fix articles 1298, water Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : water


Israel intensifies Rafah offensive and enters the north of the Gaza Strip (tags)

The Israeli offensive has caused massive damage to schools, homes, communication and energy systems, roads and much more, according to Oxfam, the UK-based aid organization. The destruction of key water and sanitation infrastructure by Israeli forces, as well as overcrowding in camps, malnutrition and summer heat, are bringing Gaza to the brink of a deadly epidemic.

From war to ecocide in Ukraine: these are the global consequences (tags)

Today peasants are fighting and dying in the war. They have lost everything. The processes of free land sale and purchase are increasingly liberalized and advertised. This threatens the rights of Ukrainians to their land, for which they give their lives. This portends that an industrial model of agriculture will prevail in Ukraine, based on large-scale monoculture farming.

The right to water and 7 challenges to the welfare state (tags)

Visions need concrete, tangible measures that provide security in times of uncertainty and reliably carry all people through the huge changes...The indispensable ecological transformation must also become a social one.

The dispute over Tesla's Gigafactory (tags)

Theodor Fontane at the end of the book: "All reformatory power nowadays rests with the purse, ideas count for little, law counts for nothing. Tesla's Gigafactory will probably prove to be both a curse and a blessing in perspective.

The interior of Uranus (tags)

The interiors of Uranus contain about 50,000 times the amount of water in Earth's oceans...

chemtrails continue across the usa (tags)

The great distraction of COVID (the corona virus, corona means crown in spanish) has served its purpose and has everyone happy they have tv and beer, and not looking up anymore...americans are best looking down at their shoes, its the new usa.

September 2020 Honduras coup update (tags)

A much loved journalist broadcasted after he was shot several times by attackers. Three elderly environmental defenders were massacred. Thousands marched in the Independence Day demonstrations and were repressed with brutal beatings and 15 arrests. Pushes begin for model cities under the pandemic. Another doctor dies of COVID-19. This and other news: This September 2020,

January and February Honduras coup update (tags)

This January and February in Honduras, another indigenous leader was disappeared and found dead, after two other cases, in different parts of Honduras. There continues to be political prisoners in prison, one in psychiatric hospital, another two on bail after a long time have updates on their court dates. Many others, especially enivironmental defenders, threatened with prison, charged, arrested. Two campesina organisations in different parts of the country were broken into and had information and equipment stolen. A new migrants caravan set out for the US in thousands. This and other news, see here

September 2019 Honduras coup update (tags)

This September 2019, at least three indigenous defenders in social and environmental struggles were assassinated, two were Tolupans, and one was Garífuna. Repression continued also against students and teachers in struggle, and against environmentalists of Guapinol who became political prisoners this September 2019, and heavy repression was ordered against communities who fought against the luxury apartment buildings and other buildings for the high life that would take away their water source and destroy the environment in La Tigra national park - the communities' struggle had been especially firm and unbendable. Read on about this and other news from September 2019 in Honduras

Cortes Ocasio's Wild Promises Dont Hold Water or Help Env Movement 2019 ingles (tags)

we have hundreds of brownfields and even worse hazardous waste sites in many states. Thankfully we also have over 500 businesses that build, design or sell and install solar parts, wind turbines and water filters.



mary magdalene, mother of jesus


mary magdalene was the mother of jesus

More nukes to shut down in the Chicago area (tags)

Cold weather, financial losses shutting more nukes.


mary magdalene was the mother of jesus bar saba


mary magdalene is a joke


mary magdalene was no sinner


mary magdalene is a fictional overwrite for the mother of jesus bar saba

THE JESUS LIE . 18 (tags)

gospel jesus never was

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 50 (tags)

anne frank never wrote her diary

Why Choose Nut Milk Over Cows' Milk (tags)

Nut milks have no animal fat, carcinogenic female hormones, salmonella, listeria, antibiotics. They are not derived from animal slavery, suffering, and murder. They help to reforest the planet, use much less human labor, water and energy in production.

July 2018 Honduras Coup update (tags)

July 2018: Hondurans retake streets and highways as massive protests were organised by the transport sector blocking highways around the country, supported by student and just about everyone. Repression is rife including killings by likely government death squads/hitmen, of drivers/bus company owner, and against en environment defender. Many attacks in general.


“The official death count of 64 is a substantial underestimate of the true burden of mortality after Hurricane Maria,” researchers wrote. “Our estimate of 4,645 excess deaths from September 20 through December 31, 2017, is likely to be conservative since subsequent adjustments for survivor bias and household-size distributions increase this estimate to more than 5000.” FEMA Respond sable.

Actress and Philanthropist Tanna Frederick Hosts Project Save Our Surf Beach Cleanup (tags)

a nonprofit supporting clean water and oceans, will host a beach cleanup on Saturday, May 12th

March 2018 Honduras Coup Again Update (tags)

March 2018 in Honduras... Chiquita banana workers have been on strike for more than two months - their barricades were this month evicted with gunshots and teargas bombs wounding workers and children. Another protest of youths in Choluteca were similiarly met with police gunshots - kids were wounded and arrested. This and other news with further details in this update

EPA Head Scott Pruitt: Of Cages And Sirens (tags)

Scott Pruitt used a drug in an Oklahoma execution knowing it was banned. He sued California and tried to make chickens' factory farm cages smaller. He has made our water poisonous and our air dirty.

Nestle Murder Of Billions Of Animals, Child Slavery, Worker Abuse, Theft Of Water (tags)

15 Colombian union workers assassinated in Colombia, Thailand child slavery, mammal murder for meat for 142 years, vivisection, theft of the world's water, monopolistic tactics, pricegouging

To Volunteers of America (tags)

But they'll spend the next several days wading in cold, dirty water; dodging gators and water moccasins and fire ants


We disparately need more volunteers UNITED STATES CIVIL DEFENSE ASSOC ON RED ALERT HARVEY DISASTERS USCDA needs volunteers Call 949 697-5676 or E-mail to:

The perpetual Shortage of Water in10 Western States Plues Nebraska (tags)

California uses 50%-75% irrigated water,Nevada uses over 75% irrigated water,Washington uses 25%-50% irrigated water, Oregon uses 50%-75% irrigated water,Utah uses over 75% irrigated water, Arizona uses 25%-50% irrigated water.

April 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)

This April 2017 in Honduras, repression goes on, with melon industry worker/unionists threatened and interrogated by armed people on city highways, with organised farmers with years of living on land growing food getting arrested, with cops arresting high school students for participating in a protests where others had damaged cops' repressive tanks with stones, with stones and other things that can cause bodily harm being thrown at prochoice feminist demonstrators, with a public hospital doctor being suspended and threatened for saying the fees increase against patients is wrong .. these and a bit more here:

Misuse of Scientific Information – Robert Tronge (tags)

Using scientific studies and scientific information appears in most cases a proper way to approach things,  but in actuality people should take the time to look into the information provided and not taken at face value.

Nominate NoDAPL for the Nobel Peace Prize (tags)

NoDAPL may well be the model for resistance in the era of Drumpf/Trump.

GAG Group Declares WOD (tags)

I was approached by a man getting out of a car. “Sorry, would you like to report from an unique event in a very special place?” – “How did you know how you would find me here?” – “You wrote about taking this road. It is about a fresh proposal how to end the war and revive the revolution.” – “For that purpose always. How?” – “Be right back tomorrow and take you there for a formal visit on condition of a blind dislocation agreement. We make sure that not even your followers can check where you go.” The darkened windows of the spooky vehicle turned out to be so for inside-out looks as well. I was dropped at a small parking and told to follow the chalk marks into the forest. No digital devices allowed. Instead I received a big old-fashioned key to a thick wood box in the car, and a torch.

Standing Rock Solidarity Action (tags)

Community groups picket Safariland- a manufacturer of police weapons in Ontario, CA.

Fukushima quake rock's Japan's and the globe's (tags)

A report on the 11-22-16 Fukushima earthquake.

Nuclear Shudown News Aufust 2016 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free future. Here is our August 2016 edition:

Crackbird Yukon misadventure (tags)

A new episode of the Crackbird saga from the Voices from the Wilderness website. For more out there writings on drugs visit our site.


Animals Birds Burning Alive In Alberta Largest Evacuation In Canadian History (tags)

41 fires, 10 of them out of control, are burning in Alberta. Ft McMurray, the fracking boomtown, is gone.

WBUR Boston Promotes Animal Torture Done By Bridget Lancaster (tags)

PBS has over 200 cooking shows shilling for animal or fish flesh, eggs and dairy. It is causing human disease, animal agony, environmental destruction and energy waste. One of the worst is Bridget Lancaster's America's Test kitchen

Innovative Approach To Fighting The Droughts (tags)

In the case of a mega drought, earthquake, or other natural or man-made disaster, we must enhance our ability to recover our water infrastructure swiftly.

Arbitration Courts: A Dirty Gold Rush (tags)

Pacific Rim, a Canadian gold mining company, is suing El Salvador for $301 million in lost profits. Salvadorians oppose the mining because of the likely contamination of their drinking water. Can a poor country prohibit its exploitation for the sake of the environment? Is a way of development forced?

“Got Drought?” public art project about the California Drought unveiled on billboards thr (tags)

Los Angeles based artists Karen Fiorito and Alex Arinsberg take their artwork to the streets to educate the public about climate change.

Public art project aspires to save California (tags)

Got Drought? billboard project and social media campaign debuts in Los Angeles this month.

Cochabamba: Water as a Human Right (tags)

The economy should be part of life, not a steamroller crushing self-determination and creativity. The TTIP, TPP and TISA trade agreements create a parallel private arbitration system that gives corporations special rights to sue states. Labor and environmental arein danger.

Abe calls Fukushima seawater contamination „negligible“ (tags)

At an official visit to Fukushima prefecture this Sunday, Japanese head of state Abe described radiation levels by the damaged nuclear reactors as minor and insignificant. The visit intended to persuade local mayors to return to their evacuated villages and culminated in a bathing session at Fukushima beach reminiscent of Obama´s lobbying for Caribbean drilling before the incident in the American-made reactors. Abe though allowed no photographers except on-site CCTV circuits as to keep it a national affair. The senior official stated on demand that the schedule had nothing to do with the fact that waste-water tanks on the damaged site were flushed into the Pacific Ocean several weeks ago.

Ockham's Razor (tags)

Pollution, wars, crime, terrorism, drugs, diseases, disasters, etcetera, are all related with each other and deliberately created with the same goal.

Canadian Mining Conglomerate Kinross Responsible For Animals Disaster Says Mine Owner (tags)

Network news has been hiding the role of Kinross, Canadian mining conglomerate with mines around the world, in causing the Animas River disaster

Israel Murders Father of Immolated Palestinian Baby (tags)


Mammal Flesh Sandwiches Slaughter The Rainforest, Criminally Waste Water, (tags)

In the over thousand fires burning in Canada and the US, in the violent storms, the flooding in some areas and drought in others, record heat in summer and cold in winter, we are seeing the effects of climate change (global heating and freezing)

Keystone XL Hits New Turbulence as South Dakota Permit Hearing Implodes (tags)

As the near failure of the Keystone 1 line proved, the consequences of siting TransCanada's bitumen-carrying export lines so close to drinking water supplies is a risk we can ill afford to accept in an age of water scarcity and climate disruption.

Known Cures For Cancer (tags)

Because of the trillions of dollars in the cancer industrial complex internationally (drug companies, hospitals, corporate, government and university research labs), many cancer cures are being suppressed.

It's Not Just Climate - Pope Francis Is Also Warning About The Health Of Our Oceans (tags)

In his 222-page encyclical, Pope Francis warned about (1) the polar plight, (2) sea level rise, (3) ocean-bound water pollution, (4) ocean acidification, (5) overfishing and (6) loss of marine biodiversity.

Treatment of East Jerusalem Palestinians: Profile of Israeli Viciousness (tags)


How can california deal with this water crisis? (tags)

After 4 years of drought, California is asking what can be done? The answers are coming from an unlikely source

Sham Yemen Peace Conference Postponed (tags)


4 Of Biggest Cow Killing States Experience Violent Tornadoes (tags)

The link between animal agriculture and violent weather patterns has long been established in studies.

Know The Brand Names of Water Thief Nestle's (tags)

27 years ago Nestle's permit to siphon off the people's water in California expired

A guide to California's water crisis-and why it's so hard to fix (tags)

"The underlying problem is bigger than almonds or golf courses"

Obama's Dirty War on Yemen Murdering Civilians (tags)


Netanyahu Apocalyptic over Treating Iran Fairly (tags)


Californians Shame Regulators For Teaching Big Oil How To Skirt Law and Pollute Our Water (tags)

What the frack?! On Tuesday, March 24th, the state of California held an "Aquifer Exemption Workshop" to show oil industry representatives how to exploit loopholes for drilling and disposal projects to obtain aquifer exemption approval. Concerned water drinkers interrupted the state-sponsored workshop on how to get away with poisoning our drinking water. #‎DontFrackCA‬

Nestle Continues Stealing World's Water (tags)

While Sacramento has suffered drought, Nestle continues to drain California aquifers and sell the people's water back to them at great profit... under many dozen brand names.

Dams that dont exist flood gaza (tags)

Palestinian media and officials are facing ridicule in the Israeli press for blaming the Israeli government for flooding the Gaza Strip by opening dams. But there’s one problem: Israel says those alleged dams don’t exist. “Even the weather is fair game in Hamas’s war of words against Israel,” wrote the Times of Israel, while the blog Israelly Cool had this headline: “Palestinians and Supporters Open the Floodgates of Bullcrap.” “[O]f course no crisis in Gaza can go to waste without blaming it on Israel,” Israelly Cool wrote. The claim of Israel intentionally flooding Gaza has made headlines in the pro-Palestinian media over the past week in which a freak winter storm hit the Middle East with a deluge of rain and snow, including a once-in-a-century snowfall in neighboring Egypt.

Nuclear Shutdown News February 2015 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the continuing decline of the US nuclear industry, and the people working for better energy alternatives.

Elected US President in 2000, Al Gore Became Vegan A While Ago (tags)

As Al Gore has become vegan, light is focused on environmental reasons to stop eating animals or their products

Tiny Houses in Madison Wisconsin (tags)

OM – Tiny Houses & More! Occupy Madison, Inc. – Ending homelessness one tiny house at a time! The light shines in the darkness, not only above the darkness. Occupy Madison should be a model and light in everey city!

Global Shale Gas and the Anti-Fracking Movement (tags)

Water Contamination. The evidence strongly suggests that fracking poses serious dangers to workers, communities, and the natural environment with particularly severe impacts in terms of water contamination and access. Fracking just one well can use between 2 million to 5.6 million gallons of freshwater

Israel's Longstanding War on Palestine (tags)


Toxic Contamination on US Military Bases (tags)


Keystone XL Pipeline: Down but not Out (tags)


Sierra Club endorses activists for Water Board (tags)

Sierra Club announces their endorsement of local environmentalist and activists Stephen Murray and Carl Southwell for West Basin Water District Seats.

Please Print Up and Pass Out This Flyer in Los Angeles, Thank You! (tags)

Please, I need volunteers to print this flyer and pass it out at Venice Beach, I need you to help me ask Leonardo DiCaprio to save the Environment of the little State of Vermont.

Palestinians uses water as a political weapon (tags)

A thesis titled ‘The politicization of the Oslo water agreement’ written by Lauro Burkart a Swiss graduate of the Institute of International and Development studies in Geneva gives an accurate and impartial picture of the topic of the scarcity of water in the Palestinian Authority.

Voters Rally Against Proposition 1 Outside the Beverly Hills Mansion of Water Barons (tags)

Press conference to launch the Los Angeles campaign to vote no on Proposition 1 held outside the home of the billionaire agribusiness tycoons who would benefit from the “water bond.” #NoOnProp1

From Scarcity to Glut? (tags)

The industrial countries practice a lifestyle of non-sustainability and consume the resources of the earth too quickly. This is true for energy, raw materials and metals. Still the knowledge of oil's finiteness cannot be evaded. We should use this time to develop alternative energy infrastructures.

Beat the Heat (tags)

Drop the temperature 20 degrees, on the cheap.

