fix articles 13389, energy Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : energy


Capitalism can't overcome the laws of physics (tags)

That humanity can dominate nature “is an illusion.” The laws of thermodynamics remain in place. “Consequently, a growth-centered capitalist economy finds itself trapped in futile attempts to completely decouple itself from nature — aiming for a 100% circular, service-oriented and zero-waste existence.

Words on war and peace (tags)

"Every cannon that is built, every warship that is launched, every missile that is fired is ultimately a theft from those who are hungry and have nothing to eat, those who are cold and have no clothes. A world under arms not only squanders money. It also squanders the sweat of its workers, the spirit of its scientists and the hope of its children." former President Dwight D. Eisenhower

THE 000'oo UNIVERSE (tags)

ANECDOTE In the very distant past, The Toltec Troops were sent to conflict universes to save the local garrisons, but they fell into corruption because they left their homeland to reach unknown territories to fight for a leader who offered nothing in return and for for this reason they were easily defeated by The Toltec Troops and not only because of their very powerful enemy, but because the poisonous sensitivity that reigned there was enough to wisely retreat immediately.

Memorandum 2022 and Memorandum 2023 (tags)

The Bremen study group on Alternative Economic Policy has been publishing analyses since 1975. Sustainable infrastructure Investments, de-carbonization, environmental safeguards, work protections and welfare regulations are primary as well as resisting profit maximization and environmental destruction.

"The war in Ukraine is a war for the dollar" - part 2 of 3 (tags)

Moscow has really threatened the U.S. dollar on the international stage, and with it the entire U.S. economy behind it. Since Putin took office, well before 2021 and even before the anti-Russian coup in Ukraine in 2014, Russia, a leading energy power, has begun the process of liquidating U.S. dollar-denominated bonds. Russia halved the number of U.S. bonds it held.

Inflation in the Age of Finance Capitalism (tags)

The shift of profit-striving from the real- to the financial-economy lowered economic growth Unemployment and atypical jobs soared. The welfare state was weakened. At the same time, financial wealth grew exorbitantly (the DAX increased 14-fold since 1988).

US corporations in the wings for post-war Ukraine (tags)

The IMF granted large loans to the invaded country and enforces the so-called neoliberal "Washington Consensus"[1]. In a major privatization campaign, the Ukrainian government is selling off state assets. U.S. corporations such as ExxonMobil, Chevron & Halliburton participate.

Nord Stream as a reason for war (tags)

Only the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipelines ultimately cleared the way for the EU, and Germany in particular, to become long-term buyers of U.S. natural gas surpluses and to keep the price at a profitable level for U.S. fracked gas producers, even in the long term.

The inflation debate and The inflation conundrum (tags)

If inflation is the result of a distributional conflict, it can be deliberately stopped by governments. Governments could skim off the higher profits through a tax in order to subsidize energy costs for consumers. Governments could also raise taxes (on the rich).

The right to water and 7 challenges to the welfare state (tags)

Visions need concrete, tangible measures that provide security in times of uncertainty and reliably carry all people through the huge changes...The indispensable ecological transformation must also become a social one.

Utopias and Dystopias and Cooperation with China (tags)

Joe Biden and his foreign policy team are in many ways still entrenched in the Cold War era, and his administration has generally taken a far more antagonistic stance toward China than Obama.

Misjudgments and Biden's foreign policy (tags)

Russia is to blame for our gas shortage, rising prices and high inflation. That's what the newspapers say, that's what you hear on the news and that's what presenters claim. Of course, this is not true. But the constant repetition shapes the public consciousness.

Who can afford capitalism anymore? and Why are prices rising? (tags)

When the state now debates the need to create relief packages for employees, pensioners, unemployment benefit recipients, trainees and families, this is official confirmation that the result of wage labor is also poverty. The majority of citizens find themselves in a dual role...

Let the advertising die! (tags)

Advertising leads to useless purchases because it often persuades consumers to have needs instead of satisfying existing desires. This leads to excessive consumption of resources and materials and thus damages the environment.

The Slave State (tags)

"Nord Stream 2 energy is an indispensable part of understanding what this is all about," Beattie said. "It's all about who controls Europe. Europe, we have since learned, is even more of a vassal state of the United States than we imagined.

Peace and Provocation: Is Zelensky intent on WW3? (tags)

A quiet voice inside you could be saying: "Thou shalt not kill!" So you take the rifle and break it over your knees. Then you have them all against you, the press, the priests, public opinion. Then you're a contrarian, a fantasist, a pacifist. But you said 'no' to say 'yes' to yourself."

Putin escalates: How should we react now? (tags)

The U.S. government wants to make the country independent of China. In no other area are the efforts to "decouple" (decoupling) as clear and unambiguous as in high technologies, especially in the (alleged) future fields of battery technology and high-performance chips. Matthias Becker

Raising interest rates to fight inflation is a crazy idea (tags)

A wrong analysis of the causes of inflation leads to wrong countermeasures. Wage restraint means a loss of purchasing power and does not change the increased energy prices. Higher interest rates will make loans more expensive, lead to less investment, eg renewable energies.

Only a progressive tax revolution can stop the climate collapse (tags)

There is an urgent need for a pluralistic opening of the economic sciences, so that the argumentative dispute about the ethically correct interpretation of market-competitive interaction relations and the status of market logic again becomes a normal part of economic discourse.

Energy crisis: market intervention by policymakers is necessary (tags)

We are in the middle of a multiple energy crisis. The supply of energy is in danger, and prices will continue to rise. This is not only a problem for private households and companies. There is a danger that persistently high inflation will become entrenched. Then severe economic depression

A Radical Peace Economy (tags)

We live in a time of real militaristic orgies of war and rearmament, not only in Ukraine, Russia and Yemen, also in the US airbase Ramstein in Rhineland-Palatinate. The war against nature on our planet puts continued human existence at risk.

Capitalism In The Meat Industry Etc (tags)

Corruption in the animal agriculture industries as well as in arms sales, radio and tv licenses, animal researc etc.

US: Domestic political gridlock and The Ukraine War (tags)

The Ukraine War: In Asia, Africa, and the Arab world, the prevailing view is that Europe is heading for disaster - and that the international order is falling apart. In much of Asia, Africa & the Middle East, the reaction to the war in Ukraine has been restrained. It is resounding silence.

Le gène, à l'environnement, prête serment (tags)

Il n'y a aucune liberté de la presse...

The wrong climate strategy of the United Nations (tags)

To stay below 1.5 °C, net global CO2 emissions must be reduced by 59 percent by 2030 and 100 percent by 2050. 80.2 percent of these emissions are due to the burning of fossil fuels. In 2019, these fuels still met 84.3 percent of humanity's energy needs.

The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology Capable of Some Electronic Mind Contro (tags)

covid is, among other things, a vast cover story for a lot of biotech and electro-chemical weaponry being deployed by the political servants of royalty worldwide...some is prudence, some is about cleaning up loose ends, ala gulf war problems still hanging around...these other deaths, these assassinations i talked about 3 years ago, when i saw it coming, are now all "Complications" from covid. they must have their deniability and lies. here in america covid is coup #2 within the continuing conquest of the world government over our founding documents. 911 was coup #1 of course. its all about perception management at all on.

System Transformation or Barbarism (tags)

Overcoming capital is thus a necessity for survival. Consequently, the climate question is not a question of burden sharing, it is not a question of social security. The global exploitation process of capital, in which resources and energy are burned to make more money...

The Forever War (tags)

Women's rights were to be strengthened and a Western-style form of government was to be implanted. In fact, according to the U.S.'s own statements, the hijackers of those planes that flew into the World Trade Center towers were primarily Saudis. The docile oil country of Saudi Arabia was never attacked.

Is Green Growth the Solution? (tags)

Just as every millimeter of social progress must be fought for against capital interests, the protection of nature and climate must also be won against the rulers. In these struggles lies the future of the planet.

How to desublimate repressive? (tags)

Love is the gate to eternity, but what if a process of sexual liberation could save the status quo of existing ruling structures?

Berkeley and Caltech team up to build quantum network testbed (tags)

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) will be home to a cutting-edge quantum network testbed, thanks to a new five-year, $12.5 millionLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) will be home to a cutting-edge quantum network testbed, thanks to a new five-year, $12.5 million funding award from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). funding award from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

Some Satellite Energy Artifacts Caught On Camera (tags)

Bernard Eastlund, Inventor of HAARP (High Frequency Active AURORAL Research program), from his Patent # 4,686,605 “...This invention relates to a method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region normally existing above the Earth’s initially transmitting electromagnetic radiation from the Earth’s surface... ...By altering solar modification is possible... for example, altering upper atmosphere wind patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device...A moving plume could also serve as a means for focusing a vast amount of sunlight on selected portions of the Earth...HIGH INTENSITY, WELL CONTROLLED ELECTRICAL FIELDS CAN BE PROVIDED IN SELECTED LOCATIONS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES...(caps ours, ed.)”....eavesdropping....

Le gène, à l'environnement, prête serment (tags)

Pour le capital, toute forme de vie, ne vaut rien...

From Punitive Tariffs and Trade Conflicts to Economic War (tags)

Trump's punitive attacks on several trading partners, above all China, are changing suddenly into a destruction of the multilateral structures of the world market. With "America first," the president wants to restore the past hegemony. The wrecking ball is not the only model!

Abolir l'économie (tags)

La vie de l'économie...

For a World Free of Nuclear Risks (tags)

The International Uranium Film Festival will return this year to USA and show lots of films about nuclear power and uranium risks. And it kindly asks for your support and participation.

Nuke Shutdown News - (tags)

While nukes are fadinf away, the answer is blosing in the wins.

The torrefied pellet plant will not be built on the Limousin mountain! (tags)

This is an invitation from the Limousine Mountain to all potential accomplices who oppose the industrial offensive currently taking place under the veil of an ‘ecological transition’...

Paraphysique du catastrophisme (tags)

Le capitalisme affiche son mensonge partout...

The Future as Transformation (tags)

There is no future with present-day capitalism. Capitalism stands for a movement of endless profit-making. Only a radical breach with the capitalist accumulation dynamic can nurture the hope of a reasonably tolerable future for human civilization on this planet.

Nuclear Shutdown Nres September 2017 Part 2 (tags)

The second part of Nuclear Shutdown News for September 2017.

Nuclear Shutdown News June 2017 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear industry, in the US and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those working to create a nuclear free world. Here is our July 2017 report:

Limits to Growth Published Forty Years Ago (tags)

The MIT scholars under Dennis Meadows came to four core conclusions: 1) there are limits to economic growth on finite planet, 2) the economy and population are growing exponentially, 3) exceeding limits will lead to collapse and 4) collapse could be avoided by turning from growth

The Shortwave Report 06/02/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and NHK Japan.

The Generations Manifesto (tags)

Neoliberalism turns the world upside down so egoism, avarice, enrichment and ruthlessness become virtues and solidarity, sharing, and the social state become pre-modern threats to the right to absolute free property.

Nuclear Shutdown News October 2016 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working for a nuclear free world. What follows is our October edition, which is dedicated to Judy Friedman of Connecticut’s Peoples Action for Clean Energy (PACE)! Nuclear Shutdown New

Nuclear Shutdown News September 2016 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free world. Here is our September 2016 edition:

"KPFK has a $500,000 deficit “ !! Can this be true? (tags)

What we dont know that affects the organizations we pay $$$ to support ! ? And no one is talking, to KPFK listeners/ sponsors/ stakeholders. And also some of Alan Watts' words are included here too.

Who Owns the Sky? The Climate in the Globalization Trap (tags)

The bad news is that there are more inconvenient truths. Climate change is present, not future. Globalization and protection of the atmosphere do not go together. Climate policy has a past. Economic profit dominance always has a priority over climate protection.

Moringa great health benefits at large (tags)

MoringaQ is dedicated to providing information about Moringa. On this journey called life , it is imperative that we as humans help each other.

We Can Phase Out Fossil Fuels Within a Decade, Study Says (tags)

Thinking is the best way to travel - as we transition to a post-materialist, post-fossil and post-autistic economy.

Energy for tomorrow, 15 pp (tags)

“The time of cheap and abundant energy comes to the end. It is the beginning of the transition of the fossil era to a post-fossil age, a transition which will be in the same measure fundamental and decisive as it was the by fossils imprinted industrial revolution of about more than 200 years ago”.1

Greed Energy Update (tags)

A wind energy farm has desecrated sacred sites and damaged the environment in Ocotillo Valley. Also, it's dubious if any alternative energy generated has offset the fossil fuel required to build and maintain the project. The 2013 film Greed Energy documents resistance to the farm, which this article further explores and updates.

Philippines: Climate Focus - Time to act is now on energy transformation (tags)

What could possibly be so urgent and life-threatening to drive leaders of people from a small and barely reachable island off the coast of Mindoro to leave their homes and travel 285 kilometers by land and sea over the period of five days just to reach Metro Manila? On November 27, a day before the biggest climate justice march in the country, they have reach the Presidential Palace.

Energy (R)evolution by Greenpeace, 364 pp (tags)

This is the year when the fight against climate change could take a dramatic turn. The conference in Paris in December presents political and business leaders with the opportunity to take the critical decisions needed if we are to keep average temperature rises to no more than 1.5 or 2 degrees Celsius.

"The Great Transformation Has Begun" (tags)

The core of this system, its over-arching law, is the endless accumulation of capital. That is its main goal to which everything else is subordinated. Persons and nature are used to make more money out of money. Therefore we are degraded to little wheels in this machine.

NUCLEAR SHUTDOWN NEWS August 2015 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the US nuclear industry, and highlights the efforts of those who are working for a nuclear free world.

Ockham's Razor (tags)

Pollution, wars, crime, terrorism, drugs, diseases, disasters, etcetera, are all related with each other and deliberately created with the same goal.

Secretive Glonvec weapons manufacturer in town (tags)

A high energy weapons development multinational corporation is visiting Southern California High Schools and Colleges, recruiting for mass murder and war crimes.

Mammal Flesh Sandwiches Slaughter The Rainforest, Criminally Waste Water, (tags)

In the over thousand fires burning in Canada and the US, in the violent storms, the flooding in some areas and drought in others, record heat in summer and cold in winter, we are seeing the effects of climate change (global heating and freezing)

Environmental Groups File Lawsuit Challenging Shell (tags)

System change, not climate change! The people united shall never be defeated!


Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and all of the US nuclear industry, and spotlights those who are working for a nuke free future.

Nature "Conservancy" Continues Mammal Murder And Environmental Destruction (tags)

A coup d'etat at Nature Conservancy has helped environment-raping big business execs take over NC land holdings

John Kerry: War Criminal, Profiteering from Stolen Palestinian Natural Gas (tags)


TTIP: Trifling Economic Advantages at the Cost of Democracy and the Public Interest (tags)

TTIP represents a crisis for democracy and the constitutional state. Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO describes the TTIP as “secret tribunals” where only “foreign investors” can sue. Frank Bsirske of the German Verdi service union said the TTIP is a “black box” transferring sovereignty.

Obama Supports Nuclear Proliferation, Opposes Disarmament (tags)

nuclear weapon

Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant: A Ticking Time Bomb? (tags)

nuclear power

4 Of Biggest Cow Killing States Experience Violent Tornadoes (tags)

The link between animal agriculture and violent weather patterns has long been established in studies.

On the End of Capitalism (tags)

The bridge from capitalism to the new "post-growth economy" is lacking. Hardly anyone reflects about the process of transformation...If the climate should be spared, flying cannot be a human right. The R-word will be unavoidable again: renunciation.

research material on meth use (tags)

collected material on meth use

Elected US President in 2000, Al Gore Became Vegan A While Ago (tags)

As Al Gore has become vegan, light is focused on environmental reasons to stop eating animals or their products

Low Oil Prices: Boom or Bust? (tags)


Plummeting Oil Prices (tags)


Paraphysique du catastrophisme (tags)

Spectacle de la catastrophe, la catastrophe du spectacle...

Stop the TTIP! (tags)

The European Commission suspended the secret TTIP negotiations for four months to get citizen consultation on the Investor-State-Dispute SettlementThis proposed parallel system with 3-person courts of arbitration allows corporations to sue for lost profits. Decisions are irrevocable.

