fix articles 1362, los angeles city council Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : los angeles city council

los angeles city council

Opinion: Military draft might have been reinstated by executive order (tags)

Opinion: President Joe Biden Might have reinstated the U.S. military draft with a executive order.

Defund homeless industrial complex (tags)

U.S. Supreme Court ruling that cities no longer need to offer shelter to homeless means taxpayers no longer need to pay for it.

Hoping that A.I. will restore homeless peoples rights to sit, lie and sleep outdoors. (tags)

Anti-homeless laws including L.A. 41.18 enforcement zones act of 2021 need to be repealed.

Oppose U.S. weapon shipments to Ukraine (tags)

Does Putin have a right to ask the United Nations to vote on a potential resolution to ask the United States to stop shipping any additional weapons to the Ukraine??

Time for a Real Green New Deal w/Green presidential hopeful Howie Hawkins, Sunday Sept 22 (tags)

Political Thriller Citizen Koch Premieres in Los Angeles (tags)

Citizen Koch director Carl Deal joined a political panel moderated by Lauren Steiner following Friday night’s theatrical premiere at the Sundance Sunset Cinema.

Van Nuys Nuys Neighborhood Council Continues to Support Residents (tags)


Take Action Now to Stop Your Rent From Skyrocketing! (tags)

Repost of a CES email. Link goes to LA Times story.

Van Nuys Neighborhood Council Supports Hundreds of Residents (tags)



Announcements of US nuclear power plant permanent shutdowns in 2013 came seemingly in a flurry.Crystal River in Florida on February 13. Kewaunee in Wisconsin on May 4. San Onofre in Southern California on June 13. And Vermont Yankee in the Green Mountain State on August 27.

Echo Park Community issues an "Injunction" against City of LA (tags)

[This is a report by Vik from a demonstration against the gang injunction in the Echo Park area. It was originally posted to facebook. Some background information is appended at the bottom if you need to learn about what a gang injunction is, and the gentrification in the area.]

Villaraigosa: The Myth of The Progressive Mayor (tags)

While Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa disappointed supporters and failed to deliver any progressive policies whatsoever, he was hardly a failure to those he really serves. Indeed, for developers, real estate tycoons, billionaires, and school privatization profiteers, Villaraigosa's eight year reign was a smashing success.


How the San Onofre nuclear power plant shut down, and why

Bob Barker Spearheads New Campaign on Elephant Rides as LA City Considers Ban (tags)

Bob Barker assists ADI in their nationwide initiative to ban the use of elephants for entertainment through a new documentary, "No Fun For Elephants."

Olympian John Carlos Comes to L.A. City Council District 9 (tags)

A good speech about reality and why it's critical to continue the struggle despite challenges.

The Struggle to Save Adult Education in Los Angeles (tags)

The ongoing struggle to save LAUSD Adult Education continues.

Venice Boardwalk has cleaned out commercial vendors ! (tags)

Take a walk down the Venice Boardwalk and be surprised ! the re-sale cheap commercial merchandise is not long proliferating and crowding the area with hawkers and flea-market-junk being the main things there. Now all sorts of art and artists are the west-sidewalk displays. What a change !

Press Release for Monday Occupy Meeting with Wells Fargo Execs (3-5:30pm) (tags)

WHO: Occupy Activists in LA, Wells Fargo Executives, and Community Leaders WHAT: An unprecedented meeting between Bankers and Occupy Protesters WHEN: Monday, February 6, 2012 from 3pm-5pm; Press Conference at 5:30pm WHERE: Center of Nonprofit Management at California Endowment Building 1000 N. Alameda, L.A.

Occupy 2.0 (tags)

Photos of the Occupy San Diego three-month anniversary march January 7 downtown and an interview with Occupy activist and former hunger striker John Kenney on his ideas for the future of the movement.

Urgent LA City Council Vote 12/6/11 (tags)

LA City Council to vote on Resolution calling for End Of Corporate Personhood 12/6/11.


Editorial: Jan Perry's Latest Offensive Against the South Central Farm Land (41st & Alameda) (tags)

Tomorrow morning, October 15, City Council is scheduled to vote on Jan Perry's proposal that would release developer Ralph Horowitz of the 2.6-acre green space requirement and make it easier for him to sell the property. And so the future of the 14-acre plot of land, at 41st and Alameda is once again under dispute. Previously the site of the famous South Central Farm, once known as the largest urban farm in the country, if the not world, the land has become the most disputed plot of real-estate in the city. (At the time of its demolition circa 2006, there was a massive community mobilization to save it, and the goal of the farmers to reclaim the land has not died.)

When Goliath Wins: The Triumph of Redevelopment in Los Angeles (tags)

On Tuesday at 8:00 a.m., the South Central Farmers, their supporters, and the residents of the Central-Alameda neighborhood will confront the Los Angeles City Council in its chambers one more time to try to save the Farm and save the neighborhood. in the unlikely event they succeed, they might save the City.

Occupy LA: One Week Old and Going Strong (tags)

LOS ANGELES, October 7, 2011 , OccupyLA Day Seven. The encampment at City Hall continues to grow. The camp now numbers close to 100 tents with at least two occupants per tent. Rain on Wednesday failed to discourage the occupiers, and the encampment is now larger and more organized than ever. Tomorrow the camp will have completed its first full week. It has been an action packed week and has drawn much media attention even competing with the Jackson murder trial just down the street

Venice Boardwalk new ordinances NEED your feedback too ! (tags)

LA City Parks Dept had a meeting to draft or discuss a new ordinance about changing the crass commercial junk being sold on Venice Beach. But who could find out where or when the meeting was held ? Could it be intentional that the outreach was limited or non existent even to those who WANTED to attend, to comment, to question their tax-paid decision-makers?

Farmers Fighting for South Central Again (tags)

The Farmers defend the last vestige of the Farm against City and development. Join them Thursday morning, 8:00 a.m., at the Port of Los Angeles Administration Building, 425 S. Palos Verdes St., San Pedro, CA 90731

The South Central Farmers: The Dream Reborn (tags)

The fight for the Farm is on again

VENICE BOARDWALK OCEAN FRONT WALK Task Force Meeting 10/6/10 (tags)

this 1x/month meeting facilitated by LA City Council is a place for sharing information...or contentious arguments..

LA People's Campaign Kick-off Sat 8-7-0 (tags)

Kick-off Campaign to run working-class candidates for public office in LA.

Keep Venice Streets Free for All (tags)

Prevent Venice parking permit and vehicle height restrictions proposed implementation on public streets. Keep Venice free for all members of our community. Current settlement of anti-homeless group does not represent the majority of Venice. Venice is love. Love is free. Keep Venice Free.

Nazi nat'l rally planned on LA racial fault line (tags)

The Nazis are holding a national gathering in LA in April, complete with a rally they've been permitted to have on the LA City Hall Lawn. Embedded powerful video highlights the stronghold Nazis have on the US.

Governor Candidate Alexander: Proposed L.A. Marijuana Band Too Restrictive (tags)

As California Governor, Alexander says he would support statewide legislation that will require all cities to have minimum requirements on the number of medical marijuana dispensaries that will be permitted to operate based upon population, demographics and the human needs within the city. Stewart Alexander, a one time candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles in 1989 says Peace and Freedom Party supports the legalization of marijuana, decriminalizing drug use, and making substance abuse treatment freely available.

Clueless at City Hall: Foreclosures and Tenants (tags)

Ordinances designed to protect tenants when a house enters foreclosure can have ramifications for the property owner, neighbors and taxpayer.

Hold the MSG: It’s Not Risk-Free (tags)

MSG is a secret saboteur of health; the food industry tricks consumers into buying products with free glutamic acid (or MSG) by listing it under any one of 43 innocent-sounding names, such as natural flavoring, seasonings, yeast extract, spices, pectin or citric acid.

Julia Butterfly Hill and Daryl Hannah Join the South Central Farmers To Take Back the Farm (tags)

***Breaking News*** Julia Butterfly Hill and Daryl Hannah Join the South Central Farmers To Take Back the Farm Saturday, June 13, 6:00-11:30 p.m. Reunion at the Farm Update to Press Release SAVE THE FARM SAVE THE WORKERS SAVE THE NEIGHBORHOOD LOS ANGELES--On Saturday, June 13, Julia Butterfly Hill and Daryl Hannah, both luminaries in the South Central Farm encampment and environmental activists, will join the South Central Farmers and Farm supporters at a reunion and recommitment to the Farm at 41st and Alameda

Pesante USA Condemns Burma Junta for Suu Kyi Show Trials in Myanmar court (tags)

The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA based in the United States, a member organization of AJLPP slammed Myanmar ( aka Burma) for its show-trial for democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi who proclaimed her innocence in front of a prison tribunal Friday as the prosecution wrapped up its case on the fifth day of her trial. Pesante also questioned the motives of the junta when It filed the charges against her just weeks before a May 27 deadline when her latest six-year spell of detention was due to expire. Pesante-USA said that the junta just wants to keep her locked up ahead of elections planned for next year under a controversial "roadmap to democracy" that enshrines a role for the military in government. The military has ruled Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, since 1962.