Nestle's Robbing Nests (tags)

The world's largest food corporation is privatizing the world's waters, draining wetlands, clogging landfills, making plastic trash islands in the seas, causing cancer, animal agony and environmental desecration

Homeless in Gaza (tags)


Water in California - info proliferated now is dubious (tags)

Constant fear productions proliferate our minds and our lives, without many questioning. Water shortage is the latest catastrophe being hawked to TheAmericanLittlePeople who use a teensy bit for clean 3rd worldish lives in So.California. The attempts to cause more insecurity, uncertainty and Blame the Ordinary Residents, i.e. of Los Angeles, vs. the agriculture businesses in No.CA and the commercial businesses everywhere is the usual - YOU must be to blame and we will punish you for using 'too' much precious water. The break-up community aspect is for neighbors to anonymously report about another's water usage with the righteous pride of having caught a 'bad guy' slyly is like East Germany's Stasi's games - spies living amongst each other so everyone distrusts and worries and can thus be Controlled. Oh no, here too ? Water is scarcer than before but still available and drinkable and for cleaning, in individual lives, not just in money-gathering-places of business, anywhere, even in LA. Wonder about what we hear and read and then ask, how did we 'suddenly' arrive at this desert from which we dare not escape or move ? Question those who like to hawk their fear-wares and fame flames of scarcity, that then elicits herd-obedience in that fear place. Can this be yet another 'conspiracy' that is not theoretical but created for political or financial purposes ? Could it be ?

Snake Valley Festival in Baker NV fights SNWA ‘Water Grab’ (tags)

The annual Snake Valley Festival held in Baker, NV featured signs focusing on protecting local aquifers from the Southern Nevada Water Authority's proposed pipeline to Las Vegas. Residents of the Snake and Spring Valleys are trying to raise awareness that if the SNWA pipeline is built the water beneath their feet will be taken to Las Vegas for the benefit of golf courses, fountains and other unsustainable development. Entire spring fed ecosystems will collapse and species like the spring snail risk extinction. Public comment sessions will be held throughout Nevada in the coming few weeks to address the concerns about aquifer depletion by the SNWA pipeline.


Project Save Our Surf, headed by Tanna Frederick, will be going to Vietnam to install water filters for the benefit of those in need

Google Venice, CA Offices Vandalized (tags)

"She's got the world locked inside a plastic box." -Jim Morrison

Lavrov on Washington's Dirty War (tags)


Shift from paddy to other crops cultivation (tags)

shift from paddy to other crops

Kiev Wages Water Wars (tags)


Members of Bundy Family Explain Bundy Ranch Stand-Off With Bureau of Land Management (BLM) (tags)

In April 2014, the Bureau of Land Management acted on a court order to seize the cattle of southern Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy. Hundreds of western men and women traveled to the area outside Bunkersville, NV to stand with Cliven Bundy against federal tyranny. Several reporters from Los Angeles People's Media went to the site of the #BundyRanch #RangeWar to interview the members of the Bundy family about the stand-off.

Public Relations - Propaganda as an Economic Branch (tags)

"The borders between skillful PR, dull propaganda and lobbyism and corruption are flowing. The only possibility for protecting oneself is to be informed as extensively and independently as possible. This is easier said than done; information costs energy and time and assumes a basic education."

Report Back: 4th Annual Hahamongna Walkabout (tags)

The past, present, and (uncertain) future of Hahamongna, site of an ancient village and home of diverse flora and fauna.

Gaza to get desalination plant (tags)

EU and UNICEF fund 6,000 the project

Israel Steals Palestinian Resources (tags)


Israel Denies 45,000 Palestinians Water (tags)


California Drought: Is this the big one? (tags)

RADIO ECOSHOCK SPECIAL ON CALIFORNIA DROUGHT Despite recent rains, California's reservoirs are near empty, snow-pack light, and groundwater depleted. Four experts on a drought that really started in 2006, impacts on economy, food, farming, and nature.Dr. Peter Gleick, Dr. Jay Famiglietti, David Schroeder, Dr. Reagan Waskom

The Dutch Weed Burger: Available In Several European Cities (tags)

Plant burgers are more nonviolent, healthier, more environmental, waste less energy, and are many times higher in food yield per acre than animal flesh

Kerry Backs Keystone XL Pipeline (tags)


The Irradiated Sailors of Fukushima (tags)

The Irradiated Sailors of Fukushima

Bush Nazi Housing * (tags)

Bah! Bush Nazis! Really brave cowards! (a.& c.) They say, "He can't hear. He can't do anything about it! NoBody is going to do anything about it!" "We won't be held guilty."(Zech. 11:5)

Gaza's Humanitarian Crisis Deepens (tags)


shameless rich (tags)

Shame, shame, shame.

Nestle: Global Water Predator (tags)


Haitian Cholera Victims Sue for Redress (tags)


Dilbert waterboarded by Homeland Security (tags)

Wow!!! The Homeland Security goons arrested Dilbert and are water boarding him????

"Food Sovereignty is Central in Our Struggle for Social Justice" (tags)

"A Comprehensive Agrarian Reform also includes a massive distribution of land ... Land is not a commodity. Existing laws and regulations need to be reinforced, while new ones are needed to protect against speculation and land grabbing. "

Fukushima: Uncontainable (tags)


A Q&A with environmental lawyer Simeon Herskovits (GBWN) (tags)

Environmental lawyer Simeon Herskovits discusses the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) and their proposed water pipeline from the rural aquifers of Snake Valley to Las Vegas as being primarily for the interests of developers (Whittemore) on cheap land (purchased from Aerojet) much further north of the urban region. Indigenous tribes, ratepayers, ranchers and the ecosystem will all pay the price for Whittemore's wealth from the latest water heist.


How the San Onofre nuclear power plant shut down, and why

Nevada Tribes Walk 272 Miles to Protest SNWA Pipeline (tags)

On Saturday, Native Americans representing the Confederate Tribes of the Goshute Reservation, Wells Colony, Elko/TeMoke Tribe, Battle Mountain and Yomba Shoshone along with Tribal members from the Northern Ute, Cheyenne-Arapaho, Navajo, Cherokee and non-natives began a run/walk from Wells to Caliente, traveling about 272 miles in protest of Southern Nevada Water Authority’s groundwater project.

The Shortwave Report 04/12/13 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, the Voice of Russia, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.

Solar Desalination with Brine Recovery Salt Pans Could Stop Desert Water Wars (tags)

If solar powered desalination plants had brine recovery salt pan attachments as in Point Paterson, Austrailia they would be a better option than trying to heist water from already overburdened aquifers as the SNWA has attempted for decades. The desalination plant of the future would be solar and wind powered and use the heat of the desert sun to evaporate the salt from the brine in salt pans creating zero waste. If our society can justify spending billions on unmanned CIA drones to bomb funeral processions in Afghanistan just to kill one Taliban we certainly can invest in our future here by replenishing our overtaxed aquifers through solar powered desalination.

SNWA Whistleblower Shows Ratepayers Bilked for Spring Valley Ranches (tags)

The Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) has used rate hikes and government subsidies to purchase ranches at six times above market value to appear as landholders for water rights for their proposed pipeline. An employee of the SNWA turned whistleblower has come forward with evidence of bribery of local officials and yearly losses of money on the SNWA ranches. In related news Sen. Mike Roberson introduced SB 232 with bipartisan support to require greater transparency by the SNWA and would require the water authority to obtain approval from the PUC before increasing water rates.

We Don’t Need Your Water Cooler (tags)

Telecommuting Mayor Bloomberg thinks telecommuting is dumb.

Parallel Worlds: Water Management in Israel and California (tags)

Posted from Jerusalem by Kate Voss, UCCHM Water Policy Fellow. This is the second in a series of posts on our Water Diplomacy trip to Israel, Jordan and Palestine

Shut It Down, Mr. President (tags)

LA rallys to have the Keystone XL cancelled. Photo set two of two

Shut It Down, Mr. President (tags)

LA rallys to have the Keystone XL cancelled Photo set one of two

Brazil: SEMI-ARID will be a thing of the past? (tags)

In this process truly poetic rather than scientific, in which consortia of species succeed in building an environment increasingly rich and varied, every plant, every animal, every micro-organism has its contributory role, being the man for the first time in history, leaving his sad protagonist role of stingy tormentor of nature and life and move creatively to assume the coordination of the construction process.

Farming Injustice (tags)

Another day, another new initiative to boycott Israel:

Sen. Roberson versus the (SNWA) water monster (tags)

Speaking out against the powerful SNWA can have consequences, though some individuals like Steve Sisolak and Mike Roberson are putting their careers at risk in order to protect the spring fed ecosystems that would be destroyed by the SNWA pipeline.

Water Theft from Aquifers Benefit Developers at Expense of Ecosystems (tags)

Water theft from rural aquifers for the short term benefit of Las Vegas developers is a crime against the ecosystems and human communities that depend upon their water for survival. The theft of the aquifer water by SNWA is a sequel of the Owens Valley water grab by LADWP nearly a century ago. Any ELF actvists looking for training sites have over 200 miles of practice targets if this pipeline goes through. Maybe someone should send LADWP a message that water theft can be stopped by preventing transport. When the pipeline is ruptured in numerous places this water theft will become a more costly endeavor! The LADWP and SNWA needs to stop stealing water from aquifers and desert lakes!

BLM Support of SNWA Pipeline is "Pure Folly" (tags)

The decision last week by the BLM to support the SNWA pipeline shows their disregard for science and inability to protect species that are under their watch. The developers who plan projects like Coyote Springs 50 miles north of Las Vegas are dependent upon this pipeline, NOT Las Vegas. Just more hype so that some developers (Whittemore/Seeno/etc...) can profit at the expense of the desert spring ecosystems in Snake and Spring Valleys. There isn't enough water in these aquifers to support the suburban sprawl of Coyote Springs 100,000 homes, golf courses, etc...

Hurricane Sandy's Austerity Lessons (tags)

While surely unintentional, this natural disaster has afforded those affected by it a small taste of how countless others around the rest of the world live – and many not just during a crisis, but on a regular basis.

CNRWA Held Great Basin Water Forum 2012 in Carson City, NV (tags)

The Central Nevada Regional Water Authority held the Great Basin Water Forum on 11/13 in Carson City, NV to discuss ways to protect groundwater from being exported by the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) via a 200 mile long pipeline against the wishes of locals and despite warnings of aquifer ecosystem collapse by many scientists.

Profile of a Police State (tags)

police state

Boston University investigates causes of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Nicaragua (tags)

Since 2009, upon a request received from Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited (NSEL) and Chichigalpa Association for Life (ASOCHIVIDA), a research team from the Boston University School of Public Health (BU) has been investigating an epidemic of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Nicaragua of unknown cause.

Spring Snails Survival Threatened by SNWA Pipeline (tags)

The spring snails of the Great Basin region are threatened by construction of the SNWA pipeline to Las Vegas. Spring snails are vital as primary consumer herbivores to reduce algae and thereby prevent eutrophication, also being the base of the trophic food web pyramid that supports trout, eagles and humans. Spring snails should be protected under ESA and are more valuable than golf courses and sprawl development north of Las Vegas.

Stealing Palestinian Resources (tags)


Goshute Tribes Fight SNWA Pipeline to Vegas (tags)

The clock is ticking on the 60-day review period for the environmental assessment report on a controversial water pipeline along the Nevada-Utah border that the Goshute Confederated Tribes say would draw down their own water supplies and impede economic development as well as compromise sacred sites. The eight-foot-diameter pipeline would carry water 300 miles from eastern Nevada to Las Vegas, pumping about 84,000 acre-feet of water annually from Goshute and other tribal lands.

San Onofre doesn't have to become our Fukushima (tags)

What went wrong at San Onofre last January is a classic tale of the abuse of power. San Onofre should be decommissioned (dismantled). It should never be allowed to restart.

BLM’s new “alternative” on Vegas pipe (tags)

Ever heard of the Council on Environmental Quality? Chaired by former LA Deputy Mayor Nancy Sutley, it’s a White House office that according to its website ”coordinates Federal environmental efforts.” To judge by a recent update from the Bureau of Land Management, Sutley’s office may just hold the key for a compromise in a long-running battle over rural groundwater between Utah and Nevada. Using powers supposedly afforded by the Council, the Bureau is adding a new alternative to an environmental impact statement that may allow Vegas to pump and Utah to keep its water too. The only clear loser is the environment.

Gov. Brown's peripheral canal increases salinity in delta (tags)

The peripheral canal/tunnel proposal by Gov. Jerry Brown would increase salinity in the delta by removing too much freshwater from the river. The entrance to the tunnel/canal is too far east and would remove freshwater from the Sacramento River without allowing it to enter the delta. Removal of fresh riverwater combined with increasing sea level as predicted by climate change spells doom for the delta.

GLP Mag-Lev Train and Floodwater to Drought Pipeline Alleviates Drought and Flooding (tags)

The Green Liberty Party (GLP) solution to seasonal flooding and drought concerns is to construct a pipeline that can regularly transport large amounts of water from flood prone regions to drought prone regions. This differs from current SNWA plans to drain northern Nevada's aquifers with a pipeline.

GLP 2012 Presidential Campaign; No Corporate Lobbyist Funding Allowed! (tags)

Green Liberty Party is a fusion party between the Greens and the Libertarians that provides an alternative to the current status quo of Republicans and Democrats that are both heavily under the infuence of corporate lobbyists. To alleviate the corporate lobbyist dependency the GLP will not accept any campaign contributions larger than 10.00 from any anonymous individuals, and no money from corporations or professional lobbyist groups.

Water Pipelines are Pipe Dreams for Developers (tags)

A few western water managers are working to conserve and reuse water supplies. However, NRDC's research has revealed another trend. Most water managers and entrepreneurs are pursuing a growing number of proposals for long-distance water supply pipelines. Some of these projects are extremely large in scale and would stretch for hundreds of miles, raising a host of questions for water policymakers and the public.

Philippine Gov’t reminded to respect local ordinances on mining (tags)

Manila – Government must in fact recognize local ordinances that uphold biodiversity conservation and promote human rights especially of the Indigenous Peoples, instead of threatening them with the primacy of national policies, said Alyansa Tigil Mina (ATM) reacting on the much-delayed Executive Order on Mining.

Profile of Institutionalized Racism (tags)


Eco Fascism in Venice: Turning Homeless into Hazardous Waste (tags)

Venice NIMBYs blame the unhoused for environmental problems.

Gaza Blockade's Fifth Anniversary (tags)


How could they [SNWA] not have known? (tags)

Drought and over extended water rights to developers resulted in the SNWA pushing the panic button and proposing the rural water grab pipeline as a needed measure to prevent an "urban collapse" scenario. The SNWA propaganda may be serving the interests of developers looking to build suburban sprawl along the U.S. 93 corridor parallel to the proposed pipeline route.

No SNWA Pipeline! Let's Keep the SPRING in Spring Valley! (tags)

539 members of the Goshute tribe in western Utah are all that stand between the Southern Nevada Water Authority and a proposed multi-billion-dollar pipeline that would “pump billions of gallons of groundwater” from the Goshutes’ home in Spring Valley “to parched Las Vegas,” in a 92" wide pipe that would run for 300 miles.

San Pedro: Science Center Endangered/Tongva Village Site Revitalization (tags)

Jacob Gutierrez, a Tongva, is trying to preserve two valuable Indigenous and environmental areas in San Pedro.

FRACKIN' in Baldwin Hills to Earthquake US ? huh? (tags)

The news is coming out in LA too..FRACKING...the drilling into 'shale' with chemical polluted water [wasting water by more than bucketfulls, by more than waterfallfulls] is happening in our own back yard, but where ? not far from our LAX airport - in Baldwin Hills. Scientific evidence is IN - fracking [sounds similar to f--king of the evil not pleasant kind] is correlated to EARTHQUAKES and our San Andreas is complaining loudly that he wants to burst out again, not only to warn us, but destroy parts of us too.

Goshutes battle to save their sacred water from SNWA pipeline (tags)

Elders of the Goshute Nation and many scientists agree that removal of aquifer water from eastern Nevada with the SNWA proposed pipeline for Las Vegas suburban development will destroy the spring fed ecosystems that the goshute have depended upon for their cultural and physical survival. Preparations for spiritual and mental battle to protect sacred Goshute water are beginning.

