fix articles 129049, black hawk down
Libya and Syria: When Anti-Imperialism Goes Wrong (tags)
Reflexive opposition to Uncle Sam’s machinations abroad is generally a good thing. It is a progressive instinct that progressively declined in the 1990s, as presidents Bush Sr. and Clinton deftly deployed the U.S. military to execute “humanitarian” missions in Somalia, Haiti, and the Balkans and progressively increased in the 2000s, as Bush Jr. lurched from quagmire to disaster in transparent empire-building exercises in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The genre of entertainment films about war and the military is described as mili-tainment Presenting war as entertainment means ignoring intellectual analysis tohighlight emotional war stories.
Understanding the Korean anti-US struggle.
Looking For Harvey Weinstein (tags)
The true story of Modern day Michelangelo in a place where folk think Fresco is a soda and Michelangelo a puffy hairdresser from Becerly Hills.
The staged rescue of Private Jessica Lynch (tags)
The Correspondent team had gone back to Nasiriyah to interview eyewitnesses on events and found an entirely different story. Doctors insisted that far from being ill treated Lynch had received the best treatment possible. Assigned to the only specialist bed in the hospital, and one of only two nurses on the floor, medical staff had even given blood to help her due to a shortage.
US POW rescue was 'stage-managed' (tags)
Just keep telling yourself - we have no stage managed controlled Presstitutes, it was not about Oil, Hi I'm from the Government I'm here to help you, we have no stage managed controlled Presstitutes, it was not about Oil, Hi, I'm from the Government I'm here to help you, ...
The Anti War Crowd Has Some Explaining To Do! (tags)
Instead of sending "human shields" to prop up a dictator who ordered the rapes of his enemies, they will send people to help with the reconstruction. Instead of whining about their lost civil liberties here at home whenever they get arrested for blocking traffic, they will offer support for the creation of real civil liberties in Iraq, where until very recently the meekest whisper against Saddam would result in an amputated tongue.
Thousands Of U.S. fatalities expected in Iraq (tags)
Military experts are quietly warning that the impending war against Iraq will likely yield a high U.S. death toll.
Koreans are protesting against the latest 007 film "Die Another Day." The photo shows a young South Korean Student demonstating against the movie.
"BLACK HAWK DOWN" Film Review (tags)
"Black Hawk Down" – Hollywood drags bloody corpse of truth across movie screens.
"BLACK HAWK DOWN" Film Review (tags)
"Black Hawk Down" – Hollywood drags bloody corpse of truth across movie screens.