fix articles 13064, early
New Research At Harvard Shows Psychological Harms Of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Last (tags)
New Research At Harvard Shows Psychological Harms Of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Last
New Research At Harvard Shows Psychological Harms Of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Last (tags)
New Research At Harvard Shows Psychological Harms Of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Last A Lifetime
a short history of chemtrails (tags)
Misinformation is when you have been misinformed. Disinformation is when you have been dissed.
Corona Enlightenment Offensive and The primal need (tags)
At the end of 2019, the online medium Rubikon founded its own book publishing company just in time before the start of the Corona Crisis, in order to offer its content to a broad public in a sustainable way offline and to promote a more democratic formation of opinion.
DIARY OF A CON MAN . 10 (tags)
anne frank never wrote a single page of her diary
what does a mexican driver's license look like? (tags)
Chances are, you are looking for the Matricula Cosular
The perpetual Shortage of Water in10 Western States Plues Nebraska (tags)
California uses 50%-75% irrigated water,Nevada uses over 75% irrigated water,Washington uses 25%-50% irrigated water, Oregon uses 50%-75% irrigated water,Utah uses over 75% irrigated water, Arizona uses 25%-50% irrigated water.
Greeks Without Choice in Sunday Election (tags)
Hands Across California (tags)
Protective parents, children and concerned citizen formed chains in front of California family courthouses to demand returned of trafficked children.
The Torture of Syria's children (tags)
Syria's children are perhaps the greatest victims of their country's conflict, suffering "layers and layers of emotional trauma", Save the Children's
Nationalizing banks works for the short term; why not permanently? (tags)
Temporary nationalization of big banks worked in Norway and Sweden. Permanent nationalization would avoid a return to the speculation and destruction of bankers.
Eric Garcetti Allows Destruction of 40 Protected Trees (tags)
Over the strong objection of constituents, Eric Garcetti (district 13) approved a rezoning of land, part of a wildlife corridor in Echo Park-Elysian Park, from three to 15 houses and gave developers special permission to cut down 40 protected trees. Garcetti's environmental legacy also includes siding with developer Ralph Horowitz and Councilwoman Jan Perry regarding the South Central Farm. Twenty years ago, another pro-development Councilmember, Michael Woo, ran for Mayor--as Garcetti is now doing--but was opposed by a formidable group called Citizens for Anyone but Woo. Hopefully 2012/2013 will see Anyone but Garcetti.
Early Brecht comedy, re-imagined for the 21st century, explores the allure of camaraderie in wartime and celebrates the vitality and loyalty of brotherhood.
Occupy Police arrests of media (tags)
Here is a starter for collecting stories on media arresting journalists. Please add more related pieces via comments.
Lies, Damn Lies, and NATO Claiming Control Across Libya (tags)
BTL:As U.S. Poverty Rises, Social Safety Net Programs Face Cuts (tags)
Interview with Dr. Cathy Grace, director of early childhood development with the Children?s Defense Fund, conducted by Scott Harris
Video: The Civil Wars in US Labor (tags)
Steve Early is labor journalist, whose writing has appeared in several publications, including The New York Times and The Nation. He is a former organizer for the Communications Workers of America. Mr. Early is the author of Embedded with Organized Labor: Journalistic Reflections of the Class War at Home.
World Health Day: Uncontacted tribes at risk of massive population loss (tags)
Survival International has warned on the eve of World Health Day (April 7) that uncontacted tribes face massive population loss if their land is not protected.
"I Want My Dues Back" Injured SEIU UHW Downey Kaiser Hospital Senior Orthopedic technician (tags)
Injured Kaiser Downey Hospital Senior Orthopedic Technician on the resignation of SEIU president Andy Stern and why she should get her dues back.
Venezuela: Coup and Countercoup, Revolution (tags)
"But the coup resistance grew to millions of people, flooding the areas surrounding the presidential palace, and the presidential guard, still loyal to Chavez, moved to retake the palace. Word of the resistance reached military barracks throughout the country, and one in Maracay, outside of Caracas, acted quickly to locate and rescue Chavez and return him to the presidential palace.??By the early morning hours of April 14, Chavez had returned, brought back by the will and power of the Venezuelan people and the loyal armed forces.??These events changed Venezuela forever and awoke the consciousness of many who had underestimated the importance and vulnerability of their Revolution."
