fix articles 13534, iso
How the U.S. Political Left is Failing Over Syria (tags)
It’s now painfully clear that Obama’s war on Syria is a replay of Bush’s march to war in Iraq, both built on lies. Zero evidence has been put forth that proves the Syrian government used chemical weapons. On the contrary, evidence has been recorded that suggests the U.S.-backed Syrian rebels are responsible for the attack.
The Left, Labor and Occupy (tags)
Barely half a year after it burst on the scene, the Occupy Wall Street movement is splintering left and right. This was inevitable in a movement that was united only in what it opposed and could never put forward a positive program, whether of reformist "demands" on the capitalist state or of revolutionary action against it. Liberals, who latched onto Occupy hoping it could pressure the Democratic Party in a more populist direction, want to expel "black bloc" anarchists. Reformist social democrats rail against "ultraleftists" in Occupy and cozy up to the labor tops. On the other side, many (but not all) anarchists oppose unions. Some are simply arrogant petty-bourgeois labor haters. Others are grappling with real problems, but with skewed analysis and dead wrong conclusions. Discussion of recent workers' struggles, from Wisconsin to West Coast longshore, underlines that the key question is leadership, but not just replacing one set of bureaucrats with another. Unions have always faced vicious anti-labor laws, but we have the power to defeat them. It is necessary to drive out the pro-capitalist bureaucracy, the labor lieutenants of capital, in order to turn the unions into instruments of revolutionary class struggle.
The International Socialist Organization and the 2006 election (tags)
The International Socialist Organization is holding a conference this weekend in New York City under the slogan “Socialism 2006—Build the Left, Fight the Right.” An examination of the perspective upon which this gathering has been organized, however, makes clear that it is aimed at promoting a “left” variety of bourgeois politics, in the form of the Green Party, which can serve only to divert a mass movement that arises against the right-wing policies of the two major parties and lead it into a political dead end.
ISO statement re: Baldwin Park II & democracy in movements (tags)
Los Angeles ISO's response to posts about the anti-Minutemen Project/SOS movement
Great Anarchist Noam Chomsky backs Bush-lite Kerry (tags)
Could he now be the WORLDS MOST DUMBEST MAN ?
Michael Albert Debates the ISO and Marxism (tags)
Excellent debate my Michael Albert from Z Magazine with Alan Maas from the ISO. Albert skillfully articulates the failures of Marxism and the agenda of the authoritarian ISO.
Michael Albert Debates the ISO and Marxism (tags)
Excellent debate my Michael Albert from Z Magazing with Alan Maas from the ISO. Albert skillfully articulates the failures of Marxism the agenda of the authoritarian ISO.
how to fight the ISO, the republicans and the democrats all with one stone (tags)
add your suggestions
Response to ISO ‘Democracy or consensus?’ article on anti-war conferences (tags)
In an article on the controversial student anti-war conferences, ‘How will the antiwar movement debate the way forward? Democracy or consensus?’ (Page 8, November 30, 2001 Socialist Worker), the ISO lays out their ideas on what are the important issues that arose out of the conferences. Ann, a Southern California student who attended the West Coast regional conference at UC Berkeley, responds directly to the article. Saying the real issue is not “Democracy vs. Consensus,” as the ISO states, but in her opinion how the ISO behaved. Her response is directly inserted into the article below.
Lets play a game. Analyze the ISO all free thinkers (tags)
please understand
This Campaign is not to Destroy or hate the ISO (tags)
please understand
Report Back: ISO Hijacks BOSTON and SAN FRANCISCO Campus Anti-War Conferences (tags)
Not only did the ISO hijack the west coast campus anti-war conference, they did it in Boston as well.
Why did ISO hijack Berkley CA Schools Anti-War Conference? (tags)
Why did the ISO lie to us all and bring us up here this weekend, only to push and build and ISO coalition. if I wanted to be in the ISO i would have joined the organiziation.
ISO overthrows an outhouse in Washington State.