fix articles 13238, finally
The lure of unreason and The crisis profiteers (tags)
The essence of transhumanism is pathological. This ideology is carried by psychopaths and narcissists. Such people love only themselves, their infallibility and uniqueness. The others are only mass. Mass is despised by "the unique".
A Declaration of Independence (tags)
Utopia resolutely in sight But all those pillars of a free democratic basic order must have stood on feet of clay anyway, must have been more dummies than real basic pillars, otherwise they could not have been washed away so quickly, easily and thoroughly. We are now called upon to tread truly new paths.
An economy that does not grow can nevertheless always change and even improve in the process. It can become more ecological, for example. Last year, for example, CO2 emissions fell by almost six percent - more than at any time since the Second World War.
Everything works, nothing has to Is it even conceivable that after the crisis everything will continue as before? 28 realistic-utopian proposals for a completely renewed society after Corona
Obituary - Robert George Tronge (tags)
Robert George Tronge, of Grand Rapids Michigan, kicked the bucket on the 22nd of December, 2016, when his tired and worn out body finally gave out at age 37.
This report is prompted by the fbi's increased assaults on me and my wife via directed energy weaponry.
Philippines: Alarming incidents of political violence related to 2016 polls (tags)
Akbayan Party-List condemns in the strongest terms possible the recent spate of political violence In what seems to be a prelude to the coming May 2016 elections, involving elected officials and others running for public office.
Listen to KPFK's staff talking to Pacifica Exe Director (tags)
Listen to a KPFK interview with Summer Reese a few nights ago, produced and interview by Roy Tuckman and Eben Rey, available on Soundcloud. Interesting to have direct verbal vocal information instead of so many other internet shades of grease that proliferate in trying to form stories and gossip and biased versions of what happened to whom. The direct person involved in the personnel issues of Pacifica are discussed here. KPFK listeners called in and added opinions also. Can the whole organization be saved and healed and repaired so it will not repeat [and again and again] ???
Sally finally got her medical marijuana card (tags)
Sally finally got her medical marijuana card
Sally finally got her medical marijuana card (tags)
Sally finally got her medical marijuana card
to all USA citizens & residents (tags)
See my reports on the freefall of USA.
I’ve been a huge fan of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement since it began on September 17th, but actually what I really think I’m the fan of >> is fact that people are finally starting to wake up and see that this country has MAJOR FLAWS! This is something I thought would NEVER happen - let alone in my lifetime. BUT..........
Freedom Now for Simos Seisidis - International Call for Solidarity (tags)
Obama/Democratic Abandonment of Senior Citizen Voters Politically Stupid (tags)
Recognition finally coming in MSM that Obama has made a major political blunder in alienating senior citizens.
To think in politics it is necessary to take into account the symbolic effect of some decisions.
The War in Afghanistan and the Central Asia Pipeline Plan (tags)
"When you check the maps above a clearer picture emerges. The bottom map is the proposed pipeline route to move Caspian Sea oil through Turkmenistan into Afghanistan and then finally through Pakistan to ports along the Arabian Sea where U.S. and British tankers would gorge themselves with the black gold. The whole reason the U.S. is in Afghanistan and Pakistan today is to deny those pipelines from being routed through Russia, China, or Iran."
A three-month old baby in Louisiana died in her home from blood loss due to rat bites. There were holes in the walls and holes in the floor. Evidently, the landlord spent FEMA money earmarked to repair the house on something else, but the authorities were still trying to determine if they should file criminal charges against the parents!
You there, U.S. citizen ... (tags)
Finally, my friend (I hope I can call you so ...) I tell you that mankind has reached a special moment of its evolution, when for the first time it has the ability and the opportunity to plan a decent future for itself and for the planet.
What has occurred throughout the U.S. is much more than an economic decay. It is a national lifestyle change.
When Japan surrendered on Aug. 14, 1945, we who had fought as regular army or as guerrillas suddenly became veterans. The terrible war was finally over and everybody looked to picking up the pieces in a regime of peace. From what I read in the papers, the pension is not much. But the feeling among most veterans seems to be that whatever the pension may finally be, it will be better than nothing. The Americans have pummeled the Filipino veterans into submission. He now goes around with a begging bowl in hand. This is the greatest insult and the most pitiful tragedy.
