fix articles 12959, test Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : test


test (tags)


SPAMDEMIA.2 (tags)

La canea massmediatica farmanazi strombazza già la seconda spamdemia...


There is no "covid" and fink laurence is its propheteer.


The alleged sars cov 2 virus and its umpteen fake variants do not exist : here´s proof.


Neither the alleged sars cov 2 virus, nor its endless fake variants, nor the alleged covid disease exist : scientific evidence


"covid" does not exist : the definitive scientific evidence


There is no "covid" and fink laurence is its propheteer.


covid is a pig pharm hoax


covid does not exist : ultimate scientific evidence


"covid" does NOT exist : scientific evidence


there is no such thing as "covid" : scientific, logical, empirical evidence


There is no "covid" and fink laurence is its propheteer.


THE CONVID COUP : scientific evidence that the sars cov 2 virus does NOT exist


There is no "covid" and fink laurence is its propheteer.


There is no "covid" and fink laurence is its propheteer.


There is no "covid" and fink laurence is its propheteer.


there is no such thing as "covid" : scientific, logical, empirical evidence


the alleged sars cov 2 virus does not exist : conclusive scientific/logical/empirical evidence


the sars cov 2 virus does not exist : conclusive scientific, empirical and logical evidence for this pharmanazi scam


There is no such thing as the alleged sars cov 2 virus : conclusive scientific evidence


"covid" is a criminal hoax : the scientific evidence

Scientists read dreams and thoughts (tags)

"The remarkable breakthrough makes use of a fairly straightforward idea: that when we visualize certain types of objects in our minds, our brains generate consistent neural patterns that can then be correlated with what is being visualized."


The alleged sars cov 2 virus, covid disease and pandemic do not exist : the definitive scientific evidence.


There is no such thing as the alleged sars cov 2 virus/covid disease or pandemic thereof : all the scientific evidence.


There is no such thing as the alleged "sars cov 2 virus"/"covid disease"/"pandemic" : conclusive evidence.


This information means, anyone who took a covid test has a great legal cause. This has already been determined to be fraud.

test (tags)

testing to see if this works


conclusive scientific evidence for the convid scam


covid´s a spoof and here is proof


the alleged sars cov 2 virus does not exist : here is conclusive proof

Learned Helplessness and Father of the Third Wave (tags)

Researchers have known for half a century the mechanism by which people can be induced to effectively lock themselves in their own mental prison ... and it wasn't long before intelligence agencies began to use this research for their own purposes.


"covid" ´s a lie and here is y

Issues Involving Current And Other Vaccines (tags)

Why does 50% of the population want to avoid vaccination injections.


there is no such thing as "covid" : the evidence


there is no such thing as "covid" and here is all the scientific evidence proving it


there is no "covid" and here´s the ultimate scientific evidence


there is no covid and bill gates is its propheteer


there is no such thing as "covid"


there is no such thing as "covid" : the evidence

Corona vaccine development - they prefer not to ask about risks and side effects (tags)

Thousands or even millions could be vaccinated on the basis of "emergency approval." We will probably have to live with the virus. The current strategy of damaging measures until a vaccine is available is a bumpy path with incalculable risks, side effects and visible collateral damage.


there is no "covid" and bill gates is its propheteer


sars-cov-2, covid and pandemic do NOT exist : the ultimate evidence


there is no sars-cov-2 and bill gates is its propheteer

CON-VID 19 (tags)

there is no "covid" and bill gates is its chief propheteer : the evidence


there is no "covid" and bill gates is its propheteer


this alleged virus has NEVER been proven to exist


there is no "covid" and bill gates is its propheteer


there is no "covid 19" and bill gates is its propheteer


there is no "covid 19" : the evidence


there is no "covid 19" & bill gates is its propheteer


there is no "covid"and bill gates is its propheteer

THERE IS NO "COVID" !!! (tags)

there is no "covid 19" and bill gates is its propheteer

FARCE - COV - 2 (tags)

there exists NO "sars-cov-2" virus : the evidence


there is no "covid" and bill gates is its propheteer


there is no "covid" : the scientific evidence


there is no "covid" : the evidence


there is no con-vid and bill gates is its prophet


there is no "covid" : the evidence


there is no "covid" : the evidence


there is no "covid" : it´s a pharmanazi scam


there is no "covid 19" and bill gates invented it for profit


there is no "covid" and here is the proof


there is no "covid" : the evidence


there is no "covid" : the scientific evidence


"covid" does NOT exist : it is just a pharmanazi pretext for world dictatorship


there is no "covid" - it´s a pharmanazi hoax : the evidence


there is no "covid" and I can prove it


there is only one con-vid, and bill gates is its prophet


"covid" does NOT exist : it´s a pharmanazi hoax : the evidence


there exists no fucking "covid 19" : the evidence


there is one con-vid 19 and bill gates is its prophet


There is no "covid 19" : the evidence. If you don´t read Italian. skip to the English sections. If you don´t read English, jump the English sections.

