fix articles 12702, course Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : course


Elisabeth Bronfen: "What amazes me most is the stubborn ability to repress" (tags)

We've greatly reduced the required reading... Five short stories by Edgar Allan Poe, plus the one compulsory piece of Shakespeare from the basic course and vampire and fantasy stories. If very little is read, diversity goes out the window, too.

Climate strike: How elites have been fighting Generation Alarm for five years (tags)

Some activists are later sentenced to pay millions in damages, others have to spend months in prison for their civil disobedience. In the Bild newspaper, RWE boss Rolf Martin Schmitz calls them "eco-terrorists." But neither heat, nor summer drought, nor coal protests led the politicians to ask questions about the climate.

Contact with Police May Be Detrimental to Your Health & Well-Being (tags)

Calling the police can frequently do more harm than good, and other options should be considered whenever possible. The emotional impacts of violence and repression can be serious and it is important that we are aware of those impacts and work together to deal with them. Looking after ourselves and our friends or affinity groups does not end when the action ends!

Turn of the times and Negotiations instead of truce (tags)

"Public opinion continues to cling to pragmatism and pacifism. Skepticism toward military means has even increased since the beginning of the war." "The most important thing is to end the war as soon as possible, even if that means Ukraine ceding control of territory to Russia."

The American century was yesterday (tags)

"The people can always be made, with or without the right to vote,to follow the orders of the leaders. It is very simple. One need nothing to do but to tell the people that they are being attacked, and to reproach the pacifists of their lack of patriotism and putting the country in danger. This method works in every country." (Hermann Goering,1946)

The necessary breach and Rackets and Rockets (tags)

The climate movement should not be afraid of being accused of radicalism. It is a matter of sheer collective will to survive to solve this monstrous problem. Capitalism, in its compulsion to grow, is incapable of reducing resource consumption and emissions.

The definitive end of the commons as we know it (tags)

What we are witnessing is the end of the polity as we know it. The ultimate extinction of public spirit. Parallel societies will remain. We will probably have to live with division. And die.

Biden and Putin play with fire (tags)

It is no exaggeration to say that what is currently unfolding in Europe represents the most dangerous moment in recent history. The Ukraine conflict is taking us as close to a Third World War as only the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 last did.

An 8-Week Course by FTPROC and Jericho Boston (tags)

An 8-Week Course by FTPROC and Jericho Boston

We face the alternative: system change or collapse (tags)

Climate Crisis and Social Transformation in the Age of Corona (tags)

The temporary moratorium on economic activity in large parts of the world has done nothing at all to change the fundamental logic of the capitalist mode of production, which is driven by the end-in-itself motion of endlessly reproducing abstract wealth, represented by money.


Attorney Files Lawsuit Against CDC Based on “Sworn Declaration” from Whistleblower Claiming 45,000 Deaths are Reported to VAERS – All Within 3 Days of COVID-19 Shots. San Francisco, YOU HELPED and are still helping. Especially your public transportation system among many other aspects.

Criminal banks and criminal capitalism (tags)

Since the 1970s, the real economy and the financial economy have been increasingly diverging. Gigantic assets vagabond around the globe, desperately looking for profitable investment opportunities. - a cesspool for alt-rights (tags)

A 'fun' supplement for every alt-righter, Trumpturd, fascist and the occasional woman and children abuser

Climate crisis and social transformation in times of corona (tags)

Companies go bankrupt, workers are laid off, and because the sources of income dry up, millions of people can no longer even buy the most basic necessities... What counts is whether the things produced can be sold on the market and make a profit.

Security State 4.0 (tags)

The future of humanity and the earth require a break from the rule of capital and the security state.... The political public is now at least beginning to discuss again how to deal with the constitution and fundamental rights. It remains to be seen what will become of them.

How the Bewildered Herd is Kept on Course by Rainer Mausfeld (tags)

Neoliberalism is an ideology that mutates into a quasi-natural law. Neoliberalism is an indoctrination that never questions profit and competitiveness. What is rational in micro-economics (being competitive) can be disastrous in macroeconomics (mass unemployment).

Ramsay Discusses Milloscope Development (tags)

“This week‘s Armchair Hour talk has the issues of the state terrorism against local dissidents in the aftermath of the nuclear waste irregularity and the massive losses in bee populations found by harvesters.”

Bertolt Brecht Testifies Before the House Un-American Activities Committee (1947) 2 min (tags)

725 free movies, 700 free ebooks and 450 free audio books (including "1984") are ours on Enjoy the feast! How can anyone be hard-nosed with 725 freed movies?

Israeli Defense Minister Threatens to Nuke Iran (tags)


Home-less-free occupying is not a free ride either (tags)

Another article written on LA Indy was full of comments that derided the author as if that answered the question of how the everywhere-living-homeless in LA have used up what were spaces intended for the general public - for children, for athletes, for elderly, for the tired, the disabled, the visitors. And no blame is made but the reality is noted and forthrightly stated. No PC necessary. No attack the writer is needed. No solutions are available, apparently.

Bernanke Stays the Course (tags)


9-11 not remembered, in LA, anyhow (tags)

Are people in LA so complacent and uninvolved with the stories that were used as the 'causes' of why USA still continues to invade, interfere, and play war games….. and kill people in the middle east ? Are “9-11” and irrelevant set of numbers now ? ….long forgotten, got tired of the symbols, was too long ago and now tired of the same old questions, lies, and 'theories'? huh?

maps of Disappearing palestine (tags)

Problems with the ubiquitous maps of disappearing Palestine

War With Syria and Its Repercussions (tags)

A U.S. invasion of Syria could be the first war based on a YouTube video. After a video was released showing victims of an alleged chemical weapons attack, England immediately declared the Syrian government responsible, while Obama began drawing up military plans, saying there was “little doubt” the Syrian Government was at fault (zero evidence currently exists to suggest this). An extra U.S. warship has already been deployed in response.

