fix articles 13019, marine Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : marine


It's Not Just Climate - Pope Francis Is Also Warning About The Health Of Our Oceans (tags)

In his 222-page encyclical, Pope Francis warned about (1) the polar plight, (2) sea level rise, (3) ocean-bound water pollution, (4) ocean acidification, (5) overfishing and (6) loss of marine biodiversity.

Fatal encounter: Jennifer Laude meets US Marine Corps (tags)

PHILIPPINES: As I peered at Jennifer Laude’s serene face in the open casket, I saw the wound on her forehead that was barely concealed by the mortician’s make up. I did not see the bruises on her neck and shoulders, but a person familiar with the autopsy said they were severe.

Ken O’Keefe Calls For US Military to Refuse Orders to Attack Syria (tags)

Former US Marine Ken O'Keefe requests for all US military personal to refuse their orders if called upon to fight ISIS/ISIL in Syria. He states that ISIS/ISIL are paid psychopaths working for the CIA with the ultimate goal of destabilization of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad's government. He declared anyone who spreads propaganda about ISIS/ISIL being a genuine threat requiring US military intervention as traitors who are sending our young soldiers into another endless war with well funded terrorists. Al Qaeda --> Nusra Front --> ISIS/ISIL is the latest morph of names and ideologies.

Common Sense vs. the Lone Gunman (tags)

thoughts on the JFK assassination

Look Out World,Russian Vladimir Putin's Environmental Mentality is $adly Based On Greed (tags)

The underwater battle for the world's resources continues, & apparently Greenpeace activists being held captive in Russia are just little pawns were used in the bigger picture of attempting to deter International plunder over Mother Earths Preservation..

Philippines: Akbayan slams Chinese incursion into Tubbataha Reef (tags)

Akbayan Party-list today slammed the incursion of a Chinese fishing vessel into the Tubbataha reef, which the group said is engaged in "state-led" poaching activities at the marine protected area in Palawan.

Drawing Attention to Dolphin Slaughter, Japan, and the 2020 Olympics (tags)

Demonstrations occurred in 46 cities around the world. The message to the International Olympic Committee: don't award the 2020 Olympics to Japan. The cruel dolphin drives in Taiji serve Japan's meat industry and provide slave entertainment to marine parks worldwide. .......... The Japanese people are not the target--many of them are protesting this problem, too.

US minesweeper USS Guardian damaged Philippine Reef (tags)

APL dares Philippine President Aquino to penalize US Navy for Tubbataha damage

open letter (tags)

argument over video crowd controll

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Is Still Alive at MCRD (tags)

Anyone who thinks anti-Queer discrimination in the military is a thing of the past needs to read this article! Zenger's Newsmagazine associate editor Leo E. Laurence was fired from his stint as a volunteer at the San Diego Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) for bringing his roommate to an on-base event.

Bayan Muna protests against China’s excursions in Scarborough Shoal (tags)

The progressive party-list Bayan Muna is protesting against China’s excursions in Panatag or Scarborough Shoal saying that China should order its vessels to leave the area and stop harassing Filipino fishermen.


Mortgage Giant Freddie Mac Set to Forcibly Evict Riverside Marine and Family Dozens of supporters to join Riverside homeowner Art de los Santos in last stand as eviction order expires Company refuses to even reevaluate wrongfully foreclosed homeowner’s income.

Depleting the Seas of Fish (tags)


Only 5% of Philippine coral reefs remain (tags)

Read this and weep: A marine scientist from the University of the Philippines has revealed that only 5 percent ?equivalent to just around 1,000 square kilometers?of the country?s total reef area remain in good condition in the face of the wanton destruction of our coral reefs by poachers.

Some Smokers are Butting Out of the Storm Drains (tags)

Some people in L.A. are working to reduce the amount of cigarette stubs that pollute and poison our oceans.

Disaster in the Gulf (tags)

potentially unstoppable and catastrophic

The War in Afghanistan and the Central Asia Pipeline Plan (tags)

"When you check the maps above a clearer picture emerges. The bottom map is the proposed pipeline route to move Caspian Sea oil through Turkmenistan into Afghanistan and then finally through Pakistan to ports along the Arabian Sea where U.S. and British tankers would gorge themselves with the black gold. The whole reason the U.S. is in Afghanistan and Pakistan today is to deny those pipelines from being routed through Russia, China, or Iran."

