fix articles 13311, bob graham
America's Gulf: An Ongoing Catastrophic Disaster (tags)
Obama complicity in worst ever environmental crime
9/11 Truth and the Tuskegee 40 Year Coverup (tags)
Some say that 9/11 couldn’t have been an “inside job” because a coverup would be impossible; someone with inside knowledge would blow the whistle on such a horrible and criminal operation. The Tuskegee Syphilis experiment is one example of policy and decision makers in US federal, state and local governments conspiring to commit and cover up crimes against humanity; the “experiment” was in progress, and kept quiet, for 40 years.
Mitt Romney:Fox News' Islamofascist Ijaz Mansoor's Advice Killed WSJ Reporter Daniel Pearl (tags)
And that,(getting Daniel Pearl killed by his advice and contacts in Pakistan)),was at least hopefully unintentional.Worse yet is when this scumbag Ijaz actually bribes,(donates),to our elected officials to influence their political decisions including in Pakistan and the Middle East that could or has come BACK TO HAUNT US ALL. :
LOS PRIMEROS 40 RAZONES DE DUDAR LA HISTORIA OFICIAL DEL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2001 ... Un resúmen en sencillos puntos a enfatizar...
Don't be a fool: Question 9/11 THE TOP 40 REASONS TO DOUBT THE OFFICIAL STORY OF SEPTEMBER 11th, 2001
James Dale Davidson,Agora Inc.,Charles Schwab,Tim Mahoney,VFIN, LOM and penny stock fraud (tags)
The far right wing James Dale Davidson of Agora Inc.,Baltimore, Maryland, and the National Taxpayers Union of Alexandria,Virginia, as well as Stanford University also profited from the Endovasc fraud and consequent boiler room and probable money laundering by Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai.And both Tim Mahoney's VFIN and Charles Schwab's Charles Schwab profited from the fraud that was and still is Endovasc of Montgomery, Texas as they themselves document in SEC filings.
Los Angeles Times:Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Venice,Florida flight school ? (tags)
Wall Street Journal,New York Times,Los Angeles Times,Miami Herald,etc. have maintained a self imposed black out of the 9/11,WTC, Pentagon, etc. tragedy's connections to Venice,Florida. This indymedia article-post is my protest against established media's allegiance to the Bush war criminals,stock frauds,money launderers and arms,petroleum and drug traffickers.
L A Times:Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terror flight school (tags)
Wall Street Journal,New York Times,Los Angeles Times,Miami Herald,etc. have maintained a self imposed black out of the 9/11,WTC, Pentagon, etc. tragedy's connections to Venice,Florida. This indymedia article-post is my protest against established media's allegiance to the Bush war criminals,stock frauds,money launderers and arms,petroleum and drug traffickers.
Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator Shelby 'a gangster' (tags)
If Patrick Byrne,the largest campaign contributer, or 'briber', of Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr., and Utah Senators Bob Bennett's and Orin Hatch's favorite 'securities' fraudster and Republican 'dirty tricks' financier says Alabama Republican Richard Shelby is a 'gangster'he must be speaking for them as well,after all all three of those right wing Mormon bozos support every lie he has had to offer so far as well as his generous Republican donations......
SEC,Christopher Cox,Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud (tags)
Before beginning any criticism of Barbara Boxer for anything whatsoever it would be unfair to not to praise her for her stance against the Bush Regime's Iraq war from the very beginning.Below is a list of the sad minority of Senators who had the courage or common sense not to place that decision in the hands of the mad man some call 'president', George W Bush.Of course the far right hypocrite Hillary Clinton is another story.She who cries of a 'far right conpiracy' against her and hubby Bill Clinton,is one.
Senate hearing on CIA nominee: Democrats rubberstamp Bush police-state spying (tags)
The Senate hearing Thursday on the nomination of General Michael Hayden to head the Central Intelligence Agency demonstrates the bipartisan congressional support for the Bush administration’s assault on the democratic rights of the American people. While there were scattered criticisms of the methods of the Bush administration, particularly its failure to consult with Congress, every senator on the Intelligence Committee accepted the premise that the United States is engaged in a “war on terror” and that the Bush administration’s escalation of domestic surveillance and wiretapping is a product of that war.
