fix articles 1326, banking Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : banking


How to Solve the US Housing Problem and Avoid a Recession: A Revived HOLC and RTC (tags)

In 1933, Congress passed the Glass-Steagall Act, which banned banks from underwriting securities. Financial institutions had to choose either to be a simple bank lender or an underwriter (investment banker or brokerage firm).

Blow up the banking system: A free account for all is possible (tags)

Harsh austerity policies for the vast majority of people and state socialism for bankers, both practiced at the same time in Europe and the U.S. after 2008 - this had two consequences for financialized capitalism of the past 14 years. First, this course poisoned the West's money.

The Consequences of a Trump Shock (tags)

Now is a good time to ask whether the global economy is in good enough shape to withstand another major negative shock. The answer, unfortunately, is that growth and employment around the world look fragile. A big adverse surprise – like the election of Donald Trump in the US – would likely cause the stock market to crash...

Near Zero Percent Federal Funds Rate Since December 2008 (tags)


How Neoliberalism Gained Hegemony (tags)

The pressing question is why do the masses vote against their own interests and applaud those who champion goals opposed to their well-being or welfare? Ideas prevail because power is on their side, not because they are better. Neoliberalism went from sect to cultural hegemony

Ukraine Background (tags)

analysis of current unrest in the Ukraine

EU Fines Financial Institutions $2.3bn Over Manipulation of LIBOR, One of Largest Banking (tags)

The EU recently handed down billions of Euros in fines for eight large financial institutions because of their role in rigging benchmark banking interest rates.

Public Banking Avoids Today's Debacle (tags)


Creative Destruction (tags)

The exodus from the casino capitalism producing ever faster and ever deeper crises cannot succeed without a broad and powerful democratic base. Parliamentary democracy is urged to finally take up the struggle around the primacy of politics

Greater Grand Theft Cyprus (tags)

class war

Public Banking: What Better Time Than Now (tags)

public banking

Cyprus Postmortems: Part II (tags)

class war

Cyprus Postmortems (tags)

class war

Grand Theft Cyprus: Part II (tags)

class war

Public Banking Works (tags)


Faith Leaders Respond to Blackout Coverage of LIBOR Scandal by ABC World News and NBC Nigh (tags)

Faith Leaders Respond to Blackout Coverage of LIBOR Scandal by ABC World News and NBC Nigh

Irrational Draghi Exuberance (tags)

class war

Libor Scandal Reflects a Cesspool of Financial Fraud (tags)


Heading for Economic Collapse (tags)

class war

You can vote as bankers dictate, but is that democracy? (tags)

Officials of the European Central Bank and the European Union apparatus quickly served notice that the pressure is not off by demanding the formation of a government to their liking.

Looming Economic Realities (tags)

class war

Banking leads to Murder and Maiming of Judges and FDIC Officials & reporter (tags)

I am Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone, founder of Mobile Audit Club. I realized this past week in May of 2012 that bribes are being used to murder and maim judges and banking regulatory officials. I went to a clinic in Santa Cruz California called the Planned Parenthood health clinic to get healthcare. I have been maimed when getting healthcare since 2001. A bribe was allegedly alluded to so that the doctor would say I was insane and to use my hand writing as proof

Bankers, Hear the Signals! (tags)

The people may freely elect their governors. But the game ends whenever they want to force a redistribution of social wealth-even if the economic system only functions with redistribution. Democracy is social action, not a gift or a state (of rest).

USA Laws Butchering Banks and Causing Murder, See San Bruno, See FDIC Act of 1991 (tags)

The USA government has gone into full butcher mode with murders galore in the San Francisco Bay area to vouch for mayhem caused by change in banking laws. A sort of Wal-Mart of Banking Laws in 1999 and 1991 allowing banks such as Wachovia to Be Buthchered.

Press Release for Monday Occupy Meeting with Wells Fargo Execs (3-5:30pm) (tags)

WHO: Occupy Activists in LA, Wells Fargo Executives, and Community Leaders WHAT: An unprecedented meeting between Bankers and Occupy Protesters WHEN: Monday, February 6, 2012 from 3pm-5pm; Press Conference at 5:30pm WHERE: Center of Nonprofit Management at California Endowment Building 1000 N. Alameda, L.A.