Sino/Russian Alliance Challenges West (tags)


Wind power is cheaper than coal, 70pp (tags)

A leaked report shows wind is the cheapest energy source in Europe, beating the presumably dirt-cheap coal and gas by a mile. Conventional wisdom holds that clean energy is more expensive than its fossil-fueled counterparts. competition.

From Scarcity to Glut? (tags)

The industrial countries practice a lifestyle of non-sustainability and consume the resources of the earth too quickly. This is true for energy, raw materials and metals. Still the knowledge of oil's finiteness cannot be evaded. We should use this time to develop alternative energy infrastructures.

Pepsi Burning Animals Alive In Going Back To Sugar (tags)

There are toxic effects to human health, animal protection, agricultural yield in Pepsi's decision to go back to lethal sugar.

Philippines: Inclusive growth under Aquino no longer possible (tags)

WITH only two years left in his term as he now enters his fourth year in office, President Aquino could now be described as either unwilling or unable to make the country’s much-hyped economic growth inclusive.

Trolling ...what is that ? (tags)

Definitions - name calling that appears often here at Indy is being called a "troll" or claiming that someone is "trolling". What could such a Bad Word mean ? Not one of those ugly plastic dolls that were sold to sweet children a while back. Not from actual Grimm's fairy tales. This word is intended to insult, offend, discredit and accuse without merit anyone some writer doesnt like or with whom they dont happen to agree. How mean ? And on Indymedia where civilized writers want to share ?

No Deal in Geneva (tags)


All Nighter in Eagle Rock, Los Angeles California (tags)

August 17 was a hot Saturday. North East Radical Neighbors for Peace through Justice (NELA Rad) set up their weekly protest, at Eagle Rock and Colorado Boulevards, at 2pm. They set out their signs, the standards: Pledge of Allegiance to the Earth, Afghanistan: Graveyard of Empires, and Peace is not simply the Absence of Violence... to name a few. Smartly, they set up a shade awning, and broke out snacks, water bottles, a table and chairs. While this group usually addresses what they refer to as “Peace through Justice, and all the related issues,” this weekend they were focused on “Global Warming, and all the related issues.”

They frack because clear air and water aren’t profitable (tags)

Newly developed fracking techniques represent an intensification, yet a special law known as the “Halliburton loophole” exempts fracking from federal regulations.

Judicial Lynching In Texas.. Time For a Texorcism (tags)

Only 7 states murdered prisoners in 2013. Texas killed more than the other 6 combined.

Obama's New Climate Plan (tags)


Lynne Stewart Denied Compassionate Release (tags)

police state

Our Proposal for Changing the System and not the Climate (tags)

The capitalist system has exploited and abused nature, pushing the planet to its limits, so much so that the system has accelerated dangerous and fundamental changes in the climate.

Philippine climate activists expose risks of dirty coal. (tags)

300-strong climate activists and anti-coal advocates stormed the Department of Energy to voice out their opposition to coal mines and coal-fired power plants promoted by the government and to launch the group’s Campaign Against Dirty Energy and for People’s Access to Safe, Renewable and Democratic Energy Alternatives.

14,000 Idle Wind Turbines a Testament to Failed Energy Policies (tags)

14,000 Idle Wind Turbines a Testament to Failed Energy Policies

Solar Desalination with Brine Recovery Salt Pans Could Stop Desert Water Wars (tags)

If solar powered desalination plants had brine recovery salt pan attachments as in Point Paterson, Austrailia they would be a better option than trying to heist water from already overburdened aquifers as the SNWA has attempted for decades. The desalination plant of the future would be solar and wind powered and use the heat of the desert sun to evaporate the salt from the brine in salt pans creating zero waste. If our society can justify spending billions on unmanned CIA drones to bomb funeral processions in Afghanistan just to kill one Taliban we certainly can invest in our future here by replenishing our overtaxed aquifers through solar powered desalination.

More Controversial Obama Appointments (tags)


Why Organized Labor Must Stand Against the Keystone XL Pipeline (tags)

Spurred by real urgency over the corporate driven ruin of the environment, a growing social movement is taking shape that will be on display this Sunday, February 17, when tens of thousands descend on the streets of Washington, D.C. in a show of power titled “Forward On Climate.”

Barry Commoner (1917-2012) (tags)

The economic theory of socialism does not demand an unlimited growth. The capitalist agrarian economy and industry wear out the two exclusive sources of wealth: the earth and workers. Capitalist accumulation and the finite earth are in contradiction.

Idiot Game (tags)

Capitalism or private property is not the cause but the product, the result, the necessary consequence of alienated labor. No person needs 400 times his neighbor. They play even if it ruins them. It is high time for the left to pull the motivation plug.

Vote fro Shell oil as Worst Company of 2012 (tags)

The Shortwave Report 12/21/12 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. China Radio International, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and the Voice of Russia.

Philippine campaign against high electricity rates snowballs (tags)

QUEZON CITY, Philippines – Thousands of electricity consumers from 55 cities and municipalities from 15 provinces and 10 regions are expected to stage a multi-form protest on November 22, dubbed as “National Day of Action against Epira (Electric Power Industry Reform Act), high electricity rates and privatization of the power industry.”

Predicting Protracted Hard Times (tags)

class war

Clicking as a Fetish (tags)

Citizen X is no longer represented by politician U... In the best case, Liquid Democracy can reinvent the vision of deliberative and interactive democracy, giving demonstrators a platform for the public discussion of public problems.

Climate Change and the Next U.S. Revolution (tags)

The U.S. heat wave is slowly shaking the foundations of American politics. It may take years for the deep rumble to evolve into an above ground, institution-shattering earthquake, but U.S. society has changed for good.

Climate Change and the Next U.S. Revolution (tags)

The U.S. heat wave is slowly shaking the foundations of American politics. It may take years for the deep rumble to evolve into an above ground, institution-shattering earthquake, but U.S. society has changed for good.

GLP 2012 Presidential Campaign; No Corporate Lobbyist Funding Allowed! (tags)

Green Liberty Party is a fusion party between the Greens and the Libertarians that provides an alternative to the current status quo of Republicans and Democrats that are both heavily under the infuence of corporate lobbyists. To alleviate the corporate lobbyist dependency the GLP will not accept any campaign contributions larger than 10.00 from any anonymous individuals, and no money from corporations or professional lobbyist groups.

Getting Rolled in Wisconsin (tags)

Andy Kroll is a reporter in the D.C. bureau of Mother Jones magazine and an associate editor at

Cooperatives and the Good Life (tags)

The rights of businesses in exploiting resources end in the rights of nature according to the constitution of the bien vivir. This understanding of the person-nature relation surpasses the rationalist model of rule over nature realized in capitalism's globalized praxis. Art 395 of Ecuador's constitution affirms sustainability.

SNWA General Manager Mulroy; A Legacy of Cultural Genocide Against the Goshute Nation (tags)

The use of propaganda to coerce transfer of indigenous populations from their homeland and cultural base is a violation of the United Nations Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and could be defined as cultural genocide. Will this be the legacy of SNWA General Manager Patricia Mulroy's pipeline?

PHILIPPINES: How to Slay the Oil Price Monster (tags)

Leaders are elected in order to take decisive action to solve problems. What is demanded from a leader is–after a careful weighing of costs and benefits–action that cuts the Gordian Knot of a seemingly complex reality.



Philippine Labor party calls for removal of VAT on oil to reduce prices (tags)

One day after the transport protest against the unabated increases in oil prices, the Partido ng Manggagawa (PM) called on the administration of President Benigno Aquino III to remove the VAT on oil products as an immediate measure to reduce prices.

Renewable energy solution to oil price hikes (tags)

Manila, Philippines: Akbayan Party today urged the Aquino administration to push for renewable energy as a long term solution to oil price hikes. Akbayan lawmaker Walden Bello said that the spiraling cost of fuel should send alarm signals to the government and stress the urgency of pushing for renewable energy to address the country’s energy needs.

BTL:GOP House Majority Working to Weaken Key Provisions of Clean Air Act (tags)

Interview with Henry Waxman, ranking Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

Electric cars suck? (tags)

They have a limit range of maybe 65 miles and they are very expensive compared to normal cars with the Volt costing $40,000. I suspect that many tree huggers who thought they were buying a car that used clean electricity to power it will be disappointed when they discover that dirty coal fueled power plants produce the energy they use to charge their allegedly clean electric car.

Hazardous Hydrofracking in America (tags)


Occupy LA, Day 1 (tags)

October 1, 2011 Three to Five thousand people gathered in Pershing Square in Downtown LA, at 10 am to march to City Hall. The purpose, to occupy City Hall in Solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street Movement that is in its twelfth day in New York City.

Carving up the Libya Corpse for Profit (tags)


Sustaining Protest Energy in Israel (tags)

social injustice

Habitat Fragmentation and Natural Gas Instability Applied to Ruby Pipeline Project (tags)

This report details the risks presented to the endemic species of the sagebrush ecosystems of northeastern Nevada by El Paso Energy Corporation?s Ruby Pipeline proposed to stretch from Opal, Wyoming to Malin, Oregon.

Fukushima Mon Horreur - The Dream of Economic Reason Gives Birth to Tremendous Catastrophe (tags)

In "Anti-Duhring," Frederick Engels explained that nature also has a history and that capitalism tends to destroy its own foundations and nature. The negative is bound to the positive as conservation of energy is bound to transformation of energy.

Washington's War on Chavez (tags)


BTL:Fukushima Disaster Unknowns Could Mean Years Until Nuclear Crisis Ends (tags)

Interview with Harvey Wasserman, senior editor, and author of "The Last Energy War" and "Solartopia: Our Green-Powered Earth AD 2030", conducted by Scott Harris

Tepco is the End of the Market Economy (tags)

Tepco operated antiquated nuclear reactors and glossed over the hard of a meltdown. The Japanese government will probably nationalize the firm since it cannot pay a fraction of its liabilities. What lessons do we learn? Should the public sector be expanded? We are all Wisconsin

Art of War : Nuclear Energy (tags)

Nuclear Energy

Renewable Energy is a Reality and not a Vision (tags)

Germany gains more energy from solar technology than Japan gains from all its nuclear reactions. Development in this area occurred much faster in the last years than many expected. Ten years ago no one would have believed we would gain 17% of our supply from renewables.

Fukushima and Capitalism (tags)

"Capitalism and its countless horrors seem more credible to us than an alternative. We believe in capital, the deadly promise of endless growth. We cynically pay it tribute as though the rule of people over people and nature were something dignified. A world of sharing and community is possible."

Nuclear fails again (tags)

Pity President Barack Obama: Every time he tries to compromise with Republicans on energy reform by backing dirty or dangerous forms of power generation, a disaster occurs to demonstrate why pursuing such strategies is a bad idea.

The House Party (tags)

Press Release Immediate Contact: Anonymous

Our Solidarity with the People of Japan (tags)

PHILIPPINES: The Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Laboring Masses, PLM) expresses its deepest concern and sends its condolences to all the families and victims of the earthquake and tsunami that hit the North-Eastern coast of Japan last Friday. Our thoughts are also with all our Japanese friends and comrades and we pledge our solidarity and support to them in these dark hours.

Anti-Nuclear Peace Marches on March 19 (tags)

On this 8th anniversary of the illegal US invasion and occupation of Iraq in its agenda of blood for oil wars to maximize profits, we are also witnessing another profiteering horror, that of a nuclear holocaust caused by the breakdown of nuclear power in the face of earthquakes and tsunamis. Go to the nearest peace march on March 19 to support solar, wind and tidal power for clean, safe, renewable energy, for an end to blood for oil wars and an end to the whole deadly private profit system.

Full Core Meltdown in Japan? (tags)

nuclear disaster

Why Tunisia Changed the World (tags)

Tunisia woke up the Middle East with a thundering yawn. After years of domination by western-backed tyrants, the working people of the Arab world are rising from slumber. Once fully awake and aware of their surroundings, they'll shake off the influence of the western nations with a collective flick of the wrist. The elites of the Middle East and their western benefactors are petrified. The revolution in Tunisia deposed of two Presidents in 48 hours, and the vast energy of the people has already spilled over its borders, immediately affecting the politics of Algeria, Jordan, and Egypt. The Guardian reports:

DNA Resonance and Dead Blackbirds (tags)

It seems that a new weapon has been tested. It also seems to have worked pretty well, liquefying the internal organs of a specific species of blackbird.

Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons (tags)

should be banned

U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Says Ethanol Mistake “No Mistake” (tags)

Stewart Alexander says another “inconvenient truth” is that “Washington Democrats and Republicans know how to buy votes; take care of the corporations that produce ethanol, and in return it will generate campaign funding that will generate votes. The 2007 Energy Bill was only about buying political support.”

BTL:While Washington Dawdles, Chinese Government Subsidies Boost Green Technology (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

BTL:"Fracking" -- a Natural Gas Drilling Method -- Poses Threat to Environment and Human H (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

Veteran Activist Tom Hayden Speaks in San Diego (tags)

Veteran activist and former California State Senator Tom Hayden came to the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in Hillcrest November 4 to talk about the "Long War," a doctrine used by America's military that suggests the U.S. will be at war against militant Islam for 60 to 80 years and Afghanistan and Iraq are merely "theatres" in this war. He also talked about the recent midterm elections and the frustration of white voters, especially white men, at the failure of either the Republicans or the Democrats to improve their lives.

Lies, Damn Lies And Bill Gates’ Discussion Of Energy Policy (tags)

This is based on a talk Bill Gates recently gave on energy policy[]. I critique virtually everything he proclaims and describe a democratic, cooperative, municipal approach to renewable, non-polluting, and bountiful electrical energy.

Life after the Peak: Capitalism and the Market Economy (tags)

All over the world there are experiments with renewable energy, solidarity economies and non-profit economic forms. A growth acceleration law will be absurd when fossil energy runs out. We will need a growth de-acceleration law.

VIDEO and Book Review: "The Long Emergency" (tags)

Maybe BP should finance the relocation of Gulf citizens. Do corporations and rights and responsibilities or are they extra-legal tyrants? Americans are also brave, resilient, compassionate, resourceful and adaptable.

VIDEO and Book Review: "The Long Emergency" (tags)

Maybe BP should finance the relocation of Gulf citizens. Do corporations have rights and responsibilities or are they extra-legal tyrants? Americans are also brave, resilient, compassionate, resourceful and adaptable.

Problems with nuclear power highlighted by Gulf Disaster (tags)

Nobody’s perfect, and so mistakes do happen. But just as we couldn't conceive of our ongoing oil disaster in The Gulf, perhaps we are equally unable to appreciate the potential for a nuclear power mishap. While optimism is important, it’s sometimes a trap – just ask BP

BTL:Gulf Oil Spill Disaster An Opportunity to Reinvent America's Broken Energy Infrastruct (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Insurance Comm Candidate Padilla Opposes "Cap" On BP Ins-Calls For Seizure Of BP & Energy (tags)

Dina Padilla, Peace and Freedom Party candidate for California Insurance Commissioner has opposed any changes of insurance caps and instead is calling for the seizure of BP and public control of the entire energy under democratic worker management with the profits going to the public.

Barack Obama: Liar, Warlord and Corporate Shill (tags)

another shameless public betrayal

In Flight From Reality (tags)

"America's current dependence on energy imports and its rising levels of indebtedness due to the pursuit of wars of choice in Iraq and Afghanistan to secure a position of advantage in the competition for access to the energy resources of the Middle East, the Persian Gulf..."

Congressional Climate Bills: Stealth Schemes to Raise Energy Prices and Enrich Wall Street (tags)

climate bills are solely for profit

Culture of Profit (tags)

The 2010 Worldwatch Report was compiled by 60 scholars. "To avoid collapse, nothing less is urged than a revolution of the dominant cultural model, the replacement of our consumer culture with a model of sustainable prosperity."

Montcoal, WV; Massey Energy Cited 1,300 Times For Safety Violations (tags)

Following the recent cave in of a coal mine in Montcoal, WV evidence shows that despite over 1,300 safey violations Massey CEO Don Blankenship failed to act as needed to provide workers with a safe work environment. Once again profit placed over human lives by short-sighted CEO of Massey. The current body count of 25 miners with four still missing shows neglecting safety can have tragic consequences.

