fix articles 125893, galtung
AJLPP learned though media souces that in a peace dialogue dubbed “Conversation on Peace”, DDR (demilitarization, demobilization and Reintegration) was one of the hotly examined issues. It was severely critized and rejected in the forum. The dialogue was facilitated by the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches (PCEC) at the Asian Institute of Management, Makati City on February 5-8, 2009,
"Missiles and Bombs Threaten the Future" (tags)
The spiral of vengeance is not a solution!.. Perhaps a change will come in the US; perhaps questions will be raised soon.. The attack itself was retaliation for the US policy of the "big stick," retribution for the "new world order" that creates so much poverty.
12 Ways the Media Misreport Violence (tags)
Norwegian peace studies professor Johann Galtung identifies 12 points of concern where journalism often goes wrong when dealing with violence. Each implciitly suggests more explciit remedies. From Indymedia NL, April 14, 2002