fix articles 13020, flags
Six Flags Severs Ties with Abusive Elephant Company (tags)
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom confirmed the elephants are gone
Protest to expose the abuse of elephants at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (tags)
ADI and Advocates for the Animals at Six Flags are asking the public not to pay for the elephant rides.
American Flag Banned from UC Irvine (tags)
A resolution adopted Thursday by the legislative council of the campus' Associated Students calls for removing all flags from the common lobby area of student government offices.
Protest Israeli Shelling of Gaza (tags)
Photos from a large rally to call for a stop to the bombing of Gaza, and freedom for Palestine.
May Day 2013 Los Angeles (tags)
Themes of Inclusion, Family Unity and Respect Carry the Day. Photo Set 5 of 5
May Day 2013 Los Angeles (tags)
Themes of Inclusion, Family Unity and Respect Carry the Day. Photo Set 4 of 5
May Day 2013 Los Angeles (tags)
Themes of Inclusion, Family Unity and Respect Carry the Day. Photo Set 3 of 5
May Day 2013 Los Angeles (tags)
Themes of Inclusion, Family Unity and Respect Carry the Day. Photo Set 2 of 5
Los Angeles May Day 2013 (tags)
Themes of Inclusion, Family Unity and Respect Carry the Day. Photo Set 1 of 5
Workers of All Nationalities, Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win (tags)
May Day in LA was another success! Again, workers of all nationalities led by the May Day Coalition in Los Angeles marched along the downtown LA in unity against oppressive capital and the 1% that kept them exploited and oppressed through the years. ... Despite the troubled winds, besides all the other marches, the workers movement remained united. This is the second year that the workers marched under one banner. All despite the machinations of other groups to divide and disperse the movement. The May Day Coalition led the LA march. It militantly demonstrated maturity and force by demanding legalization and fighting back. During the 2006 immigrant rights upsurge, when the ruling class forbid the flying of national flags to demonstrate chauvinist adherence to the war against the Iraqi people and other nations, workers of different nationalities proudly flew their flags in unity and struggle. The Alliance is proud to march with all oppressed workers of all nationalities in multi-ethnic Los Angeles on May Day.
False Flags: An American Tradition (tags)
false flags
Arab Street Celebrates Mubarak's Ouster (tags)
liberating struggles
Bank of America Insults Memory of Fallen Marine (tags)
The Gaffney, SC, branch of Bank of America removes flags placed to honor the memory of a fallen Marine.
March and Fiesta in Hollywood (tags)
Immigrants marched and "partied" in the streets of "tourist" Hollywood to demand fair immigration reform.
Flown for first time
25,000 March /Rally Renews Call for Immigrant rights: more than 20,000 Took Back Macarthur (tags)
[Editors' note: this article includes several uncited quotations from today's LA Times article "Park rally renews call for rights." In addition, the claim of 20-25,000 people seems to us to be (unfortunately) wishful thinking. We note that the rally at the church was confined by police to one full city block, and the number of people assembled in the Park before the march arrived was a similar number. We ask all contributors to LA Indymedia to please clearly indicate any and all quotes from other sources, and be realistic in your crowd estimates. Thank you.]Immigrants and their advocated returned to the streets for the first time since May Day with Latino elected officials in tow, escorted by the LAPD who piggy backed for “public relations” during the march/rally to erase police brutality. More than 25,000 immigrant rights activists marched Thursday to Macarthur Park to again call for a path to citizenship for the nation's 12 million illegal immigrants. The Filipino contingent led by the Pilipino Workers Center and the AJLPP attended by scores of youth activists was very prominent in the march waving Filipino flags and charting MAKIBAKA, HUWAG MATAKOT! . Waving Mexican, Salvadorian, Honduran, Filipino and American flags and signs reading "No to Deportation," and calling for genuine legalization, about 25,000 marchers gathered about 6 p.m. for a brief rally in front of Immanuel Presbyterian Church on Wilshire Boulevard before heading to the park several blocks away.
