Action: call Congress; write a letter; Good reads

OC Green Party Rally to Honor Martin Luther King (tags)

With every thing going on and Bush going to Atlanta... There is no better way to promote the values that Martin Luther King, Jr stood for than supporting working families.

1/13/04 – Santa Ana say’s No to the Iraqi War! (tags)

On Tuesday, January 13th 2004, the people of Santa Ana, the Orange County Green Party, the Not In Our Name LA Project, Our Lady of Lourdes, OC Peace Coalition, and various other human rights and anti-war groups gathered at fourth and main to march to the Federal Building and demand an end to the war in Iraq.

Candidates Forum-Green Party of LA County (tags)

Candidates Forum for the 3rd District County Council candidates for the Green Party of Los Angeles County, January 15, 2004

Green Party Presidential Candidate speaks in Santa Monica (tags)

Jan. 8: The Westside Greens host Green Party Presidential candidate Kent Mesplay, who will be speaking and answering questions about his campaign.

Camejo on Green approach to 2004 election (tags)

[The following statement was initiated by Peter Miguel Camejo. He is a life-long fighter for social justice who was the Green candidate for Governor in California in the 2002 general elections and in the 2003 recall election.]

Peter Camejo: The Avocado Declaration (tags)

A statement on third parties in the US political system.

LA County Greens win Voter Registration Award (tags)

Los Angeles County Greens gained the greatest number of registrants of all California counties statewide in the Green Party of California "Stand Up and Be Counted 2003 Registration Drive."  The honor was awarded at the December Green Party of California State Plenary in Fullerton, CA.

Green Party Carolers Cheer Up Striking Workers Monday (tags)

Coventry City Pub tour pictures (tags)

This link Article is about Coventry City social, leisure and Business Missions operating from a watercycling base camp area of the city called paradise, using a novel waterbike to help network and promote community internets.

Green win could have impact beyond city race (tags)

Shaggy-haired Matt Gonzalez, darling of the young, the hip and the non-propertied classes, is within striking distance of an upset in next Tuesday's mayoral runoff. If the 38-year-old lawyer wins, this overwhelmingly Democratic city of 791,000 would become the USA's largest to be run by a Green mayor.

Strong Green challenge in San Francisco worries Democrats (tags)

Now that the Democrat hoping to succeed Mayor Willie Brown is facing an unexpectedly tight runoff election against a Green Party candidate, the City Hall race is attracting unusual attention from national Democrats still bitter over losing California's governorship to Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger.

GP Candidate Comes to LA (tags)

Green Party Candidate for President David Cobb comes to Los Angeles.

Green Party makes a scene at Doo Dah Parade (tags)

Green Party members from Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura Counties marched with a theme "Fellowship of the Greens," at the 27th Annual Doo Dah Parade in Pasadena Sunday. Photos at:

The great Coventry watercycling pub tour (tags)

The great great great watercycling pub tour start and end at the public house called the Adam and Eve with photoes of pubs visited

USC Green Network supports Union Workers (tags)

USC Green Network supports workers at local Ralph's.

Peter Camejo on the Recall (tags)

Subject: Peter Camejo on the Recall

L.A. Greens offer support and massages to UFCW Strikers (tags)

L.A.GREENS will walk the picket line while our massage therapists give free massages to the strikers. SAT OCT 18 10a - 12n Ralphs at 3rd and La Brea, LA SUN OCT 19 10a - 12n Ralphs at Sunset and Fuller, Hollywood

Green Candidate - Peter Camejo Analyzes The Recall (tags)

10/14/03 - Camejo analyzes the recall; Debate Strategy, Vote Declines, Democrat Lies About the Polls, What Our Vote Reveals About Our Base, Democratic Party Front Organizations, Arianna Huffington, Understanding the Demos/Rupubs & more.

Peter Camejo=Arnold's best friend (tags)

Peter Camejo continues a lifetime of political damage as a professional wrecker and splitter. In Ohio in 1974 and California in 2003, Peter Camejo serves the Republicans best interests. Why is the Green Party now the Republicans' best weapon?

Green Party Candidate Camejo Had Command Performance In Debates (tags)

Green party candidate Camejo had a command performance on today's debates hosted by PBS. Only three candidates showed up for the affair, McClintock, Camejo, and Bustamante. He provided wittiness and comedy while being unafraid to expose the truth.

What To Do THIS Weekend (tags)

Only 4 days until the 3rd Green Reel Film Festival. Finally... a film fest that the masses can afford to attend!

