fix articles 13630, s. to
Wilson Sonsini's Larry Sonsini Asked to Investigate US Ambassador to Japan John Roos (tags)
The request comes amidst revelations that in 2007-2008, OBAMA FOR AMERICA operatives John Roos and Mark Parnes of Wilson Sonsini participated in what appears to be a sophisticated financial scheme to misuse the California Bar Foundation and non-profit entity CaliforniaALL
Southern California Edison Refusal To Disclose Contributions Prompts Complaint to IRS (tags)
In a letter dated August 30, 2012, Edison (through their senior attorney Allan D. Johnson) informed me that they will not comply with the request. Edison wrote: “EIX and SCE are unaware of any authority that would obligate them to produce these documents to you.” Furthermore, Edison also wrote: “Neither EIX nor SCE plan to take any further action in response to your request.”
The Golden Rule - A Man Takes a Stand (tags)
"Taliban fighters are guilty of nothing but standing in defense of the innocent victims of 911."
Middle East Nuclear Holocaust to Defend "The Western Way of Life" (tags)
The Western media is involved in a diabolical disinformation campaign, the purpose of which is to persuade public opinion that the only way to "create a nuclear free World" is to use nuclear weapons on a preemptive basis, against countries which "threaten our Western Way of Life." We are a dangerous crossroads: military planners believe their own propaganda. The military manuals state that this new generation of nuclear weapons are "safe" for use in the battlefield. They are no longer a weapon of last resort. There are no impediments or political obstacles to their use.
ICE Takes no rest in Santa Ana--Only Prisoners (tags)
Meda and Enforcement Agencies want us to believe that they are taking only "criminal aliens". MENTIRAS! They are taking taking parents walking kids home from school, women walking home from grocery store, workers at bus stops, etc. Last week's raids was not the conclusion of sweps--THEY WERE ONLY THE BEGINNING. June 1st marked the begining of O.C.'s "enforcement team" (read 2nd article for more details below).
Even before the bombs fell on Baghdad, a group of senior Pentagon officials were plotting to invade another country. Their covert campaign once again relied on false intelligence and shady allies. But this time, the target was Iran.
Bush sending propaganda to local news (tags)
This is an article from the NYC IMC by Stop the propaganda sent by the Bush administration to your local news channels!
Must! Do NOW !-1 Focus 1 Mission 1 Goal 1 RESULT=NewVote by J20 (tags)
HOW DARE THEE? Democracy IS Deliberatley Criminally, Hastily being frog-marched to the GallOWs. Adding insult to injury it's Horribly OutRageous that, Insidiously it is and OFFICIAL State-Secret! The powers that be have coldly calculated that America and Americans will lie to themselves, tell themselves lies and Live with a Lie. For the most part they may be right, many are physically & emotionally energy-sapped, distracted, conTrolled, apathetic, demoralized and even Zombified. Many millions though, are ascending to that MounTain Top where the view is so grand, omnicient and the scent wafting from the grounds of our election system, smells FOUL with falseness, fraud and an unholy alliance of corporations, judges and elected? officials AND money twisting, unsportsmanlike a process requiring fairness, transparency, integrity into an abomination- a crime syndicate having undue control of the Public and Human right to Vote. The basic Way to petition Our Servant, elected governments, for a redress of grievances. This Liberty Lover has written a Paul Revere-esque chain letter, a powerful invocation to Clot the Bleeding Wound inflicted by a felonius assault on Democracy. We will NOT or canNot Live within a comfortable, despicable LIE. If you say it's crazy to expect a NewVote, take your lazy negativeness over to Ukraine, the real loser over there needs supprters. You know whats crazy, Bush's approval rating hac been at 48%-for months, 50% of 118million voters is 59mil, partisan claims of 60.7mil are being bandied about in the cuckoos-nest money-motivated manipulated Media.48% =56.6mil! It's ENABLING to Allow the habitual theft to happen over and over. Whats really crazy is snuffing out the life of an 180-pound Human with a 500-pound missile! (excerpt); America faces an apocalyptic moment. On November 2nd, at least thirty three million Americans (John Conyers estimates more than half of all who voted) lost their right to vote; their votes are indeterminate since they cannot be verified by hand count! This is an amazing and historically disastrous fact! Most of us were forced to vote on computers lacking paper evidence of who we voted for. Can any election be more than a sham under such a condition? Even worse, our votes could have been secretly and invisibly changed to favor George Bush or other Republican congressional candidates by the Republican owned business entities that secretly counted them. And all this after publicly promising their Republican associates they'd win! The bottom line: we really cannot know which Congressman, Senator or President was actually elected on November 2, for the vote-counting was able to be secretly and privately manipulated and then blocked from audit because there were no paper trails required. Thus, the entire national election of November 2 was fundamentally and uncorrectably flawed! Below is a letter I'm sending to one hundred non-profit organizations who represent the best of America's thinkers and doers. I'm asking them to be the Paul Reveres of this country and save us from the corporations now in control attempting to turn America into the largest, most powerful fascist nation the world has ever experienced. The American people don't want that. They abhor it and won't stand for it. I urge each of you to spread this letter as far and as wide as you can. It is a matter of life and death. The life of a democracy that began the 4th of July 1776 but which will die on January 20th 2005 unless we demand and achieve a new, honest election before that date. The People are Coming! The People are Caring! The People are CaaaaRRRinG! LET FREEDOM RING! Let My People GO! *****
Michael Moore: "I’ll Be Voting For Wesley Clark" (tags)
"That's right, a peacenik is voting for a general. What a country!"