May Day 2007 Los Angeles (tags)
Brief observations and photos of today's May Day Immigrant Rights demonstrations in LA.
Masses of Immigrants Demand Amnesty (tags)
A big crowd of determined, joyful people marched down Broadway to peacefully demand amnesty for undocumented immigrants, and to public show their committment to justice for immigrants.
WHAT IS San Francisco State University teaching that makes student leaders think that if they don't like what other students say, they can use student organizations to stifle those with dissenting views? Do they even know about the First Amendment?
Flag law forces colleges to pay (tags)
When they make us worship their flag it's time to get out the guns, and burn a few flags and burn a few government tyrannts.
Post-March "Backlash" : Is It Real or is It Memorex (tags)
Geoffery debunks reactionary mythos that the march caused a backlash - that we should worry about.
May Day 2006: The Crack in the Cosmic Egg (tags)
Anti-Pundit Geof Bard's Notes from the Anti-Fascist Underground Pacific Coast, Americas
Filipinos All Over the United States Joined the May 1 Great American Boycott and Immigrant (tags)
From Los Angeles and Seattle in the West to Chicago in the Midwest to Houston in the South and Miami, Florida in the Southeast up to New York, Manhattan in the Northeast, hundreds of Filipinos joined their fellow immigrants in the millions to demand full immigrant rights and amnesty. Thousands of them joined the boycott or just watched and wildly cheered from the sidelines flying the American flags as the Filipino contingents marched by.
Hundreds of Filipino Americans Join the Two Los Angeles Marches (tags)
Hundreds of Filipinos flying the Philippine flag marched in downtown Los Angeles in the morning and again, in the late afternoon from MacArthur Park to Miracle Mile, Wilshire, west Los Angeles in rallies that drew hundreds of thousands of people up to an estimated number of more than a million people. The Filipino contingent stopped at the Philippine consulate at Wilshire-Kingsley Street for more than three minutes and held a short program. They shouted: OUST GMA, Resign GMA, NO TO CHA-CHA! and STOP THE FASCIST KILLINGS! FREE THE BATASAN 6! They were cheered by the thousands of marchers and the Filipinos who were lining up in front of the St. Basil’s Catholic Church and at the consulate grounds.
STUDENTS UP THE ANTE: Amnesty's the new agenda (tags)
Student protestors march on City Hall. "Compromise" is off the table--the word today was "Amnesty."
Hundred of Thousands March-Rallied in 70 cities and 33 States for Full Immigrant Rights (tags)
Today, April 10, over 125,000 people took to the streets in Los Angeles for yet another outpouring of support for the cause of immigrant rights. The Los Angeles demonstration was part of a nationwide wave of protests just in the last two days that has continued to rock at least 61 cities across the nation. Yesterday Sunday, a record 500,000 rallied to clamor for justice for immigrants in Dallas, Texas. Today, 300,000 also mobilized in Phoenix, Arizona; 200,000 demonstrated in the nation’s capital, Washington, DC; 100,000 marched and rallied in New York City; another 100,000 protested in Houston, Texas; and 25,000 in Seattle, Washington.
my experience substitute teaching during the walk outs (tags)
my experience substitute teaching during the student walk outs protesting anti-immigrant laws.
La Gran Marcha: The Sleeping Giant Awakes (tags)
On March 25, immigrants and their supporters shook the halls of Congress, and, just maybe, changed history.
Finish Off SOS on Saturday (tags)
Rally for Day Laborers, Against SOS this Saturday, September 24, 8:00 a.m.-noon 1765 Laguna Canyon Rd., Laguna Beach
SCAF with IWW and the Harbor Truckers March on Labor Day (tags)
Families with happy faces are bathing in a sea of american flags, proudly holding their union's banner and some signs, most of them telling us "Teachers are the real action heroes" and "Nurses are the real action heroes" (we loved these signs!).
Laguna Beach II: SOS Shows Their True Colors (tags)
On Saturday in Laguna Beach, twenty-five Save Our State and neo-Nazis raised a display of U.S. and neo-Nazi flags while protesting day laborers. Fifty counter-protestors responded.