Peter Camejo Needs Support, Write/call League of Women Voters to Be Included in Debate (tags)

Green candidate calls on League of Women Voters members to protest their organization's efforts to exclude the Green Party from gubernatorial debates. Camejo campaign will launch national web-based letter writing campaign from targeting media outlets and League of Women Voters.

October 4-5 Green Reel Film Festival in Hollywood (tags)

The Green Reel Film Festival 2003 - Hollywood, California - October 4 and 5 feature films • documentaries • shorts • cartoons • music videos The Green Reel Film Festival 2003 is the antidote to the constant beating of war-drums we are faced with every day in America, from our leaders and especially in our media. The Green Reel is Democracy in action: a true forum for ideas, and an opportunity for the otherwise stifled voices of progressive filmmakers from across the country and around the world to get their message across, whether regarding the environment, politics, LGBT issues, racism, and corporate power. Just a few of the many features this year are: Animated Shorts by Mark Fiore The Carlyle Connection Intimacy Afghanistan: From Ground Zero to Ground Zero Plan Colombia: Cashing In on the Drug War Failure Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election Human Resources A Different World is Possible Who’s Paying the Price? ...and so much more.


Four Los Angeles Unified School District schools won national recognition for their outstanding environmental work. Aldama and Fernangeles Elementary, Millikan, and Sun Valley Middle Schools, are among the first schools to participate in the national Green Flag Program, which works with schools to teach kids a hands-on approach to solving environmental health problems before they start.


The forms to send the letters are on the site - - please do so and spread this message around.

Dean's Corruption in the Green Mountain State (tags)

Conflict of interest and corruption in Dean's Vermont.

Banner link for Green Reel 2003 (tags)

Banner link for Green Reel 2003

The 2003 Green Reel Film Festival - October 4 and 5 (tags)

Oct 4 and 5, 2003 - is the antidote to the constant beating of war-drums we are faced with every day in America, from our leaders and especially in our media. The Green Reel is Democracy in action: a true forum for ideas, and an opportunity for the otherwise stifled voices of progressive filmmakers from across the country and around the world to get their message across, whether regarding the environment, politics, LGBT issues, racism, and corporate power.


SACRAMENTO - Following the unprecedented urgent polling of every active county level Green Party chapter in the state, the Green Party of California (GPCA) today announced its endorsement for Green Party member Peter Miguel Camejo for Governor.

Election Plan? (tags)

I think something more or less like this is what should have happened post election 2000, rather than relative dissolution after election day. Let’s learn from that mistake. Let’s not repeat it. Let’s demand of our process and its participants a strategy that has staying power.

Nader endorses Green Party candidate Peter Camejo for governor (tags)

Appearing at the Green Party's San Francisco headquarters, Nader said California voters should take advantage of the unprecedented recall, calling it "a great opportunity for people to rethink their role in a democratically governed system." He said Camejo understood the state's fiscal crisis better than other candidates.

The death of the lesser of two evils: if not Camejo, then Flynt! (tags)

When Real Politics gloriously and excitingly raises its head in the recall effort, many leftists bleat nervously about Republican plots, and the need to rally to the Democratic Party and its man in Sacramento.

GOV. CAMEJO? If there's no Democrat on the ballot, Green Party candidate could win (tags)

Our next Governor might be Green

Bush Lies (amsellem) (tags)

cartoon © 2003 by charles amsellem. activists may reproduce for non profit use only. all other rights reserved

Greens Call for Impeachment of Bush, Withdrawal of Troops by the Winter Holidays (tags)

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- On the final day of the 2003 national meeting of the Green Party of the United States, delegates from state Green Parties represented in the national party's Coordinating Committee approved two major proposals: (1) The Green Party endorsed a call to Congress to initiate impeachment proceedings and resolved to take political leadership in the growing movement for impeachment. (2) Greens endorsed a "Home by the Holidays" campaign calling for the U.S. to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, Colombia, and the Philippines, with this year's winter holidays as a deadline for total return.


The University of California Board of Regents voted unanimously today in favor of a Clean Energy and Green Building policy that sets a new bar nationally for environmental leadership by any institution. This vote follows the year-long “UC Go Solar!” campaign run by students across the state and Greenpeace.

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett for President? Some Green Party voters say "Yes&q (tags)'s primary was yet another attempt to marginalize the Green Party. Here is your chance to participate in a Green primary.

Unintended Consequences (tags)

Soybeans Killing Rainforests Nine (9) easy steps that even lefties can understand.



