fix articles 13196, gap
the jesus hoax
DIARY OF A CON MAN . 17 (tags)
the jesus hoax
Puerto Rico Cuts Services as Budget Gap Grows (tags)
Puerto Rico's government continues to cut public services as the economic crisis worsens. The Government Development Bank announced this week that the island's budget gap is $2 billion higher than expected. The prison system in Puerto Rico can no longer pay a vendor that feeds inmates. Some special education teachers are no longer being paid.
Science Daily reports on a new study linking health with wealth.
Position Paper On Occupation (tags)
Yeah, yeah!
Fire In The Hole -- SoCal Hiking Trail Gets Fixed (tags)
Upper Bear Creek Trail in the Angeles National Forest has been closed due to a gap in the hiking trail which made using the trail dangerous. Saturday the USFS, the Bear Divide Hot Shots, and the San Gabriel Mountains Trailbuilders blasted the cliff face at the gap so that the trail can be re-established and get re-opened.
When Good Trails Go Bad (tags)
Hiking and trail repair in the Angeles National Forest
The Gap and Black Friday (tags)
Building a New Global Movement The Observer's Dan McDougall described their garment shop as, "smeared with filth, corridors flooded with excrement from a flooded toilet." The workers recounted threats and beatings from management to keep their nimble fingers moving.
Cierre de Just Garments; Forzado a finalizar sus Esfuerzos como Productor “Sweat-Free”. (tags)
Declaración de USLEAP ante el cierre de Just Garments Mayo de 2007.
Bono's RED campaign a massive flop (tags)
The American public rejected 'AID$' mania in a massive rebuttal of a last ditch attempt to keep the flagging 'AIDs' myth alive. At last the public has noticed Magic is alive and well and noting about the 'AIDS epidemic' has proved to be true.
Brazil: The "brake" is COPOM. (tags)
The logic of the the Growth Acceleration Program opposes classic economists as Michael Kalecki and John Keynes. The GAP that does not contain a expansionist monetary politics is not the GAP, is the anti-GAP, as, by the way, the last act of the Copom made clear.
Switzerland's Energy Problems (tags)
"In the long term we face an enormous electricity gap if we do not resolve shifts in policy." The Swiss Energy Board wants to reduce the predicted energy gap primarily by improving energy efficiency.
The Universe Is A Laughing Woman. Our planet has become a toxic landfill because men's rituals obscure reality.
A great opportunity was missed by coalition members from both LA and San Diego for a mass protest of Gilchrist at the Jacumba gap and with a second opportunity lost to disrupt Chases minutemen the next day at their sign up at the VFW. This last weekends excursion revealed that the battle is still out there at the border. With no one to confront them the minute men simply have free reign over the desert.
New Pentagon plans to conquer nations, secure oil, advance globalization, militarize space (tags)
Need some motivation to march for peace this Saturday and to keep working for peace every day? Then please read the following. And please forward it far and wide.
GAPATISTAS RIDE AGAIN: We'd Rather Wear Nothing Than Wear Gap!!! (tags)
Please join us for the Hollywood premiere of our GAPATISTA ROAD SHOW to Miami to stop the FREE TRADE AREA OF THE AMERICAS (FTAA) Nov 17--21, where up to 100,000 protestors are expected to converge!!! At the Hollywood Gap action we’ll march to the doors of the Gap with a giant 200-year-old redwood stump, logged by the Fishers of Gap, Inc. A mini FTAA & LOCAL ISSUES TEACH-IN will ensue, using the stump as a stage. Speakers will alternate with GREAT SONGS and RADICAL CHEERS, all building to the CLIMACTIC MOMENT when we STRIP for JUSTICE IN FOREST, FIELD, & FACTORY!!! We’ll round off the action with lealfeting and one-on-one. Come Strip with us for Redwoods and Workers Rights, for Global Ecology and Global Justice!!! Bring drums, noise-makers, and outlandish underwear!!!