SOS not Welcome with Minutemen Part 2 (tags)
SOS and their members are apparently not welcome with Friends of the Border Patrol, a CA based Minuteman group. The following is a FAQ from the Friends of the Border Patrol website. Note question #8.
Anarchist Contingent
A call for an Anti-Authoritarian Bloc for the Inauguration. (tags)
The Parade Must End: A call for an Anti-Authoritarian Bloc for the January 20, 2005 protest of the Presidential Inauguration in Washington D.C.
'Unusual Weapons' Used in Fallujah (tags)
Fallujah why Guernica
Rainbowstop Makes Authentic Peace Flags and Will Donate to (tags)
05-02-2004 Seattle, WA – to donate money to
March 20 Anti-Capitalist Contingent (tags)
12 noon, Hollywood & Vine: Look for Black Flags and Banners 2:30: Anarcho-Communist meeting after march at park at Franklin and La Brea.
Join the March 20th Anti-Capitalist Contingent (tags)
To Abolish War, We must Abolish Capitalism!
Serving 2 Flags: Neocons, Israel and the Bush Administration (tags)
Traitorous US Government Officials Serving Israel's Interests First
Call for a March 20th Anti-Capitalist Contingent (tags)
On March 20th, retake activism in LA! Prove that our rage over this unjust war and occupation will not be confined to permitted marches facilitated by bureaucracies that stifle real efforts towards building another world.
Dean Cloaks Himself in the Flag (tags)
Hell yeah! If he just had Strom Thurmond on his ticket to run as his vice President, Dean would have my vote!
This article reviews basic street protest tactics and techniques. Practice them at your next party so you are ready to go at the next protest!
Anti-Bush Pro-Flag Sign (tags)
A poster to put up as a response and addition to US Flags. What I did when some psuedo-patriots tore down a "Opps" poster.
Rep. Ron Paul outraged by fellow congressman's UN flag display (tags)
"If we continue down the U.N. path, America as we know it will cease to exist"
leftists are traitors
Smack a Leftist with your Sandal (tags)
Leftism dies with Saddam
Bring AMERICAN FLAGS to the PROTESTS (if you can stomach it) (tags)
Having a lot of American Flags at Anti War Demonstrations would be a SMART MEDIA SAVY thing to do .
Protesters that give the left a bad name (tags)
These fools are who gives the left a bad name.
Visit this Web page to quickly send a letter to Congressional leaders supporting the peace alternative to Bush's Iraq war resolution:
What Would You Do?, 9/11 rap by PARIS (tags)
"What Would You Do?" is a song from SONIC JIHAD, a soon-to-be-released CD from rapper PARIS
One of the 2,500 marchers in Westwood against the upcoming War.
No Room for Dissent as Spirit of Flagwaving Sweeps the Nation (tags)
Extrapolating from a small sample, one would guess that half the houses in American suburbs must now have flags outside, mostly huge ones. There are even little plastic flags planted at the base of Stop signs like posies. (Fortunately, hardly anyone is likely to notice that some of these are marked "Made in China").
Thousands of Latinos Rally for the United States (tags)
At Olvera Plaza yesterday night, a crowd of about 5,000 Latinos gathered for a vigil to commememorate those who died in Tuesday's tragedy and show their support for the United States. One of the participants told me the event took the place of a celebration of Mexico's Independence Day.
Flags and Banners at FTAA Protest-SD (bilingüe) (tags)
banderas y pancartas en Larson Park en San Ysidro, durante la protesta contra el ALCA...Abril 27, 2001 Flags and Banners at Larson Park in San Ysidro, during the protest against the FTAA on April 27, 2001
A Call For a United Revolutionary Presence at the Presidential Inauguration (tags)
We Already Know Who Won…Capitalism and the Ruling Class Take to the Streets of Washington Against Capitalism, Against the State,and Against the Death Machine of Globalization FOR CLASS WAR NOW, FOR A CLASSLESS, STATELESS SOCIETY