A Curious New York Times Article on Teacher Evaluations (tags)

A recent New York Times article, “Curious Grade For Teachers: Nearly All Pass,” finds incredulous the idea that, “In Florida, 97 percent of teachers were deemed effective or highly effective in the most recent evaluations.” The author goes on to cite similar percentages in other states and concludes: “The teachers might be rated all above average, like students in Lake Wobegon, for the same reason that the older evaluation methods were considered lacking.” In other words, the teachers score well because the measuring standard is flawed. And this conclusion is reinforced by the observation that teachers’ high marks were achieved “even when students were falling behind.”

There are no national solutions for Greece, or any other country (tags)

In what can be interpreted as a dry run for other countries, financiers intend to reduce Greece to a vassal state that has no control over its finances, with its tax revenues used to pay banks instead of for government functions.

Do Something Truly Revolutionary (tags)

The world we live in leaves most of us wracked with stress and confusion. It is hard enough getting through the week and making it to the next paycheck with the hopes it will cover all the bills including transportation needs and getting food on the table. Upon closer examination it does seem at times at least some of that stress is avoidable. We can't totally avoid it in our lives, but there's no need to add to it for ourselves, and likewise for others – especially those closest to us.

Waging Total War on Islam (tags)


Occupy America for Change (tags)

class war

Spoiling for Another Fight? (tags)


Turkey/Israeli War of Words (tags)


Congressmen and their "Constituent services" (tags)

Congressmen use "Constituent services" to get 5 to 10 percent of their votes

Salam Fayyad: Israel's Man in Palestine (tags)

Israel's enforcer

Following Tucson Shooting, Dissent Demonized (tags)

Following the tragic shooting in Tucson by a mentally disturbed individual, any and all anti-government speech is now being attacked by the corporate media. This sounds like an MK ULTRA CIA operation that pushes unstable individuals over the edge and causes the reactionary left to call for censorship of anti-government sentiment and ideas.





Free from the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (tags)

"The World Crisis and Beyond," 178p, "The Idea of Global Social Rights," 4p and "The Turmoil within the Elite, the Course of the Crisis and the Left," 4p

Food Sovereignty Tour + Agroecology Short Course in Venezuela – July 19-Aug.2 (tags)

You are invited to participate in a two week study tour to study food sovereignty, social movements and social change in Venezuela, 19 July to 2 August, 2010. The tour will examine issues of land reform, urbanization issues, rural development and food sovereignty within a dynamic political context. Venezuela is an outstanding example of a country that strives to ensure its citizens’ right to food while bolstering its domestic agriculture sector, with an emphasis on organic practices and agroecology. We will also explore other areas of social transformation, including education, healthcare, and direct citizen participation in the political process.

Democrats' Anti-Immigrant Healthcare Bill as Bad as Republican Arizona (tags)

The horror of racial profiling by Republicans in Arizona was preceded by the Democratically-controlled US Congress and President who passed and signed a health insurance promotion scheme in March 2010 that explicitly denies private insurance to undocumented immigrants even if they have the money to buy it, and of course, they cannot receive public benefits being undocumented.

Freedom of Speech at Universities (tags)

Events this week in both the USA and the UK have once again shown the double standard for free speech at universities

Visiting A Modern Day Slave Plantation --An Interview With Nancy A. Heitzeg (tags)

My interest in Angola is as both a paradigm of the Southern transformation of plantations into prisons and as a prototype for what we now call the prison industrial complex. Many old plantations in the South became prisons after the Civil War. Angela Y. Davis traces the initial rise of the penitentiary system to the abolition of slavery, writing: “in the immediate aftermath of slavery, the southern states hastened to develop a criminal justice system that could legally restrict the possibilities of freedom for the newly released slaves.”

How Liberals Strengthen the Right Wing (tags)

The Democrats look around, blindly, after losing their long-held Senate seat in Massachusetts, and with it their Senate super-majority. They wrongly blame the voters, or their “populist” opponent, but rarely themselves. The Democrats’ claim to be “shocked,” but this scenario is now too familiar in the U.S. two-party system — that corporate-owned game of political musical chairs. Just when it seemed that the Democrats could finally “do something” — since they had a year of super-majority status in the Senate — a wrench was somehow thrown in the machinery.

If the cap fits - wear it. (tags)

Present day war criminals hold meeting with successors of past war criminals - in Berlin.

A Science of Intuition (tags)

(Commentaries on Science, Religion, Spiritualism, Politics and The Resource Based Economy)

The day My life changed (tags)

The day My life changed

Jewish Voice for Peace Says: Standing Up for Darfur is "Hateful" (tags)

NO vote for kingships here (tags)

Have you been to a local LAPL library lately? Have you noticed a big poster looking down at you smiling, of course, as Big Brother ? Have you turned on your TV and found the same aspiringpretender filling potholes,cutting green ribbons, shaking any hands out there, etc. etc. etc....yep....not doing his Mayoral job, just doing all self promotions, ever since he arrived here......

First interview (tags)

Maitreya’s first interview by the Master

Semiotext(e)'s translation of Guy Debord's letters (tags)

the entire book is thus both an Orwellian suppression of these relevant and important historical events, and an implicit validation and approval of the similar suppressions that preceded it and made it possible.

Oreo Cookie In Chief? (tags)

Bob Herbert the African-American New York Times columnist has just published a column in the New York Times called "Zimbabwe" in which he claims that Zimbabwe it is in a total mess and that it's all the president of Zimbabwe's fault.

