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Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual teens singled out for punishment (tags)
Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual (LGB) adolescents are about 40 percent more likely than other teens to receive punishment at the hands of school authorities, police and the courts, according to research published in the January, 2011 issue of Pediatrics and released online December 6, 2010 at
The REAL Assault on Marriage: Top 10 Ways Bush & Co. Have Undermined Marriage (tags)
This article was first published in July of 2003 when the US Senate first took the issue of a constitutional ban on gay marriage up as a diversion from deteriorating conditions in Iraq. And now, after three more years of the Bush cartel, it is even more relevant today.
A clear case of considered deception (tags)
The ultimate evidence of a deliberate CDC attempt to disguise the fact there is NO teenage 'AIDS' in America. Also read the shocking facts of "Grannies Gone Wild".