New CIA chief has links with 911 terrorists (tags)
This is a repost from the Village Voice regarding the dubious actions our new CIA chief Porter Goss on the day of September 11th 2001.
Bush'ls Plan to Build a Better Octopus (tags)
The politicization of spy work
Conspirators of the Iraq war (tags)
A high-ranking military officer reveals how Defense Department extremists suppressed information and twisted the truth to drive the country to war.
Re-evaluating Weapons of Mass Destruction (tags)
Did I hear someone say that President Bush lied, that there were never any weapons of mass destruction, and that he took us to war for his oil buddies? Well if President Bush did lie then he's in good company. Read on.
a poem...
For Jeb Bush, the implications of his legislating the "Feeding Tube" may come as a shock -- a backlash from conservatives who have ceaselessly preached freedom and small government. His law has exposed the rent in the Republican Party between the libertarian crowd and the Christian right.
Exposed: The June 2002 Plan to Market a New 9/11 Mastermind (tags)
In these series of selected excerpts from Chaim Kupferberg's landmark article, Kupferberg reveals the marketing plan to introduce Khalid Shaikh Mohammed to the public as the 9/11 mastermind in June 2002 - and the subsequent coincidences, contradictions, and anomalies which expose the Official Legend of 9/11 as a prefabricated set-up.
Re-evaluating Weapons of Mass Destruction (tags)
Can you say Flip-Flop?
Kucinich Proposes Unconditional Surrender in Iraq (tags)
Six out of ten Americans can't name a single one of the Democratic Presidential candidates. Dennis Kucinich is trying to get noticed by proposing unconditional surrender in Iraq. Ann nails the Democrats (again).
Rich Lowry is editor of National Review and he has a deep understanding of Democrats and Liberals
Bush's Big Tent is torn on the Right (tags)
Young white men--the conservative Republican base since Nixon--are embracing Schwarzenegger's moderate politics in California. This can only strain the GOP coallition of the Christian Right, Libertarian Economics, Free Trade, and Conservative Main Street greed.
Is Dean the Blackest White Candidate We Can Find? (tags)
It's a given that black candidates are unelectable. So who's the most black-friendly white candidate the Democrats have to offer?
Howard "Two Covers" Dean (tags)
Given the rest of this stale field, no wonder Dean gets all the buzz.
Democrats Against Democracy (tags)
There is no parallel between the 2004 election and 1992. It's a whole different ballgame.
The Superpower's Paralysis (tags)
"The triumphalism of the Bush administration has vanished for a long time..`From victorious liberators, we have quickly become hated occupiers.'.. More than two and a half million jobs were destroyed since Bush took office.." Translated fr German
9-11 Report Leaves Unanswered Questions (tags)
WASHINGTON - Almost 2 inches thick and 850 pages long, the congressional inquiry into the Sept. 11 attacks largely boils down to two intriguing words: What if?
The Dishonesty Of the President (tags)
Face it Bush is a lying sack of oderiferous fecal matter deposited by a male bovine. In short he is a lying mass murderer who makes Jeffrey Dahmer look like small time. His lies have killed more people than Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Jack The Ripper, John Wayne Gacy, ...
Democrat Eyes Potential Grounds for Bush Impeachment (tags)
U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bob Graham said on Thursday there were grounds to impeach President Bush if he was found to have led America to war under false pretenses.
Live Online Discussion - WP Writer Tries to Defend Dean as a Progressive (tags)
What an IDIOT!
a poem about taking back America...
Kucinich Audio Video Library (tags)
I've been gathering Kucinich Info including 19 media links to speeches and interviews.
BEYOND BUSH - Part I ( By Michael C. Ruppert ) (tags)
Michael C. Ruppert looks into the future and shares his thoughts (repost)
a poem...
The software of the BOEING 757 and 767 over rides pilot error and will not let a pilot make banking turns like the PENTAGON plane which was pulling 5 Gs at its final approach or the second WTC plane that was pulling 3 Gs. This is the most fruitful area to explore for those wishing positive proof that the terror attacks were faked.
a short poem...
Mossad & Moving Companies - Masterminds Of Global Terrorism? (tags)
On September 11, five employees of Jewish owned Urban Moving Company were detained as a result of witness accounts that they were taking pictures of the flaming ruins of the World Trade Center and celebrating!