US House Chair Henry Waxman Ignores Appeals From Injured Downey Workers-Cover-up Continues (tags)

Henry Waxman, Chair of the House Committee of Energy and Commerce has refused to respond to a letter from the injured Downey Movie and Kaiser workers at the former US military toxic dump site that was privatized as a "Brownfield" site. Injured workers have requested that Waxman push the Energy Department pay for a NIOSH epidemiological study but Waxman is playing hide and seek. He refuses even to meet the workers but has called hearings on steroid use and Toyota. How about having a hearing about injured workers and community members on former military industrial sites which have been privatized. Apparently the developers have a bigger grip on Waxman than his constituents and public who he is supposed to represent.

20 Theses against a Green Capitalism (tags)

Is a Green New Deal possible? These theses were published in an English translation in: Prager Fruhling (Prague Spring) in December 2009.

Climate Justice, Not Growth Mania (tags)

"In green capitalism, the bio-crisis is at the center of the growth strategy. The Green New Deal represents a kind of ecological inversion of Kennedy's famous sentence: Ask not what you can do for the environment but what the environment can do for you..."


Explosion in Kleen Energy Systems.

The President's Leadership Challenge: A Call to Bold Action (tags)

"Mr. President, there has never been any doubt you are a brilliant orator. And it is also clear that nothing you have said will cause the Republicans in the Senate to break their stranglehold on progress, using threats of filibusters to destroy the majority rule that is the hallmark ..."

Haiti's Earthquake: Natural or Engineered (tags)

technology can cause earthquakes

Thousands to Demonstrate for Green Power! (tags)

Become a revolutionary agent of change!

The Earth Has a Fever (tags)

Worldwide 136 cities of millions at the coasts are directly endangered by the rising sea level.. The president cannot win a two-front war against the conservatives.. Over 100 German regions resolved to be completely renewable by 2025.

Good and Bad Choices for Energy Policy and the Environmental Movement 2009-2010 (tags)

Two energy/environment phenomena are being widely discussed currently. These are global warming, and its mitigation, and the nuclear resurgence – the worldwide push to supply power with nuclear power plants. Careful study of these issues leads to the following conclusions: 1. Global warming is real and is causing harm. 2. Global warming is mostly due to heat production by human industry since the 1800s, from nuclear power and fossil fuels, better termed hydrocarbons, – coal, oil, natural gas. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2 play a minor role even though they are widely claimed the cause. 3. Both nuclear and hydrocarbon-based power must be eliminated to solve the global warming problem. 4. Nuclear power advocates have commandeered the global warming/greenhouse gas formula to promote nuclear power, based upon two errors: exaggerating the role of CO2 on the one hand and incorrectly claiming that nuclear power plants do not produce CO2 on the other hand. 5. Nuclear power can not be separated from nuclear weapons, which are essential to the consistent drive for American military dominationof the world. This is the reason for nuclear power. Nuclear power does not make sense as a safe, efficient, or economical way to provide energy. 6. Solar and solar-derived (wind, wave) sources of power do not add heat to the environment and can be used to supply virtually unlimited electrical energy without causing global warming. If done properly they will open up new vistas of human freedom and cultural development. They also produce much less CO2 than either nukes or hydrocarbons.

San Francisco energy policy disconnects from San Francisco Rep. Nancy Pelosi's (tags)

San Francisco's new energy policy, CleanEnergySF, conflicts with that of its 8th District Congressional Representative, for the past 23 years, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi is one of the nation's leading advocates of nuclear power, who, in 2007, described herself as born again nuclear and supported that year's failed attempt to overturn California's ban on new nuclear plant construction.


“I was in the East End of London (a working-class quarter) yesterday I attended a meeting of the unemployed. I listened to the wild speeches, which were just a cry for ‘bread! bread!’ and on my way home I pondered over the scene and I became more than ever convinced of the importance of imperialism.... My cherished idea is a solution for the social problem, i.e., in order to save the ..........inhabitants of the United Kingdom from a bloody civil war, we colonial statesmen must acquire new lands to settle the surplus population, to provide new markets for the goods produced in the factories and mines. The Empire, as I have always said, is a bread and butter question. If you want to avoid civil war, you must become imperialists," quoted by Cecil Rhodes an English Stateman to a journalist in 1895. 1. V.I. Lenin, Imperialism the Highest Stage of Capitalism

Dr. Helen Caldicott Speaks in San Diego (tags)

Dr. Helen Caldicott, a powerful international activist against nuclear weapons and nuclear power for over a quarter-century, spoke at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego October 23 and painted a picture of global warming as an imminent apocalypse that requires immediate action to develop alternative energy sources and stop using fossil fuels. She also denounced the public-relations campaigns aimed at convincing people that global warming isn't a threat, and said climate-change deniers like Rush Limbaugh directly threaten the survival of the earth and therefore should not be allowed to broadcast.

Planned Economy Instead of Chaos Economy (tags)

For years US imports have doubled US exports. For 10 years China has contributed $2 billion a day to finance US consumerism. Trade policy in the WTO, GATT and NAFTA have led to mass unemployment. Part time work for all and/or unconditional basic income could humanize society and assure dignified life.

Privatization Behind Calderon's Attack on Electricians Union (tags)

"The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) architects had Mexico's energy industry in their sights when they negotiated the treaty. NAFTA's Chapter Six notes that "it is desirable to strengthen the important role that trade in energy and basic petrochemical goods plays in the free trade area and to enhance this role through sustained and gradual liberalization."??As such, in May 1993--just months before NAFTA went into effect--Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gotari modified the federal Electricity Law to allow the importation and exportation of Mexico's electricity, and to allow private and foreign companies to build and operate electrical plants in Mexico. Thanks to Salinas' NAFTA-inspired reform, today dozens of foreign companies operate in Mexico's energy sector. According to former SME Secretary General Manuel Fernandez Flores, private companies currently produce almost 40% of Mexico's electricity. These private companies include Enron (now Tractebel), Bechtel, Applied Energy Services, General Electric, Westinghouse, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Siemens, Iberdrola, and Union Fenosa."

British Columbia's Premier Takes His Environmental Hypocrisy to Los Angeles (tags)

The Premier of British Columbia is in California today for the Governors' summit on Climate Action, even though his record at home is one of environmental hypocrisy. Campbell has been pushing for coastal drilling for oil and gas, and campaigning to open up crude oil tanker traffic along the coastline of the Great Bear Rainforest.

LA Congressman Waxman Challenged By Injured Downey Movie and Kaiser Workers (tags)

Environmental activist Sharon Kramer talks about the role of the corporate industry trade group ACOEM in preventing the treatment of workers injured by mold by writing into workers comp laws rules eliminating treatement for mold. She also reports that former US Senator Edward Kennedy eliminated a study exposing the conflict of interest by ACOEM and other corporate controlled groups on US workers comp policy

Answer by seth (tags)

When all the young men refuse to kill for the sake of peace, and when all the women forbid their men to kill for the sake of peace, and when you realize that no peace will come through killing,

Obama's Cap and Trade Carbon Emissions Bill - A Stealth Scheme to License Pollution and Fr (tags)

plunder and pollution if passed

Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Full Spectrum Dominance" (tags)

must-read on US imperial aims

Appalachia and Colombia: The People Behind the Coal --an interview with Aviva Chomsky (tags)

Aviva Chomsky is a professor of history and Latin American Studies at Salem State College in Massachusetts, and is a founder of the North Shore Colombia Solidarity Committee, which has been working since 2002 with Colombian labor and popular movements, especially those affected by the foreign-owned mining sector. She just returned from a Witness for Peace delegation (May 28 – June 6) that traveled to two regions devastated by coal mining: the state of Kentucky and to northern Colombia.

AVSI Online Auction - Bid Now thru June 20! (tags)

Incredible items available for bidding! Artists, businesses, and individuals donated nationwide to support this critical fundraiser for the African Village Survival Initiative! Participate - Bid Generously - Make a donation!

creating the new world (tags)

Very important, because in each heart, this Love is powerful. But this Love is also as powerful as it is disregarded. So, we are trying to make you know it better, feel it better.

big event in Bay Area of California (tags)

You are the ONE (tags)

In short, YOU ARE THE ONE CREATOR GOD. All that is, and all that is not. Think about this for a second. Being the energy of pure consciousness. This consciousness had great intelligence, wisdom and compassion.

It’s Time For You To Wake Up! (tags)

Ask yourself, do you have fear about what other people think of you? Are you worried about your reputation? Why? How do you see yourself? Do you love yourself unconditionally? Is there anything that you would change about yourself

Enjoy life to the fullest……………. (tags)

Don't over do ; keep your limits 14. Don't take yourself so seriously ; no one else does 15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip 16. Dream more while you are awake 17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom rides the big wave (tags)

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, who is now running for Governor of California, signed his name to an editorial advocating wave energy, on his Huffington Post blog. Humboldt and Mendocino County environmentalists adamantly oppose Wave/Connect, the mega wave energy project proposed by one of Newsom's most favored corporations, PG&E.

Death Recipes (tags)

Good plausible deniability is the difference between murder and not.

A Mass Awakening in Process (tags)

WE Love you with the Highest Love, Honor and Respect. WE Love you Unconditionally. Love Mother and Father God/Amon Ra, ALL your Family of Light, ALL your Angels

Will indigenous agriculture save our climate? (tags)

An ancient Amazon Indian way of fertilising the soil appears to be the ideal remedy for saving the climate, as well as reducing famine and producing cleaner energy. But does it really work?

The Secret, Ignored Value of Labor (tags)

For centuries the means of production have been owned by only a few individuals. This has led to spectacular robberies like those apparent at the present time to a quiet, ignored theft of the true value of labor by the capitalists.

L.A. Greens Host FUEL Director Josh Tickell (tags)

Josh Tickell, Director of "FUEL," Sundance Audience Award winning documentary film, and a leading expert on sustainable biofuels, will speak at the Los Angeles Greens March 18, 2009 meeting.

Can alternative energy effectively repalce fossil fuels? (tags)

Oil is running out and coal burning is cooking the planet. The Obama administration just passed a stimulus bill with billions in it for alternative energy development. The question that remains is whether or not wind, solar and other renewables can actually provide for current energy needs.

Messages of love~ listen to your heart (tags)

Ah, what a great gift this angel has given you, the gift of silence, a treasure beyond all imagining, and the power to give it to yourself whenever you choose.

Ecofriendly search (tags)

Search engine that makes use of a black background for a lower energy consumption

Barack Obama and the Mass Transit Revolution (tags)

An analysis of how a Barack Obama presidency might affect the American society's greenhouse gas and petroleum reduction goals and the struggle to create a first rate mass transit system in Los Angeles and California. Written for both Los Angelenos and a global audience.

science and mystic spirituality are on the same path and will eventually merge (tags)

the two foundations of of twentieth-century physics - quantum theory and relativity theory - both force us to see the world very much in the way a Hindu, Buddhist...sees it

Obama's New Appointments (tags)

as bad as the others

Speaks About God (tags)

The spirit, Seth, began to transmit metaphysical information to Jane Roberts and her husband during the late 1960s. Many books containing Seth's wisdom have been published and translated into many foreign languages. Millions of copies

The Bailout Intensifies (tags)

Even through its muffled language, it was obvious that the typically non-alarmist New York Times was having trouble digesting the latest government announcements. On November 26, the Treasury and Fed revealed it would spend 800 billion more tax dollars towards new “lending” programs. That day, the Times concluded that the government was “sending a message that they will print as much money as needed to revive the crippled banking system.”[!] Later in the article we learn that “the government has assumed at least $7 trillion [!!] in direct and indirect financial obligations in the form of Wall Street bailouts, emergency lending and government guarantees on bank deposits, inter-bank loans and home mortgages.” The term “blank check” doesn’t begin to describe the vast amounts being tossed about.


URGENT ACTION ALERT! Condemned by health and environmental groups across the country, GNEP means foreign nuclear waste imported and "reprocessed" in the USA. This is a national issue! We need a big national outcry!!! Washington, Oregon, Idaho, New Mexico, Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, South Carolina, and all our sister states! With Cold War nuclear sites thirty years behind on clean-up, the US must not import more foreign nuclear waste!


Now that America has chosen our next president, the real work of reinvigorating our great nation begins. That's why I am thrilled to share with you that "FUEL," the critically acclaimed Sundance award-winning documentary on green energy, opens in theaters this month! The film, FUEL informs people about green energy solutions that exist today and motivates viewers to take action now. By achieving our goal of 15 million Americans seeing FUEL by the end of 2009, we can generate the nation-wide support necessary to end our addiction to oil.

Presidential Candidates Get Time Capsule of Past Administration Mistakes:George Bush Sings (tags)

We're counting down the days Bush is out of office. But not counting on history books to accurately encapsulate the past administration's mistakes of the past 8 years. George Bush Sings is the truth serum time capsule put to a rhythmic beat and the clean-up list for the new president to tackle in office.

Sonya Kahn Addresses Music Education, Anti-War, Genocide, Peace and Love (tags)

Vocalist-Songwriter-Musician-Producer Sonya Kahn is using classical and rock music to drive home the points of music education as a means of expression, inspiring a whole new generation with advocacy and activism.

Abraham's teachings (tags)

Greetings dear Ones Listen to Abraham's teachings (direct from Source energy)

Justice Department scandal almost buried by financial crisis (tags)

Investigators from both the department’s Office of Inspector General and Office of Professional Responsibility found that political pressure did indeed drive the dismissal action against at least three of the nine federal prosecutors abruptly fired. At the time, then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales insisted the individuals were all dismissed for inadequate performance, or failure to implement the President’s law enforcement agenda.

California Proposition 7: Redefining Renewable Energy to Concentrate Power (tags)

The control of scarce resources is a time-tested method of concentrating wealth and power. Although renewable energy resources are not scarce, the paradigm shift in public understanding about the fundamental differences between renewables and fossil fuels is only beginning. By subsidizing the building massive permanent infrastructure to control the collection and distribution of renewable energy, Proposition 7 will starve investment in distributed renewables needed to democratize the energy economy. Meanwhile, that centralized, permanent infrastructure will provide profit centers for a few corporations at the expense of everyone else.

Department of Energy Demands 800 Billion Dollars, Threatens to Shut Off Lights (tags)

Pay up or it's lights out!

Energy and Climate - Hunger and Money (tags)

At the World Economic Forum, the extensive global crisis is trivialized to four "great risks." The neoliberal elite does not want a system change. It wants to assure itself against the threatening fourfold injustice. A 20% loss in the global social product could be avoided.

Chris Bricker: Organizing for Prop. 7 (tags)

San Diego activist Chris Bricker organizes for Proposition 7, on the ballot this November 4, to force utilities to purchase 50 percent of their power from renewable sources by 2025. He talks about the reasons he signed on the campaign — and why utilities like Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison are pumping millions of dollars into phony "grass-roots" campaigns to defeat it.

Drillusion (tags)

Ten to twenty years is far too long to wait for a solution that was needed decades ago. Common sense approaches will prepare us for an oil-independent future. Immediate steps can be taken to alleviate the impact of rising gas prices.

"The Nuclear Industry Has Invented the Energy Shortfall" (tags)

The deputy secretary of the German Green Party's parliamentary group discusses her party's opposition to nuclear energy and why she rejects warnings of a shortfall in energy supplies.

Full Speed Against the Brick Wall (tags)

Massive capital has streamed into the raw material sector and crude oil. When we leave the market to speculators, panic rules. The economy falls into a double crisis-out of scarce raw materials and energy and falling profit rates and mass demand.

SolarFest Renewable Energy Fair (tags)

SolarFest Renewable Energy Fair Meridian Park School 175th and Meridian Ave N Shoreline WA July 19, 2008 10AM – 8PM

The%20One_and_Only_Solution_Part1.htm (tags)

You need to connect to the One's Heart: The heart of hearts, the real Holy of Holies

"The End Game" by Elmar Altvater (tags)

Exodus from the fossil energy regime may not be entrance into a nuclear energy regime since that could lead to catastrophe. No one can exclude a new Chernobyl with 1300 new nuclear reactors by 2050. Elmar Altvater is an emeritus professor at the Free University of Berlin.

NaninhaH, do sertão da macaxeira! (tags)

First insight A reconsideration of the inherent mystery that surrounds our individual lives on this planet. We experience mysterious coincidences which show us that there is another side of life we have yet to discover--some other process operating

Oil Bubbles (tags)

Falling real interests, a weak dollar and an increasing demand from China led to a bubble on the market. In the long term, this bubble will burst.