6/16 Green Party Press Conf for Camejo for Gov on Recall Davis Ballot (tags)

On June 16, 2003, the Green Party will have a press conference to officially announce the renewed campaign of Pete Camejo for Governor on the Recall Gray Davis ballot, most likely to occur this year.


Greens say MTA policies are skewed against the working poor

Israeli Nationals, Rental Trucks And TNT (tags)

Two conspicuously under-reported incidents involving Israeli Nationals in the past two weeks.

Isreal Cracks Down on Peace Activists; Ithaca Celebrates France (tags)

Iraq in Chaos Media Ownership Rules in Jeopardy NY Green: Public Supports Same-SeX Marriages Airlines in Tailspin Rumsfeld Agenda Wold Gut US Democracy

Come to the Allied Media Conference in Bowling Green, OH (tags)

The Allied Media Conference will be June 13-15 in Bowling Green, OH. If you were there last year, you know that it just might be the biggest, most enjoyable weekend of cross-media collaboration there is. It's a chance to learn new skills, share your experiences, and build networks. The emphasis is on making our own media, not reforming the mainstream system.

Green Ejected For Collecting Signatures; Suburbs May Be Hazardous To Your Health (tags)

Green news and opion updated daily

Green Party at Santa Monica Promenade Earthday (tags)

Green Party at Santa Monica Promenade Earthday

SARS And Bioterrorism; Green Testifies on Voting Reform (tags)

Green news and opion updated daily

Bush guts Health Care for Veterans; Michael Moore's Popularity Surges (tags)

Green news and opion updated daily

Spoils of War/Made in America (tags)

This story from Reuters does not indicate the American compnay that makes these death weapons. Wherever it is, it should be razed and salt sowed. This company's owners arexwar criminals.

Too Many Dots (tags)

Looking at today's news, this writer was struck by the reappearance of names of people who have been involved in cover-ups in the recent past. Like Yogi Berra's aphorism, its "deja vu all over again."

green day's anti-war song (tags)

green day did an acoustic anti-war song

Draft Michael Moore '04 (tags)

Action at the Academy Awards: Get Michael Moore to Run for President!

Israel's "Humanity" (tags)

For you Apologists - this article comes straight out of Haaretz. "On March 4, in the early morning hours, two crop-dusting planes flew over the Negev Hills, spraying field crops with a toxin that caused them to wither and die. Ten people, most of them children, inhaled the substance and required medical treatment. "

Wayne Green says there are 11 terrorist cells in many U.S. cities (tags)

Wayne Green said 5 years ago that there are 11 terrorist cells in many U.S. cities.

Photos of CD Action Yesterday in Sacramento (tags)

Check out my journal and photos of the CD action yesterday in Sacramento, CA

Aids was created in Maryland (tags)

Aids was created in the US


Derek Milosavljevic, Green Party candidate for L.A. City Council, is only a thousand bucks away from city matching funds! Help us reach ALL the voters in the 4th District and put a Green in the nation's second largest City Council!

BTL: Ralph Nader Speaks Out Against War With Iraq (tags)

Interview with Ralph Nader, citizen activist and former Green Party presidential candidate, conducted by Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Coup Attempt in Green Party of Utah (tags)

A group of co-conspirators has engineered a coup attempt within the Green Party of Utah.


Here in Colombia, the Green Berets are pursuing one of Bush's most important, and perilous, foreign policy initiatives. With all the talk about Iraq and North Korea, Washington has done its utmost best to keep Colombia quiet. Risks include losing North American lives in a conflict that does not have the same so-called ''popular support'' as the mystery hunt for al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. Washington has a big stake in Colombia...

Lavender Green Caucus Releases a Statement Opposing War on Iraq (tags)

The caucus, representing lesbian, gay, bi, trans, and intersex Greens, issues a sharp critique of U.S. military policies

Green Resolution Concerning Trent Lott (tags)

Resolution of the Green Party County Council for Riverside County, California Concerning the recent comments of Trent Lott 12/21/02

GPRC WebMaster (tags)

Resolution of the Green Party County Council for Riverside County, California Concerning the recent comments of Trent Lott 12/21/02

Mass rally. Tomorrow, Sat 21, 1 pm, Westwwod (tags)

Federal dragnet arrests hundreds of innocent immigrants. Activist coalition calls mass protest. Sat. Dec 21, 1:00 pm, Westwood Federal Bldg., LA CA

Greens Do Doo Dah (tags)

11/24/2002 Pasadena California Members from the Green Party and a host of other organization participated in the Doo Dah Parade. A shout out to the following groups is in order: The Green Party, Libertarian Party, Not in Our Name, Billionaires for Bush and the Inter Faith Communities, specifically All Saints of Pasadena.