Responsible New York Banking (tags)


Money Power World Rule (tags)

class war

BTL:North Dakota's State-Owned Bank a Viable Alternative Model to For-profit Banking Syste (tags)

Interview with Ellen Brown, president of the Public Banking Institute, conducted by Scott Harris

Libya: Coming Waste, Fraud, and Other Forms of Plunder on a Grand Scale (tags)


Video: Tax Havens and the Men Who Stole the World (tags)

The financial crisis mutates into a worldwide economic crisis. Corporate fraud, regulatory failure and expansion of the financial sector lead to atrophy of public spirit. Harry Hopkins and FDR created 4 million jobs in 2 months. Work must be redefined and shared.

Public Banking: An Idea Whose Time Has Come (tags)

public banking

Harvard Law Professor Yochai Benkler is provided with additional evidence of large-scale c (tags)

The US courts computer systems - PACER and CM/ECF - enable the routine churning out of fraudulent records in the US courts. The systems undermine both Human Rights and Banking Regulation in the United States. Prof Yochai Benkler, an expert on computers and the law, has been asked to review the evidence and provide an opinion.

Dexia Holding v Countrywide and the Sub-prime Crisis - the Scope of the Fraud May Begin to (tags)

The complaint signals a break of ranks in the tight formation of banks, attorneys, judges, and regulators, and rebellion by northeastern states against fraud epidemic that was spawned in the southwest. "Corruption of the courts and the legal profession" is at the crux of the fraud.

US and State Judges Likely among Swiss Bank Accounts Holders (tags)

Circumstantial evidence indicates financial benefits by large financial institutions to state and US judges, who allegedly engage in fraud on the courts in tight alliance wit such institutions, in disregard of the law.

Banking in Venezuela (tags)

responsible banking

False Litigation Records and False Bank of America Banking Regulation (tags)

Actions by US Congress were asserted as essential not only for restoring the integrity of the US courts, but also for restoring the integrity of banking regulation and ending the current economic Depression.

The Financial Crisis and the Failure of the Modern Economy (tags)

The US government debt shot up from 2.9% in 2007 to 5.9% in 2008 and 11.9% in 2009. At the summits of Washington, London and Pittsburg, the goat was made the gardener. Ineffective rules were resolved that hardly helped regulate the financial markets.

The Road to World War III - The Global Banking Cartel Has One Card Left to Play (tags)

"The global elite have consistently used a strategy of arming and funding both sides of armed conflicts. While opposing populations kill each other off, they make off with their natural resources. When they confront a government that cannot be bribed or provoked into civil or regional war, they fund brutal death squads, attempt military coups and intimidate them by giving weapons to undemocratic neighboring regimes. If all that doesn’t work, they are declared a threat to national security and the US military, private contractors and NATO forces invade and occupy the country. These terrorist strategies are not limited to the Middle East and Africa, just ask our neighbors throughout Latin America about the School of the Americas. Contrary to popular belief, the horrendous torture techniques inflicted upon people in Abu Ghraib, Iraq were not an isolated incident. Many of those brutal torture techniques were developed over years by torturing innocent civilians throughout Latin America."

Obama's New Consumer Watchdog (tags)

consumer interests won't be much helped

Prohibition of Interest in Islamic Finance (tags)

Since the early 70s, Islamic economics was introduced to world of finance as a new instrument, whose purpose was to follow an economic system based on Islamic Shari'a or the law of Islam. One of the main elements of the system is the prohibition on interest rates.

Prohibition of Interest in Islamic Banking and Finance (tags)

Since the early 70s, Islamic economics was introduced to world of finance as a new instrument, whose purpose was to follow an economic system based on Islamic Shari'a or the law of Islam. One of the main elements of the system is the prohibition on interest rates.

Restore Financial Sanity (tags)

Restore Financial Sanity and the People's Wealth

Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Proposing a ‘Better Deal’ for Economic Recovery (tags)

Stewart Alexander says “The struggles for working people are global; we need global solutions. In the 21st Century, it has become necessary to reorganize the entire world banking system.” To meet the growing needs of working people, Alexander is proposing the creation of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) to help eliminate poverty and to meet the basic needs of working people and the long term needs for seniors.