"Oil Crisis Changes Globalization" (tags)

In the poorest hundred countries, the high oil price is intensifying hunger and poverty. "These people stand at the edge of a possible disaster," Jeremy Rifkin says. The high prices for oil, gasoline and gas change the rules of globalization.

The Eighth Plague (tags)

World Bank president Robert Zoelick compared the food shortage to the Old Testament's "seven plagues" but forgot to mentionthe eighth is the World Bank itself. The World Bank insists on agricultural production for export, not for the local supply of the population.

The Seven Energy-Related World Crises (tags)

The market is not total, absolute and self-healing but a tool helpful after we decide what kind of society we want. The state has a social nature and can't be only a power and security state or treasure chest for the super-rich and special interests.

ALBA (Bolivarian Alternative) Has Brought Nicaragua out of Darkness (tags)

Nicaraguan foreign minister Samuel Santos explains how twice as many children are in school one year after the new government assumed power. Nicaragua now exports beans instead of importing beans. The South is helping itself.

"A Crime against Humanity" (tags)

When you fill the tank of an ethanol car with 50 liters, you burn over 700 pounds of corn. A Zambian child could live a whole year from that. More regulation instead of more market access is vital for developing countries. A rebellion of conscience is needed.

The Energy Crisis: so why isn't anyone doing anything about it? (tags)

Yeah, right --- we all know about the energy crisis.

World Bank and IMF Policies Caused Food Crisis (tags)

The IMF changed its economic direction and took a market radical neoliberal economic course at the beginning of the 1980s with the rise of monetarism. Hunger inthe world can only be overcome with long-term sustainable strategies, not with the short-term horizon of Wall Street.

Why Is Oil More Expensive? (tags)

The reason for the high price of oil is that specualtive capital after the eruption of the US real estate crisis in the summer of 2007 now wreaks its havoc in the oil- and other raw material sectors. Workers have a world to win whose contours can hardly be defined.

Exponential Growth: A Dogma to be Overcome (tags)

Energy will become more expensive and unaffordable for a large part of humanity. If the american way of life is non-negotiable, the Iraq war will be the prelude and not the end of resource wars. The name of the sickness is exponential growth.

Sandy Hill Energy Sufficiency: April Fossil Fool's Day in Ottawa (tags)

Neighbors organizing around the tragic energy situation in Ontario, Canada.

Thousands protest against planned coal-fired power plant in Iloilo (tags)

Thousands join a protest against coal-fired power plant in Iloilo City ,Philippines which if built would contribute to global climate change and lock the country in a dirty energy cycle for years to come. Greenpeace together with students from St. Paul University to form a human formation that reads "QUIT COAL" at the protest rally March 5, 2008.

Peak Oil - True or False (tags)

Both sides of the peak oil argument.

Peak Oil: The Global War for Oil (tags)

Despite optimistic estimates, the market seems to accept peal oil since the rich oil companies are not investing in new refineries. The 150-year American expansion explains the military option. Speculation caused the tenfold increase of a barrel of oil from $10 (1998) to $100 (2008).

F. William Engdahl's "A Century of War" - Part II (tags)

Part II of this epic book.

Summary of The Unified Field Theory (tags)

Unifying Gravity and Electro-Magnetism. Ending our dependence upon fossil fuels and ushering in the age of clean energy sources (fusion).

Transport group threatens to hold protests anew (tags)

Militant transport federation Pagkakaisa ng mga Samahan ng Tsuper at Operator Nationwide (Piston) yesterday denounced the Arroyo administration’s insistence that the government cannot suspend the 12-percent expanded value added tax (eVAT) on oil and other petroleum products in view of the high oil prices as it threatened to mount a series of nationwide protest actions.

The Price of Oil Breaks the $100 Mark (tags)

There is no chance that the average price per barrel will fall under $70 up to 2015. This was not inevitable Since the first oil price shocks in the 1970s, many measures were possible to throttle the consumption of oil and energy. In Europe, the oil consumption has fallen 30-40 percent since the 1970s.

Tar Sands Processing requires massive inputs of water, energy, land, labour (tags)

For each barrel of oil produced from the tar sands, between two and 4.5 barrels of water is needed. The waste sand and water contain naphtha and paraffin, which are used in the extraction process, and oil leftovers like benzene, naphthenic acid and polyaromatic hydrocarbon, among others. Chemicals found in the tailing ponds are known to cause liver problems and brain hemorrhaging in mammals, and deformities and death in birds.

Last day (1/10) for comment against Yucca Mt. nuclear storage site! (tags)

We need as many people to write in before 1/10/08 for public comment against the Dept of Energy's proposed Yucca Mt. nuclear storage site in NV!!

Reviewing F. William Engdahl's Seeds of Destruction (tags)

Agribusiness aims to control food worldwide and make it all genetically engineered

The Power of Fossil (tags)

A redirection toward regenerative sources of energy is our ownly option. A conversion of energy production and a change of our way of life are indispensable. Energy autonomy is only possible with smaller units and democratic procedures of self-determined energy policy.

New Energy Bill- Working People will Pay (tags)

The Democrats and Republicans have made it clear that they are the corporate parties and they only represent the interests of the capitalists and the billionaires. The new energy bill is another long term payment plan that will be required of working class people while the billionaires continue to collect.

Two coal burning energy plants planned for NV (tags)

Should additional coal plants be constructed in Ely, Nevada? What are the risks to the ecosystem, and contributions to global warming from burning coal?

Cheaper than Coal? More discussion of a phosphorescent solar cell (tags)

The following is a continuing discussion of the development of a solar cell based upon phosphorescence....

Breakdown in the Technosphere (tags)

The power failure in August 2003 was due to the investment behavior of the electricity supplier. Economic deregulation, competition and profit fixation prevented modernization of the infrastructure.

Bank of America and Citi Targeted for Coal Investment (tags)

Local activists will join others across the nation today to protest major investments by Cit and Bank of America in the dirtiest energy source: Coal.

The "Great Game" Enters the Mediterranean: Gas, Oil, War, and Geo-Politics (tags)

This is a must read article: "History is in the making. The Second Summit of Caspian Sea States in Tehran will change the global geo-political environment. This article also gives a strong contextual background to what will be in the backdrop at Tehran. The strategic course of Eurasia and global energy reserves hangs in the balance," says M.D. Nazemroaya

America's Energy Wars - A New Front - Africa (tags)

With the U.S. military announcing this week that it is opening up what it is calling The Africa Command

Science in the Bush: When Politics Displaces Physics (tags)

he majority of us accept as fact that the current administration manipulates science for political ends.

David Walker, comptroller general, warns of impending crisis (tags)

Learn from the fall of Rome, the US is warned. There were striking similarities between America's current situation and the factors that brought down Rome including declining moral values, an over-confident and over-extended military and fiscal irresponsibility by the central government.

NeoCon 'Plan Africa' Oil Manifesto (tags)

“Along with Latin America, West Africa is expected to be one of the fastest growing sources of oil and gas for the American market. African oil tends to be of high quality and low in sulfur, making it suitable for stringent refined product requirements, and giving it a growing market share for the refining Centers on the East Coast of the U.S.” “National Energy Policy Report” Office of the Vice President Richard Cheney May 16, 2001

Boycott Israel (tags)

Israeli firm Solel contracts to build world's largest solar park in California

Global Warming Destroys Maple Sugar Industry (tags)

Global warming is the most serious threat facing planet. We have an opportunity, and an obligation, to lead in solving this global crisis by investing in clean and safe electricity, efficient buildings and a less polluting transportation system.

Attacks on Mexico pipelines show extensive knowledge of energy infrastructure (tags)

WASHINGTON | Saboteurs who blew up natural gas pipelines that shut down one of Mexico’s main industrial regions this month also crippled a crude oil pipeline, U.S. officials said Tuesday. The operation indicated extensive knowledge of Mexico’s energy infrastructure, the officials said.

green vs green (tags)

On a cool spring morning a quarter century ago, a place in Pennsylvania called Three Mile Island exploded into the headlines and stopped the US nuclear power industry in its tracks. What had been billed as the clean, cheap, limitless energy source for a shining future was suddenly too hot to handle.

THIS AUGUST: Convergences 4 Climate Action -- Down w/ the Fossil Fuel Empire & Up w/ Life! (tags)

Just under a month from now -- August 8-14th -- regional North American Convergences for Climate Action will bring hundreds of social justice and environmental activists together to fight the fossil fuel empire and create truly sustainable, bio-regionally appropriate and community-based responses to climate change. The events on the West Coast and in the Southeast are modeled after the inspiring 2006 Climate Camp in the UK, which will reemerge this year at Heathrow Airport from August 14th-21st.

Questioning AFRICOM's intentions (tags)

As plans move ahead for a US Africa Command, African nations remain cool to the idea amid fears of mission creep and unclear US intentions.

Worst Case Climate Scenario? We've Got It! Times 2 (tags)

Two paragraphs from the British newspaper The Observer about a Pentagon study: "A secret report, suppressed by US defense chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world." "The [secret] document predicts that abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies. The threat to global stability vastly eclipses that of terrorism, say the few experts privy to its contents."

Green Candidate Brezenoff Criticizes New Energy Bill (tags)

"The energy bill now before the Senate, far from being any kind of solution to our economic and environmental crises, represents exactly the kind of thinking and legislating that has brought us to the point of crisis in the first place," says Brezenoff.

Alternative Energy (tags)

Considering all products products & services relating to Green Technologies, including:  Renewable Energy Production and Sustainable Living We would like to represent your company,  with our on-line e-commerce system. Our interest is helping you get your products and services out to buyers 24-hours a day Our goal is to drop ship products, for “just-in-time” deliveries for all orders. At this time, we will not be a stocking distributor.  Buyers can place their order in our e-commerce system, and we'll send them a receipt, but we will not collect funds from your customers. We will send the sales department at your company a copy of the buyer's receipt for an order, and you will contact the buyer to take payment and arrange their shipping.

Nobody wants to take the bull by the horns... (tags)

On March 28, less than two months ago, when Bush proclaimed his diabolical idea of producing fuel from food, after a meeting with the most important U.S. automobile manufacturers, I wrote my first reflection...

Fabian Nunez 12-Day Posh Trip to Rio Paid for by Chevron Oil (tags)

Schwarzenegger's powerful chief of staff, Susan P. Kennedy, and her partner spent a legislative spring break in Rio de Janeiro at the posh Copacabana Palace with Democratic Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez and his wife — on the tab of a foundation largely financed by Chevron and other energy companies. During the 12-day conference, Chevron's lobbyist got an entire day on the official agenda, which the public knows about only because of our Public Records Act request. Nuñez, who last year was highly critical of oil companies, seems to have nothing to say this year.

To Chavez, Lula, Requião and Carlos Rovira. (tags)

Remote enawene nawe are only 420 and live mainly on the fishing. They are protesting against the plans of the soybean companies, directed by the greater producers of soybean of the world, the Maggi family, to dam the Juruena river and to obtain hydroelectric energy for the industry.

US Climate Science Reduced to a 'Pack o Lies' (tags)

by Don Beck "It seems more like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union than the United States" - Dr. James Hansen, NASA climatologist Keep the facts of global warming away from the American people.....they can't handle the truth. That is the message we are getting from this Administration who have placed political appointees to head key agencies in order to filter and even alter the scientific facts. In February, the leading climatologist at NASA, Dr. James Hansen testified to a congressional committee in a hearing looking into the Bush

A Plea to Moms on Mother's Day (tags)

The time and effort required for a new-born child is immense and truly only known by moms. Constant care and nurturing of a completely helpless baby is no easy task and one that is mostly forgotten and unknown, except on this one day a year when we give thanks to our moms. A mother's care is a special gift that is taken for granted most of the time. And, sadly, that is the way man is concerning Mother Earth. We have been taking and taking from her with barely any regard.

Arctic Ice Melting 3x Faster Than Predictions (tags)

A study published in the current issue of Geophysical Research Letters reveals that "the actual rate at which summer sea ice had shrunk per decade during the past 50 years was more than three times faster than an average of 18 of the most highly regarded climate simulations."(1) This is another in a growing number of reports that are showing that the globe is warming at an accelerated pace, not in the gradual steady incline that was expected by the scientists.

Regional Economics Against Climate Change (tags)

Modern industrial society faces a dilemma. On one hand, people of industrial countries do not want to abandon their assets and habits or way of living. On the other hand, the climate problem ends up in destruction of humanity if emissions continue as in the past

Sustainability or Consumerism (tags)

The industrial nations must lower their CO2 emissions at least 80% by 2060.. Consumerism, accumulating goods as a substitute for meaning, is the great enemy of climate protection today.

Time for a Revolution (tags)

This is the time for a revolution, not for half-hearted actions, said retiring French presi-dent Jacques Chirac..Despite higher prices, energy still has an aura of inexhaustibility. Renewable energy has an 18% share in worldwide electricity production.

Cost of Solar Power Equal to Coal Now (tags)

The development at a South African University of a process to manufacture panels made with a much better material (CIGS) that generates electricity from sunlight at a lower cost than the silicone photo voltaic panels is what has been hoped for for decades. Solar power is no longer too expensive compared to coal plant generation.

Full Speed Against the Wind (tags)

"Whoever believes in continous growth in a finite world is either mad or an economist." (Kenneth E. Boulding)

Kucinich on the Issues: Make 2008 the year of We the People (tags)

The problems facing America today are many, but they can be solved with a President that has the best interests of all Americans at heart. Too many politicians are tied to corporate interests, depending on these vested interests to finance their campaign, which adversely affects the Politician's stance on issues. From ending the war in Iraq, to providing Universal Health Care, Dennis Kucinich's platform is based on what is good for the people, not the corporations. please read the issues and download a copy for friends and family.

Atomic energy (tags)

Collective unity

The time (tags)

Beneficial rays

welcome energy crisis (tags)

15 points to break with oil addiction

The Nature of The Jevons Paradox (tags)

The Jevons Paradox is a multiple intersection of several issue threads including economics, peak oil, global warming, social movements, and the philosophy of science

Manifiesto: Wellcome Energy Crisis (tags)

This text is translated in 6 languages, spreaded around te world. Brake our oil adiction. Act now!

HUGE BREAKTHROUGH in Solar Technology! (tags)

South African solar research eclipses rest of the world

Oil in Brazil and the world: analysis under diverse aspects. (tags)

Brazilian government must suspend, while the sector is reorganized, the rounds of licitations of areas promoted by ANP.

Plutonium Found in Iran (tags)

International Atomic Energy experts have found unexplained plutonium and highly enriched uranium traces in a nuclear waste facility in Iran

LA Greens Endorsements for Nov. 7 Ballot (tags)

The Los Angeles Greens endorsed Proposition 89 (Clean Money) and Proposition 87 (Oil Tax to Fund Alternative Energy) . Here is the full list of our recommendations for November 7, 2006:


There is something wrong with the picture. The high incarceration rate of blacks, drug and alcohol addiction, black on black crime, the soaring rate of black students being suspended from school, expelled or dropping out. Why is this? Some would lead you to believe that this is typical behavior related to the Black race. To understand the present, we must and can not ignore the past.

Investment pathologies (tags)


The Corrib Gas Controversy: State Collaboration with Shell Exposed (tags)

The following article is a position paper on the Irish Government's attempt to placate growing opposition by the appointment of a so-called “independent mediator” to defuse the crisis over the outright handover of Irish energy resources to multinational corporations. It also includes an update on the present crisis at Corrib.

Irish Government rules out use of nuclear power (tags)

By Seán McCárthaigh of the Irish Examiner

Imperial Oil (tags)

addicted to oil

FERC under GW Bush regime contributes to genocide (tags)

Recent GW Bush/Cheney regime influenced FERC decision to relicense Klamath River dams contributes to the genocide of indigenous nations (Yurok, Hupa, Karuk) living along the Klamath River ecosystem.

Alabama - Louisiana solar links (tags)

Links to groups, in ALABAMA to LOUISIANA, supporting LOCAL Renewable Energy, Honest elections, safe schools, healthy children, disease prevention, clean water, clean air, cancer prevention and LOCAL Organic Family farmers. Please help set up and support in your LOCAL community, groups that support the above. Thank YOU.

BTL:Vermont Global-Warming March Demands Federal Legislative Action (tags)

Interview with Bill McKibben, author & environmentalist, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Lt. Gov. Candidate Wants to Economize Gasoline (tags)

The crusader against rising gasoline prices, Stewart A. Alexander, is opposed to a California proposition on the State’s November ballot, to tax gasoline, because he believes it will not prevent gasoline price gouging at the pumps. Instead Alexander is proposing to introduce a program that he has identified as the, Friendly Petroleum Producers Program, to help provide relief at the pumps for consumers and the trucking industry.

Evolutionary Science as an Implement of Personal Empowerment (tags)

Scientists who study human evolution have made great discoveries into the origins of human emotions and how they affect people and interpersonal relationships. People can put these discoveries to use in their everyday lives—if they learn about them.

BTL:Government/Industry Effort to Revive Nuclear Power is Misguided & Dangerous (tags)

Interview with Harvey Wasserman, author & energy activist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Problems with Europe's nuclear plants raise worries just as the energy was gaining support (tags)

By Susan Sachs | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor

Nuclear energy IS NOT CARBON NEUTRAL (tags)

by Simon Johnson

BTL:Government/Industry Effort to Revive Nuclear Power is Misguided & Dangerous (tags)

Interview with Harvey Wasserman, author & energy activist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris



Doomsday Global Warming: Fact-Sheet / What To Do? (tags)

Tragic Climate Change is well underway and will worsen unto Doomsday if we do not take drastic measures to stop its progress. The development of clean, renewable and CHEAP Green Energy is indispensable. This has never been a difficult technical problem. The Problem is POLITICAL, necessitating a crucial political change -- Polluters' Power overridden by People's Power.

No Blood for Oil - Sign the Voter's Pledge (tags)

"No More Oil Wars-- Clean Energy Now!" This popular sentiment must find expression in government policy, and it is our job this fall to make every candidate running for Congress understand that this is what our people want. We should be circulating the VotersForPeace Pledge which declares that those signing "will not vote for or support any candidate for Congress or President who does not make a speedy end to the war in Iraq, and preventing any future war of aggression, a public position in his or her campaign." We must make visible this popular desire for peace, a rapid transition to clean energy and justice.

Why Lebanon? Think OIL, water, pipelines, and profits. (tags)

Why a war on Lebanon? Why now? A new article by Professor Michel Chossudovsky suggests it's about oil, water and pipeline routes, and offers insight into the war's impending expansion. The U.S. and Israel aren't the only nations with interests in this game. Other players appear to include the U.K., France, and Italy.

Oil Wealth as a Curse (tags)

The world energy need will increase 50 percent by 2030 necessitating investments of billions in the energy infrastructures.. With its oil greed and balance of payments deficit, the US could endanger global peace and the stability of the world economy.

Counter the G8 + 5 Climate Summit! October 3-4 in Mexico City: CLIMATE JUSTICE NOW! (tags)

On Tuesday, October 3 in Mexico City, the Energy and Environment Ministers from the "Group of Eight" (G8) industrialized countries are scheduled to begin negotiating a climate change deal to succeed the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012. They will be joined by Energy and Environment Ministers from the five "emerging" countries of Brazil, India, China, South Africa and Mexico. All together, these "G8 + 5" countries represent 58% of the world's human population, 61% of oil consumption, 80% of coal consumption, and 73% of C02 emissions.

Worldwide Protests Slam G8 Support of Nuclear, Coal, Oil (tags)

The protests included large "banner drops" in multiple cities, protests of coal and oil companies, and rallies at the U.S. embassy in London and the Washington, DC home of U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman. On Friday, protestors showed up at Bodman's home, demanding that the United States and the G8 abandon the focus on nuclear, coal, and on oil wars as "energy security." They chanted "No Coal, No Nukes, G-8 shut it down!" No arrests took place.

Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth: political posturing and the Democratic Party (tags)

Al Gore’s documentary on global warming, An Inconvenient Truth, is intended to serve one essential purpose: bolstering the environmental and supposedly liberal credentials of the Democratic Party and the former US vice president himself. Its aim, therefore, is not primarily to treat the very real environmental problems that it in part lays bare, but to create a new mechanism for ensuring that these problems cannot find a serious solution.

Is the Dollar Hegemony Ending? (tags)

The demand for dollars will fall significantly when oil is transacted in euros. The US must control its twin deficits and reduce its foot-print to keep the confidence of foreign credi-tors. Radical restructuring and removal of incompetent leadership could avert crash.

solar energy links USA (tags)

review of support groups for solar energy, climate protection, clean air and food securtiy

"War-Mongerers Become Prisoners of Their Own Words" (tags)

The conclusion is that the peaceful use of nuclear energy must be ended..The core of the problem is that the nuclear powers refuse to meet their obligation to nuclear disarmament..A two-class international law is impossible.

The Enron verdicts: corruption and American capitalism (tags)

The guilty verdicts handed down by a Houston jury last week against former Enron chiefs Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling provide an opportunity to evaluate the significance of the company’s rise and fall within the context of American capitalism. Accounts by jurors given after the verdicts were announced indicate they all agreed that the evidence against the two executives was overwhelming. It consisted mainly of testimony from over a dozen former executives, who implicated Lay and Skilling for their roles in defrauding investors and employees through various forms of accounting manipulation. The jurors quickly rejected the absurd position of the defense that Enron was basically a healthy company that collapsed into bankruptcy in December 2001 largely as the result of Wall Street machinations and negative press coverage.

Ed Tech for teachers (tags)

Renewable energy, eco recycling, electric autos, organic gardening, sustainable technologies. Feeding the poor.

student gardens support food banks (tags)

School children are setting up organic gardens to feed the poor and to give fresh produce to food banks. Volunteers needed from around the country. Please Help. Thank you.

Gas Girlcott (tags)

Maybe gas boycotts don't work because they are sexist. Join the cause that will make a difference, but it needs your help. The solution is simple, but it's not easy..

Why Are Gas Prices So High? (tags)

A Primer on Oil: Past, Present, Future of Oil and Gas in the United States

Journalism 101: LA Times parrots for ExxonMobil/CIA in regards to Bolivia (tags)

The LA Times maintains it's edge as corporate cheerleader.

BTL:Soaring Gas Prices, Oil Company Record Profits Incite Calls for... (tags)

...Windfall Profits Tax ~ Interview with Tyson Slocum, co-director of the Public Citizen's Energy Program, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris


As an exercise in media control I picked one of the most stubborn and ignorant talk show host duo in town to communicate with yesterday. THE OTHER SIDE with Staci Davis and her loudmouth sidekick went on to commit a hate crime against me with the charity abusing radio station KPFT in Houston of Pacifica Radio Network. He accused me of hating Mexicans because I told the neoliberal punk it was the BORDER OR THE BULLET.

Excessive Profits Via the Bush Administration (tags)

Remember the Enron scandal? It seems small, now, doesn't it? Billions being bilked from California (and stashed in off-shore accounts) through a bogus energy crisis that we later were privy to emails and tapped phone conversations of. It was so unbelievable at the time.

Ozone Hole Site Wins EPA Award (tags)

2006 Stratospheric Ozone Protection EPA Award Winner needs your help!

On the Verge of Nuclear Disaster (tags)

In the last 20 years since Chernobyl, nearly 200 "near-misses" have occurred at U.S. nuclear power plants. by: Greenpeace

4/22 Protest of Bush regime H2 greenwashing (tags)

Reportback on GW Bush visit to CA Fuel Cell Partnership in West Sacramento. Protesters expose the Bush hydrogen (IPHE) plan as a continuation of petroleum addiction and corporate subsidies. Greenwashing of Earth Day, shame on the Petroleum Puppet pResident..

Biodegradable Eating Utensils, Alternative Energy, and Indigenous Culture at Eco Maya (tags)

“The paper goods are made from [materials] like corn, rice, and sugarcane, and they are all biodegradable. Even the trash bags are biodegradable. What we’re trying to do is change the way that festivals are produced.” – Carmelo Alvarez, event co-organizer

Unions and the Growth Mania (tags)

The more productivity advances, the less labor is needed to realize a certain growth rate.. A de-acceleration can reduce the increase of labor productivity and lead to more employment.. A strategy beyond growth should be developed.

The Year of Catastrophes (tags)

All the shock over hunger catastrophes remains without consequence if it does not go along with a radical change of course in local and environmental policy. Otherwise hunger catastrophes could become the normal state.

Switzerland's Energy Problems (tags)

"In the long term we face an enormous electricity gap if we do not resolve shifts in policy." The Swiss Energy Board wants to reduce the predicted energy gap primarily by improving energy efficiency.

Renewable Energy Workshops (tags)

Introduction to Renewable Energy: Solar, wind, and hydro-electricity, solar hot water and cooking, energy efficiency. Classroom sessions & system tours. * April, 2006

Immigrant Detention Centers to find a use! (tags)

Should people should be preparing themselves to resist if "HR 4437" passes?

Hey, General Assembly of MD: ”Reverse Deregulation!” (tags)

Most Marylanders can expect their electric bills to go up by $743 a year-a 74 % increase! In 1999, the legislature deregulated the industry. In a sweetheart deal, BGE was absorbed by Constellation Energy and required to begin buying its electricity on the open market. Meanwhile, BGE’s electric-generating assets, originally paid for by the people, were turned over to Constellation in “a cash-free shuffle.” The ratepayers are now being asked to pay again!

financial newshour: China's changing global role (tags)

China's development vs world

The Iran, Idaho, Paris Connection (tags)

There is a connection between Iran, Paris and Idaho that has been missed by Intelligence Analysts.

Changing Course: No New Nuclear Power Plants! (tags)

Offensive wars, normalization of war, militari-zation of foreign policy, exploding inequality, privatization, political corruption and nuclear power plants as panaceas have brought us to the brink of ruin. A human-friendly society would have other priorities than capital gain.

A World Lit by Energy Warfare (tags)

...What "Mission Accomplished" in reality achieved was an intractable quagmire of bloodletting and a nightmarish prospect of global conflict...

2005 Warmest Year in Over a Century (tags)

The year 2005 was the warmest year in over a century, according to NASA scientists studying temperature data from around the world.

The Union is in some State. (tags)

Cheney and Bush are set to make big $$$ on the new energy.

IRS Free income tax software (tags)

Per IRS web site, List and links to Free software for preparing Form 1040 and other tax forms. Most of the software listed by the IRS allows Electronic Filing (E-File) of your income tax return. Some of the software listed will prepare your State income tax return. Where is my Refund?

New York Times sees the US in a Cul-de-Sac (tags)

The leading paper of world capital discovers that the West depends on imported energy.. Gas-saving cars and bio-diesel are ways out.. Sunday's editorial could be a sign of a shift in opinion in the ruling class of the US.

'Energy Dissent' and the 2006 G8 Summit in Russia (tags)

Reclaim the debate! Resist the G8! In July 2006, the G8 will hold its annual Summit in St.Petersburg, Russia. Vladimir Putin says he's placing "energy security" at the top of the G8 agenda during Russia's presidency. The G8 countries consume 45% of world oil and produce 47% of global CO2 emissions. Their "energy security" is our energy grave!

BTL:Global Warming Conference in Montreal Turns Back U.S. Attempt to... (tags)

...Derail Kyoto Treaty ~ Interview with Alden Meyer, energy special with Union of Concern Scientists, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

International alliance calls for end to term “clean coal,” responsible transition (tags)

In Response to the growing and unfortunate trend among environmental and social justice groups use of the industry and government created term "clean coal," West Virginia Citizen's Action Group, Coal River Mountain Watch launched an internationally circulated sign-on letter calling for a unification of these groups against this sort of industry doublespeak which makes it so much harder for those working towards positive change to achieve it. Over 80 Organizations and prominent individuals have signed on at the time of the release. Please view the letter and add your name too at

BTL:Congress Does Little as Energy Company's Record Profits Prompt Calls for... (tags)

...Investigations of Disaster Profiteering ~ Interview with Tyson Slocum, director of Public Citizen's energy program, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Sneak Attack on Organic food standards by USA (tags)

Industry sneak attack on organic standards rammed through congress.

eat Local Organic food and abate global starvation (tags)

How the environment and eating (Local Organic Food) is linked to Gandhi's ideology for transforming the world. Many links.

In Memory of Dr. Eugene Mallove (tags)    

Solar Heated Homes ~ saving Money & energy Intelligently (tags)

Review of Sustainable Technologies for Renewable Energy. Many Links to sustainable technology, Recycling, organic gardening-farming, renewable energy, Permaculture and disaster relief web sites.

Freedom from the Oil Pirates (tags)

Review of Sustainable Technologies for Renewable Energy, Eliminating Waste, Recycling and for Real economic Progress. Many Links to sustainable technology, Recycling, organic gardening-farming, renewable energy, Permaculture and disaster relief web sites.

High-energy radio-frequency directed energyweapons (tags)


hemp rationale (tags)

The time is now to rally around hemp for energy independence and reduction of global warming.

Why Peabody Coal fears solar energy (tags)

Some potential problem corporations causing the delay of solar energy availability and continued dependency on polluting petroleum/coal corporations as energy extortionists..

3 Symptoms if directed energy attax (tags)


Breaking the grip of Big Oil (tags)

The day after President Bush advised Americans to deal with skyrocketing gas prices by avoiding unnecessary driving, he flew to New Orleans for a photo-op, burning up about 11,437 gallons of jet fuel, worth over $24,000. Apparently, it all depends on what you consider “necessary.”

RFK, Jr. Blasts Big Oil & Bush-Cheney Gang (tags)

The Bush-Cheney Gang gave the store away in the so-called “Energy Bill.” It granted $4 billion in tax breaks to Big Oil, despite the fact that ExxonMobil had profits of $24 billion last year! Now, environmentalists rallying in Washington, D.C., on 09/20/05, suspect that parts of the pristine Arctic Wildlife Refuge will soon be opened up to oil drilling. At the protest, RFK, Jr., labeled George Bush: “The worst environmental president in U.S. history!”

BTL:Consumer Group Claims Oil Companies' Disaster Profiteering Necessitates... (tags)

...Price Controls ~ Interview with Tyson Slocum, of Public Citizen's Energy Program, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris


THE FINAL THEORY, Rethinking our Scientific Legacy was apparently a best selling book indicating less understanding of physics than I do. Mark Mcrutchen is the author, the promotions are online, and supposedly has had good reviews by unreliable sources of information. The promotions for the book are internet virus bait including a free first chapter. Guess what I found without reading the whole book? Bullshit maybe?

BTL:Split in AFL-CIO Could Spur New Organizing But Dissidents Fail to... (tags)

...Address Fundamental Flaws ~ Interview with Stanley Aronowitz, professor of sociology and author conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Environmental and Public Interest Groups "Exxpose" Exxon (tags)

Landmark Campaign to Expose ExxonMobil’s Dangerous Environmental Policies

Transformation and Rebirth (tags)

We are in a wonderful time of change.

Permaculture and Peak Oil (tags)

Peak Oil and Permaculture explains the dynamics of the impending peak in global oil production and the implications for Australian society. Declining energy availability will spell the end of global economic growth and the consumerist culture it supports.

ENMOD + ENRON (tags)


venus transit (tags)

The Maya daily news : A message to the world from the Mayan Elders about the coming Venus Transit:

Successful Week of Anti-Mountaintop Removal in Lexington (tags)

During the week of June 13 in Lexington, KY, a meal of toxic coal sludge scraped out of a stream in eastern Kentucky was delivered to the president of a coal advocacy group, hundreds of concerned citizens attended an anti-mountain top removal (MTR) rally and march that ended at Kentucky Utility's headquarters, a film festival educated Lexingtonians about the dangers of strip mining and its repercussions, and activists passed out literature on the streets, all part of Mountain Justice Summer's week in Lexington, Kentucky.

Oil, CO2, Environment, Climate, War (tags)

author: Caroline Arnold We need a new revolution - not an armed, adversarial revolution, but a peaceable revolution in what we buy, how we use energy, how we distribute and assess information, and in how we allow ourselves to be governed.

Bernard Eastlund -- How to Rip Off Tesla & Wreak Environmental Havoc (tags)

This is so good for you you are going to grow another foot and never need food, air, or water again! So-called physicist Bernard Eastlund proposes using microwave beams to prevent tornadoes.

Economic Growth as Myth and Sickness by Marc Batko (tags)

We are called to be subjects, to struggle for equal opportunities and the minimum essentials of life. Our gifts and talents, hidden, ignored or buried by the neoliberal steamroller, can be rediscovered as we reclaim self-determination.

In the fight for the future, CEOs are MIA (tags)

America faces a huge set of challenges if it is going to retain its competitive edge. As a nation, we have a mounting education deficit, energy deficit, budget deficit, health care deficit and ambition deficit. The administration is in denial on this..

For the Sake of the Kids: West Virginia Residents Confront Massey Energy (tags)

While Massey Energy stockholders met at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City, parents, grandparents, and other residents of Coal River Valley, West Virginia rallied to oppose Massey's operations adjacent to Marsh Fork Elementary School. Two grandmothers and a third resident of the valley attempted to deliver a list of demands. The residents were met by the plant's head of security who refused to allow them to present their demands. When the residents again attempted to present their demands, they were arrested in a moving and dramatic act of civil conscience.

The Vulgar Logger (tags)

With the Global Climate Change initiative, Bush presented an alternative to the rejected Kyoto protocol..Dan Kowalzig from the NGO Friends of the Earth described the initiative as merely a camouflage to protect industry.

Ahhh Berkeley (tags)

I have traveled far and wide, but the heart of California always enlightens me.

NOEXOTICWARFAREZONE -- A Resolution for Your City Council (tags)


quiet war (tags)


The Bush Administration and Iraqi Oil (tags)

The government tried at first to withhold details about the advisors of the 2001 Energy Plan.. The US remains a prisoner of its energy crisis.. Iraq remains a destabilizing factor that hinders the oil flow from the Middle East to the international markets.

International Call to Action on Causes of Climate Change (tags)

As of this writing we've not heard of any events planned in the U.S. for the International Call to Action on Root Causes of Climate Change called for the final day of the G8 in Scotland, July 8 2005. A national event in Detroit would, for obvious reasons, be ideal. If United Auto Workers members could be involved it would be even better. Re-tooling for new hybrid and electric vehicles means jobs. In any case, such a national action does not rule out creating local actions in your own region! [see links at bottom for details]


If you listen to Cassandras the Chinese boom is the Wooden Horse of our civilization. Oil prices are going up because the Chinese need more and more petrol. Every Chinese adult wants a motorcar and the tsunami of Chinese goods flooding our markets runs on oil.

Hybrid Car Market Booming (tags)

A couple clips from a mainstream media story.


It was speculated that silicon diodes emitted radiation of some kind, but they are generally opaque so no light escapes. By 1963 the Light Emitting Diode became commercially available by using transparant material. The theory behind the phenomenon is related to energy released as light when a molecule or domain loses a subatomic particle. Sexual conception also involves molecules and domains trading parts. (hydrogen attraction (electronics)).

Don't Blame OPEC; Higher Gas Prices Are Almost Entirely Bush's Fault (tags)

What is making oil so expensive is not energy policy or even SUV’s, dangerous as those are for the environment. It’s Bush’s massive deficits and his willful destruction of the US dollar that has gas selling at $2.30 a gallon and rising.

Former LA Times reporter's book railroaded (tags)

A book by former LA Times reporter Jason Leopold that lays bare the backbones of its author's journey through crime, drug addition, power politics in the newsroom and government and corporate scandal has brought its author head on against the very power politics about which he wrote.

Cuba Comes to Los Angeles (tags)

What can we learn from a communist state considered by many to be a "third-world" society? Plenty! Because of their response to the dire situation imposed upon them by the Embargo, the Cubans have been praised for being the number one country in the world for their sustainable practices by the United Nations.

Prisons for Profit; corporations benefit from slavery (tags)

As the economy worsens more low income people are given longer prison sentences and forced into below minimum wage slavery. Centralized prisons consume great amounts of energy, increasing the wealth of corporations while decreasing the health of the community..


Bush often speaks of an 'ownership society' where all Americans must strive to own our own property, our own homes, cars, educations etc. So why not own our own energy-producing technology?

Drug Industry Is Being Deregulated (tags)

Are you in favor of deregulating the Drug Industry?

Chemtrails a Warfare Spray? (tags)

Chemtrails heated up by electromagnetics create a gas plasma that can be used for remote viewing (spying) and virtual reality mind control.

The End of Suburbia: Film Review (tags)

The documentary predicts that, as less oil is pumped fromthe ground and prices surge upward, property values of suburban homes will plummet.. The documentary postulates that the answer to the coming oil shortage resides in new urbanism.

George W.'s Hidden Secret (tags)

The Future of Hydrogen Energy

Secrecy of Cheney's Task Force Challenged in Courts (tags)

by David Roknich Dick Cheney has continued to cloak the composition of his 2001 energy task force in secrecy. The Federal Advisory Committee Act says the government must disclose the work of groups that include non-federal employees. A lawsuit is pending to force disclosure. Jane Mayer of The New Yorker suggests that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq was may have been planned well in advance of the September 11th crisis - planned for the benefit of US corporations.

Actual Astrology for January 26 -31, 2005 (tags)

These predictions, based on Actual Astrology, are rather like a weather report. No matter what your sun sign, these are the astrological conditions of the days ahead.

Inaugural Donors to Boycott (tags)

Dozens of businesses and lobbying groups made six-figure donations to sponsor official events for President Bush's inauguration next week, earning them tickets to dinners, balls and other events in which Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney are expected to appear

Nevada and Indonesia mining toxins from Newmont Inc (tags)

Newmont mining corporation releases toxins into environment in Indonesia Nevada and other gold mines that use cyanide for leaching, resulting in increased cancer risks to residents..

The sciences of self-annihilation by the demagnetization of the magnetosphere (tags)

A document containing information on global warming and its effects on the earths magnetic field which will result in the extinctions of all species on this planet.

On the Inefficiency and Danger of Nuclear Power (tags)

If follow-up costs of nuclear energy production were included,k nuclear energy would be the most expensive form of energy, not the cheapest. Coming generations will worry about problems produced by present generations in their short-sightedness.


The scientific community, tired of being refuted by "corporate scientists", came up with the definitive report that cannot be dispelled.

Censored 2005: The Top 25 Censored Media Stories of 2003-2004 (tags)

Fred Burks of WantToKnow is fairly consistent in relevant informative articles exposure.

E-Day: The Collapse of the Oil Lie (tags)

For a long time the oil market has functioned according to the laws of the monopoly game with players in Riad, Washington and Houston.. Only 50% of the necessary oil will be available in 8 years in 2012..

SNAP OUT OF IT! (tags)

The Day to Forget the November 2nd Election Forever is November 3rd.

N6 Don't Just Vote Contingent Call to Action and Why... (tags)

Like they say-- if voting could change anything, it would be illegal! ...and that goes for not voting, too.

Nuclear Solutions Lost In Ambiguity (tags)

Ambiguity: Mordechai Vanunu; a lawyer in Israel representing Dimona employees; two solutions for nuclear waste that give us alternative viable energy; a portable nuclear weapons detection system since 1999; blackmail and extortion; another dead scientist and the closing of the National Lab in Los Alamos

Nuclear Energy Belongs in the Technology Museum (tags)

Nuclear energy is still too expensive and too dangerous. Huge amounts of water are needed in a time of increasing water shor-tage. Uranium supplies are limited. $1 trillion was spent on nuclear research while renewable energy fell by the wayside.

ENMOD -- The Key To GM Foods, TIA, and MORE (tags)

Read below how government co-opted Environmental Modification through the ENRON Scandal (Thats RIGHT! Enron Scandal) in order to incorporate radiant weaponry within the system, being used against the populace of the United States and The World, AS WE SPEAK! This is what John Kerry is about...keeping this so-calleed black op in place for the world interests which have taken over Americas Government through organizations such as skull and bones....

Review of Paul Krugman's "The Great Unraveling" (tags)

"We face one of the most wicked rogue governments on earth in democratic enlightened America. This administration denies the legitimacy of the existing political system and seeks to abolish it.."

If Voting Changed Anything... (tags) would be illegal.

ENRON and Weather Control (tags)




Republicans burn Bush on Environment (tags)

Russell Train (R), the EPA's second chief for presidents Nixon and Ford, said Bush's record is so dismal that he's casting his presidential vote for Democrat John Kerry in November.

If Voting Changed Anything... (tags) would be illegal

Energy Disinformation (tags)

Action Alert - Western Shoshone: War not just in Iraq (tags)

Crescent Valley, NV - The United States Congressmen are mirroring the same deceptive tactics in Western Shoshone territory in Nevada as in Iraq, said Western Shoshone as legislation was pushed to compensate tribal members for Aboriginal land in an effort to seize it and open it up for mining, energy and nuclear corporations. While Western Shoshone maintain their Aboriginal land claim secured by the Treaty of Ruby Valley of 1863, their sacred Yucca Mountain is being gutted for nuclear dumping, their horses and cattle seized to make way for geothermal industries and the earth mutilated for gold extraction. "If the war on terrorism is about protecting this country, then why is our own government trying to take away our homelands?" said Mary McCloud, Western Shoshone elder.

Texans can do no wrong (tags)

"After reading stacks of documents from the investigations and talking to energy experts, I found more smoking guns in California's energy crisis than in a Clint Eastwood movie, and none of them have Ken Lay's prints on them." -- Kathryn Jones, 2001

"I want to f--k with Nevada for a while" (tags)

"This was not a smoking gun, this was an audio tape of the bullet coming out of the chamber, hitting the victim and the killer standing over the body and laughing about it." -- Russ Campbell, Nevada Power Company attorney

RAWHIDE (tags)

California Attorney General Bill Lockyer has reviewed tapes and transcripts of traders from various companies, and says they took the song Rawhide, wrote new lyrics, and sang it on the trading floor. . .

Is the world's oil running out fast? (tags)

This article from the BBC covers the recent Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO) meeting in Berlin. The message from this meeting is that the end of cheap oil is here. It includes many experts from the oil industry.

"What we need to do is to help in the cause of, ah, downfall of California" (tags)

..."Wow,'' says another employee, "f--k 'em, right!"...

"Anything they'd ask you, you'd have to lie" (tags)

On May 17, 2001, Enron Chairman Ken Lay held a secret meeting in Beverly Hills for VIPs (including Arnold Schwarzenegger and Michael Milken) to lobby the Calif Legislature to protect deregulation. That same day the Bush/Cheney administration unveiled their national energy policy which adopted seven of Ken Lay's "suggestions."

Soaked In Oil (tags)

"If people who criticize the president can be accused of aiding and abetting the enemy, couldn't the same be said of a single passenger in an SUV making a daily forty-mile commute?"

Invisible beam tops list of nonlethal weapons (tags)

Invisible beam tops list of nonlethal weapons By Greg Gordon -- Bee Washington Bureau Published 2:15 am PDT Tuesday, June 1, 2004

END of SUBURBIA Producer Coming to Los Angeles June 21-23 (tags)

"Peak Oil is the story of the decade, and virtually no one was talking about it...I instantly recognized an opportunity to present some very complicated ideas in a very visual way that most of us could relate to" - Barry Silverthorn


While Californians suck up energy, power plants on Mexican border spew!

Western Shoshone: War is not just in Iraq (tags)

Oppose the Western Shoshone Distribution Bill, S. 618/HR 884. Nevada Congressmen Reid and Gibbons, Gale Norton and our "National Interests" have taken a page from the influential Koch boys of Wichita, who were caught stealing oil from impoverished tribes in Oklahoma. "We want our fair share, and that's ALL of it!" It's 300 year old tradition in government: you sign treaties with the folks who rightly occupy the territory. Then you do whatever you please! And laugh all the way to the bank. The Native American Rights Fund has taken Gale Norton to court THREE times and WON each time, yet the Interior Department continues to act different from what they're doing with Western Shoshone. This is not government. This is tyranny masked as politics. So is passage of HR884, HR 2869, HR2772.

Are We Out of Gas? (tags)

Illumination Without Batteries: Of Gas, Glow Sticks And War (tags)

This essay is a reflexive commentary on the current war in Iraq and the US military's abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib.

2004 Annual Rainbow Gathering (tags)

The 2004 Rainbow Gathering takes place over the 4th of July in either California, Nevada or Utah. Get involved now.

Hydrogen HUMvee Highway 2 martial law (tags)

Arnold's recent visit 2 UC Davis heralded his hydrogen highway HUMvee plan 4 CA. The water needed 4 the hydrogen fuel cells no doubt diverted from the local rivers?

Before 9/11, Bush said focusing on bin Laden was a mistake (tags)

"a senior Bush State Department official told CNN the U.S. government made a mistake in focusing so much energy on bin Laden."

Demonstrators are the public, and the public thanks us! (tags)

What do people think of us?

Ralph Nader for 2004 (tags)

just something i got off the ralp nader for 2004 website

Alert: Report From the California Biodiesel Consumers' Conference (tags)

Is it possible to have a community-created, low emissions, automotive fuel source? The California Biodiesel Conusemers' Conference is working toward that goal.

Stop Mitsubishi from making our air worse (tags)

Say No to LNG in Long Beach Harbor: Support Clean Energy Now!

Energy Independence (tags)

Request to increase hydroelectric power instead of imported oil.

The fireworks of privatized energy (tags)

Copyright-free by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

"Howard Dean's environmental record in Vermont is toxic." (tags)

Tom Elliot, the former political director of the Sierra Club in the 1990s, who valiantly protested governor Dean's environmental mishaps reminisced, "Howard Dean's environmental record in Vermont is toxic."

Free concerts for Kucinich (tags)

If only the youth would vote.....

Eco-effective design: a tree (tags)

We have great things to regenerate.

Cheney and Scalia's Hunting trip on Big Energy's dime (tags)

The present controversy began when Scalia accompanied Cheney on a hunting trip to Texas one month after the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case this spring. The two flew on a private jet owned by an energy corporation.

21st Century design: a tree (tags)

We have a great many things to regenerate.

Design for the 21st Century: A Tree (tags)

Time for revolution.

Planning Activist Activities? (tags)

The start of any undertaking is either supported by the universe or not, knowing how to use nature forces can make the difference between growth and success, or wasted energy and failure.

Capitalism is Legalized Robbery (tags)

An analysis of capitalism illustrating that not only are there periodic examples of large, conspicuous thefts by capitalists, but there also exists an everyday, subtle, disguised theft of the value created by the working class.

Beware Global Cooling. (tags)

Global Cooling is far less kind that Global Warming.

Libya Opens Gateway for Weapons Inspection (tags)

It is now left up to Libya to disclose data on what weapons programmes they have underway to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).


Estimates of the WTC dust cloud expansion are used to provide a lower bound for the quantity of explosives used to bring down the towers.

BTL:Groups that Defeated Congressional Energy Bill Gear Up to... (tags)

...Fight Any New Attempt to Pass the Measure Interview with Winona Hauter, director of Public Citizen's Energy and Environmental Program, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Another Modest Proposel (tags)

Does the presence of a soul enhance or decrease the prospect of survival or security? This question is just one of those questions like why are we loosing our world to terror and greed? Do you feel the hunger or the pain of something not of your personal concern?


Anomalies involving the collapse of WTC buildings on 9-11 are discussed from the perspective of possible controlled demolition implosion rather than of aircraft impact and fuel-fire damage. Considered is the possible use of thermite to melt sections of the columns of the WTC towers inner cores, thus aiding in their collapse.

Jewish Lessons on the Environment (tags)

Shabbat is a holy covenant among Jews, but it can also be a holy grail for environmentalists.

The Environment is Always an Economic Boom: Debating the Rightwing (tags)

The five rightwing arguments for downsizing ecology are criticized. "Ecological moderniza-tion triggers innovations, creates jobs, opens up export chances and lowers health costs.. In Switzerland per capital energy consumption could be reduced two-thirds.."

Bush Toady Tom Daschle Shows HIs True Colors: YELLOW & GREEN! (tags)

"Leading Democrats" Tom Daschle announced he plans to vote FOR the infamous Bush-Cheney energy bill - the biggest corporate giveaway in US history. Is it any wonder the public is chronically disgusted and enraged by the untrustworthiness and spinelessness of the Democratic party???

Energy Bill Stuffed with Fossil Fuel Industry Subsidies -- Warming Continues (tags)

Despite not being afforded the benefit of a public hearing, the massive $31.1 billion energy bill being debated in the U.S. Senate today has garnered massive public opposition, and with good reason. Call your senators today. Tell them which way you recommend they vote.