NRDC Propaganda Praises Pipeline Pat (tags)

Propaganda from the NRDC praises SNWA pipeline proponent General Manager Pat Mulroy for her brilliant plan to heist groundwater from under the Goshute Nation and deliver it to her developer friends like Mr. Harvey Whittemore, an early funder of the pipeline. In the process of depleting the aquifer an entire spring fed ecosystem with endemic spring snails will be destroyed, but hey, we need more suburban sprawl in the desert so Whittemore and Mulroy can have a nice retirement at all of our expense!

SNWA General Manager Mulroy; A Legacy of Cultural Genocide Against the Goshute Nation (tags)

The use of propaganda to coerce transfer of indigenous populations from their homeland and cultural base is a violation of the United Nations Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and could be defined as cultural genocide. Will this be the legacy of SNWA General Manager Patricia Mulroy's pipeline?

Owens Lake Reminders for SNWA Pipeline’s Water Grab from Northern Aquifers (tags)

The recent decision by the NV State Engineer to support the SNWA's proposed pipeline follows the same tactics used by San Fernando Valley developers who removed water from Owens Lake and Valley by using deception and purchasing land and favors from government officials.

NV State Engineer Rules Against Goshute Tribe and in Favor of SNWA Pipeline (tags)

The Nevada State Engineer's decision last week supports the SNWA proposed pipeline despite numerous objections from the indigenous Goshute Nation and many other scientists who warn that the finite aquifers of the Snake and Spring Valley targeted by the SNWA pipeline would not sustain this amount of extraction without causing ecosystem collapse as springs dry and species become extinct. It could be said that removal of water from the sovereign Goshute Nation by the SNWA is a form of cultural genocide.

Occupy the Machine: An Escalating Campaign Against Fossil Fuel Extraction Begins In April (tags)

A festival of resistance and alternatives to the fossil fuel economy, in the shadow of the Houston Valero refinery, culminating in a refinery blockade.

Palestinians Denied Essentials to Life (tags)


"A Hell of a Way to Boil Water": (tags)

Veteran anti-nuclear activist Ace Hoffman came to San Diego from his home in north San Diego County February 20 to talk about the dangers of nuclear power plants in general and two nuclear power plants in particular: the Fukushima Dai-Ichi reactor which melted down after last year's tsunami and the ones at San Onofre in southern California. The event was held in part to promote a march and rally at the San Onofre site March 11, the first-year anniversary of the Fukushima tsunami.

Conservation Tips from Drew Searing (tags)

First in a regular series of tips on how to conserve resources and energy, and generally to live with a softer footprint on the earth.

Protecting Sacred Sites: The Kuruvungna Springs (tags)

WEST LOS ANGELES – February 4, 2012 - Just one block South of a very urban section of Wilshire Blvd with 40 story high-rise buildings and often grid locked streets sits the Kuruvungna Springs. The Springs are on a part of the University High School campus. The Springs and the surrounding area were once the site of a Tongva village.

What's Left for the Left? Building a Blue-Green Coalition (tags)

To build a strong electoral base for the Left, Green Party activists can build coalitions to pass ranked choice voting in cities throughout LA County, elect Greens to every non-partisan office - from neighborhood council to union leadership - and strategically support anti-war progressive Democrats running for state and federal office. From the ground up, we must build a diverse Green Party to protect our planet beyond the age of empire.

BTL:Study Finds Surface and Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Degrades Water Quality (tags)

Interview with Emily Bernhardt, an associate professor of biology at Duke University, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

Denying Palestinians Fair Access to Water (tags)


Las Vegans speak out against expensive SNWA pipeline project (tags)

Anyone who wishes to comment to the Nevada State Engineer to protest the SNWA pipeline project and help protect endemic spring snails from extinction can do so today on this website link. The SNWA pipeline has been described as an economic stimulus plan for developers at the expense of ratepayers, rural people and spring fed ecosystems.

Occupy Southern California Gas (tags)

The poor and disabled are dying in the cold in Southern California because Wall Street tycoon Michael Allman is using his position as head of Southern California Gas to cut service to the disabled, requiring payment of oppressive fees and penalties to restore power. Only cash up front is acceptable and this leaves the poor and disabled waiting to die.

Washington and Israel v. Iran and Flotilla Activists (tags)


SNWA Scare Tactics Attempt to Coerce Vegas Ratepayers into Supporting Pipeline (tags)

The proposed SNWA pipeline is running into additional obstacles, Gen. Manager Mulroy's claims of drought on the Colorado and threats by terrorists are exposed as fear-mongering methods to scare the people of Las Vegas into paying for this $15 billion dollar pipeline that would mostly benefit developers such as Coyote Spring's Harvey Whittemore, who would make $30 billion from an additional 100,000 homes.

Hazardous Hydrofracking in America (tags)


Haitian Suffering Under Imperial Occupation (tags)


Response 2 SNWA; NO Water Theft 4 Developers! (Part 2) (tags)

part 2

Response 2 SNWA; NO Water Theft 4 Developers! (tags)

This report is one of many public comments given throughout several locations in Nevada in opposition to the proposed SNWA 300 mile pipeline from the Snake and Spring Valley aquifer system to provide water for developers like Harvey Whittemore (Coyote Springs, U.S. 93 & NV 189), KB Homes and other developers interested in furthering the suburban sprawl outside of Las Vegas despite many homes remaining unoccupied and in foreclosure. The developers revealed their true motives as the only comments in favor of the SNWA pipeline were from homebuilders associations and other construction related industries.

NV; Oct. 7 - Public Comment on SNWA Pipeline (tags)

Please help the Great Basin Water Network, indigenous tribes and many others in voicing their opposition to the SNWA's proposed pipeline from the Snake and Spring Valler aquifer system to Las Vegas that is being planned mostly for the benefit of suburban sprawl developers like Harvey Whittemore. The public hearing will be held in Carson City, though this planned extraction of 41 billion gallons per year will destroy an ecosystem that connects to Great Basin National Park and is a national resource that is for all to share in it's natural state, NOT to water Mr. Whittemore's 16 planned golf courses and 100,000 more homes for sprawl development nearly 50 miles north of the urban core of Las Vegas!

The Shortwave Report 09/09 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- HIGHEST QUALITY BROADCAST, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China Radio International, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice Of Russia,

BTL:Energy Industry Political Allies Resist Legislative and Grassroots Efforts to End Natu (tags)

Interview with Emily Wurth, water program director of Food & Water Watch, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

NATO's Ugly Face (tags)


Our Spiritual Leadership Stumbles and Falls (tags)

A lesson in betrayal and trust.

Public Comment Needed on SNWA Snake Valley Pipeline to Vegas! (tags)

Another chance for members of the public to comment to the BLM and share their views on the proposed SNWA pipeline from Snake and Spring Valley aquifers to the Las Vegas region. Please request the BLM take the NO ACTION alternative and deny the pipeline access across public lands held by the BLM. We do not need any more aquifers being overdrafted for extra golf courses and suburban sprawl development (ie., Coyote Springs from Harvey Whittemore), we need flowing springs and seeps for our ecosystems!

Queer-Oriented Obelisk Store Shut Down by Hellish Fire (tags)

Obelisk Bookstore, a major Queer-oriented business on University Avenue in Hillcrest, burned on Wednesday, July 6. Three other businesses in the building were burned out, as were 15 apartments on the second and third floors. Miraculously, none of the residents were injured because none of them were home at the time. Leo E. Laurence, J.D., associate editor of Zenger's Newsmagazine and a former volunteer firefighter in Tijuana, got photos of firefighters containing the blaze (they weren't able to save the Obelisk building but WERE miraculously able to keep the fire from spreading to the rest of the block), the true extent of the damage (visible only from the alley behind the building) and the condition of Obelisk's stock after the fire.

Prevent Pickens' Plan to Frack America (tags)

With mounting evidence that fracking for natural gas is poisoning our air and water, and a national movement against fracking that continues to grow, why is Congress poised to commit us to an energy policy that will encourage even more fracking? Take action to protect our water from the dangers of fracking!

Mountaintop Removal: Environmental and Human Destruction for Profit (tags)


Stealing Palestinian Land Dunam by Dunam (tags)


Killing Rachel Corrie Twice (tags)

Gaza siege

Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown Confirmed (tags)

nuclear disaster

BTL:Economic and Political Power of Oil Industry Succeeds in Weakening Deep Water Drilling (tags)

Interview with Antonia Juhasz, author of "Black Tide: The Devastating Impact of the Gulf Oil Spill" , conducted by Scott Harris

Alarming New Fukushima Reports (tags)

nuclear disaster

Libya's Great Man-Made River (tags)


Fukushima Elevated to Level 7 (tags)

nuclear disaster

Powerful Aftershock Rocks Japan (tags)

nuclear disaster

Fukushima Meltdown Confirmed (tags)

nuclear disaster

Increasing Fukushima Dangers (tags)

nuclear disaster

Japan's Earthquake: Natural or Engineered? (tags)

nuclear disaster

The World Social Forum (Feb 6-11, 2011) (tags)

"Another world is possible," Susan George declared at Porto Alegre. 80,000 activists came to Dakar. The world has changed, not only through the financial crisis that showed the market often causes more problems than it solves. The WSF has become a source of hope for a just world.

Japan's Leaking Water Radiation 100,000 Times Above Normal (tags)

nuclear disaster

Updating Japan's Nuclear Disaster (tags)

nuclear disaster

18th World Water Day: Uphold right to water, Philippine Pres. Aquino told (tags)

MANILA, Philippines – Disappointed with the muddled position of the current administration in recognizing one of the most basic human rights, around 200 members of the Freedom from Debt Coalition took to the streets Tuesday urging President Benigno S. Aquino III to step up and uphold the human right to water.

World Water Day: Global outrage over Ethiopia mega-dam (tags)

Almost 400 organizations have signed a petition against Africa’s tallest dam, which will be delivered to Ethiopian embassies across Europe and the United States to mark World Water Day on Tuesday March 22nd.

Multiples Worse than Chernobyl (tags)

nuclear disaster

Full Core Meltdown in Japan? (tags)

nuclear disaster

Japan Atomic Emergency Bulletin #3 (tags)

"As incredible as it may sound, governments and corporations and they’re spin masters are busy trying to convince us that all is well and that nuclear energy “is still a wise and clean source for meeting our future energy demands.” Sorry Mr. Obama, but if can’t grow a pair and face your corporate masters down, you’re done and so are they."

Coverup and Denial in Japan (tags)

nuclear catastrophe


This film is worth the entrance.

El Salvador's Sweatshop Economy (tags)


Victory for Kalahari Bushmen as court grants right to water (tags)

In a momentous decision, Botswana’s Court of Appeal today quashed a ruling that denied the Kalahari Bushmen access to water on their ancestral lands.

Banning Methane Mining - A Review of Gasland (tags)

An incisive critique of the movie Gasland.

Calif. Police Officers Kill Man Pointing Water Nozzle, Not Gun (tags)

Long Beach police officers shot and killed a man Sunday when they apparently mistook a pistol-grip water nozzle he was holding, for a gun.

Exposing Israel's Fraudulent Third Periodic Report to the UN (tags)

exposing Israeli lies

RAN names Coal MTR CEO Blankenship to its Board of Directors (tags)

Rainforest Action Network Names Coal Kingpin Don "Donny B" Blankenship to its Board of Directors; A "Welcome, Consistent Addition to Our Team," He Joins Fellow Mining Magnate Michael Klein, a former RAN chairman and co-owner of Palm Beach Aggregates, an aggregate rock mining company with operations in the Everglades in South Florida, where rock mining, like MTR coal mining in Appalachia, pollutes the local water supply.

The Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe Challenge (tags)

I'll be the first to admit it - I don't like the Cabbage Soup Diet. But you, like a lot of people out there, are looking for a quick way to lose weight and you heard that this fad diet is the way to do it.

Kalahari Bushman appeals to African Commission (tags)

A Bushman from a settlement deep in Botswana’s Central Kalahari Game Reserve has travelled to the Gambia to ask the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights for help.

Reinventing a War Criminal: Defending the Bush Legacy (tags)

the man symbolizes depravity

Cholera Outbreak Hits Port-au-Prince (tags)

an epidemic threatens Haiti

Haiti's Cholera Outbreak: A Disease of Poverty (tags)

America bears much of the responsibility

Banning Methane Mining A Review of the movie, Gasland (tags)

A very revealing examination about how corporate environmental organizations (NRDC) facilitate polluting industry and dupe an 'artist' into promoting them and the corrupt politicians they cover for. Although there was a New York City premiere of the movie about a month ago, the film continues to tour and premiere in cities across the country and is a likely candidate for a Best Documentary Oscar. Here's where an earlier incarnation was published: The full article below includes significant rewrites (and key hyperlinks that were omitted in the earlier publication).

One of History's Greatest Crimes (tags)

Iraq as it was no longer exists

Life in Devastated Haiti (tags)

Haitians have gotten little help

EPA Hydro-Fracking Hearing Begins In Binghamton, NY (tags)

9/13/10 - Binghamton, NY - EPA hearings discuss safety issues surrounding hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking" when related to pollution of groundwater. Fracking is the newest source for some natural gas pipelines like the one in San Bruno that recently exploded. Many older pipelines have serious safety concerns yet many more new pipelines are built each year due to expanded fracking of shale deposits without any clear oversight from federal regulators at PHMSA.

Here We Go Again: Another Rig Explosion (tags)

only a total offshore drilling ban can work

9th Circuit Court Enables Ruby Pipeline Construction (tags)

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals denied the emergency request by Center for Biological Diversity to temporarily halt construction on the 670 mile Ruby Pipeline being constructed by El Paso corporation through four western states. Some of the Ruby Pipeline's future customers include BP, in a rush to regain their losses from the Gulf Oil Spill. This could be some of the reasons for skipping critical components of the public review process and purchasing verbal consent from two prominent environmental organizations, WWP and ONDA.

America's Gulf: Updating the Greatest Ever Environmental Crime (tags)

Gulf disaster getting worse, not better

Notes from Besieged Gaza (tags)

Relentlessly, Israel wages war on Gaza

Gaza's Poisoned Water (tags)

Gazans are being suffocated and poisoned

Palestinians Denied Access to Water (tags)

a clear crime against humanity

PHILIPPINES: Keeping an eye on Aquino’s commitment to change (tags)

MANILA - The new administration of President Benigno S. Aquino III begins with an extremely high trust rating of 88 percent – higher than any of the post-dictatorship presidents. This is a measure of people’s belief in the commitment of the Aquino administration to reverse the anti-poor policies implemented during the regime of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

Growing Health Crisis in the Gulf (tags)

criminal negligence at fault

Oil & Water Separation Tech Exists; Use it on Gulf Gusher Today (tags)

The technology exists to separate oil from water to clean the water thoroughly with a centrifuge and must be used on the Gulf of Mexico today. Not doing so is genocide. See and

Gaza's Electricity Crisis (tags)

one of many problems under siege

BANTAY Points Out ‘Conflict of interest’ in the Aquino III Cabinet (tags)

The BANTAY PILIPINAS based California said today that President Benigno Aquino lll’s decision to pick executives from big business for key Cabinet posts has placed his administration in potential conflict-of-interest situations, particularly in state-regulated enterprises, such as power, water, telecommunications and toll roads, the EPCC noted Tuesday. The BANTAY PILIPINAS said the big business appointments were a growing public concern because they were identified with four of the most influential business conglomerates in the country – the Ayala, Lopez, Aboitiz and Metro Pacific groups – to positions with powers to make or unmake business empires. The appointees mentioned were Transportation Secretary Jose de Jesus, Public Works Secretary Rogelio Singson and Energy Secretary Jose Rene Almendras. De Jesus used to be president of Meralco (where the Lopez group and Manuel V. Pangilinan of Metro Pacific are controlling partners) and former executive vice president of Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. (headed by Pangilinan). Singson is a former president of Lopez-owned Maynilad Water and former director of Metro Pacific Investments Corp. Almendras is a former president of Manila Water and Cebu Holdings Inc. (both owned by the Ayala group) and former treasurer of the Aboitiz group.

