fix articles 12704, steven pinker
Compendium of Propagands (tags)
Today, the media have influenced our culture and behavior even more profoundly than nuclear power.. An invisible cloud of artificial emotions, opinions and conclusions surrounds modern man. Propaganda can spread worldviews and generate obedience or revolutions.
Confessions of an Adopted Child (tags)
As an adopted child, I felt ideologically out of place. I wondered if a person could have a genetic predisposition towards particular moral values? Could DNA be a factor in a person's attraction to sports or sequined evening gowns?
The Evolution of Morality (tags)
Scientists who study human evolution have discovered the evolutionary origins of morality. The concept of morality exists in every culture on Earth, but the morals themselves are different, which causes a lot of conflict in the world. Now that the Democrats own Congress, I’m sure that conflict is about to get very interesting…
The Evolution of Violence (tags)
The field of evolutionary psychology offers no end of insights into the origins of social problems, and also into why they’re so hard to solve. The War on Terror and the invasion of Oaxaca are just two more repetitions of the same pattern of aggression and violence that has repeated itself throughout history all over the world.
Evolutionary Science as an Implement of Personal Empowerment (tags)
Scientists who study human evolution have made great discoveries into the origins of human emotions and how they affect people and interpersonal relationships. People can put these discoveries to use in their everyday lives—if they learn about them.
One Man’s Direct Opposition to World War III (tags)
Religious fundamentalists' use of religious dogma as political ideology is quickly escalating from evolution vs. inelligent design to World War III and Armageddon. FREE audio book on how evolutionary science can be used to turn the tide against religious fundamentalism.