Bank of America Insults Memory of Fallen Marine (tags)

The Gaffney, SC, branch of Bank of America removes flags placed to honor the memory of a fallen Marine.

Betrayals Continue as Trumka Takes the Helm at the AFL-CIO (tags)

The partnership between the heads of organized Labor and the employers strengthens as Trumka dumps EFCA after spending millions of dollars of member's hard earned dues money getting our enemies elected in to office.

Pomona Police Vs U.S. Marine Vet 9/11 Truther, Friday 6/26/09 9AM (tags)

Update on Pomona, CA attempt to silence an anti-war activist.

Police File Restraining Order Against U.S. Marine 9/11 Truther (tags)

Pomona CA police have filed a broad restraining order against an anti war activist.


The Alliance Philippines (AJLPP) scored the ambivalent and double standard Philippine Supreme Court’s decision that said that US Marine Daniel Smith could be continuously detained in the US Embassy while he appeals his case in court. AJLPP condemns the self- contradictory rule that has been the hallmark of the Supreme Court ever since time immemorial. The ruling that the convicted marine must be jailed in a Philippine facility that cannot be implemented just perpetrates the colonial status of the Philippines under the rule of the United States.

Camp Pendleton Baby Killer Marines Set Free! (tags)

Indymedia around the Globe has been diligent in covering the numerous War Crimes committed by the US Troops against the occupied populace of Iraq, including the November 19, 2005 Haditha Massacre of 24 Iraqi Civilians by US Marines. In that noble spirit, we need to broadly publicize and loudly spread the news that, little by little, the sneaky Americans have let 7 of the 8 US Marine perpetrators of the Massacre of Iraqi Civilians at Haditha go free without any punishment, hoping the rest of the World does not notice.

"Gay Marine Porn Star" Returns to L.A. Area (tags)

Rich Merritt, whose book "Secrets of a Gay Marine Porn Star" caused a stir whe it was published in 2005, will be returning to the Los Angeles area Tuesday, February 12. 7:30 p.m., when he appears at A Different Light Bookstore, 8853 Santa Monica Blv’d., to promote his new novel, "Code of Conduct." Set in the early 1990's, the book is about what happened to Gays in the U.S. military when President Bill Clinton promised to end the ban on Queers in the U.S. military — and then reneged in the face of massive political pressure and agreed to the so-called "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

Counter Recruitment Protest - Pasadena (tags)

Groups of students and neighborhood protesters shut down recruiting center for the day

Grim Reaper Recruits With Marines (tags)

Campus War Protest--Semper Fi: Grim Reaper Recruits With Marines in Georgia Performance Action, Central Campus, Georgia College, 9/20/2007 Images by Emily Gomez

War On Hawaii! (No It's NOT Japan This Time!) (tags)

The Navy is planning on expanding its war games and numerous new weapon "toys" in an area of 235,000 square nautical miles around Hawaii! The adverse impact on whales, other marine wildlife, the air, and ocean is unfathomable. Can we possibly get enough international outrage going within four (4) days to stop the Navy from this expansion?

Local Marine, Rogelio Ramirez, Killed in Iraq (tags)

On Sunday, U.S. Marine Pfc. Rogelio Ramirez was killed in Iraq. The 21-year-old Ramirez left behind his immediate family, a girlfriend who is three months' pregnant with his child, and plans to buy a home, raise a family and get into real estate after returning home to Pasadena from his stint in the Marines, his relatives said.

Philippine Marine chief in Basilan sacked (tags)

-The commander of the Marine brigade battling Muslim extremists in Basilan was sacked from his post for not personally leading his troops into battle, the military’s chief said Wednesday. The removal of Col. Ra miro Alivio, commander of the 1st Marine Brigade, comes just days after heavy troop casualties in clashes with the Abu Sayyaf. Alivio would be moved to another position in the Marine headquarters in Fort Bonifacio “where his intelligence background will serve our organization best,” said Armed Forces Chief of Staff Gen. Hermogenes Esperon. He has been replaced by Col. Rus tico Guerrero, Esperon said.


