fix articles 136402, al maldonado
Party for Peace in Monterey Park this Saturday! (tags)
There will be a fund-raising party this Saturday, July 31, put on by three peace vigils in the San Gabriel Valley!
URGENT:Truckers Supporting Strikers Need Help (tags)
Support continued pickets at distribution centers. Don't let scab truckers get the upper hand; support striking truckers. Time is tight. Do it right now.
Women Call Anti-Occupation Halloween Protest Against Bechtel (tags)
In a Halloween themed protest, women and men occupied the street outside the offices of the “truly scary” Bechtel Corporation at 707 Wilshire Blvd in downtown Los Angeles beginning at 5 pm on Tuesday, October 28. Protesters used music, costumes, spoken word and more to highlight Bechtel’s rap sheet of profiteering from weapons, war and water privatization.