Terrorist Joe Stack (1956-2010) (tags)
Right wing extremist Joe Stack finally gets fed up with Republicanism and Capitalist extremism and decides to take a few out with him.
New Funding for Early Learning in President Obama's Budget Proposal (tags)
President Obama's budget proposal includes almost $1 billion in new funding for Head Start and Early Head Start. The funding would help early learning programs in LA increase access and improve quality.
Rosa Parks Day in Californa ~ Early Life & Childhood (tags)
The early life of Rosa Parks shares a very common story of life in Black Farm communities throughout America, especially the Deep South. Today, the courage and faith of Rosa Parks is needed to close the final chapter of systemic racial discrimination with America's Last Plantation, the United States Departmento of Agriculture. Healthy Solutions are available by supporting, Black Agriculture in the 21st Century, focus on job creation, career development and creating sustainable communities, building on the legacy of a strong generation of elders and ancestors.
Editorial Cartoon: "2012: They Were Warned" (tags)
Those of you who've followed my work for any length of time will remember my complaints about the early start of the Presidential "election" cycle (John Edwards announced on Christmas Week, 2006) in the form of the four-part "Jackass Slate for 2008".
My Granddad said, “the Yaqui always have been and always will be.” They were in the area long before the apaches, Spanish or anyone else. Their origins date beyond written record, and for millenniums they lived in the valleys around the Rio Yaqui River in Sonora, Mexico.
In early October, the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR) will carry out direct action to end the war in Afghanistan and to close Bagram prison and end torture.
Jewish activists block Israeli Consulate (tags)
Early morning action by Los Angeles Jewish protesters blocks entrance
Sunday (12/21): Reports from Greece (tags)
Things are usually slow on Sundays and that was the case today. However, many local assemblies took place to decide further actions.
True Vote Summarizes Problems in U.S. Election Thus Far (tags)
"Unacceptable long lines, machine problems, registration and voter challenges and deception of voters"
PANIC DECLARED Empty store shelves, gas pumps, ATMs ahead. (tags)
Who am I to declare a panic? Don't worry about that yet; just stock up on a little cash and canned goods. When everything the feds do JUST MAKES THINGS WORSE -- we are in a panic. Not just grandpa's Depression, but a good old-fashioned running-scared panic when the shelves go bare ...
US Economy in the toilet (tags)
Historic Filipinotown Day- An Assessment (tags)
Historic Filipinotown Festival Committee held an assessment last August 18, 2008 at SIPA Social Hall and positively assessed the Aug 2. Historic Filipinotown Festival. Festival organizers, volunteers, vendors and participants came into a conclusion after the honest to goodness assessment that the festival was a success. It was attended by more than 5,000 people. It was confirmed by giving a raffle bracelet to each person who attended the festival. This includes the more than 800 runners that participated in the early morning 5K run/walk,
Here Is Why The Mail Is So Messed Up... (tags)
and why it has become so expensive...try to get in touch with thte postal inspector to file a complaint about slow or missing mail though....these cops are all tax enforcers and this is a good example of that...the illegal marijuana tax act of 1937 is being enforced by people who are supposed to be serving america, but actually serve zion....b
Global Land Surface Temperature for Spring Tied as Third Warmest (tags)
Highlights from NOAA's latest report of 6/13/08:
Perfectly Clear, Shinning Example of Climate Change Danger - Here and Now (tags)
In the past several years there have been studies showing plants flowering as much as a month early, butterflies migrating weeks later than usual, changes in the timing and location of bird migrations, tropical frog extinctions, bears in Spain no longer hibernating because there is enough food to eat all winter, tree lines moving up mountainsides and up in latitude, the line of permafrost moving north, and others. But none of these are close enough or important enough to us, personally, to make us (Americans) concerned. These are all out on the fringe of our world and simply do not affect us.
$11 Million to be slashed from CA HIV/AIDS Budget (tags)
The proposed budget that our governor has laid out will cut over 11 million dollars from California HIV/AIDS services.