-The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is deploying another Marine battalion in Basilan to augment government forces massing up in the province in preparation for the hunt for the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) rebels behind the June 10 ambush. “We will be deploying another Marine battalion to the area, on top of the earlier deployment of a Marine battalion from Sulu to Basilan,” AFP Public Information Office chief Lt. Col. Bartolome Bacarro said. He said the deployment of additional troops is in anticipation of a bigger force against military operations following “punitive actions against the suspects.”

Third US Strike Carrier Heads to Iran (tags)

Israeli site tracks war build up in the Gulf

Royal Marine Commandos: killers in Afganistan (tags)

Royal Marine Commandos: killers in Afganistan

Mutineer’ calls court-martial illegal, asks SC to stop trial (tags)

ndicted Marine Col. Ariel Querubin yesterday petitioned the Supreme Court (SC) to stop the military tribunal from trying him on charges of mutiny for his alleged part in the February 2006 “withdrawal of support” from President Arroyo by members of the Philippine Marine Corps. In a 33-page petition, Querubin’s lawyer Rodrigo Artuz elevated the case to the SC after the Court of Appeals (CA) this month turned down the colonel’s appeal to stop the court-martial proceedings against him. The charges are in connection with the attempted mutiny charges filed against Querubin and 29 other military officers for their alleged plan to withdraw their support from Mrs. Arroyo. Querubin is detained at the Fort San Felipe Detention Center, Naval Base Compound, Sangley Point, Cavite province.

HEAL THE OCEANS Benefit Spearheaded by Michael Franti, Jack Johnson Benefit (tags)

SPEARHEAD, ANIMAL LIBERATION ORCHESTRA, MATT McAVENE and CULVER CITY DUB COLLECTIVE rocked the house for the sea and all that lives therein...

Local Marine, Blake H. Howey, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Marine Pfc. Blake H. Howey of Glendora died in Iraq on Sunday at age 20, becoming the second person from Glendora to be killed in Iraq. Howey was only a few weeks into his first deployment when his convoy was struck by a roadside bomb in Fallujah, said family friend Karen Butterfield.

Local Marine, Travis D. Pfister, Killed in Iraq Helicopter Crash (tags)

Sgt. Travis D. Pfister, who moved to Hemet and planned to settle here and raise a family, was one of seven men killed in a helicopter crash Feb. 7 in Iraq.

Philippine Marines sent to finish off ASG, JI in Sulu, Mindanao (tags)

A ranking military official disclosed that some of the 1st Marine Brigade battalions will be redirected to Sulu instead of Basilan province from Lanao to help in the pursuit against the al-Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiah (JI) terrorists in the area. The switching of deployment between the Lanao-based marine and Basilan-based Army 103rd Infantry Brigade was recently ordered by Armed Forces Chief-of-Staff Gen. Hermogenes Esperon, Jr.

Local Marine, Jared M. Landaker, Killed in Iraq Helicopter Crash (tags)

Jared Landaker was piloting a CH-46 helicopter and had picked up a wounded Marine in Karbala, Iraq, and was taking him to a hospital when a support helicopter crew saw fire in the back. The helicopter spun around twice and crashed on its left side. Everyone inside burned to death, the pilot's mother said.

Local Marine, Alejandro Carrillo, Killed in Iraq (tags)

A 22-year-old Marine sergeant from Carson, who often came back to his high school alma mater to encourage students to stay in school, has been killed in combat in Iraq. Marine Sgt. Alejandro Carrillo, a Carson High School graduate, died Jan. 30 while conducting combat operations in Anbar. He was a driver with a combat logistics battalion.

Local Marine, Anthony C. Melia, Killed in Iraq (tags)

U.S. Marine Lance Cpl. Anthony C. Melia died Saturday while conducting combat operations in Anbar province in Iraq, according to the U.S. Department of Defense.

Rally anti-US near the U.S. embassy in Manila - January 8, 2007 (tags)

U.S. Marines Accused of Rape

Anti-USA demonstration in Manila - January 3, 2007 (tags)

Philippines court, minister back transfer of US marine rapist

Local Marine, Fernando Tamayo, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Fernando Tamayo, 19, of Fontana, died Dec. 21, 2006 when he was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq's Anbar province.