ANTI JEWS stories (tags)

when supporting Palestinians & Gaza - is it necessary to have a "bad guys /gals" to condem, accuse, hate, and humiliate ? Cant these "news" writers with strong opinions just support their cause without needing an evil enemy to make themselves appear "holier than them" all the time? What is wrong here ?

The REAL Story in Gaza: (tags)


Bob Black: Exposed (tags)

an expose of the abuse perpetrated by Bob Black, written by one of his victims

Press Release For Canadian Tent City Ruling (Oct. 24, 2008) (tags)

Now legal for homeless to erect 'temporary shelters' in city parks.

PANIC DECLARED Empty store shelves, gas pumps, ATMs ahead. (tags)

Who am I to declare a panic? Don't worry about that yet; just stock up on a little cash and canned goods. When everything the feds do JUST MAKES THINGS WORSE -- we are in a panic. Not just grandpa's Depression, but a good old-fashioned running-scared panic when the shelves go bare ...

World War II veterans (tags)

When Japan surrendered on Aug. 14, 1945, we who had fought as regular army or as guerrillas suddenly became veterans. The terrible war was finally over and everybody looked to picking up the pieces in a regime of peace. From what I read in the papers, the pension is not much. But the feeling among most veterans seems to be that whatever the pension may finally be, it will be better than nothing. The Americans have pummeled the Filipino veterans into submission. He now goes around with a begging bowl in hand. This is the greatest insult and the most pitiful tragedy.

Aliso Creek Inn Restaurant Laguna Beach (tags)

The first thing that stuck us going into ALISO CREEK INN was the short drive in. It is in just far enough that you don’t hear the traffic from coast hwy. In a serine valley of gorgeous greens of Laguna Beach’s only gulf course and a majestic mountain view with the fresh water of Aliso Creek running through the beautiful length of the property, then empties into the Pacific Ocean, at one of the cleanest beaches in America, ("Aliso Creek Beach). This is truly a tranquil rustic resort in one of the few Canyon Resorts in all of Orange County

Gloria "Makapal" Arroyo's SONA: as usual and of course (tags)

As usual, Gloria Arroyo resorted to lies, stage gimmicks, misrepresentation, misdirection, and statistical hocus pocus to conceal the true state of the nation. Of couse, she again did all these with her characteristic overbearing aplomb. As usual, she blamed the global crisis for the current national crisis. Of course, she failed to mention her role in implementing the imperialist policies of globalization, liberalization, and VAT collection that have led to greater impoverishment, hunger, and desperation among the Filipino masses.

Reading Marx's Capital (tags)

Announcing a new open course.

Socialist Party VP nominee calls McCain “reckless” on Iran (tags)

The ongoing reckless statements by Senator McCain are another indication that the Republican presidential frontrunner is mapping a road to the White House by staying the course that has been paved by President Bush; a course that will continue to advance U.S. imperialism, a course that will continue to benefit the rich at the expense of working people, and a course that has spiraled the U.S. economy into the worst recession since the Great Depression.

PARA (tags)

These reckless statements by Senator McCain are another indication that the Republican presidential frontrunner is mapping a road to the White House by staying the course that has been paved by President Bush; a course that will continue to advance U.S. imperialism, a course that will continue to benefit the rich at the expense of working people, and a course that has spiraled the U.S. economy into the worst recession since the Great Depression.

Anarchy from the UK (tags)

Review of a book by National Anarchist thinker Troy Southgate.

Six Years Ago: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (tags)

the importance of the peoples' uprising in April 2002 that returned Hugo Chavez to power (

The 2008 Elections and The Peace Movement (tags)

Even if the Democrats win, the progressive peace movement needs to continue to “bear witness” to the crimes that our government, the CIA, and the Pentagonians are committing in foreign lands against people that have never harmed or attacked America.

Christmas message 2007:Against war,racism,poverty and exclusion ''illegals'' (tags)

Contrary the hypocrisy of the traditional Christmas-celebrations and the consumption-hysteria, the message is to work for peace, against racism and exclusion of ''illegals'' To say it shortly: the advancement of human rights, without distinction

Berlin: Solidarity with Andrea! (tags)

18.12.2007 - Solidarity with Andrea! On the 1st of December the Berlin antifascist Andrea has been arrested by plainclothes cops of LKA´s political branch.

Why Torture? (tags)

Recently a Washington Post associate editor proposed that President Bush and others in his administration who support torture (or as the administration likes to phrase it "harsh interrogation techniques") should go through the sanctioned techniques themselves.

what made Addington a fascist? (tags)

His abusive, authoritarian father, of course. And now we have to suffer the consequences.

Rosh Hashana Message: Celebrate Jewish Glasnost! (tags)

Despite a Backlash, Many Jews Are Questioning Israel

Moondance International Film Festival (tags)

The Colombian Film director and award winning screenwriter Sophia von Wrangell is comming to Moondance! She will lecture on Dramaturgy of Film on Saturday.

Israeli army to recruit Jews abroad for hi-tech course (tags)

The IDF plans to use the resources of the Jewish Agency and the Foreign Ministry to identify candidates for the course. The army plans to begin advertising the new program, based at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, in English on its Web site.

JUSTICE for Undocumented Students!!! (tags)

Week of Action including Hunger Strike and various staged actions to demand DREAM ACT for undocumented students.

“Has Sen. Barbara Mikulski Lost Her Soul?” (tags)

Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) voted against the Iraqi War. But, since then, she has acted like an agent of the Bush-Cheney Gang by consistently voting to fund it to the tune of $411.3 billion. Mikulski says she “cares about the troops,” but Peace advocates in Maryland think that she has “lost her soul.” They wonder when Mikulski is going to say: “Stop this war!” She has ignored the mandate of the Nov. 7, 2006 election. Iraq is now Sen. Mikulski’s War!