BIOHOAX (tags)

"covid 19" does not exist : the evidence se non comprendi l´inglese salta pure le parti in inglese if you don´tunderstand Italian, skip the parts in Italian and jump to those in English

Corona: US mililtary develops rapid Covid-19 test (tags)

"Our test would be an absolute breakthrough," says Ringeisen. It would massively improve the diagnosis of infected persons and enable them to be quickly quarantined so that they do not infect other people. The test should be introduced as soon as possible. The target is mid-May.


non esistono né il virus sars-cov-2, né la malattia covid 19, né l´epidemia/pandemia relativa


the text that follows is by great Opposition journalist David Crowe, specializing in epidemology

test (tags)


test (tags)

test image

test (tags)

a test

Test Post Again (tags)


test (tags)


test (tags)

total test post

test (tags)

total test post

test (tags)

total test post

test (tags)


test (tags)


test (tags)


Sorry President Trump,Ted Cruz Texas Judicial System,is Worse Than Many Shithole Countries (tags)

Frightening,two of the most critical pieces of Hank Skinner's exoneration court evidence in Texas law enforcement's possession,simply vanished,and Texas wants to execute~ murder Mr.Skinner as if that evidence never existed to begin with

test (tags)


Test: "Families Belong Together" March, Pasadena (tags)


test 3 (tags)


test 2 (tags)


test (tags)



This is only a test.

FBI suppressed exculpatory evidence in Leonard Peltier's trial (tags)

FBI suppressed exculpatory evidence in Leonard Peltier's trial

The Shortwave Report 09/08/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Sputnik Radio, NHK Japan, and Radio Havana Cuba.

WBUR Boston Promotes Animal Torture Done By Bridget Lancaster (tags)

PBS has over 200 cooking shows shilling for animal or fish flesh, eggs and dairy. It is causing human disease, animal agony, environmental destruction and energy waste. One of the worst is Bridget Lancaster's America's Test kitchen

The Shortwave Report 01/29/16 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK World Radio Japan, China Radio International, and Radio Havana Cuba.

The Shortwave Report 01/08/16 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, China Radio International, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Sputnik Radio.

Palestinians trapped dying in Yarmouk, Syria – a test for the left (tags)

Thousands of Palestinians at risk- and the left is silent

North Korea video shows US city in flames after missile attack (tags)

It begins benignly enough, with an image of a sleeping young North Korean man, and a genteel piano version of the US feel-good pop anthem We Are the World providing the musical backdrop. But the YouTube video recently posted by Uriminzokkiri, North Korea's official website, quickly takes a more sinister turn as the man's dream continues into the realms of Stalinist fantasy.

Impossible Test Scores (tags)

If you have magnet schools, it's impossible for the remaining students to achieve average test scores.

Facebook kills app that would let Facebook stalkers become real life stalkers (tags)

While a fair corner of the internet was in angry mob mode because Facebook changed users’ default emails to, several others were aware of another Facebook dealing that seemed even more nefarious. This past Monday, Facebook quietly unleashed the “Find Friends Nearby” feature, a mobile app that would allow users to see which other users were in proximity.

America's Illegal Chemical Weapons Stockpile (tags)

chemical weapons

BTL:Palestinians Vow to Test Bid for Statehood at United Nations (tags)

Interview with Phyllis Bennis, director of the New Internationalism Project at the Institute for Policy Studies, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

Keith Brown Interviews Mark Conlan on ?Big Brother? HIV Test Program (tags)

Two audio links to information about the viciously intrusive, Big Brother-ish "Lead the Way" HIV antibody testing program being pushed by Dr. Susan Little, head of the Antiviral Research Center at UC San Diego (whose previous HIV test program broke the confidentiality of ALL the people tested in it). One is Zenger's Newsmagazine editor/publisher Mark Gabrish Conlan reading his editorial "Big Brother Is Testing You," with cut-in quotes from Dr. Little herself; and the other is an interview with Mark Gabrish Conlan by Keith Brown of the "Gay Spirit" radio program in Hartford, Connecticut that also contains new information about "Lead the Way."