Misery and Despair Plague Haitians (tags)

endless Haitian misery

Mustang Conspiracy; BLM Rush to Move Horses (tags)

Recent coverage by Las Vegas reporter George Knapp details the sudden rush by the BLM to forcibly remove large numbers of Nevada's wild mustangs could be to clear the way for the Ruby Pipeline as proposed by El Paso Corporation.

Choosing your words wisely: The language of Obama's Oval Office speech (Steve's Grammar) (tags)

When the Water Dragon rises from the Sea as we have seen in 2010 it is time to pay attention to what the earth is telling us. We are all integrally connected on this planet and our mother is angry because of the arrogance and greed of men.

Criminal Investigation of BP Shut Down by Bush Regime (tags)

Evidence points to Bush policies that stopped a criminal investigation into BP's environmental crimes, taking action then would have forced BP to implement preventative measures. Having a tested back-up plan in case of deep water oil spill was needed, though both Bush and Obama failed to check up on BP's plans following a well rupture.

Oil Is Not The Worst Part of British Petroleum's Gulf Gusher! (tags)

It is bad enough that British Petroleum (BP) doesn't want to attempt to use high explosives drilled deep down into the bed rock beside the pipe to bend it closed.

Disaster in the Gulf (tags)

potentially unstoppable and catastrophic

Helen Thomas Is Not A Bigot À La 'Eric Cartman' (tags)

The problems of Palestine are religious in nature. The religions have become conflated, of course, with 'race' and ethnicity. But religions have always been nothing more than aspects of mass media. Before television, organized religions ~were~ the mass media, since people would assemble every Saturday or Sunday to hear the propaganda of the ruling classes who financed the temples.

Salazar Declares Shallow Water Drilling “Safe,” Lifts Drilling Injunction (tags)

Important new legal posture

Barack Obama: Liar, Warlord and Corporate Shill (tags)

another shameless public betrayal

Massive Oil spill solution already exists (tags)

There's a potential solution to the Gulf oil spill that neither BP, nor the federal government, nor anyone — save a couple intuitive engineers — seems willing to try. empty supertankers to suck the spill off the surface, treat and discharge the contaminated water.

Washington-Industry Complicity Behind the Gulf Disaster (tags)

Blame Washington-industry complicity

Giant Plumes of Oil Forming Under the Gulf (tags)

"Many scientists had hoped the dispersants would cause oil droplets to spread so widely that they would be less of a problem in any one place. If it turns out that is not happening, the strategy could come under greater scrutiny. Dispersants have never been used in an oil leak of this size a mile under the ocean, and their effects at such depth are largely unknown."

European MPs and Ministers Assess Gaza Today (tags)

Think Gaza and imagine an image of hell

Deciphering the media campaign against Nicaragua Sugar Estates and the Pellas Group (tags)

A stone in the shoe In a recent article, the most conspicuous organizer of ANAIRC´s disinformation campaign against Nicaragua Sugar and the Pellas Group (Grupo Pellas) and the boycott against Flor de Caña finally decided to make an incursion into a new territory, without completely abandoning his repetitive disparaging epithets, in an attempt to give a new appearance to ANAIRC’s claims and make them seem serious. Let’s carefully examine what this is all about.

The Business of Water: Privatizing an Essential Resource (tags)

Water is life, not a commodity

Nevada Supreme Court Rules Against SNWA Water Grab. (tags)

Recent articles discuss the ruling by Nevada Supreme Court Judge Robinson that prevents another potential water grab by the SNWA and their developer funders. Additional research reveals the intent of the SNWA pipeline from northern aquifers would benefit the developer of Coyote Springs, one Harvey Whittemore. The urban residents of Las Vegas would cover the bill of SNWA's misadventures in sheep ranching, pipeline lawsuits and other related issues for the benefit of some far out developer's scheme.


January 28, 2010 Severe Ice Storms and Freezing Temperatures Have Knocked Down 3,000 Utility Poles – Tribal Residents Have Been Without Electricity, Heat and Running Water for Six Days.

Rainwater Harvesting; Alternatives to SNWA Pipeline Project (tags)

Another option for Las Vegas is to outfit roofs with rainwater harvesting systems, both for collecting water and to reduce runoff that creates flash floods. This would create jobs and result in permanant solutions to increasing water supplies, unlike the SNWA's proposed pipeline from the Snake Valley aquifer that would cost billions and most likely overdraft the aquifer in less than 10 years time. Though the pipeline's promise of indefinite future supplies (real or imagined) could make some developers like Harvey Whittemore happy in the short term!!

The Big One Devastates Haiti (tags)

Haiti is now ripe for plunder

Another DC Stand Down-As Radioactive Groundwater Due to Hit Chesapeake Bay (tags)

Not 1 or 2 but fully all the nuclear power plants in the Chesapeake Watershed are leaking radioactive water. What's going on? Why is this a big deal for all of the US?

Black Mesa Water Coalition stops Peabody Coal (tags)

The Native Black Mesa Water Coalition is celebrating a victory in their long running battle for water rights in the Native Four Corners, where Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah meet, on land belonging to Hopi and Navajo people. Peabody Coal has already wasted nearly half the drinkable, accessible water at Black Mesa, slurrying coal along a 273 mile slurry line to Southern California Edison's Mojave Generation Station, in Laughlin, Nevada. One of the grassroots members of the Black Mesa Water Coalition takes the name C-Aquifer for Diné, claiming rights to the remaining Cococino Aquifer, and the coalition has long been identified with the rallying cry "Water is life."

Gaza One Year Later (tags)

occupied under siege and oppressed

BTL:Coal Industry Plagues Appalachian Communities with Health Hazards (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

The Neolbieral Restructuring of California State Government (tags)

state budget cuts, the imposition of fee increases at post-K-12 educational institutions and the prospect of the passage of a water bond in November 2010 foreshadow the successful imposition of the neoliberal model on California

VIDEO: Students Pepper Sprayed at UCLA protest (tags)

LOS ANGELES – November 20, 2009 - Uncounted incidents of police violence against students have occurred during the last three days of protests while the UC Regents held their meeting on the UCLA campus. There is confirmed use of tasers, pepper spray and much baton use on peaceably assembled students.

Good and Bad Choices for Energy Policy and the Environmental Movement 2009-2010 (tags)

Two energy/environment phenomena are being widely discussed currently. These are global warming, and its mitigation, and the nuclear resurgence – the worldwide push to supply power with nuclear power plants. Careful study of these issues leads to the following conclusions: 1. Global warming is real and is causing harm. 2. Global warming is mostly due to heat production by human industry since the 1800s, from nuclear power and fossil fuels, better termed hydrocarbons, – coal, oil, natural gas. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2 play a minor role even though they are widely claimed the cause. 3. Both nuclear and hydrocarbon-based power must be eliminated to solve the global warming problem. 4. Nuclear power advocates have commandeered the global warming/greenhouse gas formula to promote nuclear power, based upon two errors: exaggerating the role of CO2 on the one hand and incorrectly claiming that nuclear power plants do not produce CO2 on the other hand. 5. Nuclear power can not be separated from nuclear weapons, which are essential to the consistent drive for American military dominationof the world. This is the reason for nuclear power. Nuclear power does not make sense as a safe, efficient, or economical way to provide energy. 6. Solar and solar-derived (wind, wave) sources of power do not add heat to the environment and can be used to supply virtually unlimited electrical energy without causing global warming. If done properly they will open up new vistas of human freedom and cultural development. They also produce much less CO2 than either nukes or hydrocarbons.

Israel is suffering from Posttraumatic stress disorder. (tags)

It has all the symptoms and needs treatment, urgently.


PESANTE NEWS today learned through news sources that NDF-EV or The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today expressed solidarity with the people over the crises in electricity and water in Tacloban and the rest of Leyte and the region. "The people of Tacloban are struggling to get such basic needs as electricity and water," said Fr. Santiago Salas, NDF-EV spokesperson. "But the Petilla and Romualdez political dynasties not only ignore this, they add further to the mess by squabbling over water administration as one of the political spoils at stake in the 2010 election. Meanwhile, the people are fuming at the lack of water and furthermore anticipate a power rate hike on top of that problem. Poor water and electricity services are not unique to Tacloban but widespread in the region because of government neglect."

Clinton's said that Israel is making "unprecedented" concessions (tags)

On West Bank



The US-Arroyo’s NAPOCOR, Guilty of Criminal Neglect in Recklessly Opening the San Roque Da (tags)

The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante-USA)- a US based environmental and peasant advocacy group expressed outrage over the extreme arrogance of the US-Arroyo regime and its subalterns in the National Power Corporation (NAPOCOR) in evading and refusal to account for the latest tragedy caused by the opening of the San Roque dam floodgates. Cordillera region and Pangasinan was greatly affected and was under distress. 

More than 40 landslides occurred in the Cordilleras triggered by the massive rain which resulted in as many as 250 deaths. Pesante is outraged that the people who opposed the dam were those who suffered the greatest- the people of Benguet.

Dams, flooding and power (tags)

Not long after Typhoon Ondoy inundated the metropolis with flood waters, Typhoon Pepeng reversed course to hover around Western Luzon and drop more than 600mm of rain in the area. This time, it was the Cordillera region and Pangasinan that were under distress. More than 40 landslides occurred in the Cordilleras triggered by the massive rain which resulted in as many as 250 deaths. Local groups attributed the area’s increased vulnerability to landslides to the long-term large-scale mining activities especially in Itogon and Mankayan in Benguet province. We remember the Colalo landslide that happened in 1999 in Mankayan which AGHAM visited with the Cordillera People’s Alliance (CPA) and environmental groups. And only three months ago, geologists from AGHAM and the Center for Environmental Concerns conducted an inspection of land subsidence in the same area.


STP/PEOPLE'S CORE announced today that it is extending the fund and relief goods drive for the victims of disasters in the Philippines from October to December 2009. This is because whole of Luzon areas had crop failure because of floods and coming storm. More than P 8 billion pesos has been damaged. Water has subsided still 25% of Metro Manila is under water. 16 towns and two cities of Laguna still under water and the Lake is overflowing. More than 2 million people were affected and 150,000 are still in the evacuation centers. Northern Luzon provinces of Cagayan and Isabela were severely hit. Two more thypoons expected to hit the country with weeks.

NV; New Cave Species at Risk from SNWA Pipeline (tags)

Two new cave species were discovered near Great Basin Natn'l Park's Lehman Caves, part of the same cave aquifer system that SNWA plans to pump billions of gallons away from with their proposed pipeline. The species found were a shrimp called an ostracod and a cave millipede. Both depend on groundwater in caves that would be taken to Whittemore's suburban sprawl developments outside of Vegas city limits.


MARAMING SALAMAT SA INYONG LAHAT! Congratulations to STP/Oplan Metro Manila for the good job! More than 150 volunteers from People”s CORE ,Alliance(AJLPP), GABNET-LA, KmB, JFAV, Samahang Pilipino, CSULB and SIPA collected and packed more than 2 tons or 300 bags ( equivalent to 200 Balikbayan boxes ) for Ondoy victims last Saturday, Oct. 3 in Historic Filipinotown SIPA compound. The donations will be shipped to Manila by the TEAM Pacquaio Foundation through the Alas Cargo and People’s CORE with the REN International.

Reviewing Project Censored's Latest Top 25 Censored Stories (tags)

Project Censored's fabulous new book.

Religion vs. the Sprinkler Police (tags)

When it comes to my yard, a middle ground is unachievable if it means a dead ground. My religion and moral value system require healthy greenery; which in turn, benefit the animals and insects who depend on my yard for sustenance.

Philippines - Citizens’ Action is Best Response for Disaster (tags)

Saying that the country needs to unite in order to confront and address the calamities brought about by typhoon Ondoy, Akbayan Party-list Rep. Walden Bello on Monday asked every Filipino here in the Philippines and those overseas to summon their Bayanihan spirit and help the victims in any way possible.

A UN Special Focus on Gaza Under Siege (tags)

Israel's slow motion genocide

SNWA's 300 Mile Pipeline to Las Vegas Faces Growing Opposition (tags)

At a recent SNWA board meeting, the SNWA's proposed 300 mile pipeline from Snake Valley aquifer to Las Vegas has met with a few bumps in the road, mainly strong public opposition and increasing hesitancy on the part of SNWA board members to jump into this plan without a safety net. Though the SNWA board voted to continue seeking an EIS for the pipeline, the reality of future costs and risks of an overdrawn aquifer made several board members question their previous zealotry in following Gen. Manager Pat Mulroy down her pipeline's path for much longer.

ICRC - Israel Traps Gazans in Deprivation and Despair (tags)

Israel's slow motion genocide

No community support for $30M Discovery Center at EIR meeting (tags)

The Friends of the Whittier Narrows Natural Area is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the preservation of the Whittier Narrows Natural Area and neighboring lands as open space corridors. We promote and assist with restoration and educational uses of the Natural Area that are compatible with the conservation of plant and animal habitat and migration, historical resources, water quality, and public health and safety.

Nicaragua: Pellas Group displays a shameful insensitivity (tags)

ANAIRC mobilizes to demand damages from the Pellas Group. Boycott against Flor de Caña rum grows

Water is a Human Right, not a Commodity (tags)

In Bolivia there was a bloody struggle over water. Indigenous persons led the water war in Cochabamba. Water is a human right and must be withdrawn from the logic of profit maximization.

The Big Lie of Schwarzenegger and Corporate Agribusiness: Fish Vs. Jobs (tags)

Bill Jennings, chairman of the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, has caught the Department of Water Resources, Governor Arnold Schwarznegger and Corporate Agribusiness in yet another "Big Lie."

Dancing with Kali (tags)

Philosophical impetus for engaging in climate justice direct action.

Swines have flu and scare you too (tags)

Swine Flu is the latest FEAR inducing "news" proliferating our lives...wonder which pig did it ? Here are some sources, thoughts, help...or not.

US escalates threats against Pakistan (tags)

US escalates threats against Pakistan

The international monetary system's breakdown is underway (tags)

The international monetary system's breakdown is underway

Honeybees in danger (tags)

Honeybees in danger

ICRC's Damning Expose of US Torture (tags)

torture remains policy

LA Greens Earth Day event: Water Justice and Preparing for Peak Water (tags)

For Earth Day 2009, the Los Angeles Greens, a local group of Green Party members, host a panel of experts discussing important and timely water issues in California.

The Real AIG Story (tags)

"Regarding qui bono, what does Sen. Schumer, Rep. Frank, Pres. Obama and other Wall Street sponsors gain from this public outcry? For starters, it depicts them as hard taskmasters of the banking and financial sector, not its lobbyists carrying water for one giveaway after another. So the AIG kafuffle has muddied the water about where their political loyalties really lie. It enables them to strike a misleading pose – and hence to pose as "honest brokers" next time they dishonestly give away the next few trillion dollars to their major sponsors and campaign contributors."

BTL:Global Activists To Protest Water Privatization at Istanbul Conference (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

The California Water Wars: Not A Conflict Between Fish and People (tags)

Is the cost of destroying the thousands of jobs provided to the economy by California and Oregon fisheries, the tourist industry, and Delta and Sacramento Valley farms worth providing subsidized water to corporate agribusiness to irrigate toxic, drainage impaired land on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley?

Gambling with Extinction; Snails, Dace, Chub & Trout Threatened by SNWA Pipeline to Vegas (tags)

Petition for endangered species status and a lawsuit by conservation groups to protect spring snails could delay or even stop the destructive aquifer draining pipeline to Las Vegas proposed by SNWA.

Obama’s stimulus plan gave Amtrak, aviation, clean water the shaft (tags)

Democrats and Republicans cut them all.

Alternatives for Nuclear Waste Storage at Yucca Mt. (tags)

Instead of dumping the entire nation's nuclear waste pile underneath seismically active Yucca Mountain, why not use the already constructed tunnels as a seed repository??

LA Go Green Expo: An Affluent Affair (tags)

A first hand account of the 2009 LA Go Green Expo.

