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Updated Partial List Of Famous Vegetarians, Vegans, & Fruitarians (tags)
Some abstain from mammal, bird and fish flesh. Others also say no to eggs and dairy. Still others are fruitarians because of plant sentience, highest acreage yield, healthiest food, least energy in production etc. These kind diets are expanding geometrically.
Famous Vegetarians, Vegans, And Fruitarians (tags)
This incomplete list of vegetarians, vegans and fruiitarians includes those who abstain from meat, fish and in some cases eggs, dairy, even nonfruits includes people motivated by animal rights, prevention of human disease, protection of the environment
Some Famous Vegetarians, Vegans And Fruitarians (tags)
A partial list of the world's hundreds of millions of practitioners of nonviolent diet There are 450 million vegetarians in India alone
LeBron James Invited To Join These Vegan, Vegetarian And Fruitarian Champion (tags)
Carl Lewis, 10 Olympic golds, Roger Bannister and John Landy, 1st and 2nd men to break 4 minute mile, Serena Williams, Martina Navratilova, tennis champions, Dick Gregory who ran 3000 miles across the US on a fruitarian diet, Hank Aaron, champion baseball player etc.
Famous Vegetarians, Vegans, Fruitarians (tags)
Millions more become vegetarian or vegan every year adding their names to the book of life for all. Mary Shelley, Clara Barton, Leonardo, Van Gogh, Einstein, Jesus the Essene, Angela Davis, Carl Lewis, Roger Bannister, John Landy, and hundreds of millions of others on the planet are vegetarian
Al Sharpton 170 lb. wt. loss as Vegan (tags)
With 55 to 60% of Americans overweight from heavy meat, fish and dairy diets, many show us a better way
Israel: Strategic Ally or Liability? (tags)
srael: Strategic Ally or Liability?
Assassinating JFK memory. (tags)
It is obvious that the neo-cons are now intent on rewriting our history -- President Kennedy was a whoring, drug-induced rogue and George W. Bush is a saint who, under no circumstances can be compared to Hitler
The silence in America concerning Jews is simply deafening (tags)
"The silence in America concerning Jews is simply deafening, isn't it?