Banking in Crisis" Towards a Responsible Organization (tags)

Luc Van Liedekerke, 1962, Professor of business ethics at the University of Leuven and Antwerp, Director of the Center for Economics and Ethics, KULeuven. Wim Dubbink, 1964, professor of business ethics at the University of Tilburg

What Real Financial Reform Looks Like (tags)

Washington financial reform assures business as usual

Bogus Washington-Proposed Financial Reform (tags)

banker, not people reform

Are the Democrats Fighting the Banks? (tags)

How pathetic. President Obama sat at a table surrounded by super rich bankers, pleading with them to lend money to small businesses and workers. The media mislabeled Obama’s groveling as “encouraging,” “imploring,” and “pressing,” but a man who refuses to take action is powerless; and powerless people can only beg. This disgraceful meeting happened shortly after Obama got “radical” on national TV, calling the bankers “fat cats” and other tough words. But words are only that.

Abolish the Fed and Return Money Creation Power to Congress (tags)

Only Congress empowered to create money

Capitalism is the Problem: System Error (tags)

The chaos that we now witness is only the latest crisis of the global economic system. The system has not succeeded in keeping profits at the level of the postwar years. What is good for one capitalist is not necessarily good for the system. Triple-digit billions have been pumped into system

Ending Today's Economic Crisis Simply and Easily, in America and Globally (tags)

The solution is simpler than imagined.

"Over the Rainbow" (tags)

dreams we dream can come true

Reviewing Ellen Brown's "Web of Debt": Part VI (tags)

Part VI of Federal Reserve Plunder

Reviewing Ellen Brown's "Web of Debt:" Part IV (tags)

Federal Reserve plunder Part IV

A $hort History of Banking (tags)

"Surely the Government is in control of the country and its supply of money? Surely money is only a symbolic token to facilitate the production, exchange and distribution of goods and services? Not so, say the Third Positionists, who reject both Capitalism and Communism..."

Arsonists as the Fire Brigade (tags)

Supported by ideologically-blinded deregulators, the "masters of the universe" dominant in Wall Street and the City of London could bend the rules of the game on the global financial markets. Their shadow banking system existed above politics and regulators.

Alexander: Socialists Say Nationalize All U.S. Banks (tags)

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan thinks it’s necessary to temporarily nationalize some banks. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke in recent statements has indicated that the nationalization of some banks may be necessary under certain conditions, and many economic analysts believe nationalization is only a matter of time; however, socialists nationwide say nationalization of all U.S. banks is now necessary to achieve a national economic recovery.

The Federal Reserve: History of Lies, Thievery, and Deceit (tags)

Former Congressional Candidate, 6th District N.J. "I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." Thomas Jefferson

Obama Nation (tags)

Obama Nation You didn’t want to know about our new corporate and elite family representative. The media sold it to you and you bought it.

Anatomy of the American Financial Crisis (tags)

Can a repetition of the US Great Depression of the 1930s or Japan's more recent protracted recession of the 1990s be avoided? Both were results of a severe banking crisis. The answer is yes, if the vicious cycle of asset price decline and banking credit crunch can be avoided.

V.P. Candidate Alexander: U.S. Economy is Beyond Recession (tags)

Socialist Vice Presidential Candidate Stewart A. Alexander says the measures that are being taken by the Fed, in the midst of this growing economic crisis is an indication that the U.S. economy has now passed the stage of a recession and is now in the early stage of a depression. “It will take more than printing truck loads money and bailing out the capitalists to prevent the U.S. and global economy from slipping into a deeper depression.”

Democrats push for quick adoption of Bush plan to bail out Wall Street (tags)

Where is the common ground between the libertarian and socialist perspective in opposing the GW Bush 700 billion for billionaires bailout? Why did Democrats bite into GW's fishhook by accepting this theft of taxpayer dollars to support irresponsible and criminal banking corporations??

Our GLOBAL ENLIGHTENMENT is LoveRockefeller Rothschild "Life-Game Shift", From & (tags)

People think that a banking or stock market collapse must be bad for everybody, but it's not. If you know a stock collapse is coming (because you are going to cause it)

The Homeless Move to Bushville. (tags)

This is what I have been watching the wires for, a report revealing the 21st. century Hooverville.

