fix articles 134541, injected
Sinking Free Speech, New Wars Recognized (tags)
After an 18 year coma in California after a federal series of billion dollar robberies i witnessed as a USA federal bank examiner at FDIC Many were killed raped maimed robbed. Loomis Sacramento Robbery 1999 of Sock Strategy Warfare you cant remember. LA fed injected me in 2001 before I could get an attorney. I was in fear in a coma.
Cruel monkey farms on trial in Hendry County (tags)
Brutal monkey breeder plans exposed by Animal Defenders International
Banking leads to Murder and Maiming of Judges and FDIC Officials & reporter (tags)
I am Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone, founder of Mobile Audit Club. I realized this past week in May of 2012 that bribes are being used to murder and maim judges and banking regulatory officials. I went to a clinic in Santa Cruz California called the Planned Parenthood health clinic to get healthcare. I have been maimed when getting healthcare since 2001. A bribe was allegedly alluded to so that the doctor would say I was insane and to use my hand writing as proof
USA Laws Butchering Banks and Causing Murder, See San Bruno, See FDIC Act of 1991 (tags)
The USA government has gone into full butcher mode with murders galore in the San Francisco Bay area to vouch for mayhem caused by change in banking laws. A sort of Wal-Mart of Banking Laws in 1999 and 1991 allowing banks such as Wachovia to Be Buthchered.
Banking Warfare, Gas Explosion San Bruno, FDIC bank examiner Injected causes brain Stroke (tags)
The gas pipeline explosion in San Bruno in 2010 was likely deliberately set to explode and killed many. I smelled the gas on Interstate 280 and did not report it because I have been tortured and caused to have a brain stroke due to forced injections by federal and state officials.
ICE Drugging Deportees - Fascism Is Here Now (tags)
ICE Drugs deportees. In one case, a Christian pastor, who was trying to communicate to the pilot that the Federal agents flanking him were in violation of a court order putting a stay on his deportation. In another case, the Feds did not even keep a record of what drug they used...
Techies View Video Link, Two Jolts Recorded, Camera Stopped, Why? (tags)
Federal Crime Syndicates stealing and killing. In the video linked below, I was made to leave a government building in Alabama. It all links back to a murder in San Francisco's financial district and the murder was labeled a suicide. It was around the time of Bush's Sr.'s last vice presidential term.
USA Government Torturing Veterans And Government Informants (tags)
Veterans have been tortured at the LA VA Westwood, and government informants tortured, injected, jailed, and raped. We are in a war. Do not trust USA government dentists or medical practitioners. Below is a post from Today's Mobile Audit Club
Forced Injections of Teenagers? Stop Democrat Ed Hernandez of West Covina (tags)
IN the growing assault of the USA government on our rights, now the regime is proposing "FORCING" injections on teenage girls. Read today's post from Mobile Audit Club below
Tieing IT Together, Murders at FDIC, Attacked Bank Examiners, A Broken Treasury, Holocaust (tags)
As a former Bank Examiner, and survivor of attempts on my life, partially blinded by poisons, forced injections by federal and state governments, I try to piece together the puzzle. The conclusion, from beginning to end, I bleed or breathe like our kind
Honest Federal Bank Examiner, Persecuted, Flees To Canadian Border, Denied Entry, (Am I no (tags)
Honest auditor persecuted and then denied entry into Canada, partially blinded, and shell shocked after years of torment and abuse. Beware of their VA Doctors at LA VA Westwood. I want the ones who injected me, brought to me in a court of law, or if not
Why an HIV Vaccine Can't Work (tags)
Twenty+ years of AIDS and no vaccine, why?
AIDS Activist Dr. Boyd Graves Arrested In His Own Yard! (tags)
Activist Graves arrested on Independence Day SAN DIEGO - Human rights activist Boyd E. Graves was arrested in front of his San Diego home early Friday morning on charges of disturbing the peace and disorderly conduct.