4 Marines charged in mass murder of 24 Iraqi civilians (tags)

Four Marines from Camp Pendleton, Calif., were charged Thursday with multiple counts of murder and several lesser charges in the shooting death last year of 24 unarmed Iraqi civilians. Four Marine officers, including a lieutenant colonel, were charged with trying to cover up the crimes.


Women's groups celebrated their court victory while lawmakers and Malacañang hailed the conviction yesterday of a US Marine and the acquittal of his co-accused on rape charges. But there were ordinary people who were not fully satisfied with the verdict of the Makati Regional Trial Court, which convicted US Marine Lance Cpl. Daniel Smith and acquitted three other Marines.

Local Marine, Lance Cpl. Jeromy D. West, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Lance Cpl. Jeromy D. West, 20, of Aguanga, died Saturday while conducting combat operations in Al Anbar province, according to a Department of Defense news release.

Services Held for Local Marine, Mario D. Gonzalez , Slain While on Iraq Duty (tags)

Family, friends, and fellow Marines honored a hero Saturday with applause and a standing ovation. Services were held for Mario "Danny" Gonzalez, 21, of La Puente at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Baldwin Park. The Marine lance corporal was killed Nov. 14 when a roadside bomb exploded near his convoy vehicle in the Anbar province of Iraq. Copyright © 2006 Pasadena Star-News

AFP orders court-martial to 30 officers (tags)

TWO generals and 28 other military officers will face court-martial for their alleged participation in the abortive coup against the Arroyo administration in February. The two generals to face court-martial are Maj. Gen. Renato Miranda, former Marine Corps commandant and Brig. Gen. Danilo Lim, former commander of the elite First Scout Ranger Regiment.

Local Marine, Jason Franco, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Jason Franco had been in Iraq less than a month when he died Tuesday. He was the seventh Inland man to die in one of the war's deadliest months and the second Buena Vista High School graduate to die there this year.

McCain: Expand Iraq force by 20,000 (tags)

Four more years of war? Then vote for Arizona war monger Senator John McCain.

Tight security ring thrown around six detained colonels (tags)

-The military threw a tight security ring around the six Marine colonels involved in the failed February coup attempt following reports of sympathizers planning to free them. The six colonels—Ariel Querubin, Orlando de Leon, Januario Caringal, Armando Banez, Custodio Parcon and Achilles Segumalian—were currently being detained at a Marine base in Manila. They are among 13 Marine officers and 25 Army officers, including a brigadier general, detained for their alleged involvement in a plot with communist insurgents and opposition figures to bring down the government in February.

Vietnam vets want you to fight in Iraq (tags)

Brave men.

5,700 US troops coming for war exercises in Luzon (tags)

Some 5,700 American military personnel will join Filipino troops this month in major war drills, including live-fire exercises, amphibious landings and ship interdictions, US and Philippine military officials said yesterday.


ome 5,700 American military personnel will join Filipino troops this month in major war drills, including live-fire exercises, amphibious landings and ship interdictions, US and Philippine military officials said yesterday. Unlike recent training in Mindanao, the new joint exercises will not be aimed primarily at battling terrorism but focus on routine drills to enhance both forces’ capabilities to operate together, US Marine Capt. Burrell Parmer said.

Sergeant calls Iraqi slayings appropriate (tags)

A sergeant who examined the scene hours after Marines killed two dozen Iraqis in Haditha last year said the shootings appeared to be an appropriate.

Wars are stretching Marine Corps thin (tags)

The good news is we won't be invading Iran anytime soon. (Well that's if Geogre W Hitler doesn't nuke them)

Sen. McCain's son joins Marine Corps (tags)

Lets hope and Arab freedom fighter with an IED or sniper rifle gets lucky when this guy gets to Iraq!

Lebanese towns desolated by the bombings of Israel. (tags)

I THROW, 28 of julio..La Israeli aviation bombarded 130 targets in the dawn of this Friday, while the night it was marked by the attacks of the marine one and the Zionist artillery, in a destruction combination and death that it desolated whole towns.

Jason Morrow, a Local Marine Killed in Iraq, Remembered (tags)

Cpl. Jason Morrow proposed to his wife last year at home plate in Angel Stadium. He later threw out the first pitch at a playoff game. Now the ballclub comes to terms with his death in Iraq.