Smoking is Safe and Healthy!!! Honest!!! (tags)
Lies the big tobacco companies have told us for years to get us to smoke, and more important give them our money so we could die an early painful death from cigarettes
A United Rally for Immigrant Rights and Elvira Arellano in Los Angeles August 25, 2007 (tags)
Despite the hot and humid weather and a lethargic start because of the sound system , thousands of immigrants, advocates and anti-war protestors brought out a united front for Elvira Arellano and immigrant rights. The protestors marched down the Olympic/Broadway road, snaked through 2nd street and Los Angeles street and ended at the intersection of Temple and Los Angeles Streets to protest the unjust deportation of Elvira Arellano and for full rights for all immigrants. The protestors massed early at the Olympic intersection as early as 10:00 AM and started late around 12;45 PM. The 4,000 to 5,000 strong march/rally was led by “We Are All Elvira and Saulito Coalition” led by the April 7 Coalition composed of Hermanidad Mexicana Nacional and the Latino Movement USA led by Juan Jose Gutierrez, Raul Murillo, Angelina Corona and the ANSWER-LA: the March 25 Coalition led by Javier Rodriguez; CHIRLA led by Angelica Salas and the CARACEN.
Israel Doubles Its F-16I Fleet (tags)
The F-16I can carry enough fuel to hit targets 1,600 kilometers away (meaning Iran is within range). Israel has been receiving two new F-16I fighter-bombers a month since early 2004, and will eventually receive 102 of them (about 60 have already been delivered.)
The Greater Wrong Of The Right (tags)
Banned: The Golden Book Of Chemistry e-book (1960) (tags)
Banned: The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments (1960) By Robert Brent ebook pdf Back in the late 60's this book was pulled from all public libraries and store shelves by the government. It was said that the experiments and information contained herin were too dangerous for the general public.
Neoliberal Rule as Trauma (tags)
With the absolutizing of profit maximization, the neoliberal elites ruthlessly dehumanize workers by reducing them to a cost factor to be lowered.
12:00 AM - Downtown march is underway, large crowd prompted early start (tags)
12:00 AM - Downtown march is underway, large crowd prompted early start
Troop Withdrawal Timetables Divide Democrats (tags)
The campaigning for the 2008 election is off to an early start and the Democrats in both Houses of Congress are using the Iraq War for political leverage to boaster early public support; however Democrats are deeply divided on troop withdrawal timetables, ranging from mid 2007 to various open-ended commitments to continue the war and occupation beyond 2008.
4 years in jail for indecent exposure seems a little draconian! (tags)
4 years in jail for indecent exposure seems a little draconian! even if it was given to a judge for playing with his penis in his court room.
They're killing the kids again
Alert: more TX + FL e-voting flipping Democrat votes to Republican in early voting (tags)
A listener called in to say that he had just experienced an irregularity in the voting booth. After completing the ballot he punched "Review" only to discover that three of the Democratic candidates he had voted for had been changed to Republican candidates.
How Israel is Engineering the "Clash of Civilizations" (tags)
The trajectory of a long-running campaign that gave birth this month to the preposterous all-party British parliamentary report into anti-Semitism in the UK can be traced back to intensive lobbying by the Israeli government that began more than four years ago, in early 2002.
AFP Southcom split into 2 commands (tags)
Southcom split into 2 commands By Jaime Laude The Philippine Star 08/27/2006 The military’s biggest troop contingent in Mindanao will be deactivated and split into two separate commands effective today. Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon said the Southern Command under Maj. Gen. Gabriel Habacon will be divided into the Western Mindanao Command and the Eastern Mindanao Command. Esperon stressed the division of the Southcom into two military units is for a more effective control and deployment of troops in the whole of Mindanao. Maj. Gen. Eugenio Cedo has been designated as first commander of the Western Mindanao Command that will be based at the Southcom headquarters at Camp Navarro in Zamboanga City. On the other hand, the Eastern Mindanao Command to be based in Davao City will be under the command of Maj. Gen. Rodolfo Obaniana. Esperon explained the split of Southcom is necessary for better control of the troops and to put more focus on the fight against the communist New People’s Army (NPA) guerrillas in the eastern part of Mindanao, and the fight against the Abu Sayyaf and other terror groups in the western part of the region. Southcom, which has responsibility over the whole of Mindanao, is composed of three Army divisions, two joint task forces, two naval forces, a tactical operations wing of the Air Force, two elite Special Forces battalions and one company of troops from the Light Reaction Battalion. Esperon said there would be some redeployment of troops where their presence is mostly needed. The Southcom comprises roughly 60 percent of