fix articles 131207, have you
Sukkot: Wave Your Jewish Jedi LightSaber Joyfully (tags)
Jews and Jedi Warriors, Same Culture?
Wave Your Jewish Jedi Lightsaber For a Week (tags)
This article tongue-in-cheek celebrates Sukkot
Prosecuted: Have you had an experience that changed your opinion of the justice system? (tags)
KPCC poll on criminal justice system
Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez, Pandering to the Corporate Whores of the Storage Industry (tags)
Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez must be getting large contributions from the Self Storage Industry since she is so willing to destroy her California constituent’s lives with her thoughtless, reckless, despicable, unconscionable, unethical and out right immoral plan, CaliforniaAB-983.
Blackstone Equity Group & China's CIC Funding$ Create Taiji$ "The Cove" Dolphin Slaughter! (tags)
As many around the world already know,brave Anonymous members interested in protecting Gods Dolphin families from the continued Japanese slaughter in Taiji Japan, "The Cove", have issued warnings to Japan to abate this International destructive horror !
When the seeds of truth are sown, the grassroots truth revolution will blossom from the enlightenment"
NO vote for kingships here (tags)
Have you been to a local LAPL library lately? Have you noticed a big poster looking down at you smiling, of course, as Big Brother ? Have you turned on your TV and found the same aspiringpretender filling potholes,cutting green ribbons, shaking any hands out there, etc. etc. etc....yep....not doing his Mayoral job, just doing all self promotions, ever since he arrived here......
a KPFK survey here....try it...truthfully (tags)
Let's find out which programs are our favorites on KPFK radio 90.7 FM... Since we receive no feedback from the station about which programs are selected or why or why some stay for so long while others are denied....
South Central Farmers and Supporters Back In Action! (tags)
The media and the politicians would have you believe that the struggle of the South Central Farmers has gone and disappeared! We have re-organized and are back on the scene to fight injustice and the lack of consideration for the South Central Farmers by the City of Los Angeles and its Politicians.
Little Birds: A Devastating Window on the War (tags)
Powerful documentary on Iraq war from the perspective of Iraqi citizens
10/4/04 Voting Starts in California (tags)
Vote by mail, also known as absentee voting, starts on October 4, 2004 in California. As always, the big issues on the ballot are the propositions and are the reason why every who can should vote in every election. Are you registered? Have you received your 2 voter handbooks? Have you signed up to be a permanent absentee voter so you vote in every election?
As the June 5th peace march approaches, will you be prepared for the "Brownshirts in White"--the pro-war, pro-Bush "Protest Warriors" who tagged along in the March 20 peace marches? On March 20, they carried signs reading "Leave Saddam alone; he only kills his own people" and "Give communism another chance; it's only killed 100 million people so far." What will you do on June 5? Will you talk with these guys? Will you ignore them? (And have you read Thom Hartmann's excellent article about Hitler's reign, entitled "When Democracy Failed"? If not, check out the Common Dreams web page listed at the bottom of this article.) Let's make June 5 a day for peace and a day of peace.
Nick Berg execution a fraud (tags)
The whole world is talking about this. Enjoy this bait, sharks.
Check out this new web news service (tags)
This is a letter encouraging people to check out a new web news service out of Syracuse, New York. The service is called The NewStandard. Check it out at
Have You Been Injured by Peg-Intron? (tags)
Have you been permanently injured due to PEG-Intron / Rebatron? Here is your chance to do something about it!
Have you take in?
Are you a victim of police brutality/misconduct? (tags)
don't remain silent.
Know thyself!