Local Marine, Jason Morrow, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Cpl. Jason W. Morrow, 27, a Marine from Riverside died of wounds he suffered in combat in Iraq. He was wounded in Al-Anbar province on Monday and died of his injuries Tuesday, June 27, 2006.

Christopher Leon, A Local Marine, Killed in Iraq (tags)

A 20-year-old Marine from Lancaster has been killed in Iraq, becoming the third young Antelope Valley man to die there since the 2003 invasion. Cpl. Christopher Leon, a 2004 Lancaster High School graduate, died Tuesday from wounds suffered in combat, Marine officials said.

Michael Estrella, a Local Marine Killed in Iraq, Honored (tags)

Relatives, friends and supporters bid their last farewell to Marine Cpl. Michael Estrella in emotional services Friday. Estrella, 20, a 2003 Hemet High School graduate, was killed June 14 in combat in Iraq, the 2,500th member of the U.S. military to die in that country since the war began, according to Marine officials.

Killed in Iraq, Local Marine Salvador Guerrero Laid to Rest (tags)

About 400 friends and family members gathered at the funeral for Salvador Guerrero on Wednesday, at St. Mary's Catholic Church, followed by his burial at Rose Hills Memorial Park.

Local Marine, Salvador Guerrero, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Marine Lance Cpl. Salvador Guerrero, 21, died in combat in Al Anbar province, Iraq, June 9, 2006.

White House: Haditha findings to be made public (tags)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The results of an investigation into the killings last year of 24 Iraqi civilians will be released to the public when the Marine Corps' investigation is complete, the White House said.

Local Marine, Killed in Iraq, Remembered (tags)

Services for Marine Lance Cpl. Marcus Glimpse, who was killed in Iraq on April 12, were held Saturday, April 22, 2006 at Newport Mesa Christian Church in Costa Mesa.

Protest Bush In So. Cal. this weekend (tags)

Two independent sources confirm Bush trip to California this week.

Local Marine Killed in Iraq (tags)

Lance Cpl. Marcus Glimpse of Huntington Beach was killed Wednesday when an improvised bomb exploded at the security checkpoint where he was deployed in Al Anbar province in Iraq.

Local Marine Killed in Iraq (tags)

Lance Cpl. Felipe D. Sandoval-Flores was killed in the Sunday rollover near Al Asad, according to the DOD.

Saving the Bay of La Paz & Gulf of California (tags)

This is a brief summary of our groups efforts & progress towards saving, preserving and restoring the Bay of La Paz & Gulf of California, the most bio-diverse body of water on earth.

Local Marine Killed by Injuries Sustained in Iraq (tags)

LA HABRA – Marine Lance Cpl. Hugo Lopez, 20, has died of injuries he suffered more than two months ago while serving in Iraq.

Local Marine Killed in Iraq (tags)

Cpl. Carlos Arellano died Friday when a suicide bomber in a car set off a blast in Haqlaniyah, Iraq, according to the U.S. Department of Defense.

Local Marine Killed In Iraq (tags)

Raul Mercado, of Monrovia, chose to enlist in the Marine Corps, hoping someday to get into West Point. On Saturday, he was killed in Iraq when his vehicle was struck by a roadside bomb. He was 21.

YOU paid for this. (tags)

Bat Mitzvahs and Bulletproof Vests--American Aravice

18 year old Marine from Pasadena Killed in iraq (tags)

Lance Cpl. Sergio H. Escobar, 18, of Pasadena, Calif., died Oct. 9 from an improvised explosive device while conducting combat operations against enemy forces in Ar Ramadi, Iraq.

Local Marine Killed In Iraq (tags)

Marine Lance Cpl. Sergio Escobar, of Pasadena, CA, was killed in Iraq on October. 9, 2005, roughly two months after he arrived in Iraq.

Local Marine Killed in Iraq (tags)

Pfc. Ramon Romero died Monday near Fallujah while conducting combat operations.

Is Change to Win enough? (tags)

Changes are afoot in the mainstream labor movement. Are they enough?

Local Marine Killed in Iraq (tags)

Marine Cpl. Carlos Pineda, 23, Los Angeles; Killed During a Rescue in Iraq

Who Was Behind The Killing Of Four Female Marines? (tags)

Was the killing of four female Marines, a case of IDF revenge?


The IBU members who work for Marine Spill Response Corp. walked off the job in an unfair labor practice strike at 6:30a.m. today, June 23. Please join them on their picket line: 190 South Pico Ave., across from the CUT terminal in the Port of Long Beach.

Local Sailor Killed in Iraq (tags)

A corpsman with a Marine patrol, Baez was killed by small- arms fire, said Navy spokeswoman on Friday. He had served 10 years in the Navy after serving four years in the Marine Corps.

Local Marine Killed in Iraq (tags)

Marine killed in Iraq. Muir graduate dies in roadside bomb explosion.

US Marine Contract Exposed (tags)

Read the fine print.

Local Marine Buried with Honors (tags)

Gloomy weather settled over Simi Valley on Monday as the family and friends of Juan C. Venegas, a casualty of the war in Iraq, trickled past his tearful fiancee on their way into St. Rose of Lima Church.

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

SIMI VALLEY -- Marine Lance Cpl. Juan C. Venegas was killed in combat in Iraq, officials announced Friday. He was the fourth Simi Valley serviceman killed in action since the war began.

‘That’s me, a marine, a murderer of civilians’ (tags)

Italian reporter shot by US military writes for newspaper that tells raw truth about US role in Iraq.

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Marine captain from Redondo killed in Iraq. Sean Lee Brock died after being wounded by shrapnel. . His widow calls him "just so honorable."

Recent Transgender Crime Cases Spark Outrage (tags)

Transgender crime is among the most violent. Bias toward transgenders continue with the way the crimes are reported.

TG shot 12/27/04, LAPD mourns criminal (tags)

In a LA Times report of of a Marine's murder of a Transgender woman in Hollywood, an LAPD assistant chief is quoted as showing sympathy for the murderer, none for the victim.


Gross Corruption reported to CONGRESSMAN HUNTER and others only met with retaliation by Federal Agencies.. Federal Officer prosecuted for "medical/ mental incompetence" for whistle blower letters to Congress.............

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Marine Lance Cpl. George Payton, 20, Culver City, died Nov. 14 of combat wounds suffered in Iraq's Al Anbar province [Fallujah]

BTL:Iraq Veterans Call for an End to a War They Say Can't be Won (tags)

Interview with former Marine Cpl. Michael Hoffman, co-founder of Iraq Veterans Against the War, conducted by Between the lines' Scott Harris

Local Soldier's Funeral Report (tags)

Slain Marine eulogized as leader. J.P. Blecksmith killed in Iraq following September deployment.

Local Soldier's Funeral Report (tags)

Slain Marine eulogized as leader. J.P. Blecksmith killed in Iraq following September deployment.

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

William C. James, 24, was killed in action in the al-Anbar province in the Sunni Triangle Nov. 10.

Marines shoot wounded prisoners in Fallujah mosque (tags)

A video grab taken by embedded U.S. Network NBC shows a U.S. Marine pointing his assault rifle at a wounded and unarmed guerilla inside a mosque just before the occupation soldier killed the prisoner with a burst of machine gun fire. The murdered Iraqi prisoner was one of five injured guerillas captured by Marines. NBC's Kevin Sites witnessed the killing while assigned to represent a pool of news organizations. Several US televison networks aired footage of members of the US marine unit entering the mosque in Fallujah before one Marine shot the unarmed, wounded man in the head as he lay prone aganst a wall. Neither NBC nor CNN showed the shooting itself... the video was blacked out but the report of the rifle could be heard. The bodies in the foreground are other Iraqi prisoners. (AP Photo/NBC News, Pool)

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Flintridge Prep standout dies in Iraq. J.P. Blecksmith, 24, '99 graduate of Flintridge Preparatory School, was part of U.S. military campaign in Fallouja.

Two Marine Corps Buddies Inseparable in Life, Death (tags)

Jeremiah A. Baro, and Jared P. Hubbard were best buddies and died together in Iraq.

