fix articles 132273, japanese whaling
$25,000 Reward for Japanese Whalers’ Coordinates (tags)
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is offering a reward to any one person or group that can provide the coordinates of the Japanese Whaling Fleet presently operating in the Ross Sea.
Sea shepherd calls for action
Japanese Whaling launches Consumer Boycotts and a Union Blackban (tags)
The whaling factory ship has stopped and the hunters are out hunting in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. Once again Greenpeace activists have put their inflatable zodiacs into the water to try and form a human shield between harpoon and whale. Tensions are higher after the collision of the Nisshin Maru and Arctic Sunrise. Maybe there are things which people on dry land can do as well, such as boycotting Gordon's seafood products, and products of other companies invested in by the Nissui Company.
An effective way to protest Japanese whaling.