Grand Opening of Community Garden in Highland Park (tags)

Highland Park celebrates the Opening Ceremony of the Milagro Allegro Community Garden.

Never Forever 21 Action: Round 3 4/25/09 (tags)

The South Central Farm is the people's land, given to us by Mayor Tom Bradley, in 1993 after the Los Angeles Uprising. The people built an inner-city paradise, the nation's largest urban farm. In 2006, Mayor Bradley's promise was broken: the Los Angeles City Council took the land away and gave it to a developer to build a mammoth shipping center for the sweatshop clothing manufacturer Forever 21. We're here today to tell Forever 21 that we won't work for sweatshops, that we are Farmers. We are the people: the Farm is our land!

Save LA Public Access (tags)

I found this during a web search - it's a couple days out of date, but it's important information. Contact the person in the article for more information.

Samir Twair: Rembering Don White (tags)

The Arab American Press Guild extends its condolences to all activists who are mourning the sudden loss of Don White. I first met him in 1986 when I was regional director of the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee. I immediately admired Don for his enthusiasm and tireless efforts to acheive justice for all people who are denied it.

Los Angeles Becomes The Largest City in the Country to oppose the Iraq War (tags)

End The War LA, Code Pink, Iraq Veterans Against the War and others, call for a mass convergence at city hall at 9:15AM, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16TH at Los Angeles City hall to put pressure on our elected officials to pass an historic anti-war resolution.

Ruby De Vera won Her Discrimination Case in the Los Angeles City Council (tags)

It’s a victory for Ruby ( De Vera), a Filipina, It is a victory for the Filipino Community!” The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) Peping Baclig and the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) Jack Vergara today express elation that De Vera was vindicated. JFAV and EPCC also hailed the decision of the Los Angeles City Council to award De Vera a settlement of $ 125,000 for her lawsuit against discrimination and injustice. De Vera run for District 14 council office and came out 3rd place among 12 candidates in 2005. She later was fired as an office manager boss for “embarrassing his boss, Council Member Ed Reyes”, was awarded $ `125,000,00 settlement last week by the City of Los Angeles. The Philippine News correspondent Yong Chavez reported this event in this US wide weekly paper for August 22-28.

Talking Impeachment to Los Angeles City Council (tags)

LANIC (Los Angeles National Impeachment Center) & PDLA (Progressive Dems of LA) strike again @ High Noon in Los Angeles. On Aug 17th a contingent of approximately 45 concerned citizens of LA went to the Los Angeles City Hall.

Friday 8/17 L.A. City Council to Address Resolution to Impeach Bush and Cheney (tags)

Bill Rosendahl of the city council has proposed a resolution calling for the Impeachment of Bush and Cheney. Activists plan attend to demonstrate support for impeachment.

Video: Santa Monica Impeachment Rally, June 19 (tags)

A growing coalition of Los Angeles Peace Groups including the Green Party of Caifornia and Progressive Democrats came together on June 19, 2007 to call on the Santa Monica City Council to pass an impeachment resolution. Over 90 people participated in the pro-Impeachment rally.

LA City Council Honors Ferd Eggan (tags)

You are invited to join the Los Angeles City Council in honoring HIV/AIDS Prevention Leader, Ferd Eggan.

LA City Council reaffirms Special Order 40 (tags)

On Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council took a moment to address a "small" matter buried on its agenda. It reaffirmed the City's commitment to Special Order 40.

Federalize gang crimes, L.A. mayor urges (tags)

whateva happened 2 da war on poverty? now dey got a war on drugz so da police can botha me. tupac amaru shakur

Punish drug dealers instead of Homeless people (tags)

Los Angeles City Council should outlaw drug dealing inside L.A. city limits instead of outlawing homelessness.

