fix articles 13519, california prison focus
Dignity for Women Prisoners May 12 in LA (tags)
May 12 in LA the Dignity for Women Prisoners Campaign will hold a community forum to kick off our campaign to have male guards relieved of assignment in women's housing units in CA prisons.
Update: 7th National Conference On Raza Prisoners (tags)
For over 10 years, the Chicano Mexicano Prison Project (a project of Union del Barrio) has been one of the few Mexicano-Raza organizations working to expose the role that the Prison Industry plays in oppression and exploitation of Mexicanos. On May 10, 2003, the Chicano Mexicano Prison Project will organize the 7th National Conference On Raza Prisoners and the 10th Anniversary of CMPP.
Demonstrate Your Support For Women Prisoners! (tags)
Saturday APRIL 27th, 1pm Demonstration against the health crisis at Central California Women's Facility!