Gap Road Show to Miami-FTAA hits Hollywood 11/11: “We’d Rather Wear Nothing Than Wear Gap (tags)
Hollywood, CA: Gapatistas will climb atop a 5.5 foot wide redwood stump, and strip for the redwoods and workers' rights at the Hollwyood/Highland Gap store, Nov. 11, at noon, first stop on a 3,000 mile road show to Miami-FTAA. Join us!
"We'd rather wear nothing than wear Gap!": Gapatista Road Show to Miami FTAA (tags)
Gapatistas will strip for the redwoods and workers' rights at the Hollwyood/Highland Gap store, Nov. 11, at noon, the first stop on a 3,000 mile road show to the FTAA protests in Miami. The protest occurs atop a 5.5 foot wide redwood stump. Join us!
Productive Actions You Can Take to Assist Big Brother (tags)
The Rebel Intelligence Unit has detected flaws in the technologies employed by the Information Awareness Office.
Justice Not War - the Hague Appeal for Peace Statement on S11 (tags)
The Hague Agenda for Peace and Justice for the 21st Century has emerged from an intensive democratic process of consultation among the members of the Hague Appeal for Peace Organizing and Coordinating Committees, and the hundreds of organizations and individuals that have actively participated in the Hague Appeal process. The Agenda represents what these civil society organizations and citizens consider to be some of the most important challenges facing humankind as it embarks upon a new millenium. Below is the official stamement of the Hague Appeal for Peace following the S11 tragedy.
J20 in San Francisco: Cops & anarchists occupy the Gap. (tags)
j20 in san francisco: after a day of revelling and wanton, lustfilled protests throughout the city, followed in hot pursuit by SFPD in riot gear, union members, greens and anarchists stormed the Gap... effectively shutting it down and positioning the cops between us and the corporate elite they are paid to protect.... see the SF IMC for more details...
Fishers of Gap, Inc., Log Depleted Redwood Forests (tags)
Fishers of Gap, Inc., Purchase Timber-friendly "Green Label" for Logging Depleted Redwood Forests - Local environmental groups cry "Foul!" - - Green Builders say "It's a scam." - - Gap Boycott escalates protests against unsustainable, phony "green label" logging -
The Gap/Don Fisher Protest (tags)
The Gap/Don Fisher Protest
The Gap/Don Fisher Protest (tags)
The Gap/Don Fisher Protest
The Gap/Don Fisher Protest (tags)
The Gap/Don Fisher Protest
The Gap/Don Fisher Protest (tags)
A Billionaire for Bush (or Gore) portrays the "humanitarian" Don Fisher.
The Gap/Don Fisher Protest (tags)
A Billionaire for Bush (or Gore) portrays the "humanitarian" Don Fisher.
A Humanitarian Award for The Gap Founder Don Fisher? (tags)
On Tuesday, October 17, 2000, Donald Fisher, founder of The Gap, received a humanitarian award for his work with children's charites here in the United States. These protesters marched outside the Beverly Wilshire Regent Hotel in Beverly Hills where Fisher received the award, concerned that a man whose company depends on sweatshop and child labor perhaps should not be termed a "humanitarian."
Protest the Fortune 500 Forum (tags)
Protest the Fortune 500 Forum in Austin, Texas on October 13, 2000
Demo at the Gap in Santa Monica. Copyright 2000 Dang Ngo. Free for use by nonprofit, anti-corporate globalization organizations and for personal use. All other rights reserved.
Gap Protest, August 13, 2000 (tags)
Gap Protest in Santa Monica at 3rd Street Promenade
United for a Fair Economy Brings 'Economic Apartheid' message To Shadow (tags)
United for a Fair Economy Brings "Economic Apartheid" Message To Shadow Convention "Poverty and Wealth Gap Day"; August 14th Program Challenges Parties' Neglect of "Real Issues"
United for a Fair Economy Brings "Economic Apartheid" Message to Shadow (tags)
United for a Fair Economy Brings "Economic Apartheid" Message As Convener of Shadow Convention "Poverty and Wealth Gap Day" August 14