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Tim Mahoney,vFin,Venus,Florida Methodist Church,Sayed Mustafa and Islamic Usary (tags)

Mr.Mustafa seems to have a way of bending his own supposed religious rules.However in my humble opinion,by involvement in penny stock scams with his fellow right wing Christian or other business partners he is committing usary or worse.Perhaps Tim Mahoney or Leonard Sokolow at vFIN can explain to Sayed Mustafa how penny stock scheisters take a suckers money first and give worthless penny stock shares and then charge them steep interest on their own money as the worthless shares they were conned to purchase are dumped by insiders till all psychological value of the truly worthless shares is also lost.

Exposed: The June 2002 Plan to Market a New 9/11 Mastermind (tags)

In these series of selected excerpts from Chaim Kupferberg's landmark article, Kupferberg reveals the marketing plan to introduce Khalid Shaikh Mohammed to the public as the 9/11 mastermind in June 2002 - and the subsequent coincidences, contradictions, and anomalies which expose the Official Legend of 9/11 as a prefabricated set-up.

A Poem for UmHaider and Candy (tags)

Umhaider is an Iraqi woman who lost one of her sons during bombings and she is in the U.S. for the treatment of her other son who has 100 peices of shrapnel inside him and Candy is a gulf war vet who has overcome hatred and bitterness indoctrinated by the army and has gotten a long awaited forgiveness.This is a reminder of who suffers in war

Military Statement Issued by the Brigades of Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa (tags)

"Let the terrorist Sharon and his criminal gangs know that the Palestinian blood is not cheap and that those who target leaders and strugglers of the Palestinian people cannot live in peace and cannot run away from being targeted and assassinated. From now on, the whole Zionist political level will be target to our special groups which will teach you painful lessons as retaliation to the assassination crime against the leader and teacher Abu Ali Mustafa."

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