fix articles 130342, input
Taking on a charter school closing (tags)
This is a repost of an article in SW about the closing of Animo Justice school in South Central. The school was operated by Green Dot charter schools.
KPFK's Mission is reviewed here and noted to not being full-filled (tags)
Reviewing the KPFK lauded Mission statements, tho it is brief, there are lapses, lacks in implementing it , and differing interpretations of what is meant in it's intention and the spirit of the [holy] message.
Open Letter to KPFK's LSB =local station board (tags)
KPFK's local board members are voted in by some other listener-sponsors. But are any of those who send money regularly to support and maintain the radio station have a say about anything ? huh ?
KPFK having a new Board, Join In ya all (tags)
COMMUNITY [that mean you and us all folks] ADVISORY BOARD, Representing various diverse parts of our community [ not just being a person from that group - that is not REPRESENTING but being and experiencing -not same thing] JOIN IN !!! Check out next meeting Thurs 6/26/08 @ 7 pm at KPFK radio station: 3729 Cahuenga West, No Hollywood....go there !!! be useful !!!
HIV Standards of Care - seeking input (tags)
seeing input on Standards of Care for transgender HIV+ Los Angelinos.
Tell MoveOn to help raise funds for the South Central Farm (tags)
If enough people vote for the proposal for MoveOn to help the farm, it could expadite the fundraising.