Candidate Alexander: LAPD Assaults May Day Supporters (tags)

Los Angeles police officers brutally assaulted peaceful marchers and supporters at a rally in Los Angeles creating outrage and anger from millions nationwide. Many of the people that were present in the park were mother, children and babies. The cops were seen beating many with sticks on television; people and children that were offering no resistance. Also there were members of the press that were brutally assaulted.

Sleepless on Skid Row (tags)

Guilty of Being Homeless in America!?

Activists Call for Downtown Base Camp to End Sweeps at Saturday Rally on Skid Row (tags)

Homeless activists are calling for people to attend the next next rally, this Saturday, and to pack tomorrow, Tuesday’s 9:30 a.m. Police Commission hearing at Parker well as every Council meeting this week...and to demand an immediate halt to the homeless sweeps --and now, also, the city's Grand Avenue Project --no matter what it takes...

The Winter Harvest of the South Central Farmers (tags)

The Farmers open a new center and a new farm, ready to bring their organic produce to South Central. The rest of us might get a taste, too.

Minutemen and Apocalypto at City Hall (tags)

L.A. Area Organizations Issue Declaration For Human Rights For Immigrants (tags)

Los Angeles, CA…..December 13, 2006 ... The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) led a coalition of 18 human rights, defense and religious organizations that have signed the "Declaration of Los Angeles," approved by the Los Angeles City Council today.

L.A. Greens Launch Petra Kelly Scholarships (tags)

Honoring the inspirational German Green Party cofounder Petra Kelly, international peace and environmental leader, and cultivating a new generation of young activists; the Green Party Petra Kelly Scholarship awards $500 each to two students graduating from the Los Angeles Unified School District. The scholarship's inaugural winners are Rumeisha Bowyer and Carlos Hernandez.

LA Greens support City Council vote on living wage (tags)

Los Angeles Greens support City Council vote on living wage for LAX area hotels, urge expansion of living wage ordinance and further support for unions

Stop LA City Council Power Grab: Vote NO Measure R (tags)

Stop LA City Council Power Grab: Vote NO Measure R

Stop LA City Council Power Grab: Vote NO Measure R (tags)

Stop LA City Council Power Grab: Vote NO Measure R

L.A. City Council limits Free Speech (repost) (tags)

L.A. City Council To Abide By 'Rules Of Decorum' People addressing the Los Angeles City Council will have to speak their mind without using profanity, being too loud or making offensive comments, according to "rules of decorum" approved Tuesday.

LA City Council flushs First Amendment down the toilet (tags)

Ratcheting up restraints on public comment, the Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved new rules of ''decorum'' designed to squelch offensive and disruptive behavior at council meetings, ranging from foul language and racial slurs to singing, whistling, foot-stamping and other boisterous conduct.

Seeds of Hope, Seeds of War: Race, Class and the Battle for the South Central Farm (Final) (tags)

The world is literally watching. Media worldwide have covered the case of the South Central Farm, the largest urban garden in the United States, the efforts of the city's elites to drive the farmers from the land, and the farmer's remarkable resistance. On June 13th, the County moved to evict, concentrating a massive police presence in the area to uproot the resistor's encampment on the land. The South Central Farm arose from the ashes of the 1992 Los Angeles rebellion, and stands as a symbol of hope to millions. Despite the eviction, the struggle continues, with a court hearing this week challenging the City's sale of the land to a private developer. When the Los Angeles City Council sold the 14 acre plot called the South Central Farm to developer Ralph Horowitz, they sold land they didn’t own.

Two weeks ago they came for Atenco Now they come for the South Central Farm (tags)

We, members of the Autonomous Peoples Collective (APC) and the Eastside Café (ESC), as subscribers to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle and the "Other Campaign" denounce the imminent eviction of over 300 families who currently work the 14 acres of land considered the largest urban farm in the U.S., located in South Central Los Angeles, California.

Provoking Violence: The Minutemen Confront Migrants and Supporters in Downtown LA (tags)

A month ago and the month before, migrants and their supporters put a million people in the streets. Today the minutemen countered with a hundred-person "civil rights march," proclaiming no civil rights for immigrants or their children. Luckily for the minutemen, the protestors were inclined to be non-violent.

