fix articles 133270, conservation biology
H a b i t a t D e s t r u c t i o n I s N o t P o e t i c (read to the end of this message to see what SCIENTISTS have said in declarations to federal courts about this ill-founded scheme.)
Desert Movies: Tanks and off-roaders trash CA deserts - SAN DIEGO DEC. 17 (tags)
DEC. 6: Come to this free Southern California screening of 2 new indy films about the US military, off-roaders and their harmful effects on the California Desert.
Toward Corporate Accountability (tags)
Biologist David Ehrenfeld of Rutgers University, a former editor of the journal Conservation Biology, had an article in the August issue in which he lists the 8 recommendations shown below. There is a growing appreciation among biologists of the connection between the destruction of the natural world and the culture of multinational corporations.