fix articles 125897, johann galtung
Is Economic Speculation a Form of Structural Violence? (tags)
According to neoclassical economic theory, the financial markets return to equilibrium. Problems only occur because of state intervention. The roaring twenties led to an enormous stock euphoria. In 2018, companies inflate their stocks in a $70 billion stock buy back program.
Alternatives to Neoliberal Globalization (tags)
Refusing to work out historical sins like colonialism, fascism and apartheid repeats the historical model of conquest, domination and exclusion. Kairos Europe is directed against a system and its structures. Its positive goal sets life and people in first place.
12 Ways the Media Misreport Violence (tags)
Norwegian peace studies professor Johann Galtung identifies 12 points of concern where journalism often goes wrong when dealing with violence. Each implciitly suggests more explciit remedies. From Indymedia NL, April 14, 2002