fix articles 130285, candles
From a Failed Growth Economy to a Steady-State Economy (tags)
This past week was the United States Society for Ecological Economics bi-annual conference (at American University near Washington DC). Herman Daly was honored for his many and longstanding contributions.
The South Central Farm: The Struggle Continues (tags)
June 13, 2007: Today is the one-year anniversary of the eviction at the South Central Farm. A reunion was held just outside the now-barren farm space. Throughout the evening, the continued determination to restore the farm was emphasized repeatedly.
VIDEO: Veterans For Peace light 3,000 candles on Santa Monica beach (tags)
Uploaded is video from the Veterans for Peace New Year’s Eve installation in response to the 3,000th US military death in Iraq. 3,000 candles were lit for each death.
Veterans for Peace to light 3,000 candles in Santa Monica tonight. (tags)
On the Occasion of the 3,000th U.S. Troop Death in Iraq Veterans for Peace Invites the Public to Attend Special Candlelight Memorial Tonight New Year’s Eve at Arlington West in Santa Monica
Annan, Mandela, Saud and Garland Prophesied Iraq Perfectly Beforehand (tags)
These people predicted Iraq perfectly in 2002 and they were all ignored.
A Light in the Darkness: An Antiwar Vigil (tags)
A report from the Vigil for 2000 at Wilshire Blvd and Veteran Ave
TSUNAMI - Global Vigil 3,000 Candles at Ocean Beach, San Francisco (tags)
We need 3,000 virtual candles lit online at our website with your accompanying words and reflections by Wednesday in time for a giant 1,000 foot wide Candlelight Tsunami Global Vigil for the Global Village.
250 Los Angelenos gathered for Peace in Griffith Park.
Thousands of Latinos Rally for the United States (tags)
At Olvera Plaza yesterday night, a crowd of about 5,000 Latinos gathered for a vigil to commememorate those who died in Tuesday's tragedy and show their support for the United States. One of the participants told me the event took the place of a celebration of Mexico's Independence Day.
solidarity vigil at l.a. county jail - candles (tags)
supporters brought candles to the vigil