fix articles 133991, tooth fairy
March 21st Hollywood Peace March or The Revolution Will Not Be Organized (tags)
A re-cap of the peace march that was held on Hollywood Blvd on March 21st, 2009 complete with photographs of the day.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/12/05) (tags)
Flight 175 was an animation.
The Forbidden Truths of the Insane God Myth (tags)
A devastating dissection of the toxic, poisonous, and genocidally evil consequences of the Insane God Myth upon the human species.
Is Fantasyland about to get Terminated? (tags)
This is what I got so far but It's not good enough to convince the average Terminator fan -- a hard-working guy who probably goes to Raiders/Niners games, is definitely an action picture freak; has friends and family being massacred in Iraq because Bush lied to them, yet still thinks Bush is Patriotic AND who has the most to lose if Arnold is elected (yet will vote for him anyway).
Mom, Drugs, and Apple Pie (tags)
The War On Drugs has gone on for a good thirty-five years since the Sixties. It's as real as professional wrestling. Well, almost. What do we have to show for it? Nothing. Nothing. You can get any drug you have heard of, and some you haven't, from your daughter in high school.
Leftists Working for Poverty! (tags)
Want more poverty in the 3d world? Don't miss the next World Bank protest! Thanks Walter E. Williams! We are so lucky to have you.