US Senate Passes Equity Bill, 96-1 (tags)
The US Senate began deliberation on S.1315 or the Filipino Veterans Equity Bill on April 22, 2008 and today, with a vote of 96-1, the bill was finally passed. This bill is generally an omnibus bill enhancing benefits to most US veterans. The provision of S.57 was partly incorporated in S. 1315 which will afford the Filipino veterans in the US to receive the same benefits as those of their US veteran counterpart. Those who are residing in the Philippines shall receive a monthly special pension of $300/month if the bill is finally signed into law. " We would like to thank the leadership of the Senators Inouye and Senator Akaka and all veterans advocates especially the youth for making it a possibility for this bill to pass. This is our long awaited desire to be recognized for all our sacrifices during World War II," said veteran leader Peping Baclig, National JFAV Coordinator..
Now you know who the real masters are.
Eric McDavid Update - 11.27.07 (tags)
Eric receives blood work and a visit from the cardiologist...
Eric McDavid - Update on April 23 Hearing (tags)
On Monday, April 23, Eric finally had his hearing on the remaining defense motions.
AJLPP-USA Statement on the Mass Rally in Manila, (tags)
The Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace(AJLPP-United States, is one and united with the Filipino people and all the religious groups that finally saw the light and now united in converging and expressing their joy in ther tactical victory against the machinations of the US-Arroyo regime to change the constitution through nefarious and blatant means.
Christian Political Leadership, Hypocrisy, Duplicity, and Purposeful Evil (tags)
If Christian leaders are going to go around attacking others for not living up to their professed values, it's a damn good idea to be truthful and actually walk the walk. Logs and motes in the eye, camels through the eye of a needle, glass houses, kettles and pots, and what goes around comes around, et al. Karma's a bitch when She finally decides enough is enough! This wouldn't have been so bad on Republicans if they hadn't been such arrogant hypocrites in order to corner the so-called values voters!
Stalking; A Deadly And Often Ignored "Sport" (tags)
Gavin De Becker, a highly regarded national security and crime expert estimates that before our next breakfast, at least twelve women will be murdered by estranged intimate partners. The startling reality is that 76% of those women who will be killed have been stalked for at least one year prior to their murders. One out of every twelve women in the United States will be stalked within her lifetime. Experts compare the experience of staking to that of a long, slow painful rape. It is a form of terrorism, mind control and torture designed to keep a victim in a constant state of anxiety. Stalkers intend to make their victims feel depressed, isolated, fearful, devoid of self esteem, and finally completely unable to function. This is done not only by following their victims in relentless pursuit, but also by burglarizing their homes, hacking into their computers, wire tapping their telephone lines, tampering with their vehicles, and paying proxy stalkers to decimate their reputations.
L.A. Child Protection: Children Who Are Forbidden To Cry (tags)
Beating kids stops crying. What a statement, eh? You would think beating children would make them cry. But if the beatings are severe enough, they make children NOT cry. We see this in concentration camps, in war, in child protection institutions and foster care...
CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Deep Throat II Unmasks Ann Coulter! (tags)
He's baaaaaack! Our intrepid mouse in the White House (he objects to being called a mole) is back with his latest, most shocking revelations ever!
The only way that today remains practicable is to observe carefully, with minuzia and patience, that has been - but, only, in order to find that it would have to be, or, in alternative, that is it. No eruditism is more acceptable.
Execution cancelled! Victory for the Workingclass! (tags)
The spirit of Stanley Tookie Williams prevails: The death penalty for Michael Morales has been postponed indefinitely! Victory, Victory is our Cry! The Class Struggle is the Reason Why!
W's "ham sandwich" withdraws from Supreme Court (tags)
Among Washington DC insiders, the Harriet Miers nomination was considered a 'slam dunk' event, as the spineless Congress is said to approve even a 'ham sandwich' were Boy Emperor George to nominate such a quality nominee to his 'Supine Court.' Unfortunately for the slumping Pretzel, both the Right Wing & even the Dems finally got the nerve to challenge the mortally-wounded White House "W"easel of Mass Deception. Here are some juicy tidbits from a leaked version of Harriet's letter to Boy George,
Camp Casey Is Here To Stay (tags)
There is a new song written to honor Cindy Sheehan's effort to stop the war in Iraq
lyrics posted below.
DOWNLOAD this song for FREE.
(Right click, and choose "Save as...")
What happens when you come face to face with a true genius?
It is our present leadership we should fear. Let us not be a nation so cowardly that it can be bullied by the implication that criticism is unpatriotic.
More on Bulgegate: What's That Wire? (tags)
With a wire running behind his tie, a bulge on his back, and inexplicably goofy behavior at the debates, Bush has a lot of explaining to do, if only the gutless press would ask the obvious questions.