John Mearsheimer: Israel's Real Purpose In Its Atrocities in Gaza (tags)

John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago, co-author of the paper (available online) and subsequent book (with Stephen Walt) _The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy_, presents a concise timeline description and absolutely the clearest account of the true reason behind Israel's wanton atrocities in Gaza. Mearsheimer argues that diminishing Hamas or stopping their rockets are subsidiary goals for Israel, to Israel's more central goal of controlling all of historical Palestine via an "Iron Wall" policy that would permanently subjugate the Palestinian people and ensure Israeli control of all Palestinian land, air, water, borders/sea, and economy. Mearsheimer points out that this goal cannot be achieved, and certainly not by the brutal method of a total war on the Palestinian people. The likely outcome even in the case of relative Israeli success is a permanent Apartheid, which itself will [thankfully] doom Israel as a chauvinistically and exclusionary "Jewish State"[and its racist state ideology of Zionism].

Stop Schwarzenegger's End Run to Build the Peripheral Canal (tags)

Join the campaign to stop Arnold Schwarzenegger's gutting of California's environmental laws to facilitate the building of a peripheral canal. Includes alternative farming methods to improve water conservation.

Help Las Vegas Conserve Water! No Aquifer Drawdown! (tags)

We need your help to protect the Snake and Spring Valley aquifers from being drawn down by Las Vegas water demands. One way people can help is to encourage a diversity of water conservation measures that Las Vegas and Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) could try as alternatives to pumping and draining distant aquifers yet intact. People are given the chance to send SNWA their ideas for abstracts for an upcoming Water Innovations Conference later in '09, abstracts due by 1/30/09. Even if you cannot go there, send them your ideas for water conservation anyway!!

Christofascist Obedience Compliance Training (tags)

What makes the people safe is knowing who the enemy is, not obeying without question every order put to them.

When Good Trails Go Bad (tags)

Hiking and trail repair in the Angeles National Forest

Snake & Spring Valley Aquifer Water Conservation (NV) (tags)

There are several reasons to avoid the proposed pipeline project diverting water from the Snake and Spring Valley aquifers to the Las Vegas region as planned by Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA). This report will provide background information as to the physical and geological characteristics of the two aquifers mentioned above, including ecological components most likely affected by potential overdraft from the SNWA pipeline.

California Water War Enters New Front with the 'Battle of the Reports' (tags)

The Public Policy Institute of California released a report advocating the construction of a peripheral canal on the California Delta, while two environmental groups, EDF and NRDC, released two separate reports recommending ways to provide enough water to both restore salmon and serve California's water needs.

The US goverment murders children at its borders (tags)

The US policy surronding the borders wall being built along the US-Mexican border murdered a 14 year old girl and thousands of others.

Gaza Under Siege (tags)

Continuation of one of the world's greatest crimes.

Drought and Israeli Policy Threaten West Bank Water Security (tags)

Inadequate West Bank water.

View Videos: Expose' of adding TOXIC Fluoride to LA/San Diego Drinking/Tap Waters (tags)

The Southern California Municipal Water District, after just 12 Directors voted 'YES!' last October 2007 [e.g. without Public Ballot Vote] to add toxic Silicofluoride to most of L.A./San Diego Drinking/Tap Waters faces LEGAL CHALLENGES. Videos following LINKS put MWD on NOTICE:

The Seven Energy-Related World Crises (tags)

The market is not total, absolute and self-healing but a tool helpful after we decide what kind of society we want. The state has a social nature and can't be only a power and security state or treasure chest for the super-rich and special interests.

JUNK boat set sail Sunday (tags)

Algalita Foundation JUNK boat made of 150000 recycled bottles set sail for Hawaii to raise awareness of pollution from plastics and water bottle waste in the worlds oceans.

World Bank and IMF Policies Caused Food Crisis (tags)

The IMF changed its economic direction and took a market radical neoliberal economic course at the beginning of the 1980s with the rise of monetarism. Hunger inthe world can only be overcome with long-term sustainable strategies, not with the short-term horizon of Wall Street.

How business starves the world's poor (tags)

How business starves the world's poor

San Diego Earth Day Hosts Local Candidates (tags)

Though poorly attended, the candidates' debates at San Diego's Earth Day in Balboa Park April 20 offered useful insights into how the aspirants for mayor, third district city councilmember and city attorney might use their jobs to help protect the city's environment — or not.

Water Wars (tags)

The U.S. Patriot Act and other legislation authorizes a "culling of the herds."

Shouting from the Caboose (tags)

Hope lies beyond Social Darwinism and hyper-individualism. As the end of cheap oil could be the beginning of real community, the end of everyday time could be the beginning of kairos time, the time of decision. Black is a new consciousnessness, not a skin color (Steve Biko)

Salmon Closure 2008 - NEVER AGAIN: Ten Actions We Need to Take Now! (tags)

This is the final copy of the "Salmon Closure 2008 - Never Again" action alert from the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations. This alert provides you with 10 concrete actions that you take NOW to restore Central Valley salmon, now in an unprecedented state of collapse, and other imperiled salmon runs on the West Coast.

US looking at lead levels in artificial turf (tags)

US looking at lead levels in artificial turf

Islamic-Christian front warns of scheme targeting Arab presence in Jerusalem (tags)

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Dr. Hasan Khater, the secretary-general of the Islamic-Christian front for the defense of Jerusalem and holy shrines, warned that the IOA started a few days ago to implement a dangerous scheme targeting the Arab and Islamic presence in occupied Jerusalem through promoting a new ID card as a prelude to imposing it on Jerusalemite Palestinians.

"Shrimper" Environmental Activist Speaks in San Diego (tags)

diane Wilson, who went from being a painfully shy Texas shrimp fisher to a nationally known environmental activist, presented her story in San Diego at a meeting sponsored by the Peace and Democracy Action Group of the First Unitarian-Universalist Church. Her inspiring story is also available in her book, "An Unreasonable Woman."

End of the Aviation Industry (tags)

Brought to us by the Bush Nazis and the censors of IMC! The final solution for the high-flying Bush Nazis. 3/27 "Bitter water! Gassified air! What you got? Flying machines in pieces on the ground!" 3/30 Remember TWA 800!

UN rejects water as basic human right (tags)

OTTAWA - The Harper government can declare victory after a United Nations meeting rejected calls for water to be recognized as a basic human right.

World says ‘No bloody thanks!’ to Australian sheep cruelty (tags)

World consumers are turning away in their droves from blood stained Australian wool. Horrific farm practices in Australia are being exposed thanks to the work of animal welfare groups including PETA and more recently the Swedish media. One of the current issues is the barbaric practice of muelsing, ripping the skin off the backside of live sheep to prevent flystrike which diminishes the export value of this woeful trade. At the same time we witness corruption of Australian government officials and a representative of Australian Wool Innovations, Kevin Craig.

Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Orthodox Jews,Stock Fraud,Gay Prostitutes,Death Threat (tags)

Had Ehud Olmert been involved in Michael Zwebner's multi-million or centi-million dollar swindle in Israel instead of the USA and had he profited from a stock fraud whose money went to harrass and intimidate and threaten the lives of Israeli citizens as he and his 'business' partners have done to Americans and to pay lawyers(with money from UCSY penny stock scam) in an attempt to suppress Americans Constutional rights to free speech and to hire male prostitutes - he may not have gotten off as lightly as his other partner in U.S. penny stock fraud and money laundering,ex Israeli President Moshe Katsav.

A Legacy of Water Torture (tags)

A letter by A. F. Miller, of the 32nd Volunteer Infantry Regiment, published in the Omaha World-Herald in May, 1900, told of how Miller’s unit uncovered hidden weapons by subjecting a prisoner to what he and others called the “water cure.” “Now, this is the way we give them the water cure,” he explained. “Lay them on their backs, a man standing on each hand and each foot, then put a round stick in the mouth and pour a pail of water in the mouth and nose, and if they don’t give up pour in another pail. They swell up like toads. I’ll tell you it is a terrible torture.”

Operation Desert Slaughter: Thoughts on Holocaust Memorial Day (tags)

It is seventeen years since America and Britain embarked on their 'Final Solution' for the population of Iraq.Having, as James Baker boasted they would, reduced 'Iraq to a pre-industrial age', the country was denied all normality : trade, aid, telecommunications, power, sanitation, water repairs, seeds, foods, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment.

CO 2 'Follows Temperature Rises' in Past Climate Changes (tags)

This is unequivocally true. The three ice cores of Greenland and the Antarctic have all shown this to be a fact.

Aussie Uranium Dumps Waste (tags)

Alleged environmental contamination at the Mount Gee Uranium deposit in the far north of South Australia is being investigated by the SA Government and the Environment Protection Authority (EPA). (ABC News Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:25pm AEDT). The plan to extract seven billion dollars worth of Uranium ore has been controversial from the outset, with Mount Gee being situated in the Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary and the mining process posing considerable threat to the ecology of the area and the ancient aquifers connected to the Paralana hot springs, a site of significance for the Adnyamathanha people reports Nigel Carney on 17th January 2008.

Giving His Eyes for His Country (tags)

Arab-American Mazin al-Nashi got screwed twice by the Bush administration and the private military contractor that employed him. Recruited to work as an interpreter for Titan in Iraq, he was blinded in an attack and then systematically denied the medical care that might have saved his eyesight. Mazin and his wife Layla told their story to Activist San Diego January 14.

Tar Sands Processing requires massive inputs of water, energy, land, labour (tags)

For each barrel of oil produced from the tar sands, between two and 4.5 barrels of water is needed. The waste sand and water contain naphtha and paraffin, which are used in the extraction process, and oil leftovers like benzene, naphthenic acid and polyaromatic hydrocarbon, among others. Chemicals found in the tailing ponds are known to cause liver problems and brain hemorrhaging in mammals, and deformities and death in birds.

Friar Louis Cappio must live (tags)

The Brazilian semi-arid is immense: 912 thousand square km. It is populous: 22 million people in rural areas. It is the most rainy of the planet: 750 mm / year, on average, which corresponds to 760 billion cubic meters of rainfall per year. It is not true, therefore, that there is no water there.

Atlantic Richfield Co. responsible for clean-up of copper mine toxins. (tags)

Residents of Yerington, NV and nearby Walker Lake remain in limbo when waiting for any EPA action to clean up the toxin leaching superfund site left by Anaconda Copper mine..

Two coal burning energy plants planned for NV (tags)

Should additional coal plants be constructed in Ely, Nevada? What are the risks to the ecosystem, and contributions to global warming from burning coal?

Climate Change George Bali Bush Knifes the Earth in the Heart (tags)

All that glitters is not gold.

Democratic Party Water Boarding Club (tags)

Lets go Water Boarding!

Al Gore Urges Masturbation to end War and Global Warming (tags)

It’s more convenient than going extinct.

So.CA MWD Directors voted to add Silicofluoride to Drinking Water --18 Million At RISK (tags)

Greater Los Angeles and San Diego get ‘SilicoFLUORIDE’ in their drinking/tap waters as of October 1, 2007. Please SIGN PETITION to Congress to End 12 So.CA Municipal Water District Directors 'fluoridation' Agenda at: hhtp://

Mosul Dam: Engineering a Water MD (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, takes a hard look at the recent Bush League claim that Mosul Dam is in imminent danger of collapse, causing a catastrophe in northern Iraq. Is the cheerleader in chief setting up a mass murderer, and his presstitutes helping with advance publicity?

Exodus - It's Official - We're Past the Tipping Point. (tags)

Earlier this year it was reported that the southern oceans were now releasing carbon dioxide

African Development Projects Call for Solidarity, Not Charity (tags)

The All African People's Development and Empowerment Project is an African-led, communitiy based iniative, building electrical, water purification and other types of infrastructure throughout the African world. The project envisions improved conditions, sustainability and true economic independence for African people.

U.S. Nuclear Weapons Being “Guarded” by Israel (tags)

American supporters of Israel were delighted to learn that an Israeli company, Magal Security Systems-owned in part by the government of Israel-is in charge of security for the most sensitive nuclear power and weapons storage facilities in the United States.

Public Hearings on Sacto/San Joaquin Delta Crisis (tags)

This includes a reportback of the recent public hearing (10/4) and info on the next public hearing (10/8) in Sacto Capitol to save the Sacramento and San Joaquin delta smelt from extinction, ideas for water conservation, etc..

Arctic Ice Shrinking AND Thinning - Reports (tags)

A research team from the National Snow and Ice Data Center, part of the University of Colorado at Boulder published their report of the annual 'Arctic Ice Minimum' last week which tells the extent of the summer melting. It broke the previous record set in '05, but it did so by a huge margin. The area that melted this year is 26% more than the '05 record.

The Temple of Love Endorses the Global Green Parties (tags)

It’s a matter of survival.

Vandalizing or trespassing at a city water pump is now a Federal crime! (tags)

Vandalizing or trespassing at a city water pump is now a Federal crime! Most likely because of the Patriot Act, which should be called the “Police State Act”.

troy pre alexandar -great trogan horse (tags)

nam=orders---1 set east la on fire order--2 seek web lazar guidance order-----use water to set blaze order----live wire ac-dc==laptop order--

Brazil: 185º anniversary of the independence. September the 7th, 1822. (tags)

The launching of the PAG (Program of Acceleration of Growth), at Paraná, will happen at 9:30 a.m. in the Guarituba (quarter), in Piraquara (city of the metropolitan region of Curitiba.) The quarter will receive 98 million Reals ( near 50 million Dollars ) of federal, state and municipal governments and will be remodelled.

FINALLY - Good News About Hydrogen - It's Very Close (tags)

The infra-structure and storing problems are solved with this new development. Engineers perfecting hydrogen-generating technology WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. -

We stole their land and their water! (tags)

We stole their land and their water! The Navajos have been screwed by the American government and the American people!

War for Water on the Golan Heights (tags)

Talk with a Syrian General on likelihood of Israel-Syria war QUNEITRA, Syrian Golan Heights Trucks of every size were queued up for miles and some hadn't budged in days. At the end of the line, drivers resigned to a long, hot ordeal set up camp waiting for inspections. Talk with a Syrian General on likelihood of Israel-Syria war QUNEITRA, Syrian Golan Heights Trucks of every size were queued up for miles and some hadn't budged in days. At the end of the line, drivers resigned to a long, hot ordeal set up camp waiting for inspections.

Go to Los Angeles Meeting Monday 8/20 Noon (tags)

Los Angeles Municipal Water District announced 18 Million Water drinking RatePayers from San Diego through most cities they serve in Greater Los Angees will get FLUORIDE 'Medicant' in water Oct 1 '07. PROTEST at PUBLIC Meeting Noon Oct. 20th Monday/ details:

Hearing (7/31) on Cheney's role in Rio Klamath fish kill of 2002 (tags)

Despite previous warnings of an impending collapse of Klamath's riparian ecosystem, Cheney promised basin farmers far more water than could be delivered during a severe drought season of 2002. As predicted, low water flows resulted in a massive die-off of endangered Klamath Rio salmon, today Cheney is being held responsible for his deceptive manipulations of science for profit off of physically unavailable water..

Pastors for Peace and Venceremos Brigade Return tomorrow! (tags)

The 18th Cuba Caravan crosses the border home tomorrow Please check often and pass the word for the early morning return challenge

Antarctic Glaciers Moving To Sea Faster (tags)

The British Antarctic Survey team studying 300 glaciers found that they are flowing into the sea at a faster pace than scientists have ever seen. As the glaciers melting is accelerated, the melt water contributes to the faster movement.

Best Diet In The World (tags)

Food is your body's fuel. You should not pour junk into it, any more than your car. If you can afford to be unhealthy, skip this. If you can't, please read on.

Coal-gas: Another Fiasco in the Making? (tags)

I am sending you this because there is talk of a 2B dollar coal-gas plant in Oswego Co. NY, and there is no mention of what the byproducts are or what they are going to do with them. Here is what I had to say on these issues in the order that I published them:

LA: Crystal Lake update (tags)

June 2nd, National Trails Day, Crystal Lake Golden Cup Trail The effort to restore the Crystal Lake Recreation Area so that the people of the greater Los Angeles, San Gabriel, and San Bernardino counties may once again enjoy the forest continues. Extensive photographs are available on the URL provided

Mexico's 911 Waiting for the Perfect Storm (tags)

"Mexico City is at risk of flooding of the kind that devastated New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina if authorities don´t take steps to unclog the canals, reservoirs and lagoons that make up the municipal sewer system, experts warn."