Greens Do Doo Dah (tags)

11/24/2002 Pasadena California Members from the Green Party and a host of other organization participated in the Doo Dah Parade. A shout out to the following groups is in order: The Green Party, Libertarian Party, Not in Our Name, Billionaires for Bush and the Inter Faith Communities, specifically All Saints of Pasadena. Below A Classic Doo Dah Scene

Greens Do Doo Dah (tags)

11/24/2002 Pasadena California Members from the Green Party and a host of other organization participated in the Doo Dah Parade. A shout out to the following groups is in order: The Green Party, Libertarian Party, Not in Our Name, Billionaires for Bush and the Inter Faith Communities, specifically All Saints of Pasadena.

Green or Mean Returns - Investing In The Environment (tags)

The environment can provide green investments or mean investments, depending on which end of the spectrum your on. The fishing industry off the coast of Spain is going to suffer, ship builders are going to benefit.

26 CA Greens Elected! Camejo sets record! (tags)

In California, 26 Green Party members were elected to office on November 5, including eleven City Council members. Governor candidate Peter Camejo set a record going back to 1934, and in San Francisco he beat Republican Bill Simon, with 15.9%!

Camejo and Warren Green Party Rally (tags)

Green Party candidates came to Los Angeles 11/3/02 to celebrate the success of this years election campaign with constituents.

Will Gubinatorial Candidate Camejo Do Better Than Any Green So Far? (tags)


Precinct walking for Green Party ticket (tags)

Precinct walking for the Courtney for Congress campaign, and the state Green Party ticket, will take place this Saturday and Sunday (11/2-3) in Riverside.

Final Green Party campaign rally (tags)

Please plan to attend the last campaign rally for area Green Party Candidates! Please invite your friends! FREE!

Comejo in Historic Highland Park (tags)

Join Green, Peter Comejo, in Historic Highland Park

Big Socal Green Party Rally, Sunday (tags)

This is the final Southern California rally for the Green Party, Free!

Come March for Peace! (tags)

Stop the War Against Iraq Before it Starts! The Green Party is the "Peace" Party! Come March for Peace!

Progressive events in Riverside Co. on Oct 19th (tags)

Oct 19th: Green Garden Party hosted by Progressive Candidate, and Hemet Greens to show video. PUBLIC WELCOM!

BTL:Congress Gives Green Light for War with Iraq as... (tags)

...Media Narrows National Debate. Interview with Norman Solomon,author and syndicated columnist by Scott Harris

Riverside County Green Party website (tags)

Riverside County Green Party website

Garden Party for Green Party candidate Oct., 19 (tags)

Green Party Event: On Saturday, October 19, Phill Courtney, the Green Party candidate for Congress in the 44th district, will be holding a Garden Party for his campaign.

Peter Miguel Camejo in Riverside (tags)

The Green Party of Riverside County presents Peter Miguel Camejo Candidate for Governor of California

Not In Our Name - Green Party Speaker (tags)

LA Not In Our Name - The Mayor Pro-Tem of Santa Monica speaks for the Green Party

Green Party Candidate for Governor continues to gain strength in latest poll (tags)

Davis Leads Simon in Latest Poll, Camejo Gains Ground

The 2nd Annual Green Reel Film Festival!! (tags)

Only 6 Days Until the 2nd Annual Green Reel Film Festival!!

Second Annual Green Reel Film Festival Sept. 14-15 Comes To Raleigh Studios In Hollywood (tags)

The Second Annual Green Reel Film Festival will take place from noon to 10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, September 14-15, at Raleigh Studios, 5300 Melrose Ave. Hollywood. Go to for details and tickets.

Nader Backs Wellstone, Greens Miffed (tags)

Nader does the right last!


Greens demand that critics of Bush's intended invasion be included in hearings, especially UN weapons inspectors


Green Anarchy Tour 2002

Long Beach Green Existence! (tags)

Long Beach Green Anarchy!

green anarchy tour 200 (tags)

get involved with the tour post print and send attachments to list serves or anyone interested

Panther Rises In Red, But Flourishes In Green (tags)

Socialism or Green Direct Democracy?



Green Anarchy Workshop (tags)

A workshop on Green Anarchism. WE will discuss theory, practice and tactics. Come and learn about primitivism, insurrection, and why civilization needs to be destroyed!

Call for Global Green Solidarity in Opposition to the War. (tags)

In recognition of the multiple violations of international law in the ongoing illegal war in Afghanistan and of the ever-louder drumbeat for the expansion of war to the peoples of other nations, the Green Party of the United States call for international solidarity to oppose this so-called war on terrorism.

Is Racism in the Closet at UPN 13 (tags)

Okay - maybe that title is sensationalistic, but a story about the American Patrol on UPN 13 seemed unusually favorable to the AP.

Green Party Press Conference: Peter Camejo (tags)

Peter Camejo, Green Party candidate for governor of California, discusses Gray Davis' so-called "power crisis" and the prospects for Green candidates when both parties have demonstrated that they service their corporate donors at the expense of their communities. Recorded at California's Green Party plenary, UCLA, 1/20/02.

Peter Camejo, Green Party Candidate for Governor, Speaks (tags)

Peter Camejo, Green Party candidate for Governor, discusses Gray Davis' ineptitude in his handling of the so-called "power crisis," a program for implementing the wide-scale use of solar power, and strategies for smashing the two-party duopoly with common-sense ecological and social values. Recorded at California's Green Party plenary, UCLA, 1/19/02.

a little republican bit on Greens Peter Camejo (tags)

good for a laugh, this little bit is from this past november.


The Green Party USA calls for activists and Greens worldwide to join in solidarity against the illegal U.S. war on the people of Afghanistan. We have urged a "hands off" policy in that region, but now we are disappointed to find some European Greens in government breaking solidarity and supporting our agressor government against Green values. We urgently call on Die Grunen, the German Green Party, to come home, to reverse their vote and withdraw from their government coalition supporting this war.

Green Party In Power Fails The Test In Santa Cruz (tags)

Homelessness and political repression, the Green Party fails the test in Santa Cruz California


Outraged at the exclusion of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, Greens call democracy impossible without representation of women U.S. Green Party officers travel to Europe for meetings with Green members of European parliaments and other Green officials and the European Federation of Green Parties


The Green Party celebrates the FEC decision announced today, as the party grows and strong Green candidates challenge two-party dominance across the U.S.

WHO'S NEXT???-GPUSA-US Green Party leader Oden a Victim of Dirty Politics (tags)

Why is a newly formed splinter faction of the original Green party in the US since 1986 playing dirty politics and placing sectarian differences above loss of civil liberties?? Instead of rallying around and supporting a fellow Green and ANYONES loss of civil liberties they're busy attacking and putting out misleading propaganda.Shame on them!!!

USGP advisory on detention of a Green at Maine airport (tags)

CORRECTION of erroneous information in press reports on the detention of a Green at Maine airport

Green Party USA elected Coordinator targeted as "terrorist"-denied rights (tags)

GREEN PARTY USA ELECTED COORDINATOR DETAINED AT AIRPORT-PREVENTED BY ARMED MILITARY FROM FLYING TO GREENS GNC MEETING IN CHICAGO IL USA Nancy Oden,an elected Green Party USA coordinator,has been denied flying privileges and her constitutional rights, because of Green Party USA opposition to the bombing in Afghanistan. The new "terrorism" laws have just removed all our rights and have created new "enemies lists"-WHO WILL BE NEXT??

Green Party Candidates in 2001- Part 1 (tags)


What You Can Raise INSTEAD of the US Flag - Wear Green & Black (tags)

The U.S. flag and its colors are being used in an attempt to whip up patriotism and convince people that there is a "ground swell" of support for the U.S.'s "War on terrorism". People who want to express their grief for the victims of the 9/11 attacks, as well as the victims of the current bombing campaign against Afghanistan, should put down their flag and instead take up the GREEN & BLACK campaign

Fear of Dissent Globalized (tags)

A British perspective on feared crackdowns against dissent in the wake of S11. The demonstration is scheduled for S30 and 10,000 people were originally expected. Now numbers are expected to swell in protest of the coming war.

Reflections on The Green Party Event at the Knitting Factory (tags)

"what galled me was this bashing and whining and bitching and moaning the greens were doing about democrats baiting them and slamming doors in their faces during neighborhood walk-abouts. that's bad behavior from anyone and the greens are right to be pissed about it. but, that's exactly what they were doing at the benefit -- bashing me and, figuratively any way, slamming the door in my face." CAN WE LEARN?