Pete Seeger for Nobel Peace Prize (tags)

Pete Seeger has worked for Peace and Social Justice over the course of his 87 year lifetime. We can be influential in getting him nominated for the honor he deserves.

Lt. Gen. William E. Odom: A Cassandra for Our Times (tags)

The Bush-Cheney Gang’s immoral and illegal war in Iraq “hugely advances” the interest of Al Qaeda and Iran. “No American interests” are served by that conflict, according to Lt. Gen. William E. Odom, USA, Rtd. The longer U.S. forces remain in Iraq, he said, “the worse it will get.” He added: “Staying the course makes no sense.” Leaving Iraq now, Gen. Odom insisted, “is the only way to recover from the greatest strategic mistake in American history.”

HOT BREAKING NEWS: Poison Gate Update Now Linked to Plame Gate (tags)

Alexander Litvinenko, the poisoned Russian spy, has now been directly linked to the Chechnya-Mudjahadeen which of course is allied with Al Qaeda. It can now be reported that the U.S. FBI has tied Litvinenko to the sale of nuclear material to the government of Israel through Zurich, Switzerland. The bagman for all this is none other than Marc Rich. Litvinenko, with ties to Chechnya and elements of the Russian Israeli Organized Crime Teams was an important individual. His death is not to be dismissed. It can now be reported that Litvinenko was...

Chad Conrad Castagana (tags)

Where are the photographs?

Sedition and Popular Media (tags)

Conservative (far right) ‘governments’ – presentation marionettes of Corporate and Financial interests – have unanimously implemented “new sweeping” (slogan) anti-terrorist and sedition laws to constrain or otherwise stifle dissent and opposing ‘views’. Conservatives can always be relied upon to implement the most lacklustre ‘solutions’. In characteristic mode they have all resorted to Legislation in a futile attempt to silence dissenting and protesting ‘voices’. Legislation has always been the refuge of all scoundrel governments and inept politicians. Nevertheless, the popular media remains unaffected by the new laws and continues to demonise, misrepresent, distort and omit details in order to present a ‘tailored reality’ to the public. Circumventing the ‘new sweeping laws’ is child’s play for any journo, analyst, artist or professional media manufacturer/fabulator/fabricator – WHY?

The Evolution of Violence (tags)

The field of evolutionary psychology offers no end of insights into the origins of social problems, and also into why they’re so hard to solve. The War on Terror and the invasion of Oaxaca are just two more repetitions of the same pattern of aggression and violence that has repeated itself throughout history all over the world.


Reverend Haggard Made 35 Trips to the Private Residence of the White House Along with Male Prostitute Jeff Gannon Reverand Ted Haggard, the head of the Evangelical Ministry and chief spokesman for Bushfraud and the Republican National Committee, has been fingered tonight for having a three year homosexual relationship with a male prostitute. Haggard, of course resides in Colorado; the Box Nest for FBI Div 5 and the National Headquarters for what we now know as the pedophile ring. Of course, supplying these prostitutes is none other than NBC's Wm Morris Agency out of Denver Colorado. That's right folks NBC General Electric: Pimps More Than Light Bulbs. It can now be reported that the clientele list nationwide includes some of the following: William Frist (R. Tenn.), Charlie Crist (R.Fla), Robert Dryer(R.Ca.), Trent Lott(R. Miss.), and, of course, the Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman. All of them in the closet....

Alan Dershowitz's Sinister Scheme: Paradigm? What Paradigm? (tags)

Dershowitz's claim that civil liberties require new government powers is eye-catching and remarkable for its initial appearance of absurdity. But tiresomely enough, he never resolves the apparent absurdity. There is no reconciliation of civil liberties with the kind of measures Dershowitz proposes. We can accept Dershowitz's defence of freedom, or his advocacy of new and rather sinister government powers. But we cannot accept both. One of these angles is there for appearance, one for content. It does not take much analysis to work out which is which.

Smiting the Jebuzite (tags)

"Compassion" is not exclusive to any religious group. Nor is its opposite.

By Pretty Boy Freud

An extremist Jewish religious group argues that "compassion" is a strictly Christian (i.e, "non-Jewish") quality and lives out the worst antisemitic cliches.

9/11 Con in LA (tags)

American Scholars Symposium

The Status Quo (tags)

Perhaps the only question is whether the people or corporate elites should regulate and plan. Perhaps businessmen are not the only ones who understand growth and de-velopment. Perhaps profit worship and the self-healing market are myths.

Israel’s first Bedouin envoy (tags)

Ismail Khaldi used to be a shepherd; now he’s been appointed Israeli consul in San Francisco

Sculpture Exhibition Press Release (tags)

“Nature Takes Its Course” is an exhibition of contemporary sculpture that features the work of David Middlebrook and Michael Todd.

The course most politicans flunked (tags)

The course most politicans flunked

The Only Hope For the World (tags)

I see only one way out; a metamorphic leap of faith, an about face in the way we think, a decision to let go of everything that we, as a nation, once held dear, an understanding that the world will surely end unless we recognize the fact that we have no choice but to embrace our enemy as our brother, the one, without whom, we will never find peace, a brother-in-arms, enchained from head to toe, with whom we will either drown, or, together, might be allowed to live for yet another day....

Peace and Freedom party Back on the Ballot (tags)

Attempts to discredit and remove Peace and Freedom Party by Secretary of State McPherson appointed by the Governator fails!