CLEAR LIES PART 2: King Coal: The Sell Out of America's Skies (tags)

The Clear Skies Initiative is a litany of lies concocted to justify the infamous Bush-Cheney Energy Plan. The cornerstone of this disastrous anti-human health, anti-environmental scheme: COAL.

Dump Daschle - a view of the corporate welfare energy bill (tags)

No, the energy legislation in the U.S. Senate is corporate welfare, plain and simple, and the man who should be leading the fight to change it has once again demonstrated his inability to do the right thing.

CLEAR LIES PART: King Coal -- the Sellout of America's Skies (tags)

Assuming that Americans will be focused, open-mouthed and drooling over the mainstream media coverage of the Bush UK tour, the GOP goons in Congress are ramming through the Bush-Cheney energy bill -- the BIGGEST CORPORATE GIVEAWAY IN US HISTORY

CLEAR LIES: The Dirty, Deadly Truth about Bush's Clear Skies Initiative (tags)

The Clear Skies Initiative is a litany of lies concocted to justify the infamous Bush-Cheney Energy Plan. In this Five-Part Series, CLEAR LIES: The Deadly, Dirty Truth about Bush's Clear Skies Initiative and Catastrophic Energy Plan," the lies, manipulations and false promises laid out in Bush's Clear Skies speech are ripped away to reveal to ugly truth beneath.

Montana's Alternative to Energy Deregulation (tags)

Montana's Democrats are seeking either a rural electric cooperative or public power group to buy NorthWestern Energy, the supplier/distributor of electricity and natural gas to more than 300,000 customers (after Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings are finalized).

Why Montana needs to Re-Regulate the Energy Industry (tags)

In 1997, Montana privatized energy generation by selling off its assets -- fast-forward six years and Touch America and North-Western are bankrupt. "Nobody wants to eat crow, but slowly, bit-by-bit, we've been putting regulation back into place"

Enron E-Mails Show Arnold Met With Ken Lay (tags)

Enron E-Mails Show Arnold Met With Ken Lay During Energy Crisis

Arnie Schmoozed with Ken Lay while CA Suffered (tags)

While Californians suffered through the rigged blackouts -rigged by Enron and other vulture corporations - where was Arnie? He was scmoozing with Ken Lay and could hardly have given a damn!

Discovery May Spur 20 Times Cheaper Solar Power (tags)

The French-Italian company expects cheaper organic materials such as plastics to bring down the price of producing energy. Over a typical 20-year life span of a solar cell, a single produced watt should cost as little as $0.20, compared with the current $4.

Who Does Schwarzenegger Represent? (tags)

An analysis of the attractions and perils of the Schwarzenegger candidacy for California's voters.

BTL: Environmental Groups Rally Public to Oppose Bush-backed Energy Bill (tags)

Interview with Sharon Buccino, Natural Resources Defense Council conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus



'Blood, oil, and tears - and the 2004 Bush campaign strategy' (tags)

Campaign Strategy: Kill more people have the Media portray the Carnage and misery as a humanitarian effort.

Electricity Blackouts-Power to the People (tags)

Powerto the People

HEHEHE American Infrastructure (tags)

HEHEHE it takes a report by a bunch of civil engineers for the Americans to realize their infrastructure is shit.

Blackout (tags)

"The gigantic blackout (that will certainly not be the last) was a direct consequence that the US is so exemplary in the special neoliberal disciplines privatization and lower costs..Profit maximization at any cost leads to abstract cost cutting pressure." From German

BTL:Consumer Groups Link Power Outage and Failing Grid to Utility Deregulation (tags)

Interview with Wenonah Hauter, of Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris.

Dennis Redeamed by Bush League Politics (tags)

First Energy Found @ Fault

A Shock to the System (tags)

In the deregulated environment, low-income families have little recourse when the bills pile up and you have to choose between paying the water bill, the doctor bill or the power bill.

Climate Change Endangers Growth of World Economy (tags)

"The solar architect Rolf Disch in Freiburg sold the first solar-energy-plus houses that produce more energy with the help of the sun than is consumed in these energy-houses. Every homeowner becomes an energy-seller. Economy and ecology harmonize.."

The GRID: Profits vs Reliability (tags)

The "market" is already demanding "incentives" for expanding the transmission grid, but it will only increase their reach leaving the rest of the country even more vulnerable to widespread power outages.

MLK, 40 Years, a Donkey, the Deregulation and Blackout of Our Civil Rights! (tags)

Yesterday I witnessed the most incredible irony as I monitored the corporate media. George Bush was giving a speech yesterday afternoon in front of a friendly only crowd of Marines when he stated "May God continue to bless America".

BTL:Newly Passed Congressional Legislation Promoting Fossil Fuels and... (tags)

...Nuclear Power a Gift to Big Energy Companies Interview with Lisa Gue, senior energy analyst with Public Citizen, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Country’s and Individual’s Involved with Saudi Arabia and Terrorism. (tags)

To all countries and individuals that are in a current religious trade journey with Saudi Arabia in an effort to expand extreme fundamentalism through the training and support of jihad terrorists, and to any officials taking “enticement” money, here is some pertinent information you need to consider:

Another Bob inident (tags)

Space weapon assualt and contrail cover-up.

Recall of Gov Davis Officially on Ballot (tags)

We have now witnessed a milestone in history with the recall of Death Penalty Democrat Gov Davis now officially on the ballot, the first time a recall of a California governor has actually made the ballot. The economy is clearly in serious trouble.


AP cites Cheney's Energy Task Force as potentially linked to Oil War plans, but web-links are attached to articles warning of this months ago. Alarm bells should be ringing as to why the earlier reports weren't pursued.

How Did Our Oil Get Under Their Sand? (tags)

Are the hawks in the Bush-Cheney Oilygarchy the only ones to blame for the war?


The University of California Board of Regents voted unanimously today in favor of a Clean Energy and Green Building policy that sets a new bar nationally for environmental leadership by any institution. This vote follows the year-long “UC Go Solar!” campaign run by students across the state and Greenpeace.

Bush Energy Task Force Exposed (tags)

Alleged task force member includes: Thomas Kuhn, Edison Electric Institute president; Marc Racicot, current Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman; Haley Barbour, former RNC chairman; and Ken Lay, former Enron chairman.

Blame Bush for California's Budget Woes (tags)

Californians provide much more to the federal government in taxes than they get back in services. The feds should bail out the states, which cannot indulge in the red-ink financing that has become a specialty of the Bush Administration.

What's Cheney Hiding? (tags)

Natural gas prices aren't going to get better any time soon , and could seriously effect the stability of the US economy, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan told the Senate on Wednesday. And to nobody's surprise, Republicans have been on the move to slash natural gas prices by rolling back environmental restrictions.

BTL:Move to Recall California Gov. Gray Davis Ignores GOP Role in... (tags)

...Energy Companies' Robbing of State's Consumers. Interview with Tyson Slocum, research director of Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Program, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Dean vs. Kucinich - comparision in a nutshell (tags)

good quick summary

The 9-11 Hoax, the Federal Reserve and the World Bank (tags)

Scientific calculation shows that the amount of time and energy invested by nature to produce one gallon of petroleum converted into kilowatt-hours at the present commercial rates at which electricity is sold amounts to approximately $1 million per gallon....

Haynes & Boone of Dallas Does Iraq (tags)

Haynes & Boone have been loyal supporters of President Bush. They advised him on his sale of Harken Energy stock. It appears the favor is now being returned.

Revolution = Rap Against the State (tags)

I D.A.R.E. you to rap against the State. Rap against the I.R.S. Make taxes voluntary. Force is immoral. So why does the State use it? Because they are mob of mafia types.

BTL:GOP Energy Legislation Offers Corporate Subsidies to Build New... (tags)

...U.S. Nuclear Power Plants. Interview with Michael Mariotte, executive director of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus.


Imagine that the entire quantity of jet fuel from the aircraft was injected into just one floor of the World Trade Center, that the jet fuel burnt with the perfect efficency, that no hot gases left this floor and that no heat escaped this floor by conduction. With these ideal assumptions we calculate the maximum temperature that this one floor could have reached.


The WTC was designed to survive the impact of a boeing 767, so why didn't it?

We need jobs. We need new jobs. (tags)

I'm not the president or a presidential candidate (and I don't play one on television) but it seems to me to create new jobs, this country needs to create new industries. A tax cut to maintain the current status quo is just not going to change anything. If the demand for existing products isn't there now, why should the demand increase with a tax cut? How many new cars and television sets can any one person buy? Americans just can't keep buying more of what we already have. We've got to get a move on.

Isreal Seeks Pipeline For Iraqi Oil (tags)

Plans to build a pipeline to siphon oil from newly conquered Iraq to Israel are being discussed between Washington, Tel Aviv and potential future government figures in Baghdad.,11319,940109,00.html

It's the Oil, Stupid (tags)

Oil had nothing to do with Washington's motives for the invasion, we were told. "The only interest the United States has in the region is furthering the cause of peace and stability, not in [Iraq's] ability to generate oil," said press secretary Ari Fleischer in late 2002. But at a January briefing an unnamed "senior Defense official" revealed that Gen. Tommy Franks and his staff "have crafted strategies that will allow us to secure and protect those fields as rapidly as possible in order to preserve those prior to destruction...

Government Holds Back Human Progress (tags)

From the book "Julian Simon and the Triumph of Energy Sustainability"

Marines hold Iraqi nuclear site (tags)

Investigators Tuesday discovered that Al-Tuwaitha hides another city. This underground nexus of labs, warehouses, and bomb-proof offices was hidden from the public and, perhaps, International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors who combed the site just two months ago...

Let there be light (tags)

faith based solar initiative

Julian Simon and the Triumph of Energy Sustainability (tags)

From the book "Julian Simon and the Triumph of Energy Sustainability"

The Greatest Secret in Modern History (tags)

You have Been Lied To By An International Governmenta Conspiracy of White Supremacists and Others determined to destroy rational free thought and brotherly love. WAKE UP and embrace you basic human rights to BE INFORMED and realise your intelligence and basic goodness as human beings



Terror and Energy Security (tags)

The US will need 6 million more barrels of oil every day by 2020..Both the supply and the security of the US would be helped far more if energy savings and promotion of regenerative energy were vigorously emphasized. Translated from the German

Money Drives the Tobacco Wars (tags)

From the book "The Rule of Law in the Wake of Clinton"

It's about Oil, according to U.S. officials (tags)

Two articles reveal the true meaning of "security" - please copy/paste into an email and get the word out!

Capitalism is Legalized Robbery (tags)

Conspicuous and inconspicuous examples of theft by the capitalist system.

NY Post: Streisand = AIDS drug profiteer (tags)

NY Post: Streisand = AIDS drug profiteer

Streisand Fdtn made $17K on Halliburton under Cheney (tags)

Streisand Fdtn made $17K on Halliburton under Cheney

Dr. Steven Greer Announces New Free Energy Device - audio and written article (tags)

Everyone should be aware of this information.

The future, at a crossroads (tags)

Space shuttle tragedy prompts review, angst for Practical Idealism

Peace Demonstrators in US & UK Take Message to the Pumps: No War for Oil! (tags)

National Release: Peace Demonstrators in US & UK Take Message to the Pumps: NO WAR FOR OIL Day of Action at Over 100 Gas Stations Calls for Peace, Security, and Environmental Protection via Reduction of Dependence on Oil

Iraqi Nuclear ENERGY Authority??? (tags)

What. . . are the Iraqis afraid they'll run out of OIL???

Bush Seeks $3.5 Million for Group Building N. Korean Reactors (tags)

Rumsfeld was director of company that helped N. korea Build its Nuke plants before he became Secretary of Defense!

We can rid oil dependency tomorrow (tags)

Why isn't there more attention to this story. Vegetable oil and french fry grease has been used in Europe for 20 years, but still isn't mass produced.

The Price of Oil?...War (tags)

Investigative journalist Ritt Goldstein and CounterPunch explode the myths behind the looming Iraq War.

Defence redefined means securing cheap energy (tags)


Weaning Off Fossil Fuels (tags)

American rooftops can be the Persian Gulf of solar energy. After Australia, no developed nation on Earth gets more annual sunlight than the United States. In addition, wind is now the fastest-growing energy source worldwide and one of the cheapest. But wind and solar power generate less than 2% of U.S. power. We can do better. We can increase auto fuel economy standards to 40 miles per gallon. The technology to achieve that goal exists now.

Equal Rights, Equal Responsibilities (tags)

A simple way to end slavery and save the world from the death-industrial complex....

diet and delinquency (tags)

work of Alexander Schauss could be a great boon to problem of urban crime


As long as people keep responding to them,

Oil has always been top of Bush's foreign-policy agenda (tags)

US Energy Report Okayed "Military Intervention" For Oil, reports investigative journalist Ritt Goldstein.

Ballots across the West promise Power to the people (tags)

Public ownership of electric power is an idea whose time has come – at least in San Francisco, Las Vegas and in the Big Sky state of Montana. Voters in these western locales have a chance to vote Nov. 5 for ballot questions that open the way for city or state takeover or buyout of private utility companies.

Dr. Nick Begich Lecture -- HAARP, Emerging Tech., Non-Lethal Weapons (tags)

Dr. Nick Begich Lecture -- HAARP, Emerging Tech., Non-Lethal Weapons, a serious warning from this scientific researcher. -- a must listen for anyone following the US. Military

colorado river basin/persian gulf- sisters (tags)

Imagine the repercussions if our US government, instead of threatening Saddam Hussein, promotes instead a pan-Gulf ecology hydrology development sceme, always using renewable energy technologies, based on practices being tested collaboratively withMexico in the Gulf of California.


The Sunday Herald, which broke the story about the Project for a New American Century document advocating a global American Empire, now uncovers a document which is another SMOKING GUN revealing the real reasons for the proposed US attack on Iraq. This reason--in case anybody still believes the lies about 'Weapons of Mass Destruction,' Terrorism, or 'Saddam as a new Hitler'--can be spelled O-I-L.

Recap of Bush term (tags)

What Bush has undone in just 21 short months (tags)

Upcoming lecture about information every activist needs to know about. The threat of new weapons of mass destruction.


an essay on the necessity of direct action

World Summit Hears Clamour of Thousands Protesting Outside (tags)

Thousands of demonstrators have marched to the World Development Summit venue in Johannesburg, in the first mass protest to take place since it opened on Monday.

Local TEA Dollars (tags)

To presume that our lifetime has no value is to presume the legitimacy of slavery. Issuing citizens dividends directly from local treasuries is the most efficient, stable and democratic way to provide equal rights and equal responsibilities....

To Summit Up (tags)

Bush will not go to this summit

Finacial Times: US bankruptcies, and who received contributions (tags)

The Financial Times has an incredible series breaking down the 25 largest recent bankruptcies in America and showing how rich the corporate execs got in the process – a total of $3.3 billion

Ski Resort Cleanup (tags)

Southern California Skiers/Boarders Will Breathe Easier Under Diesel Exhaust Cleanup Plan

Solar May Be State Energy Crisis Legacy (tags)

A toehold for solar energy may be a positive and lasting legacy of California's electricity crisis.

Rememebering Carlo Giuliani (tags)

A rhythmic glimpse at what Carlo Giuliani died for and how little any of it has changed.

Arizona Burns, Chemtrail Complicity, Harrp Is Suspect (tags)

"... the goal is to learn how to manipulate the ionosphere on a more grand scale than the the Soviet Union could do with its similar facilities. HAARP would be the largest ionospheric heater in the world...


A Scientist has been forced to deny his work because it disproves the Global Warming Theory - the Inquisition returns!!!!

Proof the CA Energy Crisis was Corporate Manipulation/Theft (tags)

Probably no one reading the LA-IMC newswire will be surprised by this -- but here's (some of) the proof that last year's California Energy Crisis was thoroughly manipulated by the unregulated, parasitic energy corporations. A similar story was on the front page of today's (5-7-02) LA Times and the New York Times also had a lead article on the matter. Sorry for re-posting corporate media here, but I think it's important for this to be accessible on the LA-IMC newswire for posterity's sake. BTW, Pacifica Radio's Democracy NOW! had an excellent segment this morning about this as well.

Chaos Analysis Questionnaire (tags)

Give it a try!

More "official" lies about 911 falling apart (tags)

Please read this and view the pictures. If these pictures are real, and I believe that they are since they are "officially released" pictures, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE THAT A BOEING 757 IMPACTED THE PENTAGON AND THEN EXPLODED!!