"Media Beat": A Green Party Campaign (tags)

Two years from now, the Green Party will make a big decision: Should it run a candidate for president in 2004? For many Green the choice is a no-brainer. But others are not so sure. If the Green Party enters the next presidential race, it will largely appear to a lot of prospective constituencies to be a political party locked into a counterproductive tactic. If the Green Party seems contemptuous of such concerns, many progressives are likely to perceive it as a party too impractical to merit support. That would be a shame.

Genoa: who are the protesters? (tags)

Standoff A lone protester confronts a phalanx of Italian carabinieri in downtown Genoa. Photo: Darko Bandic, AP

Michael Shames, UCAN Director, Speaks on Energy to S.D. Green Party (tags)

Michael Shames, executive director of the San Diego Utility Consumers' Action Network (UCAN), spoke to the San Diego Green Party July 15. He supported an energy future based on efficiency and renewable sources but opposed a public takeover of the existing generating and distributing lines, both because it would be too expensive and because in an energy system based on renewables most of these facilities would become obsolete anyway.

The Green Party of San Diego endorses Biojustice actions (tags)

The GPSD endorses and supports Biojustice 2001 efforts to educate and mobilize the public for the conference in June 22 and 23. GP members also agreed to organize a contingency that would take part in the main permitted march on Sunday, June 24 at 12:30pm from Balboa Park to the Convention Ctr

CALLING ALL GREENS! for BIojustice 2001 march (tags)

At Tuesday's general membership meeting, the Green Party of San Diego consensed to endorse the Biojustice 2001 efforts to educate and mobilize the public for the teach-in in June 22 and 23. It was also agreed to organize a contingency that would take part in the main permitted march on Sunday, Jun 24 from Balboa Park to the Convention Ctr.

Nancy Pearlman, a Green, Elected to Community College Board! (tags)

Nancy Pearlman won her Community College Board election, which makes her the Green with the largest constituency in the nation. Quietly but steadily, the Green Party keeps growing.

Un-President Bush's Green Credentials (tags)

Un-President Bush's Green Credentials

Interview With Donna Warren, Green Party Candidate for Congress (tags)

Donna Warren, Green Party candidate for Congress in California's 32nd Congressional District, discusses the stolen election in Florida, the CIA's complicity in the supply of crack cocaine, the power of protest, and the power of the media. Check it out.


The GPUSA Green Assembly met Saturday, May 19, in Pasadena and debated the pros and cons of the Boston Proposal, an agreement to create a single electoral Green Party in the United States.

Green Candidate For Upcoming Congressional Race (tags)

Congressman Julian Dixon Dies-Green Party Activist Donna Warren announces she is running for the 32 Congressional District Seat! Go Donna!!!

LA Pacifica Supporters Demonstrate at Epstein Becker & Green (tags)

FREE PACIFICA! Citizens Support Free Speech while Epstein Becker and Green Attorney Prepares for Hostile Takeover with New By-law Proposal

J20 LA: Well, At Least They Didn't Shoot Us (tags)

2000-3500 people; dissident Democrats and Greens took the stage; an enthusiastic march; hokey folk music before the Federal Building; and an unusual amount of restraint from the good 'ol head-bashin' LAPD.

Fishers of Gap, Inc., Log Depleted Redwood Forests (tags)

Fishers of Gap, Inc., Purchase Timber-friendly "Green Label" for Logging Depleted Redwood Forests - Local environmental groups cry "Foul!" - - Green Builders say "It's a scam." - - Gap Boycott escalates protests against unsustainable, phony "green label" logging -

Nader Press Conference An Assembly of Legends (tags)

Before the Friday super rally, Nader was joined at his press conference by Phil Donahue, Medea Benjamin, Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate and Sara Amir, Green Party candidate for state assembly, as well as rock legend Patti Smith, political cartoonist Tom Tomorrow, and Jello Biafra, First Amendment crusader, spoken word artist and former bandleader of the Dead Kennedies. Looking for Lefty (tags)

What does the influence of the Green Party—and the Democrats' consequent sucking up to the left—mean for progressives? Richard Goldstein reports—and provides a guide to the Great Nader Debate.

"melrose" larry green (tags)

"Melrose" Larry Green, supporter of the LAPD, gets arrested by the LAPD.

There's An Alternative - Green Party & Nader (tags)

Vote Green! Nader and LaDuke in 2000! (tags)

Greens Rally (tags)

interview with Santa Cruz volunteer Coordinator in a grassroots campaign to change federal institutions

Derg's coup (tags)

Support Genocide - Green Party Convention (tags)

Ralph Nader is leading the Green Party charge to increase global justice by eliminating the disfigured in the US.

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