Green Party Window Dressing Undermines Working Class Power (tags)

Electoral politics for socialists has always been tricky. Eugene Debbs, the firebrand organizer and SP candidate for President fought a huge uphill battle based on his forward facing confrontation with capital, while always clearly identifying class lines. Of course, I expect nothing less from Todd Chretien, the Green Party US candidate for Senate.

Illegals (tags)

"give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses.."

Beneath The Surface There Is Much Below (tags)

9/11 related

Oil Price-Fixing (Gasp)? Of Course There's Oil Price-Fixing! (tags)

Tidy concepts like competition and free markets don’t apply in this industry, where the executives of each company know everything about the “competition” without even asking, and where the government is happy to let them suck the profits out of the public’s pockets like crude from a gusher.

The Hayden Plan Containing the Anti-War Movement (tags)

A Vets Perspective of the Weasel 'Left' approach to kissing the lardbutt of the Riech.



Global Kibbutz (tags)


False Flag over London (tags)

Will the sheeple become the lamb chops served up on the table of greed? Or will the become human again by some miracle of courage?

False Flag over London (tags)

Will the sheeple continue to be lamb chops on the alter of greed? Or become human by some miracle of couage?

Virtual Citizens, Virtual Government, Real Troubles (tags)

With Republicans admitting that the White House isn’t governing—just campaigning—we need to face the truth: We have a virtual government, a virtual opposition, virtual citizens and, in the end, a virtual democracy. Our problems, though—war, poverty, AIDS, global warming, etc.—are all too real. ---------

Get ready to support anti-G8 prisoners in Scotland (tags)

Get ready to support anti-G8 prisoners in Scotland (Please distribute widely!)

Minutemen Protest (1 of 3) (tags)

The Garden Gove Police Department conducted themselves in ways that were expected. They protected the racists, and attacked the people.

Bush's Torture Tort Reform: Don't Sue, Don't Get Sued (tags)

So why did the Bush administration go to court and oppose a judgement ordering Iraq to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in damages to 17 captured Americans tortured by Saddam back in the first Gulf War? He had to! If he’d gone along, hundreds of people tortured by U.S. forces in the current “War on Terror” could turn around and sue the U.S. government. ---------------------------------------

A Guide To Racial Profiling and Jewish American Laws being created (tags)

A review of of Jewish Lawmaking in America

when the government... (tags)

when the government owns the media who willtellthe truth? this of COURSE includes socialist international government, famed for totalitarianism. or: why not too many people take indymedia seriosuly

Pizza, Ice Cream, and the First Amendment (Not Necessarily in That Order) (tags)

I got lucky the other day. (No, I’m not talking about that kind of lucky. What do you think I am, a “family values” Republican at convention?)

Cops needlessly kill tiger (tags)

Cop violence spreads from shooting down people to shooting down animals who pose no threat.

BECKY'S BRAIN!!: An Amazing 'Interview' With Becky Johnson of Santa Cruz, by J. Anderson (tags)

This often humorous 'interview' with Becky Johnson of Santa Cruz (google her) was taken from a SC-IMC thread. ( ) It was such an amazing exchange that I thought it should explicitly be given its own very special place as a separate article. HANG ON!! You're headed into the incredible matrix of Bekcy's brain!!

Tucker Carlson is a Thin Idiot (tags)

The fresh-faced pundit, recently pink-slipped by CNN, is bummed that Iraqis aren’t more grateful for all America’s been doing for them, and suggests their ingratitude will likely be shared by the victims of the recent tsunami, what with so many of them being Islamic and all.

Actual Astrology (tags)

These predictions, based on Actual Astrology, are rather like a weather report. No matter what your sun sign, these are the things that will be. Yours is the obligation to figure out what you’re going to do in light of them.

The War of Everyday Life, manufacture of consent and watering down dept (tags)

Of late i've been noticing a new deployment of coercion being reflected from a lot of college students. It appears that the Wizards of Is (or, Oz, pick your poison) have sent a new obfuscation order down to their implementers, or something where people's experiences and intuitions are reduced down to "mere opinions", while "reputable" views are somehow "more equal"!

"Are USA Citizens Tired of Democracy?" A Response to the Presidential Elections (tags)

Reprint with correction: Joseph McCarthy, not Eugene McCarthy, used threats to cripple the democratic process. With sincere apologies. . . . The public’s tolerance of flagrant violations of candidates’ and voters’ rights indicates yet another instance where sacrifice of individual rights has become acceptable, with the assumption, I suppose, that it will always be the other fellow’s rights that are sacrificed . . .

Why Do Americans Need a Machine to Vote? (tags)

So they can have a consumer product involved in the process of being screwed. You know so it feels normal like going to the mall and shopping. Just kidding. Really.

It's Ugly Out There (tags)

"Of course you terrorist loving piece of garbage are supporting Kerry...pigs like you should be rounded up and deported back to where you came from." -- Why did James Zogby's (Arab-American) endorsement of Sen. Kerry unleash such venom? Because it was posted on a number of right-wing websites in a provocative manner, designed to produce anger.

S. KOREA. New Struggle Report... (tags) striking migrant workers, now since 332 days occupying Myeong-dong Cathedrals compound, downtown Seoul. We demand legalization, work visa, the right to choose our work places and full labor rights.

America a Police State? No, Not Yet (tags)

There are certainly serious assaults on First Amendment freedoms underway, but the problem with prematurely characterizing America as a police state is that it plays right into the Bush/Rove/Ashcroft strategy of instilling fear in the public.

Maybe Now We're the Silent Majority (tags)

The Bush administration’s campaign to equate criticism of the president with treason or disloyalty, and to harass and intimidate dissenters may be scaring much of the public into silence. If so, he may be in for a big surprise on November 2: Revenge of the silenced.

