fix articles 127076, cory
Philippine Women's Group Gabriela blast President Aquino (tags)
A WOMEN’S group on Thursday criticized President Benigno Aquino III for comparing her mother, the late President Corazon Aquino, to Gabriela Silang, the first Filipino woman revolutionary leader.
Philippine Gov’t lacks political will to go after the Marcoses (tags)
One can understand Andres Bautista’s deep frustration in wanting to abolish the Presidential Commission on Good Government, which he has headed since October 2010, although — or because — it has failed to accomplish its two-pronged mandate, 27 years after President Cory Aquino created the PCGG through Executive Order No. 1.
Philippines: Annoying P-Noy (tags)
Because the Reds have time and again failed to sell to the majority of Filipinos their offered prescriptions to our national problems, they’ve resorted to all sorts of gimmicks in order to get our attention.
Fighting Surveillance and Control in the Near Future (tags)
A great speech by Cory Doctorow of Boing Boing on why it's important to oppose SOPA and the general trend toward specific use computers.
Philippines: The meaning of the `Noynoy’ Aquino presidency (tags)
On June 9 Senator Benigno Aquino III (“Noynoy” Aquino) of the Liberal Party, the son of former President Cory Aqunio, was proclaimed president by the Philippines Congress. Noynoy was a former senator “with little legislative record to speak of”, according to the Philippine Daily Inquirer newspaper, which nevertheless campaigned hard for Noynoy Aquino’s presidency, soon after Cory Aquino’s death in August 2009.
It is interesting to study the tale of two political families in Asia. One in Pakistan. The other is the Philippines. The present president of Pakistan is the husband of martyr president Benazir Bhutto- Asif Ali Zardani while in the Philippines, the upcoming president is the son of the former president, Benigno Simeon Aquino III.
EDSA "People Power Revolution" Promises Unfullfilled (tags)
EPCC NEWS today reported today, February 27 that NDF spokesperson for Mindanao, Jorge madlos said that twenty four (24) years after the EDSA "People Power Revolution" the greater majority of the Filipino people still wallow in poverty and deprivation, evermore oppressed and exploited. All the promises of EDSA totally unfulfilled.
Reform: The Making of a Philippine Presidential Campaign (tags)
There is real possibility for a significant leap in the reform process in the Philippines after the 2010 elections. If, as seems likely at this time, Noynoy Aquino wins the presidency, a number of converging developments could produce the conditions necessary for change. The first is Noynoy himself, who has successfully embodied the political legacy of his mother Cory, and his father Ninoy. This, in turn, has introduced a new dimension of enthusiastic voluntarism to the election campaign. Finally, the people running Noynoy’s campaign constitute the leading core of an enlarged reform constituency.
The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) expresses its militant solidarity the Filipino peasants specially those of the Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac owned by the Aquino family in commemorating the fifth anniversary of the massacre that happened in November 16, 2004 where 14 peasants were killed by brutal fascists troops. The Hacienda Luisita case has became prominent again with the candidacy of the son of the owner, former President Cory Aquino, now, Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. to the presidency of the land. In 1985, Cory Aquino ran against Marcos and promised she will be the exact opposite of Marcos but did poorly to fulfill her promise. She just brought back the trappings of democracy like the bourgeois congress and elections but kept her hacienda and exempted it under her fake land reform program in 1988. Doing the same, Noynoy, the scion of the Aquino clan claims” they only own 4% of the corporation” and lets another fellow landlord, Mar Roxas of the Araneta-Roxas clan to speak for him on this landmark land case.
Carson Filipino-American Community Honored Cory Aquino, Sept. 9. (tags)
The 40th day of the death of Philippine president Cory Aquino was commemorated with a memorial mass in St. Philomena Parish in Carson city in Los Angeles county last September 9, 2009 The memorial mass led by the parish community of St. Philomena Church at 21900 S. Main St. Los Angeles, CA 90745. More than 250 people attended the memorial mass celebrated by Fr. Thomas Asia, Filipino associate pastor at St. Philomena Church.
The Filipino American community held prayer meetings and memorial masses for President Cory Aquino on August 4 and 6 in Los Angeles. On Thursday, August 6, the memorial mass was held at the St.Columban Filipino Church in Historic Filipinotwn Los Angeles. It was led by the Echo Park Community Coalition. Veterans of the anti-martial law movement in the United States and in the Philippines were present at the mass. Fr, john Brannnigan, a friend of the Aquino family and Fr, Frisco Entines, a veteran rights advocate officiated the mass. The solemn mass songs in Filipino was sung by the Parish Generation Choir.
The Filipino American community led by the Parish Community of St. Columban Church will hold a memorial mass for President Cory Aquino on the feast of transfiguration on Thursday, 7:00PM - August 6, 2009 at the St. Columban Filipino Church at 125 S. Loma Drive, Los Angeles, CA, 90026 in Historic Filipinotown. The endorsing organizations for the memorial mass are the Bangon Pilipino,Bangon Pilipinas, Confederation of Filipino American Organizations (CONFAA)-Carson, Council of Fil-Am Leaders of Southern California, Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC), Filipino American Community of Los Angeles (FACLA), Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), Parish Generation Choir of St. Columban and Search to Involve the Pilipino Americans (SIPA).
Cory Aquino to join Dec. 17 Anti Charter Change rally at Luneta , Philippines (tags)
After the serties oftropical storms, a new political storm is brewing in the Philippines. The Icon Of Filipino People Power whose constiution of 1987 is named after ( The Cory Constitution of 1987) --the target of the US-Arroyo regime charter change yesterday said she would take part in the Church-led prayer rally on Dec. 17 to protest the Palace-backed move by administration congressmen, since withdrawn, to amend the 1987 Charter through a constituent assembly (Con-ass). In a brief statement, former President Corazon “Cory” Aquino also called on the people to join the rally at the Rizal Park . She said in a statement: “I will join the prayer rally on Sunday at the Luneta to express my moral outrage at the attempt of administration congressmen to foist their processed idea of Charter change upon the nation by turning Congress into a constituent assembly,”