S. Central Farmers' Actions this Week (tags)

The South Central Farmers and their supporters are gearing up for busy week of actions to 'save the farm' . The South Central Farm, at 14-acres, is believed to be the largest urban farm in the U.S., and thrives in one of the poorest areas of the country.


The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA vehemently condemn in the strongest terms the ongoing strategic offensive of the fascist and reactionary Burmese military dictatorship military offensive against the Karen people, in the Karen state along the Burma-Thailand. The Karen people are a national minority group in Burma who are fighting for their self-determination against the fascist Burmese military regime.

Drive-By Councilman Dennis P. Zine 3rd District (tags)

Dennis P. Zine drunk with police power decides to do a drive by on the South Central Farmers.

MP3 Audio: South Central Farmers address City Council. (tags)



Rumor has it that this summer has officially been declared the "SUMMER OF FREE SPEECH" on Venice Beach. Why? Perhaps because the L.A. City Council's new LAMC 42.15 ordinance pushes the envelope on 1st Amendment vile-ations perpetrated by themselves with the help of the City Attorney's office.

The Farmers Hold Their Ground (tags)

and tell the Mayor and City Council, "Thanks, but no thanks" to private buyers

The Farmers Hold Their Ground (tags)

and tell the Mayor and City Council, "Thanks, but no thanks" to private buyers

The Farmers Hold Their Ground (tags)

and tell the Mayor and City Council, "Thanks, but no thanks" to private buyers

February 2006 U.S. Immigrant News Alert! (tags)

No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!

1/20: Please Sign the Petitions to Oppose Anti-Immigrant Bills! (tags)

We are asking you for your help in collecting signatures for a petition addressed to the Los Angeles City Council requesting they adopt a resolution in favor of the immigrant community.

Dec. 2 Activists Vow Downtown “Tent City” Will Now Battle Against LA’s Newest Evictions (tags)

Ongoing tent city --starting at LA's City Hall lawn on Dec 2 --to now up the protest ante against LA's new, and raging, low-income evictions.

L.A.'s Pet Project: By the Numbers (tags)

Los Angeles Animal Services General Manager Mr. Guerdon Stuckey routinely states that there has been a decrease in animal shelter deaths within the past year; however, the facts seem to point to an increase.

Ed Roybal Presente (tags)

An honest appreciation, not uncritical, of the late Ed Roybal and his major contributions to coalition building and grass-roots politics.

Hilton Workers Fight for a Better Future (tags)

After just over a year of secret underground organizing, workers at downtown Glendale Hilton hotel make their campaign for better working conditions and union recognition public.

Help save the South Central Farm (tags)

“The protection of the health and the safety of the people; the right of people to produce their means of subsistence" -- Lil' Joe

1ST AMENDMENT VIOLATIONS ON VENICE BOARDWALK (final updated & corrected version) (tags)

Complaints Filed with L. A. City Ethics Commission Venice activists Re: City Council's Free Speech Violations on Venice Boardwalk.


CONTROVERSIAL VENICE BEACH “FREE EXPRESSION” LOTTERY REVIEW - On Wednesday, June 15 L.A. City Recreation & Parks Commissioners will get a chance to look back (in anger?) at the past 90 days of botched management by Cindy Miscikowski's office, Venice Recreation & Parks, the City Attorney's Office, and LAPD beach patrol

LA on coverof NYTimes today, but nothing here? (tags)

I was surprised to see that LA was on the cover of the NYTimes today for the mayoral election (I haven't been following it, I'm up in the Bay Area) and that there isn't any mention of the results on here. I'm wondering what the alternative view is on this guy. NYT paints him as a "union organizer." If that's true, why no mention here of a potential 'good guy' in office? Plus, if nothing else, the first Hispanic mayor in over 100 years . . .

Devin Was 13...and the Police Killed Him (tags)

In the quiet of 4:00 on a Sunday morning, in the darkness, alone in the front seat of a car, the short, sweet life of Devin Brown was ended in a violent burst of gunfire. A night-riding Los Angeles police officer stood near the car he was in. It took him seconds to draw his gun and fire: Five shots. Then five more. Half of them struck and killed the boy in the car. Devin Brown was 13.

Writing L.A.'s Wrongs with a "No Kill" Shelter Proposal (tags)

Los Angeles kills 30,000 – 50,000 of our dogs and cats at our city shelters each year for an annual cost of $14 million dollars. Not only does this turn our city's animal "shelters" into death houses, at great expense, it is entirely unnecessary.

Civil Liberties Defense Coalition (CLDC) (tags)

EMERGENCY ACTION ALERT For the Los Angeles, CA - City Council Resolution against the USA PATRIOT Act, and related Executive Orders File No. 03-0002-S162 Title USA PATRIOT ACT/REPEAL

LA County supports suit over lost state tax (tags)

Today's demonstration in San Bernardino is being organized by the league of cities' Inland Empire Division. Participating cities have been asked to estimate how many layoffs they would need and send the corresponding number of shirts. "It's a way of visualizing what Sacramento is stealing from our communities now,"

More Labor Solidarity (tags)

Jesse Jackson Will Join The Grocery Strike Picket Line in Santa Monica Sunday Oct 19 at the Vons Market 710 N. Broadway. Call UFCW Hotline for more info 310-395-7768

Report On Patriot Act CandleLight Vigil (tags)

The dubiously named USA Patriot Act has moved hundreds of people to a candle light vigil last Friday July 19, 2003 to call for the return of our civil liberties.

RW: Secret Police Round-Ups in L.A. (tags)


Photos from City Council Vote and DBM H.S. Walkout (tags)

L.A. City Council votes against preemptive war. Protestors hold celebration rally outside City Hall and are joined by 200 students who walked out from Downtown Business Magnet High School.

Los Angeles Anti-War Resolution - 2nd vote at 10:00 am (tags)

Friday at 10:00 am the Los Angeles City Council will be voting for the second itme on the anit-war resolution. Call your council members!

Call LA City Council to Support Anti-War Resolution (tags)

On Feb. 18, seven members of the Los Angeles City Council voted "yes" today after Eric Garcetti eloquently introduced the No War In Iraq resolution which was seconded by Ruth Galanter. The only problem at City Council today was IT NEEDED 8 VOTES TO PASS! The seven voting "yes"---Cindy Miscikowski, Ed Reyes, Nate Holden, Janice Hahn, Ruth Galanter, Tom LaBonge and Eric Garcetti------needed an eighth vote. Please join us City Council again on Friday, Feb. 21 10:00 a.m. City Hall Chambers for what could be a historic day if we get the votes!

LA to Join 500 Cities Worldwide for February 15th Day of Protest (tags)

The No War On Iraq! Coalition today announced plans for the massive anti-war march and rally on Saturday, February 15th. Protesters will be asked to gather at the intersection of Hollywood and Vine at 1 pm. The March will proceed down Hollywood Blvd to the Armed Forces Recruiting Station at the intersection of Sunset and La Brea where there will be a rally at 3 pm

URGENT! Call Your L.A. City Council Member! (tags)

Unbelieveably, the L.A. City Council's passing of the resolution in opposition to war against Iraq is far from guaranteed!

LA City Council Anti-War Resolution (tags)

A compliation of information...we can do this.


A coalition of antiwar groups in Los Angeles is gathering signatures for a petition we will present to the Los Angeles City Council. We will ask the City Council to issue a resolution stating that the City of Los Angeles is opposed to military action against Iraq.

SPFPA America's Union for Security Professionals (tags)

Security Officers Win Major Training Increase to Protect Building Tenants, Public

SPFPA America's Union for Security Professionals (tags)

Security Officers Win Major Training Increase to Protect Building Tenants, Public

Come on out and support Denise Robb's Campaign (tags)

Let's get out there and help elect a Green, and a lifelong activist, to the LA City Council in Tuesday's Fourth Council District election. I received the following impassioned call to support Denise Robb's campaign via e-mail.

The LA City Council : Bats in the Belfrey (tags)

LA City Council scared of Rude Ruth Galavanter, controlled by developers. When the council is corrupt the corrupt will lead.

Shut the LA City Council Down (tags)

Thge corruption of the LA City Council will be on flagrant display Tuesday. Come on down and see how they are throeing your money away in corporate welfare while destroying coastal wetlands.

Shut the LA City Council Down (tags)

Thge corruption of the LA City Council will be on flagrant display Tuesday. Come on down and see how they are throeing your money away in corporate welfare while destroying coastal wetlands.

D2K Legal Struggles Continue, Join Broader Battles (tags)

Activists meet to continue organizing in support of those facing criminal charges from D2K and those brining civil lawsuits, and join together in the larger, ongoing battle for police accountability.

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