fix articles 133252, dick morris
The Supreme Court is right on Obamacare (tags)
It may come as a surprise to some, considering my political affiliation as a Tea Party Republican, but as a strong constitutional literalist, I must absolutely agree with and support the Supreme Court decision. It was put under a strong microscope and in my own personal alalysis, disected brilliantly.
Rally to Protect Free Speech from Police Brutality (tags)
Friday, November 11, 2011
RIVERSIDE, (CA) - In response to Sunday's police raid on the peaceful anti-Wall Street encampment at the downtown arts walk, Occupy Riverside marched on the police station and rallied there. In recognition of Veteran's Day and the significant contributions of veterans to the Occupy Movement and all social justice movements, we took a moment to honor the veterans in our movement and all veterans of the class war.
BTL:Media Amplifies Voices of Hate in Ground Zero Mosque Debate (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
The Ominous Shadow of 1988 this July Mexican Presidential Election elección presidencial (tags)
With 20 Days to Go before the Vote, the Spectre of Electoral Fraud - and Subsequent Repression - Haunts a Nation La sombra siniestra de 1988 libraciones sobre la elección presidencial mexicana de este julio
The Ominous Shadow of 1988 Hovers Over this July’s Mexican Presidential Election (tags)
With 20 Days to Go before the Vote, the Spectre of Electoral Fraud - and Subsequent Repression - Haunts a Nation
Ciertos asesores políticos extranjeros en México venden los secretos de anteriores campañas electorales al mejor postor: van con quien los contrate más allá de toda ideología o fidelidad partidista.
“López Obrador instaurará una izquierda sin excesos dogmáticos de delirio” (tags)
Ciudad de México.- Uno de los principales estrategas y hombre de confianza del candidato puntero a la presidencia de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, del PRD, es sin duda Ricardo Monreal, ex gobernador del estado de Zacatecas. El hoy relevante constructor del tejido de las redes ciudadanas extendidas por todo el país en apoyo del presidenciable tabasqueño, en la primera etapa de la campaña hacia las elecciones presidenciales del 2 de julio, define ideología política, similitudes y distancias con las izquierdas latinas, y aclara los vínculos o diferencias con las mismas.
Digging Deeper: Why No Conspiracy Count for Libby? (tags)
The pre-Iraqi War intelligence was “fixed around the policy,” according to the Downing St. Memos. The perjury case of Irving “Scooter” Libby, Dick Cheney’s gofer, is only one small piece of the scheme to lie the country into war. Special Counsel Fitzgerald failed to use a conspiracy count against Libby, but he didn’t hesitate to do so in the Khaled Dumeisi case. Why the double standard? The Congress must get to the bottom of this cover-up.
E-vote fraud? On election night Karen Hughes told Bush he’d lost! (tags)
Major trouble brewing for Bush