fix articles 125990, secure america
Champion of the Rich and Militarists (tags)
While the foreign-and military policy of President Obama is everything other than worthy of a Nobel Prize for peace, the positions of his challenger lead to total fear and worry. America has a one-party system with two right-wings (Gore Vidal)
Is Barack Obama an Alternative for U.S. Workers? (tags)
After years of Bush’s open-ended war on working people at home and abroad, many on the “left” are desperate for an alternative. For many, that alternative is Barack Obama, a Democratic Senator from Illinois. Obama, who is very careful with his words and actions, has done a good job so far of portraying himself as a “sensible progressive”. However, far from being a “progressive” alternative, Obama is at his core a typical representative of the bosses’ political parties. Despite presenting himself as a candidate of “change”, Obama is a defender of capitalism and imperialism, and hence of exploitation and oppression. On all fundamentals, he is far closer to Bush than he is to being a genuine alternative for working people.
Is there a Genocide in the Making? (tags)
Stages leading to Genocide
Jim Gilchrist Storms off DN! Debate With Columbia Student Organizer (tags)
Look at the coward who doesnt want to debate
The signs read, “No Terrorist Racism in Ventura County,” “Shame on You Borders” and “No Human Being is Illegal.” The shouts from the crowd of approximately 30 protestors outside of Borders Book Store in Thousand Oaks ranged from the boilerplate “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, the Minutemen have got to go” to an angry “Racists go home” to an even more creative “Down with the geriatric fascist.”
Basta Ya?!?!
Jim Gilchrist signing his book at Borders, care to protest? (tags)
He's signing his book. Chance to voice your opinion in person.
Minuteman Project in Ventura County (Thousand Oaks) (tags)
Minuteman Project founder speaks at Thousand Oaks Borders 9/25 - - hiss, hiss, BOOOO
Immigration Protesters Scuffle in New York (tags)
by Michelle Nichols 07/26/2006 6:14 pm
Here is a list of Antis, some are known hate groups and the rest have the potential of being hate groups.
A Review of Immigration Proposals in Congress (tags)
A Choice Between Bad and Worse: Why We Can't Compromise on Immigration Legislation
Minutemen Coming to L.A. (tags)
The minuteklan will be in town tomorrow April 13th, 2006
Minutemen Project Gearing Up For Another Round of Vigilante Actions (tags)
Conservative Alerts Just Went Out to the Same People Who Are Pro-War, Pro-Globalization, and Pro-Bush are sending out calls for action, spreading lies and enlisting people for their racist war on the poor people of Mexico and other Central and South American countries that have fallen victim to the United States Neo-Policies. Below is the email: