fix articles 127049, s. afghanistan
Combat troops to replace support troops in Afghanistan as Obama’s war escalates (tags)
The Los Angeles Times reports on September 2nd that the Pentagon is planning on replacing up to 14,000 U.S. “support” troops in Afghanistan with “combat” troops (see,0,6170770.story). The Times reports the support units will be replaced by "trigger-pullers,” according to Department of Defense (DOD) officials.
U.S. Afghanistan and Pakistan Alliance has stimulated the Drug Trade worldwide (tags)
According to news reports in the past financial connections between Bush Republicans and Osama bin Laden go way back and the political and economic connections have remained unbroken for 25 years. And what appears to be a "new" alliance with Pakistan is merely a new manifestation of a decades-long partnership in the drug trade.
9/11 Book Author Doug Kellner: An Interview (tags)
Text of recent e-mail interview with From 9/11 to Terror War Author Doug Kellner