fix articles 13726, murdock
Impeach Mainstream Media and Jail Murdock (tags)
Puppet regimes may come and go, but one of the greatest threats to freedom for most Americans is the Fourth Estate of propaganda and lies. This industry makes and breaks politicians. This industry and other elitists can easily handle a regime change—but they will continue to survive and thrive. Forget burning the flag: burn your newspaper instead—or one you especially despise.
Wall Street Journal's Looking Glass World (tags)
Made in Washington street protests threaten Venezuela
Rupert Murdoch clarifies Rulership (tags)
Not too long ago Rupert Murdock would have trounced anyone in his media group for letting the ‘cat out of the bag’ (stating plain truth). It was therefore with jaw-dropping amazement that a local Australian audience listened to Murdock plainly state that we should not allow a particular administration to affect our attitude to the United States. “Administrations come and go”, he said, inferring REAL POWER, which Murdock represents, continues unaffected by the whims of democratic process!
Pacifica Radio: Lew Hill Project (tags)
On-line Discussion with John Murdock, a former Member of the Pacifica Foundation national board.
More on AmeriKKKan KKKorporate Media Propaganda (tags)
Welcome to AmeriKKKa Uber Alles: Here's another announcement from "your" KKKorporate propaganda mouthpeice-Lost your home, job or marriage(story on L.A. police case 6/20/01)? Answered the door while "dripping wet"(story on woman who murdered children in Houston, texas 6/21/01)? Congratulations! You're now automatically classified as a "weirdo" or " criminally deviant" in the interest of protecting the "sacred" AmeriKKKan Hegemony!
Pacifica Listeners Earn Victory (tags)
Los Angeles, CA~ A day after 100 demonstrators picketed in front of KPFK, L.A. organizers claimed a victory for listener-sponsored radio, because controversial new bylaw changes were not taken up for consideration by the Pacifica National Board.
LA Pacifica Supporters Demonstrate at Epstein Becker & Green (tags)
FREE PACIFICA! Citizens Support Free Speech while Epstein Becker and Green Attorney Prepares for Hostile Takeover with New By-law Proposal
Who's Behind the Pacifica-WBAI Coup? (tags)
Who's Behind the Pacifica-WBAI Coup?