2 California Soldiers Killed in Iraq (tags)

Marine Cpl. Jeremiah A. Baro, 21, Fresno

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Marine Lance Cpl. Richard P. Slocum, 19, Saugus; Killed in Humvee Rollover

Local Soldier, Killed in Iraq, Laid to Rest (tags)

Gloria Salazar, middle, mother of Las Vegas Marine Cpl. William I. Salazar, is consoled by family member Sammy Acosta, left

BTL:U.S. Veteran Returning from Iraq Speaks Out Against the War and... (tags)

...Killing of Civilians ~ Excerpts of speech by Marine Staff Sgt. Jimmy Massey, produced by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Remember Operation Urban Warrior (tags)

Just looking out for you revolutionaries

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Marine Corps Sgt. Edgar Lopez, 27, Los Angeles; Killed in an Explosion in Iraq

9/7: Today, U.S. Reach 1,000 Military Deaths in Iraq! (tags)

By: Iraq Watch - Peace No War Network September 7, 2004

Marines Press Charges Against Distraught Dad (tags)

Marines Press Charges Against Distraught Dad

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Cpl. Nicanor Alvarez, 22, was one of four Marines from Camp Pendleton who died Saturday during fighting in Al Anbar Province, Iraq.

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Marine Corps Pfc. Fernando Hannon, 19, Wildomar; Killed in Explosion

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

U.S. Marine Cpl. Roberto Abad, 22, of Los Angeles, was killed in Iraq on August 6, 2004.


The Sunshine Project Rebuts USMC Censorship / New Video Available.......The documents, titled Anti-Personnel Calmative Agents, Anti-Personnel Chemical Immobilizers: Synthetic Opiods, and Demonstration of Chemical Immobilizers, describe US military research on chemical weapons

Become a US Marine (tags)

Sign up

What's going on in Iraq (tags)

Skinheads fight their 'holy war' (tags)

Semyon Tokmakov stretches out his hand and points to a thick scar he got from assaulting a black US Marine six years ago. The attack cost him one-and-a-half years in jail, but Tokmakov says he has no regrets.

Marines admit abuse at second prison (tags)

"The Marines attached wires to a power converter and pressed the live wires against the body of the detainee to create a shock," according to the Marine statement.

Latest from the front (tags)

Fallujah Rebels, Residents, Police Celebrate Victory over U.S. Marines (tags)

While Marines report a successful excursion to the heart of Fallujah, civilians and armed mujahideen join Iraqi police and soldiers in touting the defeat and retreat of US forces in the battle for Fallujah.

The unexpected ending of the case against the Oakland 25 (tags)

The DA had been prosecuting 25 victims of the police assault which took place on April 7, 2003 in the Port of Oakland. A year later, the ordeal of these people finally ended in a strange twist.

The first anniversary of April 7th in the Port of Oakland (tags)

Revisiting a scene of shock and awe to reaffirm our First Amendment rights. Our banner read, “Remember the shots! -- Return to the docks!”

US: Fierce Falluja fighting recalls Vietnam (tags)

"And this is like Hue City in Vietnam," he said, referring to the former imperial capital where in 1968 US troops faced the most ferocious street fighting of the communists' decisive Tet offensive. Marines, who took part in defeating Saddam's armed forces a year ago, said the resistance they were now facing was tougher than anything thrown at them by the old regime's once vaunted Republican Guards. Sergeant James Ramsel, of the battalion's Alpha Company, said there had been no let-up in the resistance. "It's been going on all night; it's still going on."

Marines exchange desert camouflage for red coats (tags)

San Diego-based Marines soon will learn whether it really does pay to advertise wearing highly visible uniforms rather that the traditional desert-brown camouflage garb.

Israel’s Nuke Launching Subs Can Be Detected by Uncle Sam (tags)

Israel’s three new supposedly undetectable German-built diesel-powered nuclear weapons launching submarines can be detected by the most powerful military in the world, the military of the United States of America. “…the Navy experiment with long-range, low-frequency sonar used to detect new quiet diesel-powered submarines… This system is a vital piece of equipment for our anti-submarine warfare.”

Controversial Independent Film Playing in LA (tags)

"Lolita: Slave to Entertainment," the documentary an entire industry doesn't want you to see is playing at the Silver Lake Film festival in LA/Hollywood on Sept. 12th @ 7pm 1822 N. Vermont Blvd. 323/664-2169 Trailer: 1minute 48 seconds.

