fix articles 13039, welch
Jack Welch, former GE CEO, Imagination At Work (tags)
Thanks to agressive warmongering and inflated government contracts, GE saw great growth and expansion under Mr. Welch's leadership. Today he returns to the limelight to bite the hand that feeds him, as he attacks the accuracy of current employment figures. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics,
San José Peace and Justice Award Honors Free Gaza Pioneers (tags)
The San Jose Peace and Justice Center awarded its Gertrude Welch Peace and Justice Award to pioneers of the Free Gaza Movement who sailed the first small boats to break the Israeli siege of Gaza. The award prompted the city of Milpitas to present commendations and Congressman Mike Honda to award Congressional recognition to the recipients.
Welch's Marvelous Transformation (tags)
Nearly all the excesses summarized unter the terms turbo- or casino capitalism are based on the ideology of shareholder value: the rule of financial markets over the real economy, the short-term and short-sightedness of shareholders and waves of rationalizations."