Autonomy under attack: Rawesome Foods raided (tags)

Rawesome Farm Buying Club was Raided by SWAT and FDA agents. Nearly all of their raw foods were seized.

Big Brother Is Testing You (tags)

Big Brother is testing you. Big Brother is sending out mobile test vans to certain census tracts in Hillcrest, Normal Heights and other neighborhoods in the 92103 and 92104 Zip codes to knock on people?s doors and present them with a then-and-there demand that they take an HIV antibody test. That?s what Dr. Susan Little of the Antiviral Research Center (ARC) at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) Medical Center came to the Hillcrest Town Council on May 10, when she spoke at their meeting to announce a new, stunningly intrusive and threatening program called ?Lead the Way? designed essentially to force everyone between the ages of 18 and 64 in the 92103 and 92104 Zip codes ? the parts of San Diego with the greatest concentration of Queer residents ? to take the HIV antibody test and go on immediate ?treatment? with anti-HIV medications if they test ?positive.? What makes this even worse is that Dr. Little has a documented history of breaking the confidentiality of ALL her subjects in a previous HIV antibody testing study!

A biased test designed to help defeat Prop 19? Probably! (tags)

We don't need no stinking double blind test to prove that marijuana is a dangerous drug. We will do anything to keep the drug war which is really a jobs program for overpaid cops!

Leak Hampers BP Effort to Shut Off Well and Halt Spill (tags)

ABOARD THE RESOLUTE, 50 miles off Louisiana — BP stopped collecting oil from its runaway well on Wednesday afternoon, laying the groundwork for a critical test that could halt the rush of oil into the Gulf of Mexico for the first time since the disaster began three months ago. The test involves closing valves on a new tight-fitting cap to increase pressure in the well, so that BP can assess the rest of the well’s condition.

CENSUS needs part time workers...wanna take the test ? (tags)

Census is late but trying to recruit everyone especially people who can speak other languages are the how-to-apply details I encountered doing it today

LA County CIO Office's Website Sucks (tags)

I was just looking for some shapefiles for the county of Los Angeles... and found this absurdity.

David Crowe, part 2: The Politics of Belief in “HIV/AIDS” (tags)

A second portion of the extended interview with Canadian alternative AIDS activist David Crowe, published in the August and September 2009 issues of Zenger’s Newsmagazine. In the first part, Crowe discussed the reasons neither HIV nor any other single microorganism can be the cause of the 30 previously known diseases lumped together under the “AIDS” label, and why the so-called “AIDS tests” (actually tests for antibody reactions to the nine proteins presumed to make up HIV) are useless in determining one’s present or future health. In this installment, Crowe discusses the politics behind the belief in “HIV/AIDS” and why this fundamentally silly pseudo-scientific theory continues to command belief throughout the world.

David Crowe: Canadian Activist Organizes Alternative AIDS Conference (tags)

David Crowe, head of Rethinking AIDS and the Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society in Canada, has been active for over a decade in the alternative AIDS movement, which challenges conventional wisdom and its claim that the cause of AIDS is a single virus and highly toxic antiviral medications are the only legitimate way to treat it. In the first part of a two-part interview, he discusses why HIV antibody test results are ambiguous, HIV has never been proven to exist as a virus and the dangers of the meds. He's organizing an international conference in Oakland in early November where scientists and activists will discuss these ideas and their implications.

Death of an AIDS Dissident (tags)

A meditation on the recent death of H.E.A.L. [Health, Education, AIDS Liaison]-San Diego board member Jerry Colinard and the insistence that, as David Crowe of Rethinking AIDS and the Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society put it in a recent interview for Zenger's Newsmagazine, “If you’re an HIV-positive dissident, you’re not allowed to die of anything else other than AIDS.” Originally published as an editorial in the August 2009 issue of Zenger's Newsmagazine.

Protest ICBM launch (tags)

Protest the launch of at ICBM test Minuteman III from Vandenberg Air Force Base August 22nd at the Space and Missile Center ( Los Angeles AFB) a 483 N. Aviation Blvd El Segundo 1 pm and the a second portest at VAFB near Lompoc at 11:55 pm

The Fifteen Major Tests Of The Spiritual (tags)

A Course In Miracles states that there is only one problem in life, and that is separation from God. In truth, we have never been or will ever be separate. This is illusion.