The real stakes of the election (tags)
“Any nation that protects its citizens from their own folly will eventually become a nation of fools.”
REVOLUTION: Why it's necessary, Why it's possible, What it's all about - by Bob Avakian (tags)
The following is an excerpt from a historic talk by Revolutionary Communist Party Chairman Bob Avakian, soon to be available on video and DVD from Three Q Productions.
REVOLUTIONWhy it's necessaryWhy it's possibleExcerpts from a film ofa talk by Bob Avakian (tags)
South Korea, Migrant Workers Struggle Continues (tags)
Migrant workers in the South Korean capital Seoul, threaten by the government's policy of forced mass deportation, are fighting back.
Will Clarke Provide the Spark? (tags)
Millions of us yearn for the breakthrough revelation that will finally open the eyes of those who have yet to see Bush and his administration for the scoundrels they are. Will Richard Clarke’s claims lead to that magical moment?
Thank God Saddam is finally back in American hands! He must have really missed us. (tags)
Thank God Saddam is finally back in American hands! He must have really missed us. Man, he sure looked bad! But, at least he got a free dental exam today. That's something most Americans can't get.
California Recall Reflections (tags)
One activist's reflections on the California recall, how I voted and wish others did. Also, a missed opportunity which none of the candidates decided to take
THE COST OF THE WAR IN IRAQ - homepage embedable counter + 3 important websites! (tags)
Check out 3 new/updated progressive websites -- and a home/webpage embedable monetary "COST OF THE WAR" counter. Good tools especially for progressives. And FANTASTIC, INSPIRING anti-war photos from around the world!
Big Brother isn't Coming; He's here. (tags)
And so it was with every recorded fact, great or small. Everything faded away into a shadow-world in which, finally, even the date of the year had become uncertain." --Excerpted from the book, 1984, by George Orwell
Daily Resistance Graphic (tags)
What will be remembered in 1000 years? That the US right wing finally got its Final Solution or that the cradle of "civilization" was looted? In honor of the Bush family's finally making it onto history's list of great enablers of evil, the second in a series:
YAY FOR CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (tags)
TORONTO - Canada's Parliament unanimously passed a motion Thursday calling for the indictment of Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) and other top Iraqi officials for "genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes."
A Vietnam Vet Against Bush and Perpetual War (tags)
Another Veteran against Bush's War. One who has sacrificed more than most.
Finally Democrats find a spine!! 9-11 -- Bush KNEW !! Bush LET IT HAPPEN !! (tags)
FINALLY, some Democrats have found the courage to be more than GOP wannabees. has taken a courageous stand for truth. At their site below, they list links to articles that powerfully indict Bush for complicity in the 9-11 terror strike. A MUST READ. THANK YOU DEMOCRATS.COM !!!!
I have now finally started updating and revising the Anarchist Yellow Pages,
2002 Cal Gov race: Bye Gray Davis! (tags)
Happy New Year! The 2002 California Governor's race is starting its engines now that the year has finally arrived when we can and will make the worst governor in California's history, Democrat Gray Davis, a one-term governor, and in so doing, finally cast the twin party of capitalism with the Republicans, namely the California Democratic Party, into the dustbin of history, hopefully soon followed by the Republican Party
SDIMC gets official!
Following the DLC game plan, Gore ran away from key Democratic issues in an attempt to woo "moderate swing voters" with meaningless platitudes about "fighting for America's families" and "continuing our historic prosperity," while his poll numbers continued to sag. It was only when the Gore campaign finally started hitting progressive notes in the final weeks of the campaign that he finally recovered in the polls. The lesson: Democrats still do better running as Democrats than as pseudo-Republicans.
COUP WATCH: Gore Wakes Up! (tags)
After a day of dithering, when it seemed that every Democrat in America outside Gore's campaign was up in arms, Gore finally showed signs of realizing that fishing was afoot.
Nader invested in 7000 worst corporations in the world including Occidental (tags)
Naders Traitors hve finally bumped me off the list of supporters. After seeing the video of his excuse that he has owned Fidelity for several years because he is "planning to go to an investors meeting after the election" doesn't cut it with this anti-imperialist.Is he going to go talk to all the 7000 stock holders meetings?
Gore Concedes Progressive Vote to Ralph Nader (tags)
Al Gore announces centrist vice-presidential running mate Joseph Lieberman, and concedes the progressive vote to Green Party candidate Ralph Nader.