V.P. Candidate Alexander Wants Common U.S.-Mexican Currency (tags)

During a decade when border issues between the U.S. and Mexico have intensified and the Democrats and Republicans have gone on the attack against immigrants, Vice Presidential Candidate Stewart A. Alexander is proposing a common U.S.-Mexican currency and establishing a Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) for working people on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border.

Venezuela: The nationalisation of Banco de Venezuela (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

Chavez Nationalizes Bank of Venezuela (tags)

In a television programme broadcasted to the whole of the country on July 31st, President Chávez announced the nationalisation of Banco de Venezuela, the Venezuelan bank owned by the Spanish banking multinational Grupo Santander. "We are going to nationalize Banco de Venezuela. I make an appeal to Grupo Santander to come here so that we can start to negotiate". He added: "Months ago I received the information through intelligence sources that Banco de Venezuela, which had been privatized for years, was being sold by its Spanish owners; that an agreement had been signed between Grupo Santander and a Venezuelan private banker, then the Venezuelan banker needed the permission of the government to buy a bank, this is not a small operation (...) and then I sent a message to the Spanish and the Venezuelan banker, to tell them that the government wanted to buy the bank, we want to recover it. Then the owners said ‘no, we don't want to sell it'. So now I say ‘no, I will buy it, how much is it? We are going to pay for it, and we are going to nationalize Banco de Venezuela'." The President continued: "From this moment the media campaign on the part of the Spanish and international media is going to start. They are going to say that Chávez is an autocrat, that Chávez is a tyrant, I don't care, we are going to nationalize the bank regardless". "Ladran, luego cabalgamos" (the dogs bark, therefore the caravan is moving), he said, quoting from el Quijote.

Will the Neoliberal Consensus Survive the Banking Crisis? (tags)

These are hard times for the neoliberal consensus whose message was forced worldwide for three decades by the ruling classes in the imperialist metropolises on free capital flows. Business data is a fetish constructed for the goal of profit maximization.

Banking- and Mortgage Fraud (tags)

The whole great world of money is infected by the banal greed for more and more. Wasn't the art of making more money out of money the most noble and top-paid pursuit? Deregulation and liberalization have consequences for democracy and the economy.

Morgan Stanley Issues Full US Recession Alert (tags)

Morgan Stanley has issued a full recession alert for the US economy, warning of a sharp slowdown in business investments and a perfect storm for consumers as the housing slump spreads. Under the conservative definition, man is the servant of money. Long live alternative economics!

The Real Financial Tsunami is coming! (tags)

"The $690 billion worth of “interest only” ARMs due for interest rate hike between now and July 2008 are by and large not Sub-prime but a little higher quality, but only just. There are a total of $1.4 trillion in “interest only” ARMs according to the US research firm, First American Loan Performance. A recent study calculates that, as these ARMs face staggering higher interest costs in the next 9 months, more than $325 billion of the loans will default leaving 1 million property owners in technical mortgage default. But if banks are unable to reclaim the homes as assets to offset the non-performing mortgages, the US banking system and a chunk of the global banking system faces a financial gridlock that will make events to date truly “peanuts” by comparison. "

'Old Europe' Bails Out Idiot-run Free-Market US Government - Again (tags)

Right now, the entire world's banking system is being pressed to the limit of what it can do to prevent a worldwide crash of the capitalist system due to what one European banker called "a complete evaporation of liquidity" [Source: "ECB reportedly weighs dollar swap with Fed",, 13 August, 2007]. In layman's terms, that means that the world's banking system is running out of the funds needed to keep the capitalist credit system running.

OLd Left Radicalism on The Money Issue (tags)

During the 'teens, twenties and 'thirties of the past century, radical political formations in America called for the nationalization of the Federal Reserve System and of Credit.

Compensate the Victims and Stop Predatory Banking Practices, or Face Boycott (tags)

The Bank of New South Wales, later Westpac Banking Corporation, opened 7 branches in New Zealand in 1861, which facilitated and was enormously enriched by the theft of Maori land, gold and all other resources. MSRB is calling on world citizens and ethical investors to boycott Westpac New Zealand until such time the bank and their major shareholders have compensated Maori, as well as other deprived New Zealanders.

The Bush Crime Familys War On America (tags)

3 generations of scum...