More "official" lies about 911 falling apart (tags)

Please read this and view the pictures. If these pictures are real, and I believe that they are since they are "officially released" pictures, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE THAT A BOEING 757 IMPACTED THE PENTAGON AND THEN EXPLODED!!

California lawmakers: Arrest Enron execs (tags)

Houston workers demand justice WASHINGTON – A committee of the California State Senate has demanded that Kenneth Lay and other Enron officials be brought to California to stand trial for contempt for refusing to testify before a California Senate Committee investigating “manipulation of the energy market.”

Time to Smash Facism Again (tags)

Anti-immigrant morons to skewer Mexicans...let's counter-protest!

Feb 3, Rally for Freedom Feb 3, Rally for Freedom (tags)

Feb. 3, Rally for Freedom at the Federal Building at 11000 Wilshire Blvd. Westwood Support H.R. 3616 a ban on space-based weapons, directed energy weapons, including extremely low frequency electromagnetic energy mind control waves.

2002 Cal Gov Race: Energy Crisis Hoax (tags)

The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR) issued a 58-page repot, entitled "Hoax: How Deregulation Let the Power Industry Steal $71 Billion From California," showing that the contrived California "energy crisis" of one year ago was a coordinated plan with the Legislative votes for taxpayer bailouts of the energy companies, as FTCR pointed out at the time. The report is in PDF format at:

H. R. 2977 (tags)

H.R. 2977 Preservation of Space Kucinich Ohio Oct. 2001 look up MInd control in Lecture Feb. 2,

NRDC Sues Department of Energy to Expose Cheney Task Force Secrets (tags)

Environmentalists Seek Documents to Identify Industry's Influence on National Energy Policy Development. After waiting nearly 8 months for a response, the NRDC filed a lawsuit to force the Department of Energy (DOE) to produce records regarding the agency's role in the operations of the National Energy Policy Development Group chaired by Vice President Dick Cheney.

NRDC: Environmentalists Launch First Legal Challenge To Bush Energy Plan (tags)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (December 6, 2001) - NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) and Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA) today filed the first lawsuit to stop the Bush administration from implementing what they consider to be an "ill-conceived" national energy plan. The groups filed the suit in federal district court in Washington.

Institute for Public Accuracy: Behind the Enron Collapse (tags)

IPA provides comments by Doug Heller, Consumer advocate with the Santa Monica-based Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights; Arjun Makhijani, president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research; Tyson Slocum, Research director of Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy and Environment Program.

Captain Ozone - Hydrogen Fuel (tags)

A great alternative to foreign energy

Bush Energy Bill Up for Vote on Monday - BP, Exxon, Phillips Licking Their Lips (tags)

Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-MS) and Sen. Murkowski (R-AK) attached the Bush/House Energy Bill to a Railroad Bill today, in another attempt to back-door the country into an unsustainable and destructive energy policy designed to line the pockets of their energy industry buddies. The vote on this amendment will take place Monday, December 3rd, at 5pm Eastern. Some groups will be holding press events at BP offices throughout the country including LA, Sacramento, DC, NYC, and Denver to speak out against the bill and in favor of protecting the Arctic Refuge and more renewable energy.

New radical magazine (tags)

Now online.Dedicated to non-sectarian political-cultural theory, analysis, reporting, and entertainment.

Public power gives San Francisco the juice (Medea Benjamin) (tags)

Nov. 6 presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you want power that is affordable, if you want to move from polluting fossil fuels to clean energy, if you want your energy system controlled by elected officials accountable to the public, vote yes on I and F.

NYT's Krugman: Huge Tax Cuts For Bush/Cheney Energy Cronies (tags)

A funny thing Krugman noticed: "Medium-sized" companies (compared to GM &IBM) racking in top dollar from the Republican "stimiulus" tax cuts include companies like TXU (formerly Dallas Power and Light), ChevronTexaco, Enron, Phillips Petroleum, IMC Global and CMS Energy-that tend to be in the energy or mining businesses, and to be based in or near Texas. Surprise!

Controlled America (tags)

The U.S. Intelligence Agencies, the Military, and Independent Contractors are torturing, using mind control techniques, and killing U.S. citizens with Directed Energy Weapons such as extremely low frequency Electromagnetic energy, infrasound, and microwave pulsed analog. This program is being run by FBI, CIA, NSA personnell all placed in key positions in the Police Dept., Sheriff, DA's, and as City Officials.

Senate Likely to OK Alaska Refuge Drilling - Official (tags)

Despite wrangling by the Leaders of the Senate Democrats to stall a vote on this subject, the Republicans say that they will be able to push it allong soon enough.

Sat13OctL.A. SOLAR HOME TOUR 2001 (tags)

This year's homes are fine examples of Los Angeles homeowners taking advantage of Solar Incentive Programs offered by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) and the California Energy Commission (CEC).

Action: Stop the Bailout of the Energy Robber Barons! (tags)

CA Assembly likely to vote TODAY on a $4.1 Billion bailout bill negotiated in secret with the utilities and energy companies. Action: Contact your representative.


let's stop the BS!!

Teamsters Dump Turtles to Pass Bush Energy Plan (tags)

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Jason Mark, clean vehicles program director with the Union of Concerned Scientists, discusses the environmental consequences of the Bush energy policy and the labor/industry coalition that lobbied to pass the president's bill(A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found At

Governors Get Free SUVs, Gas Money (tags)

Governors attending the National Governors Association meeting in Rhode Island this weekend will drive gas-guzzling sport utility vehicles provided free of charge by General Motors Corp.

Local Union members demand money back from the energy companies at rally (tags)

Union Members rallied today to demand :"We want all the money back" from the energy companies.

Major Energy Crisis Rally Today, 11:30am Downtown LA (tags)

Come one, come all! A major union-sponsered rally, about the energy crisis, will happen today (8-01) at the downtown federal building (225 Temple), beginning at 11:30am and going until 1pm.

Michael Shames, UCAN Director, Speaks on Energy to S.D. Green Party (tags)

Michael Shames, executive director of the San Diego Utility Consumers' Action Network (UCAN), spoke to the San Diego Green Party July 15. He supported an energy future based on efficiency and renewable sources but opposed a public takeover of the existing generating and distributing lines, both because it would be too expensive and because in an energy system based on renewables most of these facilities would become obsolete anyway.

Medea Benjamin on the Energy Crisis: For Public Power! -- SCADA conference, 6-24 (tags)

Medea Benjamin provides a brilliant, succinct critique of California's energy crisis; and makes a clarion call for public power. From the Southern California Americans for Democratic Action (SCADA) conference in Los Angeles on June 24, 2001.

Text of Medea Benjamin's speech for Energy Independence, July 4th Long Beach (tags)

Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Global Exchange and 2000 Green Party candidate for the US Senate, calls for Energy Independence, & freedom from global corporate tyranny, at a rally on July 4th in Long Beach, CA.

Energy Solution Up to You, Speakers Say (tags)

Though three of the speakers at San Diego's Energy Independence Day rally July 4 were elected officials — U.S. Congressmember Bob Filner, San Diego City Councilmember Donna Frye and Chula Vista City Councilmember Mary Salas — all of them stressed the need for strong grass-roots lobbying efforts to win publicly owned power and maximum use of efficiency and renewable energy sources to solve the California energy crisis.

Energy Independence Day in San Diego - Audio (tags)

This is audio from the second half of the Energy Independence Day Rally in San Diego. The audio clip is 54 minutes.

Energy Independence Day in San Diego (tags)

The Coalition for Affordable Public Power holds "energy independence day" rally.

Bush energy plan sent to Congress (tags)

"President Bush is trying to distract attention away from his overall energy plan, which drills, digs, destroys, and pollutes but doesn't solve our energy needs,"

Open Mike at Energy Independence Day July 4 (tags)

Add YOUR opinions on the California energy/electricity rate crisis and the harm it's done you or your business as part of the Coalition for Affordable Public Power's (CAPP) "Energy Independence Day" rally July 4. Congressmember Bob Filner, San Diego City Councilmember Donna Frye, Chula Vista City Councilmember Mary Salas and representatives of grass-roots organizations will also speak.

Eating More Veggies Can Help Save Energy (tags)

f humans switched from a meat-based diet to a plant-based one, the world's petroleum reserves would last 260 years, as opposed to 13.

California’s Engineered Energy Crisis and the Potential of Public Power (tags)

California does not have an energy shortage. And according to some of the state’s highest officials, the blackouts have been choreographed for massive price gouging by some of Bush’s closest associates and contributors.

Energy Independence Day (tags)

Energy Independence Day

Make July 4 Energy Independence Day in San Diego! (tags)

U.S. Congressmember Bob Filner, San Diego City Councilmember Donna Frye and Chula Vista City Councilmember Mary Salas are joining other speakers and grass-roots activists in an "Energy Independence Day" rally in San Diego on the Fourth of July.

The Bio-Electronic Energy Revolution (tags)

Details on: The Bio-Electronic Energy Revolution This gives background on the "Radical" Italien plan submitted to the E.U. conference in Gothemburg last week. Only a year ago, no plan like this was even considered possible At present there are three main types of Bio-Electronic Vehicle Energy Generators: they are:

Gregory Palast On The "Energy Crisis" (tags)

Overview of an expatriate's incisive reporting on the manipulation, money and politics behind California's manufactured "energy crisis."

Gregory Palast On The "Energy Crisis" (tags)

Overview of an expatriate's incisive reporting on the manipulation, money and politics behind California's manufactured "energy crisis."

CA Attorney General Says Enron Chairman Should Be Jailed And Raped (tags)

Lockyer's incredible comment was in line with Gov. Gray Davis' attempts to blame California's energy crisis on oil companies and other energy producers instead of the state's self-destructive policies that prevented the building of electricity-producing facilities and banned construction of nuclear power plants.

Photo: Notice Of Intent To Take This Property By Eminent Domain. (tags)

Sign left by protesters at Duke Energy power plant in Oakland, CA.

Photo: State Budget Surplus Stolen! (tags)

Photo: Union Activist at "Stop Rolling Blackmail!" Protest with sign reading "State Budget Surplus Stolen!"

Photo: Young Activist at "Stop Rolling Blackmail!" Protest. (tags)

Photo: Young Activist at "Stop Rolling Blackmail!" Protest.

An effective way to lower energy prices (tags)


Photo: Public Power Activists Crash Democratic Party Energy Hearings in Oakland (tags)

While Bush did his thing in Southern California - Democratic Congressional Representatives did their thing at an "Energy Hearing" in Oakland. (Republished from SF Indymedia)

California's "Energy Crisis"=KKK Connection? (tags)

The "energy Crisis" here in California is about more than greed-white supremacy may be behind it, too!


A protest sign used at Bush's appearance at the Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, May 29th.


A protest sign used at Bush's appearance at the Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, May 29th.

Photo: Public Power Activists Crash Democratic Party Energy Hearings (tags)

While Bush did his thing in Southern California - Democratic Congressional Representatives did their thing at an "Energy Hearing" in Oakland, CA.

Update From Century City Protest (tags)

200-300 Angelenos gathered outside the Century Park Hotel to greet Dubya with a simple two word request: PRICE CAPS.

An Open Letter to the American People (On National Energy Policy) (tags)

An open letter on energy policy--the scientific and ethical reality of our planetary responsibility for the future vs. the political spin of the moment.

Hey Calfornian's lets give GWB the welcome he deserves! (tags)

Express your love for GWB and the spread the word about the scheduled meet and greets at the following locations and times.


PROTEST BUSH'S ENERGY PLAN: Demand that Bush implement wholesale ENERGY PRICE CAPS NOW!

Bush in Los Angeles ALERT! (tags)

California tells Bush and Davis RATE CAPS NOW, the energy scam must stop! Protest at Bush appearance in Century City, Tuesday, May 29th.

** Opinion: Energy and Environment: Offense Instead of Defense (tags)

This piece makes the case for an offensive strategy on energy issues, instead the environmental movement's current defensive reactive approach.

Conservatives Who Don't Conserve (tags)

A commentary on recent energy policies and those who propose them

Bush Coming To Southern California (tags)

Bush Heading to State This Month

U.S. Gas Prices Up, Up and Away (tags)

U.S. retail gasoline prices hit an all-time high Monday the Energy Department reported on Monday. The Energy Department shows U.S. gasoline inventories at 199 million barrels, down 8 million barrels from a year ago and far below average levels for this time of year. Increased summer demand will continue to drive the price of gasoline to even higher levels

Transparent sector of govt exposed May 9th at National Press Club. (tags)

A multitude of credible military, intelligence and government witnesses will speak at the National Press Club in DC on May 9th, testifying to the reality of extremely covert government research projects of advanced technologies. These technologies include devices that generate an unlimited supply of energy by tapping into an electromagnetic energy field, and anti gravitational devices. An open forum will be held on May 12th.

UFO Disclosure News Conference & Summit May 9-12 (tags)

The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. The disclosure of the truth will have far-reaching implications for our society -- new technologies to end pollution and global warming, long-term solution to the energy crisis, and the beginning of an era of peaceful relations with other civilizations in space.


Feeding people in the main plaza in Polamas, Mexico was a somewhat spontaneous action that turned into a huge success.

"COMIDA, NO LA MIGRA"- food not INS! (tags)

Feeding people in the main plaza in Polamas, Mexico was a somewhat spontaneous action that turned into a huge success.

Blackouts and $3.00 A Gallon Gas This Summer (tags)

U.S. gasoline prices have soared to their highest level in more than a decade.Most oil and energy companies are reporting record earnings in their recent quarterly reports. Most consumers in the United States are paying record high prices for energy.

CA's Energy Crisis:UK reporting!! (tags)

Interesting look into the energy "crisis" from over the pond... may wash upon these shores any decade now...

MP3:Utility Greed, Not Power Shortage, Cause of Calif.'s Deregulation Disaster (tags)

Energy activist Harvey Wasserman, author of "The Last Energy War: The Battle Over Utility Deregulation" takes a critical look at California's electric power disaster and the various remedies offered to repair the damage. Visit Between The Lines Website for more information and RealAudio version, week ending 2/9/01. To receive Between The Lines Q&A, a weekly transcript of one of the week's interviews, email

MP3:Utility Greed, Not Power Shortages,Cause of Calif.'s Deregulation Disaster (tags)

Energy activist Harvey Wasserman, author of "The Last Energy War: The Battle Over Utility Deregulation" takes a critical look at California's electric power disaster and the various remedies offered to repair the damage. Visit Between The Lines Website for more information and RealAudio version, week ending 2/9/01. To receive Between The Lines Q&A, a weekly transcript of one of the week's interviews, email

Utility Greed, Not Power Shortage, Root Cause of Calif.'s Deregulation Disaster (tags)

Harvey Wasserman, author of "The Last Energy War: The Battle Over Utility Deregulation" who takes a critical look at California's electric power disaster and the various remedies offered to repair the damage. "The Last Energy War" is published by Seven Stories Press. Listen to this interview in RealAudio and get more information on the Between The Lines website at for week ending 2/9/01. To subscribe to BTL's weekly summaries email

The Facts Are In: Electricity Demand in California Was Lower (tags)

"The fact that demand in California is on par with previous years highlights power producers' attempts to circumvent environmental rules and local input on energy policy,"

Congressman Reynolds [R-NY] backs oil drilling in Arctic (tags)

Reynolds said he plans to co-sponsor legislation asking President-elect George W. Bush to support the proposal to drill on the refuge. Bush, a former Texas oilman, has made giving energy companies drilling access to the refuge's 1.5 million-acre coastal plan a key part of his national energy policy

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) signals green light for Alaska Refuge drilling! (tags)

CHARLES SCHUMER: "... You know, the question here is exploration of oil. That’s a big position for the secretary of interior. We’re going to need more oil and natural gas in America."

Support Clean Energy (tags)

Clean Energy is here, clean energy could bring costs down, why don't we have clean energy? - a new voice for the environmental community (tags)

A point Julia Butterfly raised eloquently in her recently published book says baically that no shes not a part of any group or organization she just cares about the trees, well...

Ted Hayes reflects upon the march back to Pershing Square (tags)

Ted Hayes, a local homeless advocate with the Dome Village speaks out in love and concern for the homeless and the current movement that rocked LA downtown LA today.

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