The New Killing Fields (tags)

The New Killing Fields

My Friend, Christine Maggiore (tags)

The death of alternative AIDS activist Christine Maggiore came as a shock to me, not only because for 17 years she'd offered herself as living proof that a so-called "HIV-positive" diagnosis was not necessarily fatal but, more importantly, because she'd been a close personal friend for 15 years. Her death does not change any of the scientific facts that make the idea that HIV is the sole cause of AIDS not only wrong, but ridiculous; though supporters of the mainstream view of AIDS are exploiting it for propaganda, what it really underscores is the need for more basic research to document whether "HIV-positive" people who take the highly toxic AIDS medications actually live longer, healthier lives than those who don't.

US-India nuke deal is signed, sealed, and delivered (tags)

WASHINGTON: Generations to come may slice and dice the US-India nuclear cooperation deal, but for now it has been firmly stated by New Delhi and broadly accepted in Washington that India will be bound only by the bilateral 123 Agreement with regards to the terms of the deal, other sentiments of the US Congress notwithstanding.

Military Test is Mandatory in Hundreds of High Schools (tags)

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery or ASVAB provides the military easy access to more than a half million high school students nationwide. It is one of the military’s most successful recruiting devices. Although the military calls the ASVAB voluntary, many students are coerced into taking it and thousands of high school juniors are forced to do so.

ASVAB is Military's Stealth Recruiting Tool (tags)

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is the military's most valuable recruiting asset. You can stop this predatory practice.

Career Exploration or Child Exploitation? (tags)

Deceptive "Career Exploration Program" provides military recruiters with leads on 600,000 high school students yearly. Act Now to Protect Privacy of High School Students in Your Community!

Alert test (tags)


NORAD: From mountain to volcano? Sources say a risky situation is only growing more so (tags)

"In the faster, quicker, cheaper mode of operations, NorthCom is just bypassing [Air Force] test squadrons because they are too stringent and require too much documentation, and, if it doesn't work, they will tell the world," the source said. "NorthCom has set up the fox, Lockheed Martin, to test the henhouse door and certify it works."

DHS to test comms strategy in TopOff 4 (tags)

As part of an exercise involving a simulated terrorism attack, the Homeland Security Department wants to gauge the extent to which the public would trust information DHS releases electronically. Like its predecessors, the fourth Top Officials (TopOff) exercise is intended to test the nation's readiness to deal with a large-scale terrorist attacks. This time, the exercise will test the department's public communications strategy.

the problem with veterans (tags)

Vets Are Expensive (And Well Trained)

Lawmakers and Census officials spar over the benefits of a Web-based survey (tags)

Coburn agreed with the subcommittee’s chairman, Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), Government Accountability Office officials and Lockheed Martin officials who said there is still time to include the Internet as an option for filling out the 2010 census survey. daily market movers digest midday report for July 23rd HTRE, CMKT, CBMC, CNLG (tags)

Giuen Media

Cruelty in motion (tags)

Would you do business with someone like that?

AIDS PATENT TRACKING - Branded for life (tags)

Taking the 'test' now could brand you for life? Breaking news? HIV patient names to be tracked in all 50 states by year's end. This despite the fact no 'test' for 'HIV' exists just tests for unrelated and non specific antibodies that can react to nearly 100 different antigens. INSANITY!

End US Occupation of Iraq! No invasion of Iran! (tags)

Anti-war rally in downtown Arcata Plaza (other side of Post Office) @ 5pm on Monday March 19th! We will not allow the GW Bush regime another year of military occupation of Iraq undisturbed! Join in non-violent resistance to US militarism in Iraq and elsewhere. Let's clean up the radioactive mess of nuclear weapons & waste we've made in our backyards at home before threatening the people of Iran with an invasion over thier expressed desire of nuclear energy!

Tommy Morrison cleared - JUST LIKE "MAGIC" (tags)

More than a decade after he was indefinitely suspended following a positive HIV test on the eve of a 1996 fight in Las Vegas, that day is here. He has been cleared to return to the ring after passing a battery of medical tests.

Liam Scheff Interview on AIDS (tags)

Liam Scheff Interview on AIDS and the ICC Orphanage story in New York where children were used in AIDS drug trials.

DU Poison Explosions-I Left My Heart In San Francisco (tags)

Radioctive explosions are being fired out into the open air near San Francisco. These are the same weapons that are used on the "enemy" in the Middle East. Now these explosions are being used in even greater amounts.

North Korea has "put everything in place to conduct a [second nuclear] test (tags)

news of the world

DNA test free man jailed for 14 years (tags)

Pendleton demanded DNA testing after his arrest for the 1992 case, but police lab analyst Pamela Fish said there wasn't enough genetic material to test the evidence. Pendleton was convicted based on the victim's identification.