Gulf Stream Slowed by 30% Since 1957 (tags)

Failing ocean current raises fears of mini ice age By Mike Rhodes From the NYCity IMC, 5/25/07

Campesino permaculture can save delta smelt from extinction (tags)

The major reason delta smelt face extinction is overuse of Sacramento Rio agua by agribusiness. Campesino permaculture, intercropping and polyculture teaches us how to reduce rio agua use and could save the smelt if applied soon!

Failing ocean current raises fears of mini ice age (tags)

Failing ocean current raises fears of mini ice age

The Insular Conservative: John Winston Howard (tags)

The Federal Minister of Employment and Workplace Relations (big) Joe Hockey was forced this week to draw his leader’s attention to the oppressive reality facing average working Australians. Crushing debt, loss of penalty rates and other entitlements have forced many Australian families to the wall. Mortgagee sales in working class areas throughout the nation have increased at an alarming rate. John Howard, the darling of big business and the Corporate sector wondered why the common people were not eating cake!

Crystal Lake Update (tags)

Today in the Angeles National Forest about fifty or sixty young volunteers from a variety of religious youth organizations (the UCC, "United Church of Christ" and many other groups from all around Southern California) gathered together with representatives of the Sierra Club, the San Gabriel Mountains Trailbuilders, and the U. S. Forest Service at the Rincon Fire Station in the San Gabriel River Ranger District.

Zapatistas! Cucapa fishing is impacted by Colorado dams/diversions (tags)

Zapatista peace camp with Cucapa on Rio Colorado defends fishing rights, address loss of freshwater to delta, theft of agua by agribusiness corporations..

The Candidate of Oz (tags)

The closer Australia gets to the Federal election, the fewer the political differences between the two major candidates! The chances of opposition leader, Kevin Rudd becoming the next Australian prime minister have increased dramatically following his private dinner engagement with king maker, Rupert Murdoch in New York today. During his quick visit to the U.S., Rudd also addressed the Brookings Institution in Washington and confirmed that any negligible differences between his policies and Howard’s would be completely eradicated by the time of the election and that he was ready, willing and able to assume the ’position’ of lackey, sycophant and new governor of America’s newest colonial acquisition, Australia! [O Ned, you’re better off dead!]

Signs of Massive Oceanic Disruption - New Research (tags)

From Science Daily, 2/28/07

The Great Emergency: Global Warming, Mass Death and Resource Wars in the 21st Century (tags)

"We are the watchers. We are the witnesses. We see what has gone before. We see what happens now, at this dangerous moment in human history. We see what's going to happen, what will surely happen unless we come together---we, the Peoples of all Nations---to restore peace, harmony and balance to the Earth, our Mother." --Chief Arvol Looking Horse, from White Buffalo Teachings

Fluoride Unsafe for Babies, say Dentists (tags)


Government the cause of the problem, not the solution to the problem!!! (tags)

Judge signs order lifting 40-year construction ban on Navajo land

Feds let Navajo put power and water in their home after 40 years. (tags)

This almost sounds like some punishment god gave the people in the bible. Force them to live for 40 years with out water or power. But nope it ain't the mean old testement god, its Uncle Sam who showed up 40 years ago and said "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you"

For the Globalization of Sustainability (tags)

The euphoria of Rio was based on the certainty that these visions could be realized thanks to a peace dividend.. Consumption is till the first civic duty in industrial countries.

Israel Accused of Blocking Lebanon’s Access to Food & Water (tags)

Israel Accused of Blocking Lebanon’s Access to Food & Water Israel’s actions during its attack on Lebanon continue to come under scrutiny. A top United Nations human rights expert says the International Criminal Court should investigate whether Israel is guilty of war crimes for a bombing campaign in Lebanon that blocked access to food and water. Jean Ziegler, the UN Human Rights Council's special envoy on the "right to food," said the presence of unexploded cluster bombs could affect the ability of the Lebanese people to access food and water for years. The United Nations is reporting that around 124 people in southern Lebanon have been killed or wounded by cluster bombs since the Israeli attack ended. The Israeli army fired at least 1.2 million cluster bomblets into Lebanon.

French Fries in the American Southwest (tags)

Hike the Mojave Desert.

Black Cross Health Collective's "What to do if exposed to Chemical Weapons" (tags)

author: Lupin

The Water Question In the Occupied Lands (tags)

Israel steals the Palestinian's water then sells it back to them at 15 times the price the illegal Israeli settlers pay

FERC under GW Bush regime contributes to genocide (tags)

Recent GW Bush/Cheney regime influenced FERC decision to relicense Klamath River dams contributes to the genocide of indigenous nations (Yurok, Hupa, Karuk) living along the Klamath River ecosystem.

Leafy Green Sewage (tags)

Nina Planck is the author of "Real Food: What to Eat and Why.''


YOU ALWAYS GET TOMMORROWS NEWS TODAY FROM THE AMERICAN bLASHEMER and so the indymedia of Houston editorial collective had to disappear my post called OIL PRICES ARE NOT DOWN the other day when they were down. But now spot prices are up, (why included here) gas is down, (why included here) and Russia unknowingly launches possible CIA space tourist. The FBI and HOUSTON CHRONICLE have blamed all this on William Jefferson.

Crystal Lake Recreation Area To Open Maybe Some Day (tags)

Crystal Lake -- when will it open?


Yes this is a conspiracy theory about how scientists would be wasting money if the observation is not made that a new oil well which was reported by several news sources to have just started producing in the Gulf of Mexico might have something to do with a somewhat rare earthquake on top of the same geologic plate that the new deep water well was drilled in. They intentionally drilled into the edge of the plate.

The Meaninglessness of Actiivism/Slacktivism (tags)

Do you (or anyone else out in the mental wasteland known as the world leader, the beacon of democracy, the land of opportunity – Nazi America) have a view, a perspective, a politics, an interest, a truth, a belief, - or anything you will stand for, die for?

Justice and Peace: Globalization from Below (tags)

Free trade is one of the most important idols that rule over us in Babylon..Deregulation as the owners of the world call this lawlessness leads to new forms of impoverishment..The greatest terrorist is neoliberal economicorder

Nestle corporation & McCloud's aquifer agua theft (tags)

Water bottling giant Nestle corporation is pressuring McCloud residents to read two thick volumes of EIR before public comment period ends. Risks to aquifer and ecosystem following massive water withdrawal by Nestle are long term, more time needed to review EIR..

Mankind's Salvation (tags)

Think of a few seeds, the size of a pin head, being able to grow in a bucket of rocks, using only water and sunlight together with the minerals in the rock to produce for you fine, savory, tender quality steaks, nutritious celery, cabbage, lettuce and avocado all from the same fast growing tree? Table quality vegetables and delicious, tender, ready to fry, broil or bake, Vmeate steaks for your family and all from a hardy, beautiful, growing tree!



Problems with Europe's nuclear plants raise worries just as the energy was gaining support (tags)

By Susan Sachs | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor

Katrina-tied prison woes are detailed (tags)

- A report released Thursday describes Orleans Parish prisoners trapped in flooded cells, deprived of food and water for days, and calls the scene at the prison "some of the worst horrors of Hurricane Katrina."


Water quality, maintenance and conservation are the focus as Friends of Avalon Bay launch first-ever concert benefit, August 27th, 2006

The Litani river is anti-semitic. (tags)

And everyone knows it. See how it refuses to flow into Israel. This will now be changed.

Why Lebanon? Think OIL, water, pipelines, and profits. (tags)

Why a war on Lebanon? Why now? A new article by Professor Michel Chossudovsky suggests it's about oil, water and pipeline routes, and offers insight into the war's impending expansion. The U.S. and Israel aren't the only nations with interests in this game. Other players appear to include the U.K., France, and Italy.

The sudden collapse of the Amazon Rain Forest (tags)

Rapid, sudden climate change has always been the historical norm

The next trick (in a series of tricks) (tags)

It will be just wide enough to allow Israel to grab the water! Once Israel grabs the water, it will rely on it (filling the settler’s swimming pools), and will never return it,

Unction and cure (tags)

Of the cure through “ungidos” antibiotics

One Year to Save the Amazon and Keep Global Warming From Spiraling Out of Control! (tags)

We've got VERY little time to help save the Amazon forest from total devastation which could cause global warming to spiral out of control, and the Amazon provides an enormous amount of the oxygen on which we rely. Please read the message below and, please help spread the word! The Amazon should not be cut down to grow genetically engineered soya for livestock feed!!!

Reassessing the Hariri assassination in the light of recent events (tags)

Reassessing the Hariri assassination in the light of recent events:

Feral Visions Against Civilization gathering in SE Arizona, Aug. 4-13th (tags)

Feral Visions Against Civilization - Announcing the 4th Annual Green Anarchist Gathering! August 4th-13th, 2006 (full moon on the 9th), in the high elevation Sky Island Mountains of Southeastern Arizona.

Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche,Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN (tags)

Mientras que las noticias de Mexico estan discutiendo el escandalo de los 5.5 + tonelados de cocaina capturado por el ejercito Mexicana en el aeropuerto de Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Mexico en Abril 10 ninguna de ellos estan escribiendo sobre los origenes del avion DC-9 con matricula N900SA.

Green syndicalist response to CA water board decision (tags)

The usually deaf (hard of hearing) official characters of the CA water board are directly responsible for the increased militarization of labor and ecoactivists in the pesticide soaked central valley..

Rainwater Harvesting: Brad Lancaster shares DIY water wisdom (tags)

Brad Lancaster, a permaculture designer and educator based in Tucson AZ, toured California in April with his new, self-published book Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands. I was able to see his presentation at Eco Village on April 26th, hosted by the Los Angeles Permaculture Guild.

Help Save South Central Farm (Los Angeles) and Create Global Humanitarian Relief (tags)

Here is the PLAN: What can you do? Just go here: and there are a lot of actions you can take including calling the developer and requesting that he cooperate with this plan. He can be a hero!

Joyce Lindorff's Impeachmint Punch (tags)

Be sure to ask for it in your local bar! Let’s get this drink on the map all over the country. presentsGas Cheat codes (tags)


As an exercise in media control I picked one of the most stubborn and ignorant talk show host duo in town to communicate with yesterday. THE OTHER SIDE with Staci Davis and her loudmouth sidekick went on to commit a hate crime against me with the charity abusing radio station KPFT in Houston of Pacifica Radio Network. He accused me of hating Mexicans because I told the neoliberal punk it was the BORDER OR THE BULLET.

May 1: Zapatistas/ La Otra 2 March on US Embassy in Solidarity with Migrants (tags)

"It was there that Marcos decided to drop an information bomb on two governmental powers: the Mexican federal government and 'the Yankee Embassy' of Washington and Wall Street:

Help Restore Dignity and Water in the Lower Ninth Ward, New Orleans (tags)

Over seven months have passed since Katrina destroyed New Orleans and levee failures inundated the Big Easy. Much of New Orleans is well along the road to recovery. The French Quarter is once again crawling with tourists and the banking district is up and running. However, if you travel just a few miles east of downtown--to the other side of the Industrial Canal—you find yourself in a neighborhood that does not look much different than it did in September. There are no businesses operating, no schools in session, no electricity, no FEMA trailers, and no RUNNING WATER.

Preview of Playwrite John Sinner's New Works at The Walt Disney Concert Hall (tags)

REDCAT presents the season’s final showcase for new experimental works and works-in-progress by local music, dance, theater and interdisciplinary artists.

Conservation of Symbiotic Bees Pollinators and Vernal Pool Goldfields (tags)

Developers attempt to build sprawl-marts on top of critical habitat for a great many endnagered species in the Sacramento Valley's vanishing vernal pools. What are some reasons for protecting the valley's vernal pool biodiversity?

Water as a Commodity (tags)

The rage of the residents of Soweto is directed against the installed meters.. The first mammoth prepaid water project started in 1992 under Margaret hatcher.. The water suppliers cynically described this as "self-disconnect."

Renewable Energy Workshops (tags)

Introduction to Renewable Energy: Solar, wind, and hydro-electricity, solar hot water and cooking, energy efficiency. Classroom sessions & system tours. * April, 2006

Where's the Sense of Panic or Urgency? (tags)

The nation goes nuts if it hears about a mad cow somewhere or if a bird comes down with flu, but global warming, a biblical flood on the way within a generation? Who cares?

Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ? (tags)

That might also explain why Michael Zwebner did not take the opportunity of the Hurricane to promote his and his 'business' partner, Palestinian con man and Al Qaeda Islamic terrorist charities connected suspect Mohamed Hadid's,'s 'airwater machine'. Perhaps he felt using you or Israeli President Moshe Katsav again to promote his worthless 'UCSY' shares might get old.Originally I imagined it was because New Orleans was too close to his scam in Miami but then again he sent 120 or so fictitious 'airwater machines' to Texas somewhere in one press release.

Global Women's Strike/LA Action Highlights Katrina & Other Global Warming Survivors (tags)

“Everything was calm. I had just gone from the sofa into the kitchen. That’s when the water came gushing in. I saw my little dog, Queenie, struggling to get up on the sofa. I grabbed her up, but the water kept rising; it was up to my neck by the time we got out...” - Gloria Brown, Katrina survivor.

Life is More than Capital (tags)

Ulrich Duchrow and Franz Hinkelammert focus on the mis-developments in the third world where privatization of the water supply led to higher prices. international conglomer-ates made profits and paid no local taxes.

Israeli President Moshe Katzav aids massive penny stock fraud,possible money laundering (tags)

One can say of Saddam Hussein what they wish but to my knowledge Mr.Hussein never aided a penny stock fraud of a mafia connected con artist who may well be responsible for tens of millions of dollars if not well over $100,000,000 + in frauds against Americans caught up in his penny stock scams over the years. Israeli President Moshe Katzav gets credit for that....

its 1984 (tags)

its 1984

WTO HKG1: live coverage from the WTO in Hong Kong (tags)

Focus: Agriculture, Food, and Water A show about the World Trade Organization, focusing on the agriculture negotiations which have the potential to affect the lives of billions of people, including the livelihoods and food security of hundreds of millions.

Sneak Attack on Organic food standards by USA (tags)

Industry sneak attack on organic standards rammed through congress.

eat Local Organic food and abate global starvation (tags)

How the environment and eating (Local Organic Food) is linked to Gandhi's ideology for transforming the world. Many links.

Arizona Resident Causes New Mexico Water Poisoning (tags)


Solar Heated Homes ~ saving Money & energy Intelligently (tags)

Review of Sustainable Technologies for Renewable Energy. Many Links to sustainable technology, Recycling, organic gardening-farming, renewable energy, Permaculture and disaster relief web sites.

Freedom from the Oil Pirates (tags)

Review of Sustainable Technologies for Renewable Energy, Eliminating Waste, Recycling and for Real economic Progress. Many Links to sustainable technology, Recycling, organic gardening-farming, renewable energy, Permaculture and disaster relief web sites.

Cascadian Forest Battles (tags)

Forest defense actions grow in Oregon, Bush delists marbled murrelets, Alaskan Tongass threats, Karen Coulter slandered, Ingmar Lee the Egotist gone from cathedral grove

Tony Kienitz Attends a Post Carbon Meet Up (tags)

". . . Over and and over again [Alan AtKisson, author of Believing Cassandra] repeated the same idea, which I love: 'make the revolution attractive. And once it's attractive, then people will want to jump on.' Most people don't want strain anything, or make any waves, or change in any way." -- Tony Kienitz

Why Peabody Coal fears solar energy (tags)

Some potential problem corporations causing the delay of solar energy availability and continued dependency on polluting petroleum/coal corporations as energy extortionists..

Rally Against the Minutemen! (tags)

A case of desparation resorting to lies

When The Levee Breaks… (tags)

A full account of the Katrina/New Orleans crisis. From the National Guard, to police murder, to the Ninth Ward, to whiskey in the French Quarter.

Central Valley Earth First!ers organizing (tags)

Earth First!ers are needed to organize in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley (aka Central Valley) to bring visibility to corporate logging corporations like Sierra Pacific Industries, suburban sprawl in wetlands habitat, potential extinction of endangered species as loss of vernal pools continues, effect of toxic pesticide drift used by corporate agribusiness, dams blocking anadromous fish migrations, etc..

Challenge to Minutemen; protest industrial agriculture (tags)

Instead of scapegoating immigrants, the Minutemen could focus their protests on the industrial agriculture corporations that exploit undocumented immigrants..

Indymedia shines during Hurricanes (tags)

Corporate media reports rumor as fact and doesn't both to correct itself. no wonder Indymedia shines, unfiltered reporting no coporate agenda.

The real heroes and sheroes of New Orleans (tags)

Copied from Socialist Woker online.

Animal Rescue Boats Needed - New Orleans (tags)


KATRINA TELLS THE TALE: Racism and Classism in Capitalist America (tags)

Katrina has turned out to be the worst disaster in the recorded history of this nation. What’s most egregious is that it was predicted years earlier in books on climate change and the growing global warming crisis, as well as from local officials of the region who knew of the dangers and tried to get Federal assistance.

Hurricane Katrina-Our Experiences (tags)

Must-read eyewitness report by 2 paramedics stranded in NO

First hand account -"Trapped in New Orleans" (tags)

Two eye witnesses give their account of police hostility and official indifference to Katrina victims.

Hurricane Katrina Confronts Imperialism (tags)

Some thoughts about the catastrophe in New Orleans

New Orleans catastrophe: the product of a bankrupt system (tags)

This morning, September 1st, three of the worst looters appeared on CNN. President Bush himself along with two former presidents, Bush the father and Bill Clinton. The current Bush brought the two former one’s in as fundraisers. What hypocrites these characters are.

'This is criminal': Report from New Orleans (tags)

There were enough school buses that could have evacuated 20,000 people easily, but they just let them be flooded. My son watched 40 buses go underwater - they just wouldn't move them, afraid they'd be stolen.

People of the Dome (tags)

The U.S. Government had intentionally kept water and food from desperate people in New Orleans

In Praise of Looting (tags)

In the midst of all of this pain and misery, the media and the authorities have decided that the central story now is the looting and "lawlessness" that are taking place around the city.

Genocide in New Orleans Perpetrated by US Capitalism (tags)

We are witnessing genocide of the black workingclass community of New Orleans and the exposure of the rottenness of American capitalism in its refusal to adequately respond to the disaster from the latest hurricane.

Phone Calls Needed Now to Help Hurricane Victims (tags)

Yes, you can do something right now. Go to your phone book, look up your representatives in Congress & the US Senate in the federal government section, call them and leave a message that they should call Tenet Hospital in New Orleans at 504-897-4531 and 504-897-4530 and assure them helicopters are coming TODAY to pick up the 1200 sick people & their caregivers

A News Birth! Independent World Television News! (tags)

Have you heard of the birth of Independent World Television News (IWT)?

An 11-year-old Latina Arrested by PD (tags)

US police pursue girl over stone An 11-year-old girl who threw a stone at a group of boys pelting her with water balloons is being prosecuted on serious assault charges in California. Maribel Cuevas was arrested in April in a police operation which involved three police cars and a helicopter.

Communications with Hurricane-battered Cuba Now Restored (tags)

"Dennis The Menace", the worst hurricane to hit the island of Cuba since the 1940s, has departed leaving ten dead and lots of reconstruction work which has now begun. Find links to more reports and how to access the Cuban media to keep up with developments in Cuba

Communications with Cuba restored after Hurricane Dennis (tags)

Dennis the Mennace, the worst hurricane to hit Cuba in over fifty years, has now passed the island. Communcations with the island are now restored and reports are coming in of the damages and the recovery efforts.

Tigris dam damns AssurTigris dam damns AssurTigris dam dams Assur (tags)

The Iraqi government is building a dam which will obliterate the capital of the ancient Assyrian empire

Save Our State Minutemen Death Threats and More (tags)

Save Our State / Minutemen supporters telephone and email hundreds of terrorist threats while woman who was struck by a plastic water bottle calls the Constitutionally guarenteed right to protest against racism "domestic terrorism."

Medical MJ Bad Rocket Feul in Water Good! (tags)

Study sponsored by MTBE (rocket feul, munitions byproduct) users, claims no proof of MTBE danger. Contrasted with recent Supreme Court anti-marijuana ruling.

Chris Simcox calls for putting down protesters (tags)

Chris Simcox calls for policing protesters against the recent Unite to Fight summit in Las Vegas, and other protesters.

Iraqis Endure Worse Conditions Than Under Saddam, UN Survey Finds (tags)

A major study by the UN and Iraqi officials found that life in Iraq has decayed significantly since foreign forces invaded, following a general trend seen in most sectors since the imposition of a global embargo in 1990.

Grow Jojoba and Decommision Klamath Dams in 2006 (tags)

If Klamath Valley farming collectives would grow jojoba, tepary bean and other CA drought tolerant natives, then there would be no need for maintaining the expensive dams on the Klamath River. The Klamth dams' FERC license expires in 2006, decommision dams and restore Klamath for salmon!!

They have to admit it now: GULF STREAM SLOWING (tags)

author:(London) Times They have found that one of the engines driving the Gulf Stream the sinking of supercooled water in the Greenland Sea, has weakened to less than a quarter of its former strength.

Oh for the Day When Journalists Were Journalists (tags)

Even in World War II, when the enemy was fascism and Hitler, a reporter like Ernie Pyle could write of the horrors and waste of war, and describe the carnage in terms that defied the jingoism of the day. Where are reporters like that in today’s media, where we aren’t even allowed to see the dead, much less write about them. ------------------

e-riot against glacier destruction (tags)

a part of a glacier would be destroyed due to gold mining operations

Hunters and the Hunted on the Arizona Border (tags)

Minutemen Vigilantes Target Immigrants

$5 Per Gallon Gas (tags)

Muggers, Thuggers and Thieves

Bush is a Fraud (tags)

Bush tries to make cheap political capital out of the Shiavo tragedy, but fails to act.

Iron Mountain Mine Superfund site (tags)

Redding is also suffering from the effects of Iron Mountain Mine, a Federal Superfund site given the cold shoulder by the Bush/Norton regime. The clean-up of this mine will not be as expensive as the 400+ billion dollar military budget and nuclear weapon contracters that gobbble up more than their share of rio agua from the north..

Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity (tags)

This article is from the by Cary Vigneri Depleted Uranium keeps on killing. Is it nuclear warfare or just death by radiological toxin? Depleted Uranium (DU) sounds harmless. After all, it’s depleted.

Two sisters: Giuliana and Mithal (tags)

The text you are about to read is a combination of words that were all written by Giuliana Sgrena, the italian journalist kidnapped in Irak (for more news about Giuliana you can see: Some of them were part of her appeal contained in the video released by her captors and the others are from an article she wrote on July 1, 2004 about Mithal, an Iraqi woman detained in Abu Grahib.

Mars. Red planet, Misread planet. (tags)

The finest data and the worst interpretation in the history of Science

A World Civil Society is Arising: Leonardo Boff (tags)

In porto Alegre spiritual, human and ethical values were central..Everyone senses that we are on a wrong way since we don't have a social contract any more. This wrong way only leads to ears as in Iraq.. Relying on force for world order is very dangerous.

All Out for April 16th, 2005! Washington DC A Better World is Under Construction N (tags)

Were you at the first A16 demonstration against the IMF and World Bank in Washington, DC in 2000? Come back once again to challenge these illegitimate institutions and their plans for a world of unbridled greed! Did you miss out on the first mass protests against the IMF and World Bank? Now's your chance to be part of the second A16! The Mobilization for Global Justice is calling for all those interested in helping to construct a mass movement against neo-liberalism and the devastation it is wreaking on the world to converge on Washington, DC from April 15th-17th. Come help us celebrate the successes of our movement, which in the past five years has not only put these institutions on the defensive and on the run, but has begun construction of the new world that has for so long been in all our hearts. For fliers to distribute in you community, logistical information, meeting times and updates e-mail or visit . GET INVOLVED! IT’S A BLAST!

Why I'm A Freegan Woman! (tags)

Why I'm A Freegan Woman! and how you could be a Freegan also

Agua es para la gente, not Coca-cola (tags)

How does Coca-cola claim ownership of aquifers under las montanas de Chiapas? CEIPAC is organizing a campaign contra Coca-cola for the negative effects on health of the community.

Nevada and Indonesia mining toxins from Newmont Inc (tags)

Newmont mining corporation releases toxins into environment in Indonesia Nevada and other gold mines that use cyanide for leaching, resulting in increased cancer risks to residents..

Nevada's Toxic Mining Corporations Leave Mess (LVIMC) (tags)

Nevada for too long left a wasteland by mining corporations engaging in mineral theft from Newe Sogobia. The devastation from mine tailings contaminates the water for decades or more.

“Knowing is Beautiful” (tags)

As a journalist who writes about AIDS, I am endlessly amazed by the difference between the public and the private face of HIV; between what the public is told and what’s explained in the medical literature.

Feeling Rios' Sacramento/San Joaquin Flood Pulse (tags)

Poem about Sacramento River (or other) salmon run blocked by dams, potential for valley permaculture, free flowing salmon supporting rivers, and independence from petroleum based fertilizer/pesticides..

Feinstein deaf 2 Wintu and Palestinian voices, hears only $$$$ (tags)

CA Senator Diane Feinstein shows no concern for the original inhabitants of Palestine or Shasta County. Her campaign funding from pro-Israel AIPAC and Central Valley agribusiness could be blinding her to the objections of the Palestinians and the Winnemem Wintu..

Your Photograph Can Kill You (tags)

The third article in a series detailing extermination plans under the Bush administration

Yes on O (tags)

Vote Yes on Proposition O.

Impacts, Causes and Effects of North America's Forest Dieback (tags)

The following is a brief discussion of the extent and potential impact of America's forest dieback in the immediate future, as well as a discussion of the various causes and scenarios which describe the impact of forest loss on human civilization and the planetary ecosystem.

Peabody Coal indigenous land comments needed (tags)

Your comments can help stop increased destruction of indigenous land & water, as well as air pollution and climate change affecting everyone.

America is the Ultimate Failed State. (tags)

After knocking down most of its forests, paving over its wetlands, polluting what water it has left and making all urban environments only habitable with what has become an accepted level of collateral damage in terms of illness and death caused by environmental pollution which has set off a domino effect of ill health down through the generations exposed, America has become like a caged animal not willing to face its own condition but yet completely willing to lash out violently at the World around it.

Nuclear Energy Belongs in the Technology Museum (tags)

Nuclear energy is still too expensive and too dangerous. Huge amounts of water are needed in a time of increasing water shor-tage. Uranium supplies are limited. $1 trillion was spent on nuclear research while renewable energy fell by the wayside.

Fluoridation: No Benefit, another study shows (tags)

Fluoride contaminates the water supplies and those who drink it, conferring no benefit and only risks; but you pay to put it in.

Public Extermination Project (tags)

Following 911, a specific public works project became "classified." This project has lethal capabilities, on a scale that has devastating possibilities, for innocent civilians in the U.S.

Save Sac/San Joaquin Valley Vernal Pools from $$prawl (tags)

Sacramento/San Joaquin Valley vernal pools are paved over by developers interested in making money off suburban sprawl, specific info on Shasta county..

"The pain of my son's death does not get any better, it just gets worse as time goes (tags)

Interview with Celeste Zappala, Mother of Army Sgt. Sherwood R. Baker

Oaks and Wild Rice; NO GMO (tags)

When GMO corporate crops are pushed on people as the only solution to world hunger, we are neglecting the many wild food plants that can sustain people without continuing the cycle of corporate dependency started by spray herbicide/pesticides and continued into GMO patented crops. Wild native food plants can sustain people's health without corporate control.

What Israel Represents (tags)

Ethnic Cleansers with..a sworn army that routinely kills women and children . Honor only in REFUSAL ; all else is hideous life long complicity.

Occupied Territory Gathering CA FAQ (tags)

Occupied Territory FAQ *Note: The meeting spot for the gathering on Friday June 18th has been changed to 3pm-5pm San Pablo and Belmont in Fresno CA. FNB feed, park located under freeway, ample parking.*

Native Oaks and Rice over GMO (tags)

Alternatives to GMO/GE agribusiness monoculture is found in nature's bounty of wild edible foods that can be included into permaculture farming..

Oaks and Permaculture in Sacto/San Joaquin Valley (tags)

Dependency on petrochemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides is part of the reason the US military is still in Iraq protecting corporations extracting petroleum from Iraqi oil wells. Growing oaks in the monoculture agribuisiness fields of the San Joaquin valley would help reduce our dependency on the petrochemically derived fertilizers..

Seri, Cucupa y Rio Colorado agua (tags)

Rio Colorado agua not making it to the delta effects the la gente Cucupa y Seri viven further down along el Gulfo. Tambien la influencia de capitalismo y corporaciones..

5/2, San Francisco: Reclaim the Commons Spokescouncil (tags)

SHUT DOWN CORPORATE POWER! SHUT-DOWN THE CORPORATE/POLITICAL MACHINE on June 8! First Spokescouncil May 2nd 4-6 pm San Francisco St. Boniface Church, 133 Golden Gate Drive

Hydrogen HUMvee Highway 2 martial law (tags)

Arnold's recent visit 2 UC Davis heralded his hydrogen highway HUMvee plan 4 CA. The water needed 4 the hydrogen fuel cells no doubt diverted from the local rivers?

Update with CA Anarchist Gathering Fresno June 04 (tags)

Nettles, Nettles, Everywhere: Collect wild herbs! (tags)

Stinging Nettles grow like weeds in the canyons and woods all down the West Coast. Spring is the time to collect them. You can dry them, or make oil or vinegar infusions, tinctures, hair tonics, teas...

S. California Dead Zone one of 150 Worldwide (tags)

Human-kind is engaged in a gigantic, global, experiment as a result of the over-use of fertilizers, the discharge of untreated sewage and the ever rising emissions from vehicles and factories. The result, 150 dead zones -- one off the coast of Southern California.

Deep ecology, bike carts 4 organic gardens (tags)

water, air, tierra y forests do not belong to any corporation, when oxygen is sold in smog ridden cities, our human right to clean air is sold as a commodity. Coca-cola claims ownership of aquifers in chiapas, making agua into a luxury 4 the wealthy. We reclaim the forests, air and water for all living beings, not the property of corporations.

On Gard (tags)

Like so many Republicans, Gard is hell-bent to eliminate regulations even though the contamination of the lakes that has desrtoyed local commercial fishing and tourism. If such Libertarians were in charge, we would be fresh out of edible fish everywhere.


A WALL AS A WEAPON By Noam Chomsky New York Times, Opinion February 23, 2004

Energy Independence (tags)

Request to increase hydroelectric power instead of imported oil.

Transesterification Can Be Fun: Biodiesel in LA (tags)

What fuel is clean-burning, renewable, grown in the US, and brewed in back yards across the country? What fuel makes the murder of Iraqi children, the destruction of the arctic wilderness, and global warming obsolete? It’s called biodiesel and it’s arrived in Los Angeles.

WE QUIT:Response to US Empire (tags)

How do we chant down Babylon system of oppression? End corporate imperialist US empire global domination?

help stop grand jury harassment in Michigan (tags)

Two Michigan-based water rights activists, Marie Mason and Frank Ambrose, are continuing to be harassed by a federal grand jury. The two have been subpoenaed to provide DNA and palm prints. The last time a phone call alert was put out, their offices received "scores of impolite calls," and disrupted their business. Lets do it again. This time we need to be louder so that they get the message.

Colorado Delta dry from water theft (tags)

Solar photovoltiacs would provide more electricity than the dams, yet the water theft of the Colorado River continues. Are suburban lawns and golf courses in the desert more important than the lives of the Cucapa tribe and the Colorado delta ecosystem?

Beware Global Cooling. (tags)

Global Cooling is far less kind that Global Warming.

John Howard IS a Dirty Slut (tags)

Article sbout genersl disregard of Australian Government for social isues and specifically insane project due to commence by Barrick Gold in a virtual bird sanctuary.


Estimates of the WTC dust cloud expansion are used to provide a lower bound for the quantity of explosives used to bring down the towers.

G8 2004:War in Savannah? (tags)

$9.6 million for police overtime and ominous equipment like crowd-control fences, water cannons, bean-bag rifles and riot shields.

TIME Exclusive: Notes from Saddam in Custody (tags)

When asked ?How are you?? said the official, Saddam responded, ?I am sad because my people are in bondage.? When offered a glass of water by his interrogators, Saddam replied, ?If I drink water I will have to go to the bathroom and how can I use the bathroom when my people are in bondage??