Proof that Bush and the Neo-Cons are Vatican operatives (tags)

Humanity's long nightmare has one underlying cause. The existence and requirement of money and the widespread greed, falsehood and injustice that it directly causes. The only way to end this world's widespread and persistent suffering is to end the existence of money and to replace it with wisdom and compassion.

The Federal Reserve is Privately owned (tags)

The secret to enslaving a nation.

Fed Privately Owned (tags)

Learn about the financial fraud that has enslaved you your whole life!

The Web: The growing threat of spyware (tags)

Yet another bale out for failed capitalism - fed try to shore up online banks.

IRAQ,17 JUNE 2004: U.S.TAD, Ex-Im Bank, PMCs... (tags)

L'Irak, une journée du mois de juin 2004, une approche d'un coup d'Etat clefs en main, les moyens bancaires privés arabes et américains, les Private Military Companies, le développement économique autoritaire... la démocratie?

Truth Beyond Michael Moores Movie. (tags)

Dear Friends and Truthseekers, Does Michael Moore's recent movie, Fahrenheit 911, seems to be a brilliant display of truth unloaded in mass upon the American and world public - or does it still leave you bewildered and without any sort of ultimate and clear direction? Does it seem to leave something out? Because it did, appearing quite intentional to those who have been researching and discovering the true nature of problem we all face, that is, the forces behind the international banking controllers abominable quest to create a "New World Order" for their selfish benefit, that is the same New World Order that Hitler often proclaimed. Please read this 217 page downloadable PDF book available at and other places around the world wide web.

Is China weeks away from 'Great Depression'? (tags)

Already in need of a $45 billion bailout, the CBRC suspended all lending for three days. The enormity of China's banking problem is dawning on everyone--the system is nearing meltdown.

Stop Baphomet - Stop Corporate Onslaught (tags)

Five important dates not to be forgotten. Time is money(for them) - stop the corporate onslaught. Electronic warfare against the criminal banking cartel - stop the corporate onslaught. On Thursday 22nd of April, on Wednesday 28th of April, on Tuesday 4th of May, on Wednesday 12th of May and on Tuesday 18th of May.

NESARA: peace information February 20th – April 9th, 2004 (tags)

“This morning from 7:30 am to 8 am, I shared the good news of NESARA on the ?Healthy Choices? show on KEST Radio 1450 AM in San Francisco”

Prescott Bush's business history is well-documented (tags)

In response to Ronald Johnson's statement in his April 18 letter to the editor: "I have read too many false statements made by left-wing letter writers …" Well, Mr. Johnson, here are the facts regarding Prescott Bush (George W.'s grandfather):

For Bush Lover (tags)

Bush Ancestor's Bank Seized by Gov't

Chart of who "owns" the Federal Reserve (tags)

Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence Published 1976

LA Prisoner of War Begs For Execution (Free Art & Music at link) (tags)

In the war against rights, the US federal government and State Governments, in particular California and Alabama, have illegally prosecuted and harassed and injected a man with unknown substances at ....

4 important dates not to be forgotten (tags)

Electronic warfare against the criminal banking cartel - stop the corporate onslaught. On Friday 2nd of May, on Thursday 15th of May, on Wednesday 21st of May and on Wednesday 28th of May.

A Portrait of Evil :The Grand Deception Exposed (tags)

I provide this information so you will understand the true nature of the New World Order and who and where the secret rulers of planet Earth are. This is who pulls the strings of GW Bush and all of his compatriots. Stop being deceived and focus on the correct targets!

Israeli Manifesto (tags)

We are Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Leith, David Wurmser, Ken Adelman, Lewis Libby, Bill Kristol, Mark Grossman, Ari Fleischer, Ariel Sharon, Benjamin Netanyahu, Michael Medved, et al.

[PFMPE] Promising Prosperity, and Delivering Perpetually Multiplied Indebtedness (tags)

Since banking-imposed instability and maldistribution of wealth paved the way to pretend central banking was a solution for banking-imposed instability and maldistribution of wealth, we have a century of the Democrat and Republican parties, tied to the purse strings of the instrument of multiplying indebtedness they ostensibly founded on our behalf.

Speaking of Fraud! (tags)

Imagine America without slavery! It is possible!

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