The real stakes of the election (tags)

Bush’s Acceptance Speech: True Lies and Terror , Terror, Terror (tags)

Bush offered up no surprises in his acceptance speech at the RNC, continued to pretend the invasion of Iraq was part of a War on Terror, and promised us more right-wing judges, more international military adventures, and a new attack on the foundation of Social Security.

Who's the "girlie man," Arnold? (tags)

Ugly ironies in Arnold's theatrics

Livin' in the Love of theCommon People (tags)

So some corporate bigwigs are planning a tribute to Johnny Cash for delegates to the RNC this year. Guess they haven't got enough trouble with all those restless demonstrators-without-a-park, huh?

55 Reasons against G. Bush (tags)

This month August saw 55 dead coalition troops up to the 22th, in still occupied Iraq. What is wrong about names like "al anbar" province, Najaf or Lance Cpl. Seth Huston(19). All these names can be found on CNN`s official casualty report. Remarkably only 241 of those sacrificed are over 30 years old, the vast majority of 664 accounts for the under 30 years old soldiers. 431 of the lost were under 24, when they gave their life for the removal of the evil saddam hussein and the great initiative of liberalization of the middle east.

Ten Ways to Become a Better Democrat (tags)

Fellow radicals: recent events have made it clear that the primary task facing good people everywhere is unconditional support for the Democratic Party, the only party capable not only of removing a very, very bad man from office, but also increasing the pay envelope of starving and desperate Nation, Salon, MoveOn, and Sierra Club coffee-coolata-warriors across America. I submit my humble contribution to this effort by offering a list of ten virtues to cultivate in your personal journey towards becoming a better Democrat.

Welcome to the Age of Aviating Swine (tags)

If there's a fair chance you're going to hell, be sure to take your parka and long johns, because the only explanation for continuing surreal happenings these days is that the river Styx has glaciated. Welcome to the America of George Bush, our very own Malice from Dunderland, where up is down and right is regularly wrong. For examples of once unimaginable scenes that now commonly appear like bad dreams, read on.

Reagan Replace Hamilton on the Ten-Spot? Not! (tags)

A move is afoot to supplant Alexander Hamilton’s image on the very currency he helped strengthen with that of a recently-departed president whose main political achievement was establishing style over substance. Should we put Ronald Reagan’s mouth (and the rest of his face, and for that matter, his hair) where our money is? For the answer, read on.

S. Korea Struggles Against WEF (tags)

While we are since 214 days in sit-in strike, last weekend we supported the struggle of S. Korean workers, peasants and students against WEF.

Kerry "Missteps" Get Lavish Media Attention, While Bush Falsehoods Ignored (tags)

The media is being easy on Bush (again).

No Justice, No Peace (tags)

There's a piece of classical music called "Fanfare for the Common Man" written by Aaron Copland, that lasts only two minutes and fifty-seven seconds, but in that music can be heard the plight of most of us, that still have to fight to live.

Oakland Safeway Rally (tags)

The Safeway rally in Oakland was a study in contrasts - the fighting spirit of workers vs. the timidity of the official union leadership

Free concerts for Kucinich (tags)

If only the youth would vote.....

Boy Do I Hate Football (tags)

Simple outline of realtionships of routine, "harmless" entertainment, as it has affected our ability to defend ourselves, our nation and democracy, from the programming, conditioning, deststructive control of NWO, as led by Bush and Company, Illuminati governance, with the recent additions of Clark, Dean, as frauds among the Dems, to insure a company win in 2004.

"The truth will get you in whole lot of trouble here." (tags)

Friends of truth and the recognition it brings, Well all is backslapping and smiles as the Saddam monster (of US creation) is corralled. Looks like he’s been hit with a good course of benzodiazphines already, lest he begin to jabber about his old friends in the CIA and White House betraying him.

Saddam's checkup: Bush's misplaced priorities (tags)

The dictator is healthy, Americans are not!

A Chickenhawk ThanksgivingIn Baghdad (tags)

But important, if unasked, questions linger about a president who foregoes both taste and honesty in his advancement of his agenda ö questions of integrity, character and ethics. They might be aptly summed up in a riposte posed to another Republican nearly five decades ago, Senator Joseph McCarthy, during his final days on Capitol Hill: "Finally, sir, have you no shame?"

The Tyranny of "But" (tags)

Lame pretexts left wingers, KPFK, Edward Said / Chomsky and Cockburn types and their fascist buddies use to justify attacking US policy and the US military. actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Let's not forget the NY Times Dowd and Friedman, the Times two apologists for Muslim terrorism.


LIFE IS CHEAP...BUT CONSTRUCTION DELAYS ARE EXPENSIVE..or, why construction continues to be such a hazardous industry to work in..

Many Iraquis Have No Love For Palestinians, Who Were Saddam's Henchmen (tags)

a brief description of relations between Iraquis and Palestinians living in Iraq, now that the Palestinians have lost their "favored personage" status

Market Forces Fed SoCal Flames (tags)

Mike Davis on the wildfires in Southern California "A market-driven recipe for disaster"

My Obsession with Jews (tags)

Now and then I get letters and e-mail messages asking why I am so "obsessed" with Jews and Israel. The question amuses me. It would be one thing if I often wrote about Mali, or Honduras, or Borneo, or any other nation or country most people remember only as a name from geography class.

Where have all the flowers gone? (tags)

I could not fathom, what might have prompted the army to even expend this much time and money on such a tiny infraction of their rules. But it is the occupation. It doesn't have to be logical; it functions mainly because it is arbitrary.

Koos Art Center Reopens! (tags)

Koos Art Center Reopens

Last Rights (tags)

But of course, a classic coup is "not necessarily assisted by either the intervention of the masses or, to any significant degree, by military-type force." It's an inside job, carried out by factions within the elite. Who says? The man who literally wrote the book on the subject: right-wing guru -- and Pentagon advisor -- Edward Luttwak.