the 120,000-strong military, all under its administrative and operational control. "These two targets (Islamic extremists and communist rebels) are very important that’s why we assigned two commanders there. With the split, we believe that the commanders will be more focused," Esperon said. Esperon said the decision to split Southcom into two units is a strategic move to sustain the pursuit operations against the Abu Sayyaf in Sulu. The decision, however, left Habacon with no unit to command. Habacon, one of the remaining so-called "Garci generals," said the deactivation of the Southcom will mean the closure of his military career. He opted to retire early, with only a few days left on his active service before his mandatory retirement on Sept. 9 on reaching the age of 56. "He (Habacon) decided to retire early due to personal reasons. He may have planned it earlier," Southcom spokesman Col. Susthenes Valcorza explained yesterday. Esperon will preside over the deactivation of Southcom today, on the same occasion where Habacon will be given retirement honors, Valcorza said. When asked if the splitting of the Southcom prompted Habacon to seek early retirement, Valcorza replied: "It could be one of the reasons." Habacon was among the generals mentioned in the controversial wiretap recordings that became an issue against President Arroyo. Aside from Habacon, among the generals mentioned to have helped in the rigging of the results of the May 10, 2004 elections in Mindanao include retired Lt. Gen. Roy Kyamko, former Southcom chief and retired Marine Brig. Gen. Francisco Gudani, along with Esperon. Kyamko has already retired when the tapes were leaked in June 2005. Gudani retired in October that same year, days after he exposed alleged cheating operations in Central Mindanao before a Senate investigation. A military fact-finding board headed by Navy Chief Vice Admiral Mateo Mayuga cleared the four generals of involvement in the alleged cheating operations.
Worries of sheriff raid today have passed Farmers still encamped.
California Racism and Stolen Legacy (tags)
Destruction of Black Civilization in Gold Rush California.
Hometown Snubs Schwarzenegger Over Death Penalty (tags)
Execution Ignites New Fire in Death Penalty Debate (Dec. 14, 2005) But early today, under cover of darkness, his name was removed from the arena in a sort of uncontested divorce between Mr. Schwarzenegger and the town council, which had been horrified that Governor Schwarzenegger ignored pleas to spare the life of Stanley Tookie Williams
An honest appreciation, not uncritical, of the late Ed Roybal and his major contributions to coalition building and grass-roots politics.
The Real Problem with a Pandemic in the US (tags)
The collapse of public health care through decades of deliberate neglect in the U.S. makes the country as vulnerable to a flu pandemic as any bottom tier third world country, and it may be too late to do anything about that.
The Evolution of Revolution: Part III: Expelling the Demons of the Opiate (tags)
must read analyis, commentary and criticism of human religion. If you haven't read this three part series do yourself a favor. Very thought provoking stuff!
Don't Mess with Texas Voters (tags)
Voter intimidation is the tie that binds Texas to Ohio and Florida.
Petition EPA to Stop Children's Environmental Exposure Research Study (CHEERS (tags)
Join tens of thousands of citizens in petitioning the EPA to terminate this study prior to its proposed launch in early 2005.
EUREKA! very telling-Every voting irregularity Always favors RepubliCONS (tags)
Game, Set, Match- Very Telling how every error report, glitch, discrepancy, statistical anomalies, trend-bucking swings and pre and post election shenanigans ALWAYS favors Bush-Heres Why- The democratic base was so massively mobilized that the resounding turnout of the landslide call for change forced the hand of the perpretators and followers of a voting bloc that in actually is a minority and very unpopular. Statisticians, Mathematicians, Professors and citizen-journalists are trying to reconcile discrepancies and surprising trend changes that could not have occurred by chance or random error. Developing stories covered in this report are, 1) How did John Edwards lose North Carolina? 2) Irrefutable evidence from a study in small Ohio counties. 3) Who did the military vote go for? 4) Little did they know THEY would get the trifecta- Exit poll swings in 3 crucial states in which the standard deviation odds against this amount to 1 in 25million. 5)A new Flash animation and 6) Insiders report on Corporate Media/LockDown because of latenight capitulation to disavowing their expensive exit polls, in spite of 100's of reporters believing, feeling and knowing otherwise- allowing big media to defend their legitimacy at expense of fairness, honesty and an adherence to constitutional imperatives and the publics right to know, and trust in a clear conscience for all.
The immanent planned collapse ... US Silent As Euro Screams Higher
Standardizing Early Childhood Education? (tags)
In Washington state new benchmarks will soon be released for preschoolers. The Washington State Early Learning and Development Benchmarks have many early childhood professionals concerned.