International appeal (tags)

Support conscientious objector Stephen Funk awaiting military trial on September 4 for "desertion"

Iraqi Officials Say Looting of Ancient Sites Continues Despite Pleas to U.S. Troops (tags)

On a visit Sunday, three sites near here were pocked with freshly dug holes and littered with hastily abandoned shovels, indicating looting in the last day or two. At one spot, about two dozen people ran off when they saw approaching trucks.

More G.I. wives get hoax casualty calls (tags)

CAMP PENDLETON, Calif., April 10 (UPI) -- Wives of Camp Pendleton Marines involved in the war in Iraq have been receiving crank calls from individuals claiming to work for the Red Cross who regretfully, and falsely, inform them that their spouses had been killed in action.

a true patriot (tags)

conscientious objector deserves our support

Marine Corps Reservist Refuses to Fight! (tags)

I support THIS Marine! Marine Corps reservist Stephen Funk, center, reads a statement before turning himself in at his reserve unit in San Jose, Calif., Tuesday April 1, 2003. Behind Funk is his sister Caitlin Funk, left, and his mother, Gloria Pacis, right. The 20-year-old Marine reservist, called to active duty, refuses to serve in the Iraqi conflict, claiming conscientous objector status. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg)

From "Plain Sailing" to "Where the Hell Are We?" to "Up the Creek (tags)

Barely into its second week Operation Easy Sailing is in big trouble. One simple way of measuring just how big is by adding up all the time you hear the phrases “all according to Plan”, and the “Our strategy is sound”.

War Crimes - US marines murdering busloads of unarmed Iraqis (tags)

"Cannon and machine-gun fire had peppered the bus with holes, killing most of the passengers in their seats. The grisly remains were evidence of the ruthlessness with which lead Marine units are clearing the road north of the central city of Nassiriyah to make way for a huge military convoy."

Marines losing the battle for hearts and minds (tags)

Hopes of a joyful liberation of a grateful Iraq by US and British armies are evaporating fast in the Euphrates valley as a sense of bitterness, germinated from blood spilled and humiliations endured, begins to grow in the hearts of invaded and invader alike. Attempts by US marines to take bridges over the river Euphrates, which passes through Nassiriya, have become bogged down in casualties and troops taken prisoner. The marines, in turn, have responded harshly

Greetings from Afghanistan (tags)

A US military officer writes from Afghanistan

Peace Rally in Military Town Ignites Heated War of Words (tags)

Dozens of antiwar protesters find their message unwelcome in a community whose base trains more than 50,000 Marines a year.

Veterans Call to Conscience to Troops and Reservists (tags)

If the people of the world are ever to be free, there must come a time when being a citizen of the world takes precedence over being the soldier of a nation. Now is that time. When orders come to ship out, your response will profoundly impact the lives of millions of people in the Middle East and here at home.

United States Navy MORTICIAN-$6,000 Sign-On Bonus (tags)

The Navy Mortuary Affairs Program is responsible for the recovery, preparation and final disposition of Navy and Marine Corps deceased personnel and their eligible beneficiaries. Worldwide. Position will require relocating.

Call to Conscience from Veterans to Active Duty Troops and Reservists (tags)

Call to Conscience from Vets

Marines Ordered into Colombia. (tags)

Bush has allegedly become a zealot in his drive to eliminate terrorism worldwide, and sees the FARC in that light. Reliable sources say that to ensure that the rest of the US sees them similarly, US government operatives at work in Colombia have been responsible for many of the bombings that have been laid at the feet of the FARC in recent months.

Iraq War May Be US' Suez, War Games Show (UK Guardian) (tags)

If the US and Iraq do go to war, there can only be one winner, can't there? Maybe not. This summer, in a huge rehearsal of just such a conflict - and with retired Lieutenant General Paul Van Riper playing Saddam - the US lost. Julian Borger asks the former marine how he did it

Startled marines find Afghan men all made up to see them (tags)

"We were pretty shocked," Marine Fletcher said. "We discovered from the Afghan soldiers we had with us that a lot of men in this country have the same philosophy as ancient Greeks: ‘a woman for babies, a man for pleasure’."

A Message to Troops, Would Be Troops and Other Youth (tags)

Know anyone in the military, or thinking about signing up soon? Pass this along to them. They may appreciate it, or not... but they deserve a heads up.

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