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Best Antidote to Bush Reich: an Anti-Indifference Vaccine? (tags)

Due to their laziness and indifference, most Americans have failed to learn about any philosophical point of view but their own. And most don't even go that far (just try questioning the average citizen closely about the contents of the Constitution - even the Cliff Notes version!). Instead, there is the vague but firmly held "belief" that God likes us best. Based on what, it is hard to determine.

insight into working with people with mental health problems (tags)

insight into working with people with mental health problems

Iraq Isn't Working (tags)

When ex-Iraqi soldiers demonstrated outside Bremer's office at the former Presidential Palace, US troops shot two of them dead. When Falujah residents staged a protest as long ago as April, the American military shot 16 dead. Another 11 were later gunned down in Mosul. During two demonstrations against the presence of US troops near the shrine of Imam Hussein at Karbala last weekend, US soldiers shot dead another three. "What a wonderful thing it is to speak your own minds," Lt-Gen Sanchez said of the demonstrations in Iraq last week. Maybe he was exhibiting a black sense of humour.

They're Coming to Take Me Away (tags)

Artie wasn't home when the Baltimore SWAT team broke down the door and then handcuffed his 72-year-old wife to the bedstead for seven hours, while they ransacked the couple's home. Elizabeth is a proud grandmother, in fact, great-grandmother to three youngsters. They took the couple's computer equipment, private papers and $8,000 in cash which the couple kept in their home for safety...for safety.

Trading on fear (tags)

Trading on fear From the start, the invasion of Iraq was seen in the US as a marketing project. Selling 'Brand America' abroad was an abject failure; but at home, it worked. Manufacturers of 4x4s, oil prospectors, the nuclear power industry, politicians keen to roll back civil liberties - all seized the moment to capitalise on the war. PR analysts Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber explain how it worked.

Tax Slavery (tags)

If the Government takes as much, or more, from you in taxes as a Feudal Serf are you any free'er than that Feudal Serf?

Manufacturing "Terror" (tags)

You want Terrorists? We got your nice Shiny New Terrorist Right here. Guaranteed by the CIA for 2,000 Deaths or 10,000 Casualties which ever comes first.

Mr. George W. Bush and Brother Jeb ... Visit Tampa, Florida to visit "FatCats" (tags)

Tampa, Florida Protest Success at Bush/Cheney/Jeb Fundraiser

WELCOME TO THE 1930'S (tags)

Investigative journalist Ritt Goldstein's chilling commentary upon the growth of contemporary fascism. While versions of the piece have been printed in Europe, this is the first time it has appeared in English, this version created for Goldstein's fellow Americans.

Extremists on Campus (tags)

Extremists on Campus

Government Promulgates the Wackiest Conspiracy Theories (tags)

I've heard some conspiracy theories in my days, some are quite valid and some are too far fetched and error laden to be credible. Since conspiracy theories abound, I have developed a methodology for investigating conspiracy theories. First and foremost I ask, what is the motive for advancing the theory.  Elitist naysayers and generally ignorant "sheeple" of course dismiss any conspiracy theory out of hand. For those incapable of seeing beyond the sand their head is buried in, anything unusual is just a coincidence. Anything which might require them to actually think critically is of course out of the question. 

Is this CIA entrapment or what? (tags)

I keep receiving these emails (at least one a week). Does anyone here know what this is? Is this some sort of entrapment or guise to allow the government to snoop into my private life and bust me for illegal funds or some other shit?????????

Georgie you said we found WMDs, are you a liar? (tags)

In the space of a week Georgie went from saying "We found the weapons of mass destruction," to "We recently found two mobile biological weapons facilities capable of producing biological agents," meanwhile "...Pentagon and American weapons hunters have said [the trailers] do not constitute arms."

Ha, ha SUCKERS. (tags)

"It's all over but the shouting. And the screaming. And the endless years of U.S. occupation in the Middle East, the quiet building of U.S. military bases in Iraq so we can keep those uppity bitches Syria and Egypt and Lebanon in line, forge ahead with the long-standing plan to strong-arm those damn Islamic nuts into brutal compliance with Bushco's bleak blueprint for World Inc. What, too bitter? Hardly. "

Don't Mess With Texas (tags)

Only the Americans have the sovereign right, drunk with power and arrogance, to threaten to try the invaded in US courts for "war crimes."

Welcome, Mom, to the Neo-Fascist, Imperialist, Police State (tags)

Note how the neocons, media shills, bureaucrats, and pseudo-patriots continuously berate the war dissenters and taunt them with their self-described, patriotic status. "We love America and you don’t," they sneer, in their pretentious, smug little editorials. They flimsily equate the skeptical grandmother or fed up autoworker with the revolutionary pro-Marxist who lives in a tree, fending off capitalism and human progress under the pretext of some ridiculous owl.



Not All Irishmen Hate America (tags)

An Appreciation


March 10, 2003 -- THE NEW YORK POST

Call To Action (tags)

From a Plaintiff in the Anti-War Lawsuit against President Bush being appealed in Boston and the widow of a Viet Nam veteran.

Sheep being sent to the slaughterhouse (tags)

Why is it the case that when you look back over history you find that time and time again the Right becomes more and more powerful, and the left become the sheep being sent to the slaughterhouse?

American Conservative magazine indicts Bu$h's Madness of Empire (tags)

The cover story of the most recent issue of "The American Conservative" magazine is entitled, "The Madness of Empire" and is a searing indictment of the Bush administration's plans for attacking Iraq.