Standardizing Early Childhood Education? (tags)
Under federal mandates states are developing new standards for the education of young children.
Urgent casting call for "Salsa Nights" anti-three strikes law play! (tags)
Casting call!! See below!
Coming Soon to an Election Near You, Democratic Vote Fraud! (tags)
This two part article will descibe just how and why the Southern primaries may be the defining moment of the 2004 cycle.
Love & Schooling: Love should be first and foremost (tags)
Caring institutions must be explicit and intentional about the role of love as their guiding principle, without apology. There can be no greater justification for providing good care and education for our children than the value of love. The basis and ultimate justification for early childhood education must be, first and foremost, love - without apology.
A Motion has just been tabled in the British Parliament, which calls the United States Government to account for breaching the Geneva Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.
Declassified Documents of U.S. Support for Hussein (tags)
The National Security Archive at George Washington University has published a series of declassified U.S. documents detailing the U.S. embrace of Saddam Hussein in the early 1980’s. The collection of documents, published on the Web, include briefing materials, diplomatic reports of two Rumsfeld trips to Baghdad, reports on Iraqi chemical weapons use during the Reagan administration and presidential directives that ensure U.S. access to the region's oil and military expansion.
Outsider Arnold is fast becoming a Sacramento Insider (tags)
The influence of former California Gov. Pete Wilson (Republican) on Schwarzenegger's team is evident. It is heavy on establishment figures and almost devoid of anyone who has been known to challenge the status quo.
Israel-Palestine + Fresca is Sick, and bloodthirsty. I ask all of you to Please read. (tags)
Will Democrats choose a candidate who is an "electable moderate" or a "fighter for principles"? Both sides have a political case to make.
successful benefit show for Sherman Austin / Raise the Fist & Javier Perez (tags)
RW: A War by the U.S. to "Liberate the Iraqi People"?... (tags)
CIA funded cartoon of Animal Farm (tags)
An article in the Guardian (UK) newspaper reveals the early days of CIA involvement in media manipulation. This story centers on the creation of the animated version of Animal Farm which was actually made in Britain (with some help from our democracy lovin' chums in the CIA).
Hollywood, CA 12/8/02 Fans gathered at Capitol Records in Hollywood to pay homage to John Lennon, born October 9, 1940 and assassinated December 8, 1980.
Some history rather than hysteria...
Mass Psychosis Strikes Nation - Congress feared effected (tags)
Weimar Syndrome was first detected here in the U.S. in the winter of 2000 when it was discovered that a growing number of citizens were under the mistaken impression that a little known governor from the state of Texas was actually the president of the United States
Orange County protest-be there a little early (tags)
Be there early...
********AMBER ALERT*****2 Teenage Girls Abducted at gunpoint in Lancaster, CA
The Long History of U.S. Counterinsurgency in Colombia (tags)
This well-researched article shows that the United States provided the leadership for the Colombian counterinsurgency strategy in the late 1950s and early 60s, which were also the early years of the Phoenix Program in Vietnam. It may not be too long when we will all have to make the decision to support national liberation in Colombia and protest invasion just as we did in Vietnam, or, ignore the crimes of U.S. imperialism as most of us have been doing due to the ideological disease in western society called anti-communism from decades of political indoctrination.
Earthlink Shuts Down Activist Site (tags)
A jab at Earthlink's "activist" ad campaign.
Join The Westwood Die In (tags)
Halloween comes early for the protests, and horror has come early to Afghanistan.
Man Slams Car into Ohio Mosque (tags)
In an apparent "revenge" attack for the attacks in New York and Washington, a 29-year-old man rammed his car into a Parma, Ohio, mosque early Monday morning, causing $100,000 damage and sending himself to the hospital.
Israeli Forces Enter West Bank Towns(AP) (tags)
An Israeli tank is positioned on the edge of the West Bank town of Jenin early morning Tuesday Sept. 11, 2001. Israeli tanks ringed the city of Jenin early Tuesday, taking up positions on Palestinian territory and triggering a firefight with local gunmen which left seven Palestinians wounded. (AP Photo/Uriel Sinai)
Mass arrests at the EU Summit in Gothenburg, Sweden (tags)
IMC-UK's Breaking News As Of 6:50 AM PST, Friday, J15
Genocide on the Left___History Documented (tags)
If you all are against mass genocide read this.