Scabs Attack in Long Beach (tags)

When Scabs attack workers.


The UN says that Israeli policy is starving Palestinians to death. Please contact Congress about this genocide today!

Stay Healthy So You Can Stay in the Streets (tags)

Some suggestions from the Street Medics on what you can do to stay healthy before, during and after the demonstrations against the FTAA.

Israel Destroys US-Built Water Wells In Gaza (tags)

Spokesmen at the American embassy were careful not to criticise the Israeli army. But according to reports in the Israeli press yesterday, they were less diplomatic behind the scenes. The newspaper Ma'ariv reported that the US had threatened to stop all reconstruction work unless the Israeli army promised not to demolish anything built by the Americans. (We couldn't have that. Criticizing War Crimes of Israel would be "anti-semitic" - or so the apologists for Israeli War Crimes would claim.)

FBI steps up repression of activists in Michigan with formation of Grand Jury (tags)

The FBI and Coast Guard issued subpeonas to a federal grand jury to two activists in Michigan on Tuesday

State firefighters rejected air drop request (tags)

tate firefighters rejected air drop request for Cedar Fire because of night regulations

Could Russian 'waterbomber' save California? (tags)

Congressmen say feds resisting massive jet that will douse wildfires

Forest Service Ignores Offers Of Russian Help With Fires (tags)

Forest Service Ignores Offers Of Russian Help With Fires

Women Call Anti-Occupation Halloween Protest Against Bechtel (tags)

In a Halloween themed protest, women and men occupied the street outside the offices of the “truly scary” Bechtel Corporation at 707 Wilshire Blvd in downtown Los Angeles beginning at 5 pm on Tuesday, October 28. Protesters used music, costumes, spoken word and more to highlight Bechtel’s rap sheet of profiteering from weapons, war and water privatization.

Offers to Help Ignored (tags)

Giant Russian Water Air Tanker Still Ignored By US

Five Simple Ways You Can Support the Grocery Workers (tags)

The Inland Anti-Empire blog supports the grocery workers strike and lists 5 easy ways you can help support the workers too.

Indigenous People's Day (tags)

How do European immigrants with any consciousness address the genocidal acts committed against the Indigenous Peoples of this land called North America?

The Absurdities Of Water Fluoridation (tags)

It would be totally cost-prohibitive to use pharmaceutical grade sodium fluoride (the substance which has been tested) as a fluoridating agent for the public water supply. Water fluoridation is artificially cheap because, unknown to most people, the fluoridating agent is an unpurified hazardous waste product from the phosphate fertilizer industry.

"Report From Baghdad" Part Three--Life in Iraq (tags)

This is a part three of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invasion of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq. To view the entire series, please visit:

War in Irag far from over (tags)


HEHEHE American Infrastructure (tags)

HEHEHE it takes a report by a bunch of civil engineers for the Americans to realize their infrastructure is shit.

Examining the Impact of Globablization on Women Around the World (tags)

In the unprecedented expansion of world markets that began more than two decades ago, women play crucial roles. Some have been called beneficiaries of this globalization; but many more are its losers. NOW sheds light on how globalization has affected women's lives worldwide.

Yishai's Story (tags)

From Hebron to Hate


Traveling to Cancun for the WTO? Here are some suggestions from the street medics -- what to do now, what to bring, how to stay healthy so you can stay in the streets.

Protecting California's Clean Water (tags)

According to a 2000 report by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency two thirds of California lakes tested so polluted they cannot support aquatic life.



Cleveland, OH has been without water for several hours (tags)

The Mayor of Cleveland stated around 9PM Central that if the power was not restored to the city within 2 hours, the city's water supply would cease to function.

"Stop GATS!" Against Privatization of Services (tags)

"The `Washington Consensus' from the 80s promised that a neoliberal policy - liberalization and deregulation - would be good for eveyrone. In fact, local structures are destroyed, human lives are annihilated through hunger and poverty.."Trans fr German

Disciplining Palestinians: arbitrary arrests, military incursions, and the shooting ... (tags)

Disciplining Palestinians: arbitrary arrests, military incursions, and the shooting of water tanks.

pResident Bush & his Dad are both card carrying cowards. It's in their blood. (tags)

Papa Bush, like his stupid, monkey-faced son, was also a coward. Now we know where pResident George got his yellow streak: it's in his genes.

Librarianship as a Revolutionary Choice (tags)

Speech at the Joint American Library Association/Canadian Library Association Conference
by Naomi Klein June 24 2003



Primordial Illogic (tags)

It is logical to lock people up in their homes and villages, and to sabotage the farming of their land because it is logical to subsidize the Jewish settlement in the land of the forefathers of Gush Katif and northern Gaza. It is logical to connect Jewish settler homes to electricity and water while forbidding Palestinian neighbors from connecting to the electricity grid and the water and sewage lines.

SCENARIO 1.1 "Liberty" (tags)

The unfortunate events in a sleepy little town called "Liberty," as envisioned by Jonah.

AZ IMC Video Project New Releases (tags)

Antiwar compilation and water videos.

"Got water? Give some to the fish" (tags)

Tribe members stood outside a hotel holding signs with sayings such as, "Fish need water stupid" and "Got water? Give some to the fish." U.S. Interior Secretary Gale Norton, former Libertarian Party member, has been widely criticized for her assault on environmental protections.

Letter from Iraq (tags)

Here's a bit of really accurate information on what's actually happening in Iraq. None of the Pacifica style disinformation here.

Traces of Poison - More Israel's History of Terrorism (tags)

Israel, not Iraq, holds that distinction of being the first country in the region to use weapons of mass destruction with genocidal intent. Salman Abu-Sitta digs into a dark history

Iraqi children are suffering (tags)

Doctors here agree. In interviews this week, three of Iraq's top pediatricians said that although no statistics are available, they believe the rate of child mortality — among the highest in the world during the past 12 years — has risen even higher since Saddam Hussein's regime fell and the United States took over governing the country.

World Struggles to Fend Off Desertification (tags)

Some 70 percent of all land in Mexico is vulnerable to desertification, one reason why some 900,000 Mexicans leave home each year in search of a better life as migrant workers in the United States.

Mobilize Against US Agri-Imperialism (tags)

HUNGRY FOR JUSTICE? Want to resist the WTO, US Empire and Corporate Globalization? Fed up with genetically engineered trees, food, fish, future? Believe that access to healthy food and clean water is a fundamental human right?

Four Days of Action Against Bechtel and the Corporate Invasion of Iraq: June 1 - June 5 (tags)

Activists in San Francisco are organizing four days of action against war profiteer, Bechtel! Join us, flyer your community, inform your comrades! Flyers available at: and let us know!

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: Racial Preference? (tags)

Ask a fish what water is and you'll get no answer. Even if fish were capable of speech, they would likely have no explanation for the element they swim in every minute of every day of their lives. Water simply is. Fish take it for granted. So too with this thing we hear so much about, "racial preference."

Iraq: the Children are Dying: More Now Than Ever (tags)

The rate of death and starvation is higher for Iraq's children than ever before. Several hundred children are dying a week due to contaminated water ,starvation,and munitions such as land mines and leftover cluster bombs.


Plan an action at the LA office on June 5th!FOUR DAYS OF ACTION AGAINST BECHTEL AND THE CORPORATE INVASION OF IRAQ June 1 – June 5, 2003

"Settlements: a user guide" (tags)

"West Bank settlements are nothing like suburbs in New Jersey. They are a fundamental aspect of what is unique about Israel. It is therefore necessary to understand settlements for what they really are -- weapons."

iraqi prisoners starve to death and rot unknown to the world (tags)

the horror story the ragic deaths of more than 50 thousand iraqi prisoners

"The System is always Fair", the Cat says to the Mouse (tags)

"Behind closed doors, the WTO negotiated GATS, an agreement on liberalization of services. Health conglomerates all over the world can steal solvent patients. The existential necessity water could soon be much more expensive." Trans. from German

Bechtel wins oil contracts (tags)

Last month, multi-billionaire Riley Bechtel was sworn in as a member of President Bush's Export Council to advise the government on how to create markets for American companies overseas. It was hardly a surprise to the 104th wealthiest man in world, whose family had amassed its fortune in mega-construction projects around the globe was tapped to advise the Bush administration on trade.

Finally Free to Speak, Iraqi's Raise Their Voices (tags)

Thanks to George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, and the US Military Iraqi's are free to gather and debate the issues without fear of imprisonment or death.

Iraq: Anti-US protests growing (tags)

Exasperated US military officials tried to hamper the media from covering new demonstrations in Baghdad while some 20 000 people in the Shiite Muslim bastion of Nasiriyah railed against a US-staged meeting on Iraq's future.

Dying to work: Humanitarian disaster on the desert (tags)

SASABE, Sonora, Mexico – The Sonoran desert has a delicate, haunting beauty. Hundreds of species of birds, cacti and lizards have adapted to survive its lack of water and brutal temperatures exceeding 120 degrees. The list of these desert-hardy species does not include human beings.

War Crimes - Interviews Available (tags)

* Aggressive War * U.N. Charter * Geneva Conventions * Water, Electricity and Food. Is a biased media Culpable and Liable ? Send this to your media.

War Crimes Info. - Interviews available (tags)

* Aggressive War * U.N. Charter * Geneva Conventions * Water, Electricity and Food (send this to your local media)

Homeland Insecurity: US Doomed (tags)

Every member of USA armed forces, their civilian contractors and arms producers are War Criminals. They will pay forever. Monetary and spiritual rewards await anyone who can capture or disarm these scum-fascists.

Brief Protective Gear List (tags)

This list of gear describes the tools which can help protect you and enable you to make your voice heard in the coming days. The list describes some basic tools which will protect you against tear gas/pepper spray, as well as a bit of first aid gear.


Clear And Irrefutable Proof The US Government Planed And  Executed Genocidal Acts Against The Iraqi People.

Mainstream Press missing the point entirely re: "Human Shields" (tags)

Mainstream press please pay attention:

Deforestation is the Single Most Important Component of Global Warming! (tags)

The number one threat to humanity and in fact to all of life on this planet, contrary to the official U.S. position that terrorism represents the greatest threat, is without question deforestation.

EU/WTO want to privatize Everything! (tags)

Now that we're totally distracted by the "War", the corporate dictators (EU & WTO) want to dismantle and privatize the US Postal Service, our schools, our water supplies, public power and anything else they can get away with!

chemical and biological weapons are not "weapons of mass distruction". (tags)

Chemical and biological weapons are not weapons of mass distruction. They are not very effective weapons. Far less effective than a 2,000 pounder.

KKK Protecting Our Borders?! (tags)

KKK + militia groups terrorizing US/MX Border.

The fight for water. A fight for human rights (tags)

Water. We see it everywhere. (see related story below) Many of us take water for granted. All we have to do is open a faucet and this life-sustaining liquid just pours out into our glass to quench our thirst. But in many places it is not so simple to get that clean glass of water.

How to Grow Marijuana (tags)

Take the high road to financial freedom

Watered-Down Rights (tags)

The needs of the few apparently outweigh the needs of the many when it comes to quenching California's thirst


Will two sources of water be cheeper?

There Was Never Anything Wrong With Being a Communist, (tags)

Communism is at the very heart of being human which fits the model that nature has hard wired us with, tribalism.

World Bank handwashing initiative: Selling soap or saving lives? (tags)

The World Bank's Handwashing Initiative is based on the conviction that the simple practice of washing hands with soap could reduce deaths from diarrhoea by half. But its intentions are being questioned in Kerala, where people say they need safe drinking water, not multinational soap

Hell on Earth (tags)

The American Left's anti-semitism and hate of Democracy exposed by John Perrazzo. Muslims killing muslims? Yawn. Jews from Isreal killing muslims? Throw up the barricades!

Water for life, not for profit (tags)

Direct action at the San Francisco headquarters of the Bechtel Corporation, who hope by means of a lawsuit to privatise water distribution in Bolivia.

Water for All: Stopping Privatization in California and Beyond (tags)

Both locally and globally, campaigns to stop water privatization are gaining momentum. In California, there was a big victory against the Cadiz proposal to subsidize a private company to tap native underground Mojave desert water and sell it back to the public.

Colorado Basin/Persian Gulf Bioregionalism (tags)

An amazing art exhibit at Pasadena City College by Peter Fend.

MWD Rejects Cadiz Water Project - HOORAY! (tags)

A controversial proposal to store water beneath the Mojave Desert for use in Southern California was killed Tuesday by the Metropolitan Water District. The MWD board voted by a slight margin to not proceed with the $150 million project by Santa Monica-based agricultural company Cadiz Inc.

I was arrested 9/11 and beaten in Jail... (tags)

----tls---- I was arrested 9/11 and beaten in Jail... I hope you may be able to help me with legal referral or advice ASAP please.

Stop Water Privatization in So Cal: Stop Cadiz Without Delay!!! (tags)

Stop Water Privatization in So Cal/Save the Desert: the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) is going to consider the first part of the approval process for the Cadiz project on Tues, Oct 8, so tell them to save taxpayers' money and "STOP CADIZ WITHOUT DELAY!"

WATER IN COURT : Suez sues a french teacher for libel (tags)

On October 15th & 17th, the 17th Chamber of the Paris County Court will hear a libel suit brought by Lyonnaise des Eaux, against Jean-Philippe Joseph, a schoolteacher in economics and against Radio France, French public radio. Lyonnaise des Eaux is the French subsidiary of SUEZ, the largest private water company in the world.

International Campaign to free Max Ntanyana I (tags)

Banks, ANC, government, water multinationals are trying to silence anti-eviction, anti-privatisation activist and union shopsteward Max Ntanyana for a very long time. This morning he was denied bail on a bogus excuse!

Ten Years After - Time to Revisit The World Scientists' Warning to Humanity (tags)

We the undersigned, senior members of the world's scientific community, hereby warn all humanity of what lies ahead. A great change in our stewardship of the earth and the life on it, is required, if vast human misery is to be avoided and our global home on this planet is not to be irretrievably mutilated.

A Global French Revolution Is Coming, And We're The Aristocrats. (tags)

An Open Letter to the Johanesburg Conference on Sustaining the Empire.

Weapons of Mass Destruction (tags)

The weapons of mass destruction used by the United States on the Iraqi people.


see below

Beach Contamination (tags)

Ills In California's Surf Spur Search For Rapid Bacterial Contamination Test

California Environmental Programs (tags)

California Environmental Programs Face Major Cuts In Midst Of Budget Debacle

April 16 02--Latest News from Palestine--Jenin camp 'horrific beyond belief' (tags)

**For all the news, please check: **also, please visit Palestine IMC:

Corporados Attempt Massive Privatization of U.S. Water Supply (tags)

The water infrastructure bill introduced in the Senate in February 2002 makes federal assistance for water systems conditional on the recipient's consideration of privatization. This language jeopardizes public access to safe and affordable drinking water

Polar Waters Temperature Surge (tags)

In polar waters, a surge in temperatures takes scientists by surprise

Starbucks charged rescuers for water (tags)

"It was a misunderstanding with Starbucks," said Mr Rapisarda

A True Holy War (tags)

holy war

Monsanto Moves to Control Water Resources--Vandana Shiva (tags)

Since water is as central to food production as seed is, and without water life is not possible,Monsanto is now trying to establish its control over water.

Eating More Veggies Can Help Save Energy (tags)

f humans switched from a meat-based diet to a plant-based one, the world's petroleum reserves would last 260 years, as opposed to 13.

Activist Attendance Low but Police presence was overwhelming... (tags)

Just a few activists were willing to sit in the sun and listen directors of organizations talk about the reasons for the protests and declaration of sentiment of the protestors.

Vancouver Stops Water Privatization Scheme (tags)

Read below.

Project Censored: Water Privatization!! (tags)

Check it out... just last year a supertanker left Canada to sell water to Southeast Asia...

R2K Imprisoned Female Protesters Embark On Water Strike (tags)

Over 300 Republican Convention Protesters Still in Custody: High Bail and Ludicrous Charges Levied by Philadelphia D.A.

Anarchist wartergun army at DNC! (tags)

Anarchist gather at DNC armed to the teeth... with H20! Ultimate Pacifism.

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