American Conservative magazine indicts Bu$h's Madness of Empire (tags)

The cover story of the most recent issue of "The American Conservative" magazine is entitled, "The Madness of Empire" and is a searing indictment of the Bush administration's plans for attacking Iraq. web link

The United States' interventionist course of action: War and not peace. (tags)

The execution of this strategy of world domination, one of the priorities of the White House is the strengthening of its hegemonic presence in Latin America.

Leslie Cagan for Mayor! (tags)

Under the most bizarre orwelian nightmare, which was brought to you by that big fat liar Commissioner "Only 100,000 Marchers and we didn't use any pepper spray" Kelly and the Mayor "Bribe All the Ethnic Groups the Day of the Peace Rally with Millions of Dollars"Bloomberg and U.S. Attorney General John"I Don't Want to See Justice When I Come into Work in the Morning, Cover that Thing Up"Ashcroft and by Mr. George "Orange Alert Federal Judge Control"Bush, the United for Peace and Justice coalition was still able to pull off successful Marches and a Rally.

Why we shouldn't go to War; Any War! (tags)

The United States Department of Defense has committed acts of intentional physical and psychological trauma, premeditated murder and treason. This is not a 'Liberal Left' vs 'Conservative Right' issue, this has nothing to do with Politics at all, this is about a Crime which was committed against our Military Personal while in the course of performing their duties.

Federal Judge Proves High Alert Is Strictly Political (tags)

Federal Judge Barbara S. Jones has proven herself to be an anti-democratic and constitutionally bankrupt lawyer as well showing her politics in the glaring light of public opinion by ruling against a peace march in New York City scheduled for Saturday the 15th February. Jones's ruling proves beyond a shadow of doubt that the high alert the White House put up last week is strictly political.

Old Europe Gives the New World Colonists a Geo Political Lesson. (tags)

On Friday the 7th of February February 2003 it was reported in the New York Times that the U.S. in negotiations with Turkey was essentially offering the Turkish government a military foothold in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq.

The Space Shuttle and The GPU (tags)

Part II of The Beginning of the End of the American Empire!



The WSF and a “Movement of Movements” (tags)


Write a letter for Anarchist prisoner Jeff Free Luers (tags)

Dear friends: the following letter was written - upon his request - by friends and supporters of jeffrey luers, aka "free", from portland & eugene. Significant events for "free" will likely be occurring in the following months, and we urge you to fill out this letter - using a real name and address - and sending it to attorney general hardy myers. Also, please print this letter out and pass it on to friends and potentially sympathetic people.


Give me blood, blood, blood...

The Clearest Evidence Of Complicity In the 9/11 Attacks. (tags)

They are going to kill us all anyway, so why not stand and fight now.

The Laughing Tailor's Bloc (tags)

Civil disobedience with a twist

Put the words into Bush's mouth! (tags)

Have some fun and get rid of some of your angst and enter some gags in this week's caption contest. Gags could relate to the environment, war, neoliberalism or just about anything given Bush's track record!

How Anti-Smoking HELPS the Cig Industry (tags)

The best way for corporate criminals AND Globalization forces to Limit Protest and to Control the Debate Pretend to Be Their Own Enemy. Working well, so far.

Bush's UN Non-Sequiturs (tags)

UN speech dissected

Red Targets in the ''War on Terrorism'' (tags)

Think about that. Hundreds of al-Qaeda, demanding principally that the U.S. get its troops out of Saudi Arabia. Tens of thousands of communist-led guerrillas---and many millions who identify with the legacy of the historical left---demanding an end to exploitation and inequality on the planet.


LA's event as part of the National Days of Resistance

History Lesson (tags)

How well do you know your real history?

Casualties of U.S. Bombing (tags)

Civilian deaths in Afghanistan illustrate the recklessness of aerial bombing campaigns. Bombing “errors” and other military mistakes become routine. American public remains passive.

Our Patriotic Duty to the International Court (tags)

Its time we patriots did our duty and sent the Bush crime family to the International Court

Oregon Anarchist in Prison for 22years for Torching SUVs (tags)

On June 11th, anarchist prisoner Jeff Luers will have served one year of his 22.5 year sentence for torching three SUV's at a car dealership in Eugene, Oregon in the summer of 2000. for more information on how to help support Free, see the website below or write his defense network at the below address.

34: Where are we leading ourselves (tags)

This is a call for revolution We exist within a community of life Our choices influence the course of existence Are we leading or are we being led Will we choose peace or war


My little wild prediction...

American Imperialism and the 38th anniversary of JFK assassination (tags)

Thirty eight years ago tomorrow, President John Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas under circumstances that are still controversial. Regarding Vietnam, JFK faced many of the same issues of the extent of American imperialism that face us today.

an Anarchists perspective on the WTC/Pentagon terrorist atacks. (tags)

Is this attack a terrible tragedy? Yes, of course. Has the US done terrible things to people all over the world? Yes, of course. Thousands of dead, millions dead, no matter what their location, is never something to cheer about.

Genoa Police Unit Trained by LAPD (tags)

ROME (Reuters) - An elite Italian police unit which carried out a bloody raid against protesters at a Group of Eight summit in Genoa was trained by U.S. police chiefs, an Italian newspaper reported Tuesday

School of the Italian Americas? (tags)

The police who raided the schools with batons smashing heads were trained by LA cops.

Some More Bush Family Lore -- Sensational Revelations! (tags)

Turns out our first family is a little better travelled than we've been led to believe. Apologies in advance for the tabloid tone; but they say this stuff sells, makes you wonder why the corporate media probably won't pick this up.

Independent News Media (tags)

Gore and Sweeney: Together at Last (tags)

The Democrats attempt to woo labor. Could murder be in the offing?

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