HAVE A LAST STROKE & DIE (June 1, 2003 version) (tags)
Cheney is Qaeda. Qaeda is Cheney.
Solving The Enigma Of Media Manipulation (tags)
Most journalists have never told the truth about politics; they only are allowed to say what their bosses let them say. And almost always, if the newspaper or TV station is a big one, their bosses won't let them tell the truth about practically anything.
Editorial by Michael Rivero (tags)
Michael Rivero, Web Master at posted this editorial on his Web Site today. I thought it compelling enough to want others to read it as well.
Unionists launch drive to win White House (tags)
DES MOINES – Nearly 1,000 union leaders and activists from the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees got a close-up look at the Democratic presidential candidates at the union’s first-time Presidential Town Hall here on May 16 and 17. In his opening remarks AFSCME President Gerald McEntee blasted the Bush White House, calling the 2004 elections “critical for AFSCME members and all of America’s working families.”
BTL:Critics Claim Bombings in Saudi Arabia, Morocco Expose Failure of... (tags)
...Bush War on Terror Interview with Beau Grosscup, California State University professor of international relations, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Why keep Americans guessing about 9/11? (tags)
Even the arbiter of the "Mainstream" Presstitutes are beginning to have to old their nose and ask: What's that smell?
White House Refuses to Release Sept. 11 Info (tags)
WASHINGTON - The Bush administration and the nation's intelligence agencies are blocking the release of sensitive information about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon
White House refuses to release Sept. 11 info (tags)
Disputed information includes a well publicized warning from an FBI agent that al-Qaida supporters might be training in U.S. flight schools and the names of the president and his national security adviser as people who may have received warnings that a terrorist attack was possible before Sept. 11, one official said.
Here's That List of Terrorists You Asked For... Mr. President (tags)
I have the latest update on that terrorist list you've been asking for, Mr. President. I keep submitting my reports to Sen. Richard Shelby, the top Republican on the Intelligence Committee , Sen. Bob Graham, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and Porter Goss, the Florida GOP Rep. and House Intelligence Committee Chairman, but they keep loosing the documents or forgetting I ever gave them the lists... Can you please send it to them for me. I know they will listen to you.
Dumping Bush-Regime Change in 2004 (tags)
Makes the case for developing an electoral arm for the peace movement that can defeat Bush and the War Party in 2004. Stresses need for independent political action groups.
Expose the Links between Al Qaeda and the Bush Adminastration (tags)
The truth is Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA, and they have closer links to the Bush adminastration than they do iraq!!!
The Left is Morally Bankrupt (tags)
U.S.-blaming, anti-war left is morally bankrupt
Beating the drums for justice: Calls for Bush's impeachment for 9-11 (tags)
update on activisim re. impeachment
Wellspring of Sympathy Dries Up (tags)
America dissipated the goodwill out of its arrogance and incompetence..A survey recently published by the Pew Centre suggests antipathy toward the US is widespread..The superpower is regarded by its allies with a profound ambivalence.
Have A Last Stroke & Die (Nov.5, 2002 version) (tags)
Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.
Have A Last Stroke & Die (Oct.31, 2002 version (tags)
Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.
Daniel Pearl and The Paymaster of 9/11 (tags)
It was supposed to be the key chain of evidence linking the September 11 hijackers to Osama bin Laden - a wire transfer of $100,000 to lead hijacker Mohamed Atta. Yet less than five months later, the man initially fingered as the paymaster of 9/11 would be sitting in a Pakistani jail, accused of a wholly different crime - the murder of Daniel Pearl.
HAVE A LAST STROKE & DIE (July 29, 2002 version) (tags)
Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.
HAVE A LAST STROKE & DIE (July 22, 2002 version) (tags)
Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.
Corporados Attempt Massive Privatization of U.S. Water Supply (tags)
The water infrastructure bill introduced in the Senate in February 2002 makes federal assistance for water systems conditional on the recipient's consideration of privatization. This language jeopardizes public access to safe and affordable drinking water
Bush Reps to Push for 'Fast Track' Trade Authority (tags)
Bush wants to kill the planet, and the non-millionaires just that much faster!!!