Cop flunks drug test. Cop blames it on his wife. Judge buys the BS (tags)

This cop uses the lame ass excuse that it is his wifes fault for him failing a drug test!!! I wonder if civilians can use that excuse if they get popped for DUI?

Why Bush is Seeking Confrontation with North Korea (tags)

The Bush Administration and the North Korean nuclear test

EXPLOSIVE: Tampa Bay News has Conspiratorial Emails in 2000 Election Fraud Coup d'État (tags)

Tampa Bay News now in possession of Douglas Alexander (former U.K. E-Commerce Minister) election emails. Emails deal with direct communications between Alexander, Karen Hughes (chief aide to Bush) Mel Sembler aka Bay Point Schools and Democratic traitor Al Rodgers of Fort Lauderdale, Florida along with current Florida A.G. Charlie (gay-in-the-closet) Crist.

Back Breaking News Exposes Chris Matthews of MSNBC (tags)

He condones Congressman Foley’s sexual activity with a Page of 21 years old because he was of age at the time. Matthews ignores the solicitation of the Page by the pedophile Foley before the Page turned 21 years old. Then it gets worse. Matthews compares the activities of homosexual-in-the-closet Foley to what Matthews considers scandalous which is President John F. Kennedy’s marriage to Jacqueline Kennedy when she was 22 years old and he was 34 years old. Is he insane or what?


CBS News ready to report that North Korea Nuclear Test was not a nuclear test at all in fact the explosion in North Korea was an accidental detonation of dynamite linked to three regiments in the North Korean army who patrol the area. Bush, Putin and the Chinese President created this façade to disguise a massive fund transfer out of the Northern Trust Bank in Chicago linked to funds that were designated for the payment of the Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols; funds that were due to Ambassador Leo Wanta. The funds of course belong to the US and French Treasuries not to the Chinese Box Gang. It can now be reported that that leader of North Korea, received 55 million dollars to go along with this ruse...

Back Breaking News: Further Update on N. Korea fraud, a hoax (tags)

None other than Fox News is reporting that the French Defense Minister has announced that the alleged North Korean Nuclear Test was a failure.

Genetically Engineered Crops May Cause Human Disease (tags)

FDA fakes test and misleads Americans about dangerous situations


Yes this is a conspiracy theory about how scientists would be wasting money if the observation is not made that a new oil well which was reported by several news sources to have just started producing in the Gulf of Mexico might have something to do with a somewhat rare earthquake on top of the same geologic plate that the new deep water well was drilled in. They intentionally drilled into the edge of the plate.

Judge tosses confession in Fla. killing (tags)

Lawyer???? You can't have a stinking lawyer if he prevents you from confessing!!!! At least thats what the cops said!

Stop "Divine Strake" Bombing in Newe Sogobia (NTS); May 28 (tags)

On May 28, 2006 dozens of indigenous, environmental justice and peace and disarmament organizations will converge at the Peace Camp outside the Nevada Test Site near Mercury Nevada to protest the Divine Strake test scheduled for June 2, but now apparently postponed to June 23.

The Fear of the Islamic Bomb (tags)

Iran's president provokes in order to divert. the message seems directed outwards and yet primarily has a domestic political nature. A face-saving solution is crucial. Megaloma-nia, arrogance and invulnerability are sicknesses in the US and Iran.

president bush to undergo major testing. (tags)

