fix articles 129786, beneath
Canto del Rio Bravo / Song of the Rio Grande (tags)
"When history sleeps it speaks in dreams; on the forehead of the sleeping people the poem is a constellation of blood. When history wakes image becomes act, the poem happens; poetry moves into action."
Ward Churchill interview w/ Jerry Quickly, KPFK (tags)
Ward Churill was interviewed by Jerry Quickly today, April 25, 2005 on the Beneath The Surface show; The first 5 seconds are lost but that was just part of Quickly's intro. // mp3 file, about 5.3megs, 32kbps
Nazi flag flies high in Langford, South Dakota (tags)
I cannot sit passively as a family, who knows nothing of this community, attempts to impose on us their revolting Neo-Nazi ideology. I regard this family's childish display of racial factionalism as, at best, quaint -- and at worst, as some kind of a sick joke.
George Dubya found caught in a dirt-tunnel hideout, 20 feet beneath the White House (tags)
"High Value Target" George W Bush was found caught in a dirt- tunnel hideout, 20 feet beneath the White House, 8 months after his defeat in the 2004 Presidential elections. "Troops clear the opening of the tunnel, revealing a vertical shaft about 2m deep. They discovered George W. Bush, sitting in the bottom of the tunnel cradling a pistol in his lap. When asked who he was, he reportedly replied "George Dubya"
[palabra]: AGAPE