Millions of american people are starting to notice a very un american president and vice president these days. Every day more and more americans are starting to wonder if these 2 guys are even fit to run our nation anymore. The things they do sometimes seem a little crazy and often illegal. So some of the american people are hoping to find a couple good shrinks and maybe a few good lawyers to see if what they are doing in washington is really legal or illegal, maybe even a little crazy. There is a simple challenge to washington to pass a bill, its a good one, its a simple one, and it's a fair one, lets make it a fast one, say march 23, this will give them several weeks just in case their secrataries are slow typers or they forget how to spell there names or they are slow readers or something you know washington isn't the brightest city in the world and the bill is 1 page. Lets call it bill #4404150555 until they give it an official # Any man women or child that joins the military reserves the right at anytime they feel unable or unwilling to pick up another weapon or harm another person to trade in that gun for a guitar. The government that tought that child how to use that weapon that kills will be responsible to provide teachers to teach that soldier to play an instrument that heals so he may attempt to heal some wounds that he and his brothers may be feeling or creating. We would only do trade with countries that provide their soldiers and citizens the right to decide if and when they to have the right to lay down their guns and persue a life with more meaning and one worth living. Submitted by Jimmy the weed Zender american citizen living in Geneva on the Lake Ohio, maybe Bono would help me submit this:) John Mc Cain, wheres the love for your democracy and military men? Kennedy live up to your good name, help america find real democracy. We all owe them this people, they have all givin their lives so we may have this right, use it, lets do this for them, now! Lets "nickname" this "the bill we can all aford to pay" And if washington don't wanna foot this bill, they better all start hiring lawyers, oh they already are lawyers! Well, they will need more lawyers and they will be paying them out of there own pockets, now they would not like that, would they? this bill is good for america! We will ask some of our brightest stars to both sponser the bill and donate time to teach these young men and ladies to be highly skilled and very creative soldiers for life and healers. And a few big names would make things a lot more encouraging. As believers we must become less killing and more filling if we want to get to drink from the cup of life, God help us all! Now on the streets we call the first part a blood test, on march 23 the results of this test will be in and we will know if he has american blood in him or muslim blood on him, anyone will be able to decide for themselves too cause everyones got brains to decide right? This is a great place to draw the line and see if they want all americans to have the opertunities to be the best people we can be or just to do be un or under edjucated and easily manipulated so we can only keep doing all there dirty works. You know I am starting to woner if that is Christs blood or muslims blood on our hands, and if we don't stop now we may be suprised. Now if he fails the blood tests, we will have due do further testing now the second part we will be testing his brain, if we can find it. This test is known on the streets as the test for dummies it is 10 stupid questions, itis designed for stupid people who can only come up with stupid answers. the results from this test should show us if he has any common sense or in some countries it is called "sanity" left or not, we really need to know. Now if he fails the first 2 tests we better take the 3rd one for him, we will all be tested. And we must vote every republican out of office in november, except the ones who fought for our citizens and soldiers rights and signed the bill and only if they get it passed. This will be "nicknamed" america's blood test, this test will tell us if they sucked all the american blood out of us. And in november you will have our test results too, God help us all, please! Now this test is very real and millions of americans are taking notice. Every day is a test, and every day we are tested, let us pass this one. Hey old man, get out of that rocking chair and do something, and students and children teach your parents well. I know they will be telling you how stupid we are or crazy the plan is but you be the judge, is this test easy? will they pass? sign? or turn their backs on our soldiers and us too, us the people they promised to serve? You know it's not just iraqies and our soldiers dying but also every soldiers parents do, their children, brothers, sisters, and every one of us too look inside, the scars of these wars are in all of us no matter where we live. Demand they pass this bill into law, just the way it is let them add nothing to it and make sure it never expires, and don't let them screw it up. Also this governments been taking all our dollars I think we deserve a little change, don't you? tell them earn the money they take and sign this bill fast. Send letters to washington cnn and everywhere, tell family overseas take the test too and send your answers to Lou Dobbs at by july 4 incase we have a lot of empty seats to fill in november it is right around the corner. And be sure and find out what test your person in washington prefers to take we are giving them 3 very easy choices you know 1 Pass this bill now (easiest choice just sign it) or 2 take the test july 4 (anyone who failed the first test) or 3 test us in november, do not underestimate our hunger, you only feed us lots of elephant shit and the whole world is sick of that. Rock and Roll Everyone!

Hitchens on War (tags)

Christopher Hitchens – On Why We Must Win

EPA Leaves No Immune System Behind (tags)

EPA Proposes Rule to Use Children for Human Experiments



getting tested for mycoplasma and other infectious gulf war diseases (tags)



A salute was published today on indymedia Houston as the new world political elite continue to prove that they can treat each other with respect. A little late but intel moves kinda slow these days. The staff and editor of THE AMERICAN bLASPHEMER was so moved he is considering putting the blog back online.

Sex Crimes (tags)

“I have a large population of people who have chosen not to take any anti-retrovirals. They’ve watched all of their friends go on the anti-viral bandwagon and die.” – Dr. Donald Abrams, MD, Director of AIDS Program, San Francisco General Hospital (“Lecture to Medical Students,” Synapse, 1996)

“Knowing is Beautiful” (tags)

As a journalist who writes about AIDS, I am endlessly amazed by the difference between the public and the private face of HIV; between what the public is told and what’s explained in the medical literature.

The NIH Two-Step - Stepping Over Bodies on the Way to Market (tags)

The major media is finally covering the toxicity of what pharmaceutical companies mislabel 'AIDS Drugs,' but they're four years and hundreds of deaths too late

Cheers for christian family values (tags)

The eye of big brother in your "medicine" cabinet.

Class Struggle and Critical Race Theory for Texas Schools (tags)

Inequity is a plain fact in Texas education, but so is the challenge of civil rights education.



Congress to Hear Blackout-Bomb Threatens Existence of Civil Society (tags)

On July 22, the Graham Commission, or EMP Commission, gives its long-awaited report to the House Armed Services Committee, and an advance briefing shows that it says the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) bomb, or E-bomb, can threaten the continued existence of civil society in the United States.

Orphans on Trial. (tags)

Orphans on Trial. Pediatric AIDS Drugs Forced Into State Wards and Orphans - Money for Big Drug Companies equals Big Loss for Kids. This was broken through Indymedia, and is now finally entering the mainstream.

Surgery for Children Who Refuse Drugs in Clinical Trials. (tags)

Orphans on Trial. Pediatric AIDS Drugs Forced Into State Wards and Orphans - Money for Big Companies equals Big Loss for Kids. This was broken through Indymedia, and is now finally entering the mainstream.

Equality under the Law.. Not! (tags)

Blacks denied access to educational testing by California Law.

The New Religion (tags)

The New Religion: "Science" ("HIV" and other such nonsense...) ***WARNING: sense of humor required!!*** Check out this letter I wrote to

Unevolution (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

The Observer runs horror story (tags)

First published on THEN The New York Post the story has now made it to the highly respected British daily 'The Observer'.

1 March 1954 - Operation Bravo and the Marshall Islands Human Guinea Pigs (tags)

On March 1st, 1954 - 50 years ago - the USA did proceed to their first H bomb test: Operation Bravo.

Is There Justice in America? (tags)

The case of Kevin Cooper

A new low in drug testing (tags)

The government is apparently planning to install face-scanning cameras and urinalysis machines in some public urinals. It sounds strange, but it's technically feasible. We need to spread the word about this so it doesn't become widespread.

Proof that bigotry and stupidity are linked (tags)

A new study by a multiracial group of Dartmouth College researchers (published in the journal Nature Neuroscience) has found that bias toward people of another race, or people who are "different," can drain mental function and make people dumber.

'AIDS TEST' Tyranny (tags)

Taking a useless test that simply 'tests' for harmless antigens to a 'virus' that has never been isolated, never been shown to be infectious and never even shown to exist, can be a jail or death sentence. DON'T EVER TEST!

Press gives Arnold a cakewalk re trashing women publicly (tags)

Arnie's dirty details not repeated in corporate wash.


When Bush "visited" Iraq he did so as a "Fly-Over" where he did not touch down and have to risk breathing unfiltered air at ground level.



Spoon-Feeding Poison: EPA Opens the Door to Testing Bug Killers on People (tags)

The Bush administration is now moving to endorse the testing of noxious and lethal chemicals on human beings.

erase2 (tags)

test 2


------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHAT OUR CHILDREN ARE LEARNING Resist the standard tests David Rapaport Tuesday, May 13, 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As California continues to operate in fiscal peril, we must seek to be innovators. But there seems to be no will to look at testing as a place to cut expenditures. So why not save hundreds of millions of dollars statewide and millions locally by permanently invalidating the highly disruptive state testing process?

Libertarian ideals smash face-first into drunks (tags)

Last year MADD ranked Massachusetts as one of the three worst states at fighting drunken driving and underage drinking, mainly because its laws do not mandate that blood alcohol levels above the legal limit are proof of intoxication.

Professional Resume of Key KOBE Member (tags)

We have now found a smoking gun. This is the professional resume of a KOBE leader. He works for SAIC, a defense contractor working with John Poindexter. We can also connect Cycorp, another defense contration working with John Poindexter, to KOBE.

A History of Secret Human Experimentation by U.S. Gov. (tags)

Hi, I'm from the Government and I'm here to help you.

Antiwar Movement Becomes Anti-Imperialist Movement (Hollywood Demonstration with pictures) (tags)

Instead of an isolated hyper-radical froth that police and the media could easily blow away, an impressive consolidation of mature and grounded activists has emerged from the first phase of our struggle against U.S. imperialism.

test (tags)


AIDS is a category, not an illness (tags)

From the book "What If Everything You Thought You Knew About AIDS Was Wrong?"

A History Of US Secret Human Experimentation (tags)

The phrase "we're from the Government we're here to help you" generally earns a nose wrinkle of mirthful derision. There is really little funny about the governments misdeeds in violating the rights of it's citizens by using them as unwitting "experimental animals".

test (tags)


The promotion of an nonexistent threat (tags)

and the helplessness of handling an completely frenzied stalinist dictator

CELEBRATE NEW YEAR AT THE NUCLEAR TEST SITE (tags) has been organizing interfaith retreats and events at the US nuclear test site for 20 years now. Taking direct action for peace is the best way to ring in the new year!

An Invention to Save Your Ass! for 40 cents. (tags)

address: on a bike in the whitehouse basement 'peddling ass' says President B Clinton& GWB to former some. Link for GHB and ketamine test as coaster for 40 cents at 7-11 stores.

New Year's Eve @ the Nevada Test Site (tags)

Join the prayer-action to STOP the works of war at the US nuclear test site! This annual vigil for peace and justice is helpful in the Western Shoshone resistance to the violence of nuclearism

All night, anti-nuclear elektronik dance party at Nevada Test Site, Fri., Oct. 11! (tags)

Come on down to Unchained Reaction! an elektronik, anti-nuclear party at the Nevada Test Site. Friday, October 11. The first full-on, all night elektronik dance party at the gates of the Nevada Test Site!

Animal Testing (tags)

why the hell do they test their products on animals?

Pentagon Was Not Hit By Boeing Air Plane & Evidence There's Explosive Fixed At WTC (tags)

Hunt the Boeing! And test your perceptions!

what drives the animal testing industry? (tags)

why the hell do they test their products on animals?

Update on Family Spirit Walk (tags)

The Family Spirit Walk for Mother Earth is walking 800 miles from Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico to the Nevada Test Site, "taking every step in prayer" for every living thing affected by the U.S. military and the environmental damage caused by military actions globally. The walk will arrive at the Action For Nuclear Abolition Nonviolent Direct Action Peace Camp on Indigenous Peoples' Day, October 11th.

Unchained Reaction! an elektronik, anti-nuclear party at the Nevada Test Site (tags)

Unchained Reaction! is an elektronic, anti-nuclear party outside the Nevada Test Site to resist nuclear testing and dumping on native lands.

Beach Contamination (tags)

Ills In California's Surf Spur Search For Rapid Bacterial Contamination Test

Night Cloud? Ground-Based Missile Test Over The Pacific (tags)

Did you see that weird cloud lit up in the night sky over Southern California Friday evening? It wasn't a bird or a plane, it was Uncle Sam.

Emergency Alert!! 2/14 US-UK conduct 'subcritical' nuclear experiment at Navada! (tags)

Government scientists from the United States and Britain successfully exploded a small amount of nuclear material underground in a joint subcritical experiment, an official with the National Nuclear Security Administration said Friday.

Peace Litmus Test for Candidates (tags)

Elections are another forum of political struggle and to participate, it is always wise to have a litmus test list for deciding on the candidates who should receive your vote. It is the program that must prevail in your decision. The primary issue is war and peace, or in other words, guns or butter, for we cannot have both.

test article (tags)


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test banner

test image (tags)

test banner

Green Party In Power Fails The Test In Santa Cruz (tags)

Homelessness and political repression, the Green Party fails the test in Santa Cruz California

'This is a test' all morning on Orange County, CA televisions (tags)

All day today, the Emergency Broadcast System has been doing it's test in Orange County. The test mumbles something about San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant.

IPA: News of Star Wars Deception (tags)

Preston J. Truman, Director of the Downwinders organization, Alice Slater, President of the Global Resource Action Center for the Environment, and Bruce Gagnon, International coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, offer comments and criticism regarding the recently exposed phony Star Wars test, political harassment of Star Wars critics, and the newly proposed "Space Bomber."

Two Monsanto fields destroyed in The Netherlands (tags)

On June 25th two Monsanto genetic test fields were destroyed in the south of The Netherlands.

Test (tags)

An avi file for test

Lie Detector test Corroborates Arnold Beverly's Confession. Mumia Is Innocent. (tags)

Although Arnold Beverly has admitted to the killing, Mumia Abu-Jamal, an innocent man, remains incarcerated at S.C.I. Greene on death row in Pennsylvania.

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test 2

Testing static (tags)

Test # 2

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final test 2 (tags)


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test for seminar

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test for seminar

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test for seminar

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test for seminar

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test for seminar

Upload test - Ruckus Action Camp (tags)

upload test

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Test Post (tags)

This is a simple test case.

